input标签onclick事件is not a function

10 篇文章 0 订阅


在非form里面ID 和函数名是可以重名的,在form标签里不行



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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <title>便民设施系统</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=gbk"/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"></link> <script src=" key=ABQIAAAAzr2EBOXUKnm_jVnk0OJI7xSosDVG8KKPE1-m51RBrvYughuyMxQ- i1QfUnH94QxWIa6N4U6MouMmBA&h1=zh-CN" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> //实现框选放大缩小功能 function DragZoomControl(opts_boxStyle, opts_other, opts_callbacks) { this.globals = { draggingOn: false, cornerTopDiv: null, cornerRightDiv: null, cornerBottomDiv: null, cornerLeftDiv: null, mapPosition: null, outlineDiv: null, mapWidth: 0, mapHeight: 0, mapRatio: 0, startX: 0, startY: 0, borderCorrection: 0 }; //设置边框的style = { opacity: .2, fillColor: "#000", border: "2px solid blue" }; var style =; for (var s in opts_boxStyle) { style[s]=opts_boxStyle[s]; } var borderStyleArray = style.border.split(' '); style.outlineWidth = parseInt(borderStyleArray[0].replace(/\D/g,'')); style.outlineColor = borderStyleArray[2]; style.alphaIE = 'alpha(opacity=' + (style.opacity * 100) + ')'; this.globals.backStack=[]; //其他选项 this.globals.options={ buttonHTML: 'zoom ...', buttonStartingStyle: {width: '52px', border: '1px solid black', padding: '2px'}, buttonStyle: {background: '#FFF'}, backButtonHTML: 'zoom back', backButtonStyle: {background: '#FFF', display: 'none'}, buttonZoomingHTML: 'Drag a region on the map', buttonZoomingStyle: {background: '#FF0'}, overlayRemoveTime: 6000, backButtonEnabled: false, stickyZoomEnabled: false, rightMouseZoomOutEnabled: false }; for (var s in opts_other) { this.globals.options[s] = opts_other[s] } //callbacks:buttonclick,dragstart,dragging,dragend,backbuttonclick if (opts_callbacks == null) { opts_callbacks = {} } this.globals.callbacks = opts_callbacks; } DragZoomControl.prototype = new GControl(); /** *方法 */ DragZoomControl.prototype.saveMapContext = function(text) { if (this.globals.options.backButtonEnabled) { this.saveBackContext_(text,true); = 'block'; } }; DragZoomControl.prototype.initiateZoom = function() {this.buttonclick_()}; DragZoomControl.prototype.initiateZoomBack = function() { if (this.globals.options.backButtonEnabled) this.backbuttonclick_()}; DragZoomControl.prototype.initButton_ = function(buttonContainerDiv) { var G = this.globals; var buttonDiv = document.createElement('div'); buttonDiv.innerHTML = G.options.buttonHTML;[buttonDiv], {cursor: 'pointer', zIndex:200});[buttonDiv], G.options.buttonStartingStyle);[buttonDiv], G.options.buttonStyle); buttonContainerDiv.appendChild(buttonDiv); return buttonDiv; }; //初始化后退按钮 DragZoomControl.prototype.initBackButton_ = function(buttonContainerDiv) { var G = this.globals; var backButtonDiv = document.createElement('div'); backButtonDiv.innerHTML = G.options.backButtonHTML;[backButtonDiv], {cursor: 'pointer', zIndex:200});[backButtonDiv], G.options.buttonStartingStyle);[backButtonDiv], G.options.backButtonStyle); buttonContainerDiv.appendChild(backButtonDiv); return backButtonDiv; }; //设置按钮模式 DragZoomControl.prototype.setButtonMode_ = function(mode){ var G = this.globals; if (mode == 'zooming') { G.buttonDiv.innerHTML = G.options.buttonZoomingHTML;[G.buttonDiv], G.options.buttonStartingStyle);[G.buttonDiv], G.options.buttonZoomingStyle); } else { G.buttonDiv.innerHTML = G.options.buttonHTML;[G.buttonDiv], G.options.buttonStartingStyle);[G.buttonDiv], G.options.buttonStyle); } }; //初始化控件 DragZoomControl.prototype.initialize = function(map) { var G = this.globals; var me = this; var mapDiv = map.getContainer(); // Create div for both buttons var buttonContainerDiv = document.createElement("div");[buttonContainerDiv], {cursor: 'pointer', zIndex: 150}); // create and init the zoom button //DOM:button var buttonDiv = this.initButton_(buttonContainerDiv); // create and init the back button //DOM:button var backButtonDiv = this.initBackButton_(buttonContainerDiv); // Add the two buttons to the map mapDiv.appendChild(buttonContainerDiv); //DOM:map covers var zoomDiv = document.createElement("div"); var DIVS_TO_CREATE = ['outlineDiv', 'cornerTopDiv', 'cornerLeftDiv', 'cornerRightDiv', 'cornerBottomDiv']; for (var i=0; i<DIVS_TO_CREATE.length; i++) { var id = DIVS_TO_CREATE[i]; var div = document.createElement("div");[div], {position: 'absolute', display: 'none'}); zoomDiv.appendChild(div); G[id] = div; }[zoomDiv], {position: 'absolute', display: 'none', overflow: 'hidden', cursor: 'crosshair', zIndex: 101}); mapDiv.appendChild(zoomDiv); // add event listeners GEvent.addDomListener(buttonDiv, 'click', function(e) { me.buttonclick_(e); }); GEvent.addDomListener(backButtonDiv, 'click', function(e) { me.backbuttonclick_(e); }); GEvent.addDomListener(zoomDiv, 'mousedown', function(e) { me.coverMousedown_(e); }); GEvent.addDomListener(document, 'mousemove', function(e) { me.drag_(e); }); GEvent.addDomListener(document, 'mouseup', function(e) { me.mouseup_(e); }); // get globals G.mapPosition = DragZoomUtil.getElementPosition(mapDiv); G.buttonDiv = buttonDiv; G.backButtonDiv = backButtonDiv; G.mapCover = zoomDiv; = map; G.borderCorrection = * 2; this.setDimensions_(); //styles this.initStyles_(); // disable text selection on map cover G.mapCover.onselectstart = function() {return false}; return buttonContainerDiv; }; DragZoomControl.prototype.getDefaultPosition = function() { return new GControlPosition(G_ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT, new GSize(3, 120)); }; //鼠标按下事件 DragZoomControl.prototype.coverMousedown_ = function(e){ var G = this.globals; var pos = this.getRelPos_(e); G.startX = pos.left; G.startY =; if (e.which) { var rightMouse = (e.which != 1); } else if (e.button) { var rightMouse = (e.button != 1); } G.draggingRightMouse = rightMouse;[G.mapCover], {background: 'transparent', opacity: 1, filter: 'alpha(opacity=100)'});[G.outlineDiv], {left: G.startX + 'px', top: G.startY + 'px', display: 'block', width: '1px', height: '1px'}); G.draggingOn = true; = (G.startY - G.mapHeight) + 'px'; ='block'; = (G.startX - G.mapWidth) +'px'; = G.startY + 'px'; = 'block'; = G.startX + 'px'; = G.startY + 'px'; = 'block'; = G.startX + 'px'; = G.startY + 'px'; = '0px'; = 'block'; // invoke the callback if provided if (G.callbacks.dragstart != null) { G.callbacks.dragstart(G.startX, G.startY); } return false; }; //鼠标拖动事件 DragZoomControl.prototype.drag_ = function(e){ var G = this.globals; if(G.draggingOn) { var pos = this.getRelPos_(e); var rect = this.getRectangle_(G.startX, G.startY, pos, G.mapRatio); if (rect.left) { addX = -rect.width; } else { addX = 0; } if ( { addY = -rect.height; } else { addY = 0; }[G.outlineDiv], {left: G.startX + addX + 'px', top: G.startY + addY + 'px', display: 'block', width: '1px', height: '1px'}); = rect.width + "px"; = rect.height + "px"; = ((G.startY + addY) - (G.startY - G.mapHeight)) + 'px'; = (G.startY + addY) + 'px'; = ((G.startX + addX) - (G.startX - G.mapWidth)) + 'px'; =; = (G.startX + addX + rect.width + G.borderCorrection) + 'px'; = (G.startY + addY + rect.height + G.borderCorrection) + 'px'; = (G.startX - G.mapWidth + ((G.startX + addX) - (G.startX - G.mapWidth))) + 'px'; = (rect.width + G.borderCorrection) + 'px'; // invoke callback if provided if (G.callbacks.dragging != null) { G.callbacks.dragging(G.startX, G.startY, rect.endX, rect.endY) } return false; } }; //鼠标弹起事件 DragZoomControl.prototype.mouseup_ = function(e){ var G = this.globals; if (G.draggingOn) { var pos = this.getRelPos_(e); G.draggingOn = false; var rect = this.getRectangle_(G.startX, G.startY, pos, G.mapRatio); if (rect.left) rect.endX = rect.startX - rect.width; if ( rect.endY = rect.startY - rect.height; this.resetDragZoom_(); var nwpx = new GPoint(rect.startX, rect.startY); var nepx = new GPoint(rect.endX, rect.startY); var sepx = new GPoint(rect.endX, rect.endY); var swpx = new GPoint(rect.startX, rect.endY); var nw =; var ne =; var se =; var sw =; var zoomAreaPoly = new GPolyline([nw, ne, se, sw, nw],, + 1,.4); try{; setTimeout (function() {}, G.options.overlayRemoveTime); }catch(e) {} var polyBounds = zoomAreaPoly.getBounds(); var ne = polyBounds.getNorthEast(); var sw = polyBounds.getSouthWest(); var se = new GLatLng(, ne.lng()); var nw = new GLatLng(, sw.lng()); if (G.options.rightMouseZoomOutEnabled && G.draggingRightMouse) { var mapSpan =; var polySpan = polyBounds.toSpan(); var dSize = Math.max(, mapSpan.lng()/polySpan.lng()); var zoomLevel = - Math.ceil(Math.log(dSize, 2)); } else { var zoomLevel =; } var center = polyBounds.getCenter();, zoomLevel); // invoke callback if provided if (G.callbacks.dragend != null) { G.callbacks.dragend(nw, ne, se, sw, nwpx, nepx, sepx, swpx); } //re-init if sticky if (G.options.stickyZoomEnabled) { //GLog.write("stickyZoomEnabled, re-initting"); this.initCover_(); if (G.options.backButtonEnabled) this.saveBackContext_(G.options.backButtonHTML,false); // save the map context for back button'none'; } } }; //保存缩放尺寸 DragZoomControl.prototype.setDimensions_ = function() { var G = this.globals; var mapSize =; G.mapWidth = mapSize.width; G.mapHeight = mapSize.height; G.mapRatio = G.mapHeight / G.mapWidth; // set left:0px in next <div>s in case we inherit text-align:center from map <div> in IE.[G.mapCover, G.cornerTopDiv, G.cornerRightDiv, G.cornerBottomDiv, G.cornerLeftDiv], {top: '0px', left: '0px', width: G.mapWidth + 'px', height: G.mapHeight +'px'}); }; //初始化style DragZoomControl.prototype.initStyles_ = function(){ var G = this.globals;[G.mapCover, G.cornerTopDiv, G.cornerRightDiv, G.cornerBottomDiv, G.cornerLeftDiv], {filter:, opacity:,}); =; }; //框选button的click事件 DragZoomControl.prototype.buttonclick_ = function(){ var G = this.globals;'none'; if ( == 'block') { // reset if clicked before dragging this.resetDragZoom_(); if (G.options.backButtonEnabled) { this.restoreBackContext_(); // pop the backStack on a button reset if (G.backStack.length==0)'none'; } } else { this.initCover_(); if ( G.options.backButtonEnabled ) this.saveBackContext_(G.options.backButtonHTML,false); // save the map context for back button } }; //后退按钮的click事件 DragZoomControl.prototype.backbuttonclick_ = function(){ var G = this.globals; if (G.options.backButtonEnabled && G.backStack.length > 0) { this.restoreBackContext_(); // invoke the callback if provided if (G.callbacks['backbuttonclick'] != null) { G.callbacks.backbuttonclick(G.methodCall); } } }; //后退保存功能 DragZoomControl.prototype.saveBackContext_ = function(text,methodCall) { var G = this.globals; var backFrame = {}; backFrame["center"] =; backFrame["zoom"] =; backFrame["maptype"] =; backFrame["text"] = G.backButtonDiv.innerHTML; // this saves the previous button text backFrame["methodCall"] = methodCall; //This determines if it was an internal or method call G.backStack.push(backFrame); G.backButtonDiv.innerHTML = text; // Back Button is turned on in resetDragZoom_() }; //后退功能 DragZoomControl.prototype.restoreBackContext_ = function() { var G = this.globals; var backFrame = G.backStack.pop();["center"],backFrame["zoom"],backFrame["maptype"]); G.backButtonDiv.innerHTML = backFrame["text"]; G.methodCall = backFrame["methodCall"]; if (G.backStack.length==0) = 'none'; // if we're at the top of the stack, hide the back botton }; //在地图上显示叠加层 DragZoomControl.prototype.initCover_ = function(){ var G = this.globals; G.mapPosition = DragZoomUtil.getElementPosition(; this.setDimensions_(); this.setButtonMode_('zooming');[G.mapCover], {display: 'block', background:});[G.outlineDiv], {width: '0px', height: '0px'}); //invoke callback if provided if(G.callbacks['buttonclick'] != null){ G.callbacks.buttonclick(); } }; //获得鼠标的坐标 DragZoomControl.prototype.getRelPos_ = function(e) { var pos = DragZoomUtil.getMousePosition(e); var G = this.globals; return {top: ( -, left: (pos.left - G.mapPosition.left)}; }; //当用户拉框时求的矩形 DragZoomControl.prototype.getRectangle_=function(startX,startY,pos,ratio){ var left=false; var top=false; var dX=pos.left-startX; var; if(dX<0){ dX=dX*-1; top=true; } delta=dX>dY?dX:dY; return{ startX:startX, startY:startY, endX:startX+delta, endY:startY+parseInt(delta*ratio), width:delta, height:parseInt(delta*ratio), left:left, top:top } }; //重置Buttonde的CSS DragZoomControl.prototype.resetDragZoom_=function(){ var G=this.globals;[G.mapCover,G.cornerTopDiv,G.cornerRightDiv,G.cornerBottomDiv,G.cornerLeftDiv], {display:'none',,});'none'; this.setButtonMode_('normal'); if(G.options.backButtonEnabled && (G.backStack.length>0))'block'; }; var DragZoomUtil={}; //根据ID取得元素 DragZoomUtil.gE=function(sId){ return document.getElementById(sId); }; //取得DOM元素的绝对位置 DragZoomUtil.getMousePosition=function(e){ var posX=0; var posY=0; if(!e)var e=window.event; if(e.pageX||e.pageY){ posX=e.pageX; posY=e.pageY; }else if(e.clientX||e.clientY){ posX=e.clientX+(document.documentElement.scrollLeft?document.documentElement.scrollLeft:document.body.scrollLeft); posY=e.clientY+(document.documentElement.scrollTop?document.documentElement.scrollTop:document.body.scrollTop); } return {left:posX,top:posY}; }; //取得某一DOM元素的位置 DragZoomUtil.getElementPosition=function(element){ var leftPos=element.offsetLeft; var topPos=element.offsetTop; var parElement=element.offsetParent; while(parElement!=null){ leftPos+=parElement.offsetLeft; topPos+=parElement.offsetTop; parElement=parElement.offsetParent; } return{left:leftPos,top:topPos}; }; //将style应用于DOM元素,styles){ if(typeof(elements)=='string'){ eiements=DragZoomUtil.getManyElements(elements); } for(var i=0;i<elements.length;i++){ for(var s in styles){ elements[i].style[s]=styles[s]; } } }; //根据DOM元素的集合ID取得DOM元素 DragZoomUtil.getManyElements=function(idsString){ var idsArray=idsString.split(','); var eiement=[]; for(var i=0;i<idsArray.length;i++){ eiements[elements.length]=DragZoomUtil.gE(idsArray[i]) }; return eiement; }; //实现搜索功能 var geocoder=null; var map; var contextmenu; var GoogleGeocoder=null; var GGeoAddressAccuracy=["Unkown location.", "Country level accuracy.", "Region (state,province,prefecture,etc.)level accuracy.", "Sub-region(country,municipality,etc.)level accuracy.", "Town(city,village)level accuracy.", "Post code (zip code)level accuracy.", "Street level accuracy.", "Intersection level accuracy.", "Address level accuracy.", "Premise (building name,property name,shopping center,etc.)level accuracy." ]; var status=[]; status[G_GEO_SUCCESS]="Success"; status[G_GEO_MISSING_ADDRESS]="Missing Address"; status[G_GEO_UNKNOWN_ADDRESS]="Unknown Address"; status[G_GEO_UNAVAILABLE_ADDRESS]="Unavailable Address"; status[G_GEO_BAD_KEY]="Bad Key"; status[G_GEO_TOO_MANY_QUERIES]="Too Many Queries"; status[G_GEO_SERVER_ERROR]="Server Error"; function showLocation(){ //清除marker map.clearOverlays(); document.getElementById('divOutput').innerHTML="搜索中..."; var address=document.getElementById('txtAddress').value; geocoder.getLocations(address,cb_showLocation); } function cb_showLocation(result){ //显示结果 if(result.Status.code==G_GEO_SUCCESS){ //成功表明 document.getElementById("divOutput").innerHTML="成功("+result.Placemark.length+")<br/>"; for(var i=0;i<result.Placemark.length;i++){ var lat=result.Placemark[i].Point.coordinates[1]; var lng=result.Placemark[i].Point.coordinates[0]; var address=result.Placemark[i].address;//地址 var point=new GLatLng(lat,lng); var marker=new GMarker(point,{title:i+1});; map.addOverlay(marker); document.getElementById("divOutput").innerHTML+=((i+1)+""+ address+"<small>"+point.toString()+"</small><br/>"); //(address"<a href=javascript:go("+lat+","+lng+")>go</a><br/>"); }//for }//if else{ document.getElementById("divOutput").innerHTML=result.Status.code; }//else } /** * 这个例子演示了 Google Map API 的以下功能: * * 可拖拽的标注 * * 在地图上覆盖折线 * * 计算地理距离 * * 事件处理(单击、拖拽) * * 消息提示窗口(气泡窗口) * * 利用链表维护各种对象 * * 自定义控件 * * 注意:为了在 IE6 中正常显示折线,必须在网页的 <HTML> 标签中加上: * <html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"> * * @author haogang */ /** * 本示例用一个双向链表维护用户设定的标注,能够容易的实现标注的遍历和删除 * 每个链表结点 m 有如下字段: * m.prev 前驱标注 * 后继标注 * m.segPrev 连接本标注与前驱标注的线段 * m.segNext 连接本标注与后继标注的线段 */ function GRulerControl() { var me = this; // 可国际化的字符串 me.RESET_BUTTON_TITLE_ = '清除所有测距标注'; me.ENABLE_BUTTON_TITLE_ = '添加测距标注已启用,单击这里禁用'; me.DISABLE_BUTTON_TITLE_ = '添加测距标注已禁用,单击这里启用'; me.DELETE_BUTTON_TITLE_ = '删除'; me.RESET_BUTTON_IMAGE_ = 'images/ruler_clear.png'; me.ENABLE_BUTTON_IMAGE_ = 'images/ruler_enabled.png'; me.DISABLE_BUTTON_IMAGE_ = 'images/ruler_disabled.png'; me.BACKGROUND_IMAGE_ = 'images/ruler_background.png' me.KILOMETER_ = '公里'; me.METER_ = '米'; } GRulerControl.prototype = new GControl(); /** * 初始化标尺控件 */ GRulerControl.prototype.initialize = function(map) { var me = this; var container = document.createElement('div'); /** *默认位置在右上角 */ GRulerControl.prototype.getDefaultPosition = function() { return new GControlPosition(G_ANCHOR_TOP_RIGHT, new GSize(8, 30)); } me.setButtonStyle_(container); // “启用/禁用”按钮 var btnEnable = document.createElement('img'); btnEnable.width = btnEnable.height = 20; GEvent.addDomListener(btnEnable, 