Pitfall in node crypto and base64 encoding

Base64 is a commonly used encoding for transmitting binary data in text format, although it is kind of standard encoding. But actually the implementations in different languages and libraries are not that fully compatible. Comparing the node crypto module and ruby’s Base64


In ruby, we use the default Base64class to handle Base64 encoding.

Base64#encode64 has a very interesting feature:
It add line break (\n) to output every 60 characters. This format make the output look pretty and be friendly for human reading:

Ruby Base64 Block


The Base64#decode64 class ignores the line break (\n) when parsing the base64 encoded data, so the line break won’t pollute the data.


Node.js take Base64 as one of the 5 standard encodings (ascii, utf8, base64, binary, hex). Ideally the data or string can be transcoded between these 4 encodings without data loss.

The Buffer class is the simplest way to transcode the data:

# Base64 Encoder in Node.js
Base64 =
  encode64: (text) ->
    new Buffer(text, 'utf8').toString('base64')

  decode64: (base64) ->
    new Buffer(base64. 'base64').toString('utf8')

Although encode64 function in node.js won’t add line break to the output, but the decode64 function does ignore the line break when parsing the data. It keeps the consistent behavior with ruby Base64 class, so we can use this decode64 function to decode the data from ruby.

Since base64 is one of the standard encodings, and some of the node.js API does allow set encoding for input and output. So ideally, we can complete the base64 encoding and decoding during processing the data.
It seems Node.js is more convenient comparing to Ruby when dealing with Base64.

e.g. We can combine reading file and base64 encoding the content into one operation by setting the encoding to readFileSync API.

# Write and Read string as Base64

fs = require('fs')

fileName = './binary.dat' # this file contains binary data
base64 = fs.readFileSync(fileName, 'base64') # file content has been base64 encoded

It looks like we can always use this trick to avoid manually base64 encoding and decoding when the API has encoding parameter! But actually it is not true! There is a BIG pitfall here!

In our real case, we uses crypto module to decrypt the the JSON document that encrypted and base64 encoded by Ruby:

# Base64 Deocde and Decrypt

crypto = require('crypto')

parse = (data, algorithm, key, iv) ->
  decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(algorithm, key, iv)

  decrypted = decipher.update(data, 'base64', 'utf8') # Set input encoding to 'base64' to ask API to base64 decode the input before decryption
  decrypted += dechiper.final('utf8')

# Manually Base64 Decoding

crypto = require('crypto')

parse = (data, algorithm, key, iv) ->
  decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(algorithm, key, iv)

  binary = new Buffer(data,'base64') # Manually Base64 Decode

  decrypted = decipher.update(binary, 'binary', 'utf8') # Set input encoding to 'binary'
  decrypted += dechiper.final('utf8')


The previous 2 implementations are very similar except the second one base64 decoded the data manually by using Buffer. Ideally they should be equivalent in behavior. But in fact, they are NOT equivalent!

The previous implementation throws “TypeError: DecipherFinal fail”.
And the reason is that the shortcut way doesn’t ignore the line break, but Buffer does!!! So in the previous implementation, the data is polluted by the line break!


Be careful, when you try to ask the API to base64 decode the data by setting the encoding argument to ‘base64’. It has inconsistent behavior comparing to Buffer class.

I’m not sure whether it is a node.js bug, or it is as is by design. But it is indeed a pitfall that hides so deep. And usually is extremely hard to figure out. Since encrypted binary is hard to human to read, and debugging between 2 languages are also kind of hard!

                                    杏树林研发  文迪(Tim)




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