K2: Understand / K3: application /K4: analysis
关键词:anamaly(异常), defect, defect triage committee, failure,false-negative result(假阴性,误报), false-positive result(假阳性,漏报),phase containment(阶段性遏制),priority,root cause, severity(严重性)
4.Defect Management
K3 TM-4.2.1 Develop a defect management process for a testing organization, including the defect report workflow , that can be used to monitor and control a project,s defects throughout the testing lifecycle
K2 TM-4.2.2 Explain the process and participants required for effective defect management
K3 TM-4.3.1 Define the data and classification information that should be gathered during the defect management process
K2 TM-4.4.1 Explain how defect report statistics can be used to evaluate the process capability of the testing and software development processes