andorid 第四天 解析andoird app构造

here are four building blocks to an Android application:

Broadcast Intent Receiver
Content Provider
Not every application needs to have all four, but your application will be written with some combination of these.

Once you have decided what components you need for your application, you should list them in a file called AndroidManifest.xml.
This is an XML file where you declare the components of your application and what their capabilities and requirements are.
See the Android manifest file documentation for complete details.

Android 应用程序大概包含如下四个模块。

当你决定了需要哪些部分来构建你的程序的时候,你需要把这些部分列出来并且写到一个叫做 AndroidManifest.xml的文件中。

Activities are the most common of the four Android building blocks. An activity is usually a single screen in your application.
Each activity is implemented as a single class that extends the Activity base class.
Your class will display a user interface composed of Views and respond to events.
Most applications consist of multiple screens.

For example, a text messaging application might have one screen that shows a list of contacts to send messages to, a second screen to write the message to the chosen contact,
and other screens to review old messages or change settings. Each of these screens would be implemented as an activity.
Moving to another screen is accomplished by a starting a new activity. In some cases an activity may return a value to the previous activity --
for example an activity that lets the user pick a photo would return the chosen photo to the caller.

When a new screen opens, the previous screen is paused and put onto a history stack.
The user can navigate backward through previously opened screens in the history.
Screens can also choose to be removed from the history stack when it would be inappropriate for them to remain.
Android retains history stacks for each application launched from the home screen.

Acitivity 是 Android 构建模块 中最公用的一个。一般来说,一个Activity就是你应用程序中的一个屏(界面?)
每一个Activity应该是一个独立的,继承于Activity 基类的类。


Android会保留每一个从Home 屏幕启动的应用程序历史。

Intent and Intent Filters
Android uses a special class called an Intent to move from screen to screen. An intent describes what an application wants done.
The two most important parts of the intent data structure are the action and the data to act upon.
Typical values for action are MAIN (the front door of the application), VIEW, PICK, EDIT, etc. The data is expressed as a URI.
For example, to view contact information for a person, you would create an intent with the VIEW action and the data set to a URI representing that person.

There is a related class called an IntentFilter.
While an intent is effectively a request to do something, an intent filter is a description of what intents an activity (or BroadcastReceiver, see below) is capable of handling.
An activity that is able to display contact information for a person would publish an IntentFilter that said that it knows how to handle the action VIEW when applied to data representing a person.
Activities publish their IntentFilters in the AndroidManifest.xml file.

Navigating from screen to screen is accomplished by resolveing intents. To navigate forward, an activity calls startActivity(myIntent).
The system then looks at the intent filters for all installed applications and picks the activity whose intent filters best matches myIntent.
The new activity is informed of the intent, which causes it to be launched. The process of resolving intents happens at run time when startActivity is called,
which offers two key benefits:

Activities can reuse functionality from other components simply by making a request in the form of an Intent
Activities can be replaced at any time by a new Activity with an equivalent IntentFilter

Intent 和 intent 过滤器。
intent 描述了一个应用程序将要做些什么。
intent最重要的两个数据结构部分,一个是动作(action),一个对动作起作用的数据(data to act upon,有疑议)。
典型的动作包括 MAIN(即程序的入口),VIEW,PICK,EDIT,等等(一些名词,我觉得不翻译比较好。)。数据则表示为URI。
举个例子,想要查看一个联系人的信息,你需要新建一个含有VIEW动作的intent,数据设置成一个URI来代表这个联系人(data set to a URI representing that person,有疑议)。

这里有一个与Intent有关的类叫做IntentFilter。在一个intent被要求做一个什么事情的时候,一个intent fliter将会说明,那种活动的intent(或者广播接收者,BroadcastReceiver)是可以被处理的。
一个可以显示联系人信息的activity将会公布一个IntentFilter,说明他知道当他接收到一个代表person的数据时,如何去处理一个 VIEW 动作。

屏 与屏之间的导航通过intent来完成。如果需要回到之前一个叫做startActivity(或者myIntent)的activity页,系统会到 intent filter中查找所有已经安装好的applications中并且选取与myIntent最接近的那个activity。

Activities 可以被其他的组件通过Intent的形式重新使用
Activites 可以随时被一个拥有相同Intentfilter的新activity替换。


Broadcast Intent Receiver
You can use a BroadcastReceiver when you want code in your application to execute in reaction to an external event,
for example, when the phone rings, or when the data network is available, or when it's midnight. BroadcastReceivers do not display a UI,
although they may use the NotificationManager to alert the user if something interesting has happened. BroadcastReceivers are registered in AndroidManifest.xml,
but you can also register them from code using Context.registerReceiver(). Your application does not have to be running for its BroadcastReceivers to be called;
the system will start your application, if necessary, when a BroadcastReceiver is triggered.
Applications can also send their own intent broadcasts to others with Context.sendBroadcast().

在你的applications运行响应一个外部动作的时候,你可以使用一个BroadcastReceiver(以下简称BR) 。

A Service is code that is long-lived and runs without a UI. A good example of this is a media player playing songs from a play list.
In a media player application, there would probably be one or more activities that allow the user to choose songs and start playing them.
However, the music playback itself should not be handled by an activity because the user will expect the music to keep playing even after navigating to a new screen.
In this case, the media player activity could start a service using Context.startService() to run in the background to keep the music going.
The system will then keep the music playback service running until it has finished.
(You can learn more about the priority given to services in the system by reading Life Cycle of an Android Application.)
Note that you can connect to a service (and start it if it's not already running) with the Context.bindService() method.
When connected to a service, you can communicate with it through an interface exposed by the service. For the music service, this might allow you to pause, rewind, etc.

系 统会让音乐播放进程一直持续到整个播放表被播放完。(通过 Life Cycle of an Android Application[],你可以学习到更 多的有关于服务在系统中的优先级的知识。)


Content Provider
Applications can store their data in files, an SQLite database, or any other mechanism that makes sense.
A content provider, however, is useful if you want your application's data to be shared with other applications.
A content provider is a class that implements a standard set of methods to let other applications store and retrieve the type of data that is handled by that content provider.

To get more details on content providers, see Accessing Content Providers.

一个content provider,在你想要把你的应用程序数据分享给其他应用程序的时候是非常有用的。
如果想得到更多的有关Content providers的信息,请参阅Accessing Content Providers。[]





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