'click', function() { me.setEnabled(!me.isEnabled()); } ); container.appendChild(btnEnable); // “重置”按钮 var btnReset = document.createElement('img'); btnReset.width = btnReset.height = 20; btnReset.src = me.RESET_BUTTON_IMAGE_; btnReset.title = me.RESET_BUTTON_TITLE_; GEvent.addDomListener(btnReset, 'click', function() { me.reset(); } ); container.appendChild(btnReset); // 距离标签 var txtInfo = document.createElement('div'); = 'small Arial'; = 'bold'; = '9pt'; = "82px"; container.appendChild(txtInfo); // 初始化内部变量 map.rulerControl_ = me; me.map_ = map; me.head_ = new Object(); me.tail_ = new Object(); me.head_.next_ = me.tail_; me.tail_.prev_ = me.head_; me.btnEnable_ = btnEnable; me.btnReset_ = btnReset; me.txtInfo_ = txtInfo; me.setEnabled(true); map.getContainer().appendChild(container); return container; } /** * 设置控件的格式 */ GRulerControl.prototype.setButtonStyle_ = function(button) { = 'url(' + this.BACKGROUND_IMAGE_ + ')'; = "small Arial"; = "1px solid #888888"; = "4px"; = "right"; = "pointer"; } /** * 用恰当的格式表示距离 */ GRulerControl.prototype.formatDistance_ = function(len) { var me = this; len = Math.round(len); if (len <= 1000) { return len + ' ' + me.METER_; } else if (len <= 1000000) { return len / 1000 + ' ' + me.KILOMETER_; } return Math.round(len / 1000) + ' ' + me.KILOMETER_; } /** * 格式化角度为字符串 */ GRulerControl.prototype.formatDegree_ = function(value) { value = Math.abs(value); var v1 = Math.floor(value); var v2 = Math.floor((value - v1) * 60); var v3 = Math.round((value - v1) * 3600 % 60); return v1 + '°' + v2 + '\'' + v3 + '"'; } /** * 格式化经纬度为字符串 */ GRulerControl.prototype.formatLatLng_ = function(pt) { var me = this; var latName, lngName; var lat =; var lng = pt.lng(); latName = lat >= 0 ? '北纬' : '南纬'; lngName = lng >= 0 ? '东经' : '西经'; return lngName + me.formatDegree_(lng) + ',' + latName + me.formatDegree_(lat); } /** * 返回控件的默认位置 */ GRulerControl.prototype.getDefaultPosition = function() { return new GControlPosition(G_ANCHOR_TOP_RIGHT, new GSize(8, 8)); } /** * 返回控件是否已启用 */ GRulerControl.prototype.isEnabled = function() { return this.enabled_; } /** * 设置控件的“启用/禁用"状态 */ GRulerControl.prototype.setEnabled = function(value) { var me = this; if (value == me.enabled_) return; me.enabled_ = value; if (me.enabled_) { me.mapClickHandle_ = GEvent.addListener(me.map_, 'click', me.onMapClick_); = 'block'; = 'inline'; me.btnEnable_.src = me.ENABLE_BUTTON_IMAGE_; me.btnEnable_.title = me.ENABLE_BUTTON_TITLE_; me.updateDistance_(); } else { GEvent.removeListener(me.mapClickHandle_); = 'none'; = 'none'; me.btnEnable_.src = me.DISABLE_BUTTON_IMAGE_; me.btnEnable_.title = me.DISABLE_BUTTON_TITLE_; } } /** * 事件处理函数:当用户单击地图时,要在该位置添加一个标注 */ GRulerControl.prototype.onMapClick_ = function(marker, point) { var me = this.rulerControl_; // 如果用户单击的是标注,不再这里处理 if (marker) return; // 创建标注,并添加到链表中 var newMarker = new GMarker(point, {draggable: true}); var pos = me.tail_.prev_; newMarker.prev_ = pos; newMarker.next_ = pos.next_; pos.next_.prev_ = newMarker; pos.next_ = newMarker; // 为标注添加事件处理函数:拖拽标注时要更新连接线段和距离 GEvent.addListener(newMarker, 'dragend', function() { me.map_.closeInfoWindow(); me.updateSegments_(newMarker); me.updateDistance_(); } ); // 为标注添加事件处理函数:单击标注时要显示气泡窗口 GEvent.addListener(newMarker, 'click', function() { newMarker.openInfoWindow(me.createInfoWindow_(newMarker)); } ); // 将创建的标注添加到地图中 me.map_.addOverlay(newMarker); if (newMarker.prev_ != me.head_) { // 如果这不是第一个标注,则创建连接到上一个标注的线段,并显示在地图中 var segment = [newMarker.prev_.getPoint(), point]; newMarker.segPrev_ = new GPolyline(segment); newMarker.prev_.segNext_ = newMarker.segPrev_; me.map_.addOverlay(newMarker.segPrev_); // 更新距离显示 me.updateDistance_(); } } /** * 统计总距离,并显示在网页中 */ GRulerControl.prototype.updateDistance_ = function() { var me = this; var len = me.getDistance(); // 结果显示在网页中 me.txtInfo_.innerHTML = me.formatDistance_(len); } /** * 遍历链表,统计总距离 */ GRulerControl.prototype.getDistance = function() { var me = this; var len = 0; // 周游链表,累计相邻两个标注间的距离 for (var m = me.head_; m != me.tail_; m = m.next_) { if (m.prev_ && m.prev_.getPoint) len += m.prev_.getPoint().distanceFrom(m.getPoint()); } return len; } /** * 清除所有标注,初始化链表 */ GRulerControl.prototype.reset = function() { var me = this; for (var m = me.head_.next_; m != me.tail_; m = m.next_) { me.map_.removeOverlay(m); if (m.segNext_) me.map_.removeOverlay(m.segNext_); } me.head_ = new Object(); me.tail_ = new Object(); me.head_.next_ = me.tail_; me.tail_.prev_ = me.head_; me.updateDistance_(); } /** * 事件处理函数:当用户拖拽标注、标注坐标改变时被调用,这里要更新与该标注连接的线段 * @param {GMarker} marker 被拖拽的标注 */ GRulerControl.prototype.updateSegments_ = function(marker) { var me = this; var segment; // 更新连接前驱的线段 if (marker.segPrev_ && marker.prev_.getPoint) { // 从地图上删除旧的线段 me.map_.removeOverlay(marker.segPrev_); // 根据标注的当前坐标构造新的线段,并更新链表结点的相关字段 segment = [marker.prev_.getPoint(), marker.getPoint()]; marker.segPrev_ = new GPolyline(segment); marker.prev_.segNext_ = marker.segPrev_; // 将新线段添加到地图中 me.map_.addOverlay(marker.segPrev_); } // 更新连接后继的线段,与上类似 if (marker.segNext_ && marker.next_.getPoint) { me.map_.removeOverlay(marker.segNext_); segment = [marker.getPoint(), marker.next_.getPoint()]; marker.segNext_ = new GPolyline(segment); marker.next_.segPrev_ = marker.segNext_; me.map_.addOverlay(marker.segNext_); } } /** * 为气泡提示窗口创建 DOM 对象,包括标注的坐标和“删除”按钮 * @param {GMarker} marker 对应的标注 */ GRulerControl.prototype.createInfoWindow_ = function(marker) { var me = this; // 为气泡提示窗口创建动态 DOM 对象,这里我们用 DIV 标签 var div = document.createElement('div'); = '10.5pt'; = '250px'; div.appendChild( document.createTextNode(me.formatLatLng_(marker.getPoint()))); var hr = document.createElement('hr'); = 'solid 1px #cccccc'; div.appendChild(hr); // 