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转载 The Five Best Questions a Job Candidate Can Ask
ExpandWhen you're in a job interview, the questions you ask the interviewer can matter as much as your responses. They demonstrate how forward thinking you are, and how eager you are to invest yours
2014-07-26 16:34:55 2395 1
转载 关于效率、程序与生活的一些思考
前一段时间看了两本书《高效程序员的45个习惯——敏捷开发修炼之道》和《高效能程序员的修炼》。书名很相似,读完这两本书花的时间也差不多,都是两个星期左右。两本书内容差别却不小。不过,总结起来一句话:都是好书!“变”——读《高效程序员的45个习惯》所想到的《高效程序员的45个习惯》原名Practices of an Agile Developer,所以这本书主要是讲敏捷开发方法与实践的。由于对
2014-05-11 14:36:15 941
转载 15 Essential Compilers and IDEs for C/C++ Programmers
We have many programming language for web developers like Java, .Net, PHP, Ruby, Perl, Python and more but today we are going to discuss two of the most old and popular language C and C++ with its ama
2014-05-02 17:56:46 1367
转载 百度是如何给每个人免费提供2TB存储空间的?
前段时间在使用百度网盘时,突然发现百度网盘可以免费领取 2TB 空间啦! 网络硬盘大家可能都或多或少的接触过,不得不说在万物皆云的时代里,这是一种非常好的网络工具,而对我们这种穷到掉渣的免费用户来说,硬盘空间 简直就是硬伤,刚开始使用的时候真是为了空间,各种折腾(做他那里所谓的任务),到头来也才扩充了 5G 左右。现在好了,随随便便、轻轻松松就有了 2T 的空间。
2014-05-01 17:35:56 930
转载 What is good video editing software on Linux?
What is good video editing software on Linux?Posted onMarch 3, 2014 by Dan Nanni26 CommentsA video editor allows you to handle various post-production video editing jobs which typically invo
2014-05-01 17:20:30 1213
转载 VMware Player vs. VirtualBox: feature comparison
VMware Player andVirtualBox are the two most popular virtualization software packages for x86 processor architecture. VMware Player is free for personal non-commercial use, and available for commerc
2014-04-26 16:17:34 1837
转载 How to open a large text file on Linux
In the era of "big data", large text files (GB or more) could be commonly encountered around us. Suppose you somehow need to search and edit one of those big text files by hand. Or you could be analyz
2014-04-26 14:45:05 1195 1
转载 How to fix yum errors on CentOS, RHEL or Fedora
Yum is a package management tool for installing, updating and removing rpm packages on RedHat-based systems. When you try to install a package withyum command, you may encounter errors for various r
2014-04-26 14:44:43 2941
转载 VMware Player vs. VirtualBox: performance comparison
If you are using a virtualization hypervisor, one of your main concerns will be its performance, or in another word, its virtualization overhead. How much overhead is introduced by the virtualization
2014-04-26 14:44:30 1474
转载 How to install and run Microsoft Windows for free on Linux
There are many circumstances where you wish to run Windows applications on Linux. Microsoft Windows has been a dominant operating system (OS) for more than a decade, and there are quite a lot of appli
2014-04-24 16:11:13 976
转载 How to set up a Subversion (SVN) server on CentOS or Fedora
The open-source community has been using Subversion (or SVN) widely for many collaborative open-source development projects. SVN is supported by all major open-source project hosting sites such as Goo
2014-04-22 22:26:54 853
转载 How to version control /etc directory in Linux
In Linux, /etc directory contains important system-related or application-specific configuration files. Especially in a server environment, it is wise to back up various server configurations in /etc
2014-04-22 22:26:37 611
转载 How to manage multiple passwords on Linux
Password-based authentication is so prevalent online that you probably won't be able to count how many passwords you are using. In fact, according toNorSIS Password Survey 2012, the average minimu
2014-04-22 22:26:12 735
转载 How to back up and restore Gmail account on Linux
How to back up and restore Gmail account on LinuxPosted onAugust 27, 2013 by Dan Nanni7 CommentsGoogle Gmail is the most widely used web-based email service as of today. As a Gmail user, y
2014-04-22 22:25:52 1102
转载 How to view or edit pdf/image metadata from command line on Linux
Typical digital images or photos have a rich set of metadata embedded in them. The metadata is automatically written by digital cameras, or manually added by photographers or photo editing software, t
2014-04-22 22:25:34 1315
转载 How to clean up disk space on Linux
If you have an aged Linux system, chances are that you have a lot of disk space wasted due to things like application-specific caches (e.g., browser caches), system caches (e.g., apt cache), unnecessa
2014-04-22 22:25:11 1311
转载 How to check graphics card on Linux
The increasing popularity of Linux and Linux-native gaming platforms such as Steam is bringing mainstream gaming to Linux. If you are a hardcore gamer, you will probably pay great attention to the per
2014-04-22 22:24:48 1418
转载 How to identify video formats from command line on Linux
If you want to know what video/audio codec are used for the video file you downloaded from somewhere, you can play the video itself. Most media player software such as VLC or MPlayer can display prope
2014-04-22 22:24:30 697
转载 Interesting facts about Fedora Linux
On September 22nd this year, Fedora turned 10 years old. Since the historic announcement ten years ago, the Fedora Project has remained massive volunteer-driven community effort that complements the
2014-04-22 22:24:10 464
转载 How to access Dropbox from the command line in Linux
Cloud storage is everywhere in today's multi-device environment where people want to access content across multiple devices wherever they go. Dropbox is the most widely used cloud storage service due
2014-04-22 22:23:47 651
转载 How to access ssh terminal in web browser on Linux
Posted onSeptember 27, 2013 by Dan Nanni10 CommentsRunning "everything" in a web browser used to be a bold statement. However, due to the powerful HTML5/JavaScript stack, a web browser incre
2014-04-22 22:23:26 2578
转载 What is a good HEX editor on Linux?