创建“删除”按钮 var lnk = document.createElement('div'); lnk.innerHTML = me.DELETE_BUTTON_TITLE_; = '#0000cc'; = 'pointer'; = 'underline'; // 为“删除”按钮添加事件处理:调用 removePoint() 并重新计算距离 lnk.onclick = function() { me.map_.closeInfoWindow(); me.removePoint_(marker); me.updateDistance_(); }; div.appendChild(lnk); // 当用户关闭气泡时 Google Map API 会自动释放该对象 return div; } /** * 事件处理函数:当用户选择删除标注时被调用,这里要删除与该标注连接的线段 * @param {GMarker} marker 要删除的标注 */ GRulerControl.prototype.removePoint_ = function(marker) { var me = this; // 先从地图上删除该标注 me.map_.removeOverlay(marker); // 对于中间结点,还要把它的前驱和后继用线段连接起来 if (marker.prev_.getPoint && marker.next_.getPoint) { var segment = [marker.prev_.getPoint(), marker.next_.getPoint()]; var polyline = new GPolyline(segment); marker.prev_.segNext_ = polyline; marker.next_.segPrev_ = polyline; me.map_.addOverlay(polyline); } marker.prev_.next_ = marker.next_; marker.next_.prev_ = marker.prev_; if (marker.segPrev_) me.map_.removeOverlay(marker.segPrev_); if (marker.segNext_) me.map_.removeOverlay(marker.segNext_); } </script> <script type="text/javascript"> function load(){ //检查浏览器的兼容性 if(GBrowserIsCompatible()){ //加载地图 map=new GMap2(document.getElementById("map_canvas")); //设置地图的中心坐标 var center=new GLatLng(24.49933,118.13800); map.setCenter(center,12); //设置地图的缩放工具 map.setUIToDefault(); //添加缩略图 map.addControl(new GOverviewMapControl()); //激活地图的双击放大功能和支持滑轮缩放 map.enableDoubleClickZoom(); map.enableScrollWheelZoom(); //给地图添加右键菜单 createContextMenu(map); //位于左上角 var topLeft=new GControlPosition(G_ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT,new GSize(0,0)); //添加地址导航控件 map.addControl(new GNavLabelControl(),topLeft); //添加自定义的控件 map.addControl(new GRulerControl()); //定义一个框选缩放控件样式 var styleOpts={}; //定义框选控件的参数 var otherOpts={}; //设置按钮的名称 otherOpts.buttonHTML='框选缩放'; //设置点击后的名称 otherOpts.buttonZoomingHTML='请在地图上拉一个框'; //支持连续框选缩放 otherOpts.stickyZoomEnabled=true; //设置拉框清除的时间间隔 otherOpts.overlayRemoveTime=60; //拉框时地图的透明度,取值从0~1 styleOpts.opacity=0; //支持右键啦框缩小地图 otherOpts.rightMouseZoomOutEnabled=true; var zcontrol=new DragZoomControl(styleOpts,otherOpts,{}); //位于左下角 var bottomLeft=new GControlPosition(G_ANCHOR_BOTTOM_LEFT,new GSize(0,0)); //添加自定义的控件 map.addControl(zcontrol,bottomLeft); //初始化GClientGeocoder对象 GoogleGeocoder=new GClientGeocoder(); var icon=new GIcon(); html='<div>这是什么</div>'; icon.image=""; icon.iconSize=new GSize(21,29); var marker=createMarker(point,icon,html); var point=marker.getPoint(112.429714,39.934522); map.addOverlay(marker); geocoder=new GClientGeocoder(); var marker=new GMarker(center,{draggable:true}); map.addOverlay(marker); document.getElementById("lat"); document.getElementById("lng").innerHTML=center.lng().toFixed(5); GEvent.addListener(marker,"dragend",function(){ var point=marker.getPoint(); map.panTo(point); document.getElementById("lat"); document.getElementById("lng").innerHTML=point.lng().toFixed(5); }); GEvent.addListener(map,"moveend",function(){ map.clearOverlays(); var center=map.getCenter(); var marker=new GMarker(center,{draggable:true}); map.addOverlay(marker); document.getElementById("lat"); document.getElementById("lng").innerHTML=center.lng().toFixed(5); GEvent.addListener(marker,"dragend",function(){ var point=marker.getPoint(); map.panTo(point); document.getElementById("lat"); document.getElementById("lng").innerHTML=point.lng().toFixed(5); }); }); } else alert("error"); } //创建右键菜单,参数为地图对象,即为该地图添加右键菜单功能 function createContextMenu(map){ //右键菜单其实是一个DIV contextmenu=document.createElement("div"); //初始创建时右键菜单不可见"hidden"; //设置右键菜单的背景色及宽度"#ffffff";"1px solid #8888FF"; //获取地图对象的容器,并将菜单的DIV添加上去,但此时的菜单中不可见的 map.getContainer().appendChild(contextmenu); //为地图的右键添加事件侦听。当右键点击地图时,在地图右键点击的地方把菜单显示出来 GEvent.addListener(map,"singlerightclick",function(pixel,title){ //获取右键点击时的坐标位置(指像素) clickedPixel=pixel; var x=pixel.x; var y=pixel.y; //如果右键点击达到了屏幕的边界,调整菜单的位置 if(x>map.getSize().width-120) { x=map.getSize().width-120 } if(y>map.getSize().height-100) { y=map.getSize().height-100 } //实例化一个地图的位置控件 var pos=new GControlPosition(G_ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT,new GSize(x,y)); //把菜单DIV作为对象传递给地图位置控件 pos.apply(contextmenu); //把菜单设置为可见"visible"; }); //为地图添加click事件侦听器,当单击地图时,把菜单隐藏 GEvent.addListener(map,"click",function(){"hidden"; }); } function createMarker(point,baseIcon,html){ var icon=new GIcon(baseIcon); var marker=new GMarker(point,icon); GEvent.addListener(marker,"click",function(){ marker.openInfoWindowHtml(html); }); return marker; } //初始化地图 window.onload=load; //卸载地图 window.onunload=GUnload; </script> </head> <body onload="load()" onunload="GUnload()" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0"> <b><span style="font-size:15pt"> 厦门旅游服务系统 </span></b> <div id="intro" style="width:700px;"></div> 查询地址:<input type="text" id="txtAddress" name="txtAddress" size="40" /> <input type="button" value="查询" onclick="showLocation();"/> <table> <tr> <td> <p> <b><span style="font-size:12pt"> 提示:单击您的当前位置和每个便民设施标注点通过测量距离选择您要的路线 </span></b></p> </td> </tr> </table> <table> <tr> <td> <div id="map_canvas" style="width:800px;height:480px;float:left;"> </div> </td> <td> <div id="divOutput" style="float:left;"></div> <div id="msg"></div> </td> </tr> <table> <tr><td> <p> <b><span style="font-size:9pt"> 用鼠标拖拉地图中心的红色气球标记就可以显示所在位置的经纬度坐标数据 </span></b> </p> </td> <td width="50"> <p align="right"> <b span style="font-size:9pt">纬度:</b> </p> </td> <td id="lat"></td> <td width="50"> <p align="right"> <b span style="font-size:9pt">经度:</b> </p> </td> <td id="lng"></td> </tr> </table> </table> </body> </html>
Tips and Tricks Internet Development Index -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As with any type of programming, writing bug-free, efficient scripts that meet your expectations takes a bit of work. The following sections provide some tips and hints to make that work take less time and go more smoothly. Checking the Internet Explorer Version Number Canceling a Button Click Preventing a Document From Being Cached Using Objects Replacing Custom Controls with DHTML Checking the Internet Explorer Version Number You should always check for the type and version of the client browser, so that your content degrades gracefully if the client browser does not support features on your Web site. The easiest way to identify a browser and its characteristics (browser code name, version number, language, etc.) in script is through the Dynamic HTML (DHTML)?A HREF="objects/obj_navigator.html">navigator object. You can also access this object and its properties in C++ applications through the IOmNavigator interface. The userAgent property of the navigator object returns a string that includes the browser and browser version. The following example Microsoft® JScript® function runs on most browsers and returns the version number for any Microsoft Internet Explorer browser and zero for all other browsers. SHOWExample function msieversion() // Return Microsoft Internet Explorer (major) version number, or 0 for others. // This function works by finding the "MSIE " string and extracting the version number // following the space, up to the semicolon { var ua = window.navigator.userAgent var msie = ua.indexOf ( "MSIE " ) if ( msie > 0 ) // is Microsoft Internet Explorer; return version number return parseFloat ( ua.substring ( msie+5, ua.indexOf ( ";", msie ) ) ) else return 0 // is other browser } When checking browser version numbers, always check for version numbers greater than or equal to a target version. In this way, your Web site will be be compatible with future versions of the browser. For example, if you have designed your content for the latest version of Internet Explorer, use that version number as a minimum version number. Note Browsers often have several releases of a browser version. For example, 4.01, 5.0, 5.5 and 6.0b are all different versions of Internet Explorer. The 'b' in 6.0b represents a beta version of Internet Explorer 6. As of Internet Explorer 5, conditional comments are available as an alternative technique for detecting browser versions. Conditional comments have the advantage of not using a script block, which means that it is not always necessary to use scripting and DHTML when working with conditional comments. When no scripting is used in a Web page, no scripting engine needs to be loaded. Conditional comments are processed during the downloading and parsing phase, so only the content that is targeted for the browser loading the Web page is actually downloaded. Conditional comments can be combined freely with other browser detection techniques. For more information, see About Conditional Comments. Canceling a Button Click The following HTML example shows a common scripting mistake related to event handling and canceling the default action. SHOWExample <HTML> <HEAD><TITLE>Canceling the Default Action</TITLE> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JScript"> function askConfirm() { return window.confirm ("Choose OK to follow hyperlink, Cancel to not.") } </SCRIPT> <BODYonload="b3.onclick=askConfirm"> <!-- Try links with different hookups - should be canceled by "Cancel" to confirm dialog. --> <BR><A NAME=b1 HREF="" onclick="askConfirm()">1 Without return (won't work)</A> <BR><A NAME=b2 HREF="" onclick="return askConfirm()">2 With return (works)</A> <BR><A NAME=b3 HREF="">3 Function pointer (works)</A> </BODY> </HTML> The first a element in this example does not work properly. Without the return in the onclick燡Script expression, the browser interprets the function expression, throws away the resulting value, and leaves the default action unaffected. The other a elements correctly bind the return value to the event, hence the default action can be canceled when false is returned. Preventing a Document From Being Cached You can prevent a document from being cached by adding the following meta tag to the document. <META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="0"> Preventing the document from being cached ensures that a fresh copy of the document will always be retrieved from the site, even during the user's current session, regardless of how the user has set the browser's caching options. This is useful if the content of the document changes frequently. Using Objects Objects are Microsoft® ActiveX® Controls or other similar components that provide custom capabilities and services for HTML documents. You can add a control to your document using the object element, and you can gain access to the capabilities and services of the control using its properties and methods from script. When using objects, be aware that DHTML extends every object by providing these additional properties: align classid code codeBase codeType data form height name object recordset type width If a control has properties with these same names, you will not be able to access the properties unless you preface the name with the object property. For example, assume that an ActiveX control is added to the document using the following: <OBJECT ID="MyControl" HEIGHT=100 WIDTH=200 CLASSID="clsid: ... "> </PARAM NAME="width" VALUE="400"> </OBJECT> In this example, there are two widths: an extended property set within the object element, and a property belonging to the control that is set using the param element. To access these from script, you use the following code. alert(MyControl.width); // this