A hex editor is different from a regular text editor in that the former displays the raw binary content of a given file, without applying any text encoding or typesetting. A hex editor can be useful i
2014-04-22 22:10:34 918
转载 How to diff and merge files or directories on Linux
There are many cases where you want to compare and/or merge two files or directories. For example, you may want to compare two distinct backup snapshots; merge two different versions of a document; di
2014-04-22 22:07:39 1114
转载 How to recover deleted files on Linux
On a typical file system, deleting a file doesn't necessarily mean that it is gone for good. When a file is removed, its meta data (e.g., file name, size, time, location of data block, etc.) is gone,
2014-04-22 22:02:41 1093
转载 How to visualize disk usage on Linux
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. This age-old saying applies to disk usage as well. As your Linux system becomes old, chances are that you start to run out of the disk space. Visualizing
2014-04-22 19:12:27 2118
转载 What is a good file manager for Linux?
One of must-have utilities on Linux desktop is file manager (or file browser). A typical file manager can not only handle common file management operations, but also offer advanced functionality that
2014-04-22 19:11:12 1088
转载 How to monitor system temperature on Linux
In most cases, you are not supposed to be worried about the temperature of your computer. Barring manufacturing defects, hardware is designed so that its temperature does not exceed maximum operating
2014-04-22 19:06:59 898
转载 How to create desktop shortcut or launcher on Linux
If you have a program you use regularly on Linux desktop, you may want to create a "desktop shortcut", so you can launch the program by simply clicking on the shortcut. While most GUI programs automat
2014-04-22 19:05:42 8228
转载 How to integrate Google Calendar in Linux desktop
Google Calendar is one of the most popular web applications. One can access or sync Google Calendar across multiple devices either via web interface or with native apps. In Linux, there are several wa
2014-04-22 19:04:02 956
转载 How to stitch photos together on Linux
If you are an avid photographer, you will probably have several stunning panoramic photos in your portfolio. You don't have to be a professional photographer, nor need specialized equipment to create
2014-04-22 18:46:53 653
转载 谷歌招聘新员工五大标准:文凭一边玩去
多年来,对于将大学文凭作为一些人是否能够成为优秀员工的衡量标准一事,我一直持有不同意见。但不要误会我的意思——我不认为获得学位会是件坏 事。我只是认为,人们就正规教育作出的假设往往与真实不符。他们假设,如果两个人的年龄大致相仿,且无论生活与工作经历还是背景出身都类似,但其中一人拥 有大学文凭,另一人则没有,那么拥有大学文凭的那个人将成为一位更加优秀的员工,并会在事业上取得更多成功。
2014-04-22 18:20:25 2393
转载 组图:中国人互联网的20年
1994 年的 4 月 20 日,中国通过一条 64K 的国际专线,全功能接入国际互联网,从此中国被国际上正式承认为真正拥有全功能互联网的国家,中国互联网时代从此开启。20 年过去,当年的“高科技网络”有些已融入我们的生活,有些则已经成为能够为历史。下面就跟着腾讯科技的这组老照片,一起回忆一下,这 20 年的互联网生活,都发生了哪些变化。 中国科技馆一楼展厅有这样一幅景象:一
2014-04-22 18:19:32 765
转载 Linux中sed和awk命令比较实例
sed的工作原理先读入一行,将读入的数据放入pattern space,执行编辑命令,处理完毕后把pattern space的内容打印出来,后面打印曾经去掉的回车符。把pattern space的内容给hold space,然后把pattern space置空。设置每行之后有且只有一行空行sed实现:1sed -i '/^$/d;G' 123
2014-04-22 18:18:32 2051
转载 杂谈---什么时候你才能够跳槽
引言 由于LZ最近看书比较少,大部分时候在写自己的框架以及折腾工作的事情,所以最近技术类的文章就相对比较少了。当然,LZ最近的文章总量也在直线下滑,不得不说,人在江湖,身不由己。 今天和各位来谈谈跳槽的事,LZ也工作两年半了,虽说时间不算太长,但中间也见过不少跳槽的同事,有的时候,或许是一种无奈,但更多的却是错误的选择。跳槽这件事,在IT界十分频繁,因为靠技术吃饭,因此虽说好工作难找
2014-04-21 19:28:37 678
转载 IT技术团队管理-总结
摘要:此文是书籍的读书笔记. 主要是方便自己回顾. 您也可以通过此文简要了解此书的内容.IT技术团队员工的特点高学历, 知识密集型. 技术立身. 人际关系简单. 摩擦大多数由技术产生, 相处也比较容易. 需要较高的自由度.( 经理的只能不是强迫人们工作, 而是让人没自觉地工作 ). 一是希望完成任务之后能做自己的事情; 二是希望以自己的方式完成工作.发展前途. 没有发展前途, 就会
2014-04-21 19:22:25 3250
Visual C++ MATLAB图像处理与识别实用桉例精选
现代图像处理技术及Matlab实现 张兆礼 2001年出版
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