is Dynamic HTML's property; displays "200" alert(MyControl.object.width); // this is the object's property; displays "400" Replacing Custom Controls with DHTML DHTML provides everything you need to generate animated effects without resorting to custom controls. For example, consider the following script, which is a replacement for the Path control. SHOWExample var tickDuration; tickDuration = 50; var activeObjectCount; var activeObjects; var itemDeactivated; var tickGeneration; activeObjects = new Array(); activeObjectCount = 0; timerRefcount = 0; itemDeactivated = false; tickGeneration = 0; function initializePath(e) { e.waypointX = new Array(); e.waypointY = new Array(); e.duration = new Array(); } function addWaypoint(e, number, x, y, duration) { e.waypointX[number] = x; e.waypointY[number] = y; e.duration[number] = duration; } function compact() { var i, n, c; n = new Array(); c = 0; itemDeactivated = false; for (i=0; i<activeObjectCount; i++) { if (activeObjects[i].active == true) { n[c] = activeObjects[i]; c++; } } activeObjects = n; activeObjectCount = c; } function tick(generation) { if (generation < tickGeneration) { // alert("Error "+generation); return; } //alert("tick: "+generation); if (itemDeactivated) compact(); if (activeObjectCount == 0) { return; } else { for (i=0; i<activeObjectCount; i++) { moveElement(activeObjects[i]); } window.setTimeout("tick("+generation+");", tickDuration); } } function start(e) { if (itemDeactivated) compact(); activeObjects[activeObjectCount] = e; activeObjectCount++; if (activeObjectCount == 1) { tickGeneration++; tick(tickGeneration); } } function runWaypoint(e, startPoint, endPoint) { var startX, startY, endX, endY, duration; if (e.waypointX == null) return; startX = e.waypointX[startPoint]; startY = e.waypointY[startPoint]; endX = e.waypointX[endPoint]; endY = e.waypointY[endPoint]; duration = e.duration[endPoint]; e.ticks = duration / tickDuration; e.endPoint = endPoint; = true; e.currTick = 0; e.dx = (endX - startX) / e.ticks; e.dy = (endY - startY) / e.ticks; = startX; = startY; start(e); } function moveElement(e) { += e.dx; += e.dy; e.currTick++; if (e.currTick > e.ticks) { = false; itemDeactivated = true; if (e.onpathcomplete != null) { window.pathElement = e; e.onpathcomplete() } } } To use this script in your document, do the following: Load the script using the src attribute of the script element. Initialize the paths using the initializePath function. Set the way points using the addWaypoint function. Set the path-complete handlers using the runWaypoint function. The following sample document shows how this works. SHOWExample <html> <body> <div id=Item1 style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">Item1</div> <div id=Item2 style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">Item2</div> <div id=Item3 style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">Item3</div> <div id=Item4 style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">Item4</div> <div id=Item5 style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">Item5</div> <div id=Item6 style="position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0;">Item6</div> <input type=button value="Start" onclick="runWaypoint(Item1, 0, 1); runWaypoint(Item2, 0, 1);"> <div id=Debug>Generation</div> <script src="htmlpath.js"> </script> <script> // need to call initializePath on all objects that will be moved with this mechanism initializePath(Item1); initializePath(Item2); initializePath(Item3); initializePath(Item4); initializePath(Item5); initializePath(Item6); // the 0th waypoint is the initial position for waypoint #1 // syntax is item, waypoint, endx, endy, duration in msecs addWaypoint(Item1, 0, 0, 0, 0); addWaypoint(Item1, 1, 200, 200, 2000); addWaypoint(Item2, 0, 100, 100, 0); addWaypoint(Item2, 1, 400, 100, 4000); addWaypoint(Item3, 0, 400, 400, 0); addWaypoint(Item3, 1, 200, 100, 1000); addWaypoint(Item4, 0, 0, 0, 0); addWaypoint(Item4, 1, 200, 200, 2000); addWaypoint(Item5, 0, 100, 100, 0); addWaypoint(Item5, 1, 400, 100, 4000); addWaypoint(Item6, 0, 400, 400, 0); addWaypoint(Item6, 1, 200, 100, 1000); function endfunction() { // syntax for runWaypoint is Item, start point, end point runWaypoint(Item3, 0, 1); runWaypoint(Item4, 0, 1); runWaypoint(Item5, 0, 1); runWaypoint(Item6, 0, 1); } function endfunction2() { runWaypoint(Item1, 0, 1); } Item1.onpathcomplete = endfunction; Item6.onpathcomplete = endfunction2; </script> </body> </html> Show Me
107个常用javascript语句 -7.焦点 .focus(); -6.捕获对象通用方法 function $(obj) {return document.getElementById(obj);} -5.字符串赋值数组var array=new Array(); array=tdrczpdata.split(''); -4;Request[""]; -3.常用iframe -2.常用 //错误提示 function AlertErrorMeg(meg){ alert(meg); } //提示转向 function AlertRedirect(meg,url){ alert(meg); window.location.assign(url); } -1.动态绑定方法$('JournalList1').attachEvent("onchange", onchangList); 0.数组赋值给下拉菜单state_select.options.length = state_select_num ; for( i=1 ; ihtml->(head,body) 4.一个浏览器窗口中的DOM顺序是:window->(navigator,screen,history,location,document) 5.得到表单中元素的名称和值:document.getElementById("表单中元素的ID號").name(或value) 6.一个小写转大写的JS: document.getElementById("output").value = document.getElementById("input").value.toUpperCase(); 7.JS中的值类型:String,Number,Boolean,Null,Object,Function 8.JS中的字符型转换成数值型:parseInt(),parseFloat() 9.JS中的数字转换成字符型:(""+变量) var a=2;var b=""+a; 10.JS中的取字符串长度是:(length) 11.JS中的字符与字符相连接使用 號. 12.JS中的比较操作符有:==等于,!=不等于,>,>=,<.<= 13.JS中声明变量使用:var来进行声明 14.JS中的判断语句结构:if(condition){}else{} 15.JS中的循环结构:for([initial expression];[condition];[upadte expression]) {inside loop} 16.循环中止的命令是:break 17.JS中的函数定义:function functionName([parameter],...){statement[s]} 18.当文件中出现多个form表单时.可以用document.forms[0],document.forms[1]来代替. 19.窗口:打开窗口, 关闭一个窗口:window.close(), 窗口本身:self "fullscreen=no,channelmode=no,toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no,scrollbas=no,resizable=no," 20.状態栏的设置:window.status="字符"; 21.弹出提示信息:window.alert("字符"); 22.弹出確认框:window.confirm(); 23.弹出输入提示框:window.prompt(); 24.指定当前显示链接的位置:window.location.href="URL" 25.取出窗体中的所有表单的数量:document.forms.length 26.关闭文档的输出流:document.close(); 27.字符串追加连接符: = 28.创建一个文档元素:document.createElement(),document.createTextNode() 29.得到元素的方法:document.getElementById() 30.设置表单中所有文本型的成员的值为空: var form = window.document.forms[0] for (var i = 0; i<form.elements.length;i ){ if (form.elements.type == "text"){ form.elements.value = ""; } } 31.复选按钮在JS中判断是否选中:document.forms[0].checkThis.checked (checked属性代表为是否选中返回TRUE或FALSE) 32.单选按钮组(单选按钮的名称必须相同):取单选按钮组的长度document.forms[0].groupName.length 33.单选按钮组判断是否被选中也是用checked. 34.下拉列表框的值:document.forms[0].selectName.options[n].value (n有时用下拉列表框名称加上.selectedIndex来確定被选中的值) 35.字符串的定义:var myString = new String("This is lightsword"); 36.字符串转成大写:string.toUpperCase(); 字符串转成小写:string.toLowerCase(); 37.返回字符串2在字符串1中出现的位置:String1.indexOf("String2")!=-1则说明没找到. 38.取字符串中指定位置的一个字符:StringA.charAt(9); 39.取出字符串中指定起点和终点的子字符串:stringA.substring(2,6); 40.数学函数:Math.PI(返回圆周率),Math.SQRT2(返回开方),Math.max(value1,value2)返回两个数中的最在值,Math.pow(value1,10)返回 value1的十次方,Math.round(value1)四舍五入函数,Math.floor(Math.random()*(n 1))返回隨机数 41.定义日期型变量:var today = new Date(); 42.日期函数列表:dateObj.getTime()得到时间,dateObj.getYear()得到年份,dateObj.getFullYear()得到四位的年份,dateObj.getMonth()得 到月份,dateObj.getDate()得到日,dateObj.getDay()得到日期几,dateObj.getHours()得到小时,dateObj.getMinutes()得到 分,dateObj.getSeconds()得到秒,dateObj.setTime(value)设置时间,dateObj.setYear(val)设置年,dateObj.setMonth(val)设置 月,dateObj.setDate(val)设置日,dateObj.setDay(val)设置星期几,dateObj.setHours设置小时,dateObj.setMinutes(val)设置 分,dateObj.setSeconds(val)设置秒 [注意:此日期时间从0开始计] 43.FRAME的表示方式: [window.]frames[n].ObjFuncVarName,frames["frameName"].ObjFuncVarName,frameName.ObjFuncVarName 44.parent代表父亲对象,top代表最顶端对象 45.打开子窗口的父窗口为:opener 46.表示当前所属的位置:this 47.当在超链接中调用JS函数时用:(javascript :)来开头后面加函数名 48.在老的浏览器中不执行此JS: 49.引用一个文件式的JS: 50.指定在不支持脚本的浏览器显示的HTML: 51.当超链和onCLICK事件都有时,则老版本的浏览器转向a.html,否则转向b.html.例:dfsadf 52.JS的內建对象 有:Array,Boolean,Date,Error,EvalError,Function,Math,Number,Object,RangeError,ReferenceError,RegExp,String,SyntaxError,TypeErr or,URIError 53.JS中的换行:\n 54.窗口全屏大小:function fullScreen(){ this.moveTo (0,0);this.outerWidth=screen.availWidth;this.outerHeight=screen.availHeight;}window.maximize=fullScreen; 55.JS中的all代表其下层的全部元素 56.JS中的焦点顺序:document.getElementByid("表单元素").tabIndex = 1 57.innerHTML的值是表单元素的值:如"how are you",则innerHTML的值就是:how are you 58.innerTEXT的值和上面的一样,只不过不会把这种標记显示出来. 59.contentEditable可设置元素是否可被修改,isContentEditable返回是否可修改的状態. 60.isDisabled判断是否为禁止状態.disabled设置禁止状態 61.length取得长度,返回整型数值 62.addBehavior()是一种JS调用的外部函数文件其扩展名为.htc 63.window.focus()使当前的窗口在所有窗口之前. 64.blur()指失去焦点.与FOCUS()相反.指元素为选中状態. 66.防止用户对文本框中输入文本:onfocus="this.blur()" 67.取出该元素在页面中出现的数量:document.all.tags("div(或其它HTML標记符)").length 68.JS中分为两种窗体输出:模態和非模態.window.showModaldialog(),window.showModeless() 69.状態栏文字的设置:window.status='文字',默认的状態栏文字设置:window.defaultStatus = '文字.'; 70.添加到收藏夹:external.AddFavorite(""); 71.JS中遇到脚本错误时不做任何操作:window.onerror = doNothing; 指定错误句柄的语法为:window.onerror = handleError; 72.JS中指定当前打开窗口的父窗口:window.opener,支持opener.opener...的多重继续. 73.JS中的self指的是当前的窗口 74.JS中状態栏显示內容:window.status="內容" 75.JS中的top指的是框架集中最顶层的框架 76.JS中关闭当前的窗口:window.close(); 77.JS中提出是否確认的框:if(confirm("Are you sure?")){alert("ok");}else{alert("Not Ok");} 78.JS中的窗口重定向:window.navigate("";); 79.JS中的打印:window.print() 80.JS中的提示输入框:window.prompt("message","defaultReply"); 81.JS中的窗口滚动条:window.scroll(x,y) 82.JS中的窗口滚动到位置:window.scrollby 83.JS中设置时间间隔:setInterval("expr",msecDelay)或setInterval(funcRef,msecDelay)或setTimeout 84.JS中的模態显示在IE4 行,在NN中不行:showModalDialog("URL"[,arguments][,features]); 85.JS中的退出之前使用的句柄:function verifyClose(){event.returnValue="we really like you and hope you will stay longer.";}} window.=verifyClose; 86.当窗体第一次调用时使用的文件句柄:onload() 87.当窗体关闭时调用的文件句柄:onunload() 88.window.location的属性: protocol(http:),hostname( ("/a/a.html"),hash("#giantGizmo",指跳转到相应的锚记),href(全部的信息) 89.window.location.reload()刷新当前页面. 90.window.history.back()返回上一页,window.history.forward()返回下一页,window.history.go(返回第几页,也可以使用访问过的URL) 91.document.write()不换行的输出,document.writeln()换行输出 92.document.body.noWrap=true;防止链接文字折行. 93.变量名.charAt(第几位),取该变量的第几位的字符. 94."abc".charCodeAt(第几个),返回第几个字符的ASCii码值. 95.字符串连接:string.concat(string2),或用 =进行连接 96.变量.indexOf("字符",起始位置),返回第一个出现的位置(从0开始计算) 97.string.lastIndexOf(searchString[,startIndex])最后一次出现的位置. 98.string.match(regExpression),判断字符是否匹配. 99.string.replace(regExpression,replaceString)替换现有字符串. 100.string.split(分隔符)返回一个数组存储值. 101.string.substr(start[,length])取从第几位到指定长度的字符串. 102.string.toLowerCase()使字符串全部变为小写. 103.string.toUpperCase()使全部字符变为大写. 104.parseInt(string[,radix(代表进制)])强制转换成整型. 105.parseFloat(string[,radix])强制转换成浮点型. 106.isNaN(变量):测试是否为数值型. 107.定义常量的关键字:const,定义变量的关键字:var toString(Array.toString 方法) public toString() : String 返回一个字符串值,该值表示所指定的 Array 对象中的元素。数组中的每一个元素(从索引 0 开始到最高索引结束)均会转换为一个连接字 符串,并以逗号分隔。若要指定自定义的分隔符,请使用 Array.join() 方法。 可用性:ActionScript 1.0;Flash Player 5 返回 String - 一个字符串。 示例 下面的示例创建 my_array,并将其转换为字符串。 var my_array:Array = new Array(); my_array[0] = 1; my_array[1] = 2; my_array[2] = 3; my_array[3] = 4; my_array[4] = 5; trace(my_array.toString()); // Displays 1,2,3,4,5. 此示例输出 1、2、3、4、5 作为 trace 语句的结果。 数组: 新建:var ary = new Array(); 或 var ary = []; 增加:ary.push(value); 删除:delete ary[n]; 遍历:for ( var i=0 ; i < ary.length ; ++i ) ary[i];


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