hdu2823The widest road+两凸包之间的最小距离

Problem Description
There were two families in the village — family A and family B, while these two families didn’t get along well with each other. Now the head of the village decided to make a road through the village and it must be straight, for a straight line makes the way shortest and meanwhile, saves the cost. At that time, the heads of the two families proposed, because they didn’t want their own families live separated along the two sides of the road, thus it might decrease the solidarity of family. Besides, the two families were antipathetic to each other; neither wanted to live together with the other in a same side of the road. Then it made the village head in a pickle, he hoped the road to be as wide as possible. So what’s the possible maximal width of this road?
In order to simplify the problem, let’s regard the living place of each family member is just a point.

There are several test cases in the input.

The first line of each input contains n and m (1 ≤ m,n ≤ 1000). As for the following n lines, there are two numbers in every line, representing the living places of A family members. And the following m lines represent the living places of B family members.

The output numbers of each line are the maximal width of the road (retain four decimal), while if it’s impossible to make such a road, then just output 0.0000.

Sample Input

3 3
0.0 0.0
1.0 0.0
0.0 1.0
4.0 0.0
5.0 0.0
4.0 1.0

Sample Output


2009 Multi-University Training Contest 1 - Host by TJU

#define e exp(1.0); //2.718281828
#define mod 1000000007
#define INF 0x7fffffff
#define inf 0x3f3f3f3f
typedef long long LL;
using namespace std;

#define zero(x) (((x)>0?(x):(-x))<eps)
const double eps=1e-8;
const double pi=acos(-1.0);

//判断数k的符号 -1负数 1正数 0零
int dcmp(double k) {
    return k<-eps?-1:k>eps?1:0;

inline double sqr(double x) {
    return x*x;
struct point {
    double x,y;
    point() {};
    point(double a,double b):x(a),y(b) {};
    void input() {
        scanf("%lf %lf",&x,&y);
    friend point operator + (const point &a,const point &b) {
        return point(a.x+b.x,a.y+b.y);
    friend point operator - (const point &a,const point &b) {
        return point(a.x-b.x,a.y-b.y);
    friend bool operator == (const point &a,const point &b) {
        return dcmp(a.x-b.x)==0&&dcmp(a.y-b.y)==0;
    friend point operator * (const point &a,const double &b) {
        return point(a.x*b,a.y*b);
    friend point operator * (const double &a,const point &b) {
        return point(a*b.x,a*b.y);
    friend point operator / (const point &a,const double &b) {
        return point(a.x/b,a.y/b);
    friend bool operator < (const point &a, const point &b) {
        return a.x < b.x || (a.x == b.x && a.y < b.y);
    double norm() {
        return sqrt(sqr(x)+sqr(y));
double cross(const point &a,const point &b) {
    return a.x*b.y-a.y*b.x;
double cross3(point A,point B,point C) { //叉乘
    return (B.x-A.x)*(C.y-A.y)-(B.y-A.y)*(C.x-A.x);
double dot(const point &a,const point &b) {
    return a.x*b.x+a.y*b.y;
double dot3(point A,point B,point C) { //点乘
    return (C.x-A.x)*(B.x-A.x)+(C.y-A.y)*(B.y-A.y);

double length(const point &a) {
    return sqrt(dot(a,a));
double angle(const point &a,const point &b) {
    return acos(dot(a,b)/length(a)/length(b));
double dist(const point &a,const point &b) {
    return (a-b).norm();
point rotate_point(const point &p,double A) {
    double tx=p.x,ty=p.y;
    return point(tx*cos(A)-ty*sin(A),tx*sin(A)+ty*cos(A));
double TriArea(const point &a, const point &b, const point &c) {
    return fabs( cross( b - a, c - a ) ) / 2;
point Normal(const point &a) {
    double L = length(a);
    return point(-a.y/L, a.x/L);
point GetLineIntersection(point p, point v, point q, point w) {
    point u = p - q;
    double t = cross(w, u) / cross(v, w);
    return p + v * t;
double DistanceToLine(point p, point a, point b) {
    point v1 = b - a, v2 = p - a;
    return fabs(cross(v1,v2)) / length(v1);
double DistanceToSegment(point p, point a, point b) {
    if(a==b) return length(p - a);
    point v1 = b - a, v2 = p - a, v3 = p - b;
    if(dcmp(dot(v1,v2)) < 0) return length(v2);
    else if(dcmp(dot(v1,v3)) > 0) return length(v3);
    else return fabs(cross(v1,v2)) / length(v1);
bool SegmentProperIntersection(point a1, point a2, point b1, point b2) {
    double c1 = cross(a2-a1,b1-a1), c2 = cross(a2-a1, b2-a1);
    double c3 = cross(b2-b1, a1-b1), c4 = cross(b2-b1, a2-b1);
    return dcmp(c1) * dcmp(c2) <0 && dcmp(c3) * dcmp(c4) < 0;

bool OnSegment(point p, point a1, point a2) {
    return dcmp(cross(a1-p,a2-p)) ==0 && dcmp(dot(a1-p,a2-p))<0;
bool SegmentIntersection(point a1, point a2, point b1, point b2) {
    return SegmentProperIntersection(a1, a2, b1, b2) || OnSegment(a1, b1, b2) || OnSegment(a2, b1, b2);
double SegmentToSegment(point a1, point a2, point b1, point b2) {
    double t1 = DistanceToSegment(b1, a1, a2);
    double t2 = DistanceToSegment(b2, a1, a2);
    double t3 = DistanceToSegment(a1, b1, b2);
    double t4 = DistanceToSegment(a2, b1, b2);
    return min(t1,min(t2,min(t3,t4)));
void antiClockSort(point *ch, int n) {
    double res = cross(ch[1] - ch[0], ch[2] - ch[0]);
    if(dcmp(res) >= 0) return;
    reverse(ch, ch+n);

int ConvexHull(point* P, int cnt, point* res) {
    sort(P, P + cnt);
    cnt = unique(P, P + cnt) - P;
    int m = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
        while (m > 1 && cross(res[m - 1] - res[m - 2], P[i] - res[m - 2]) <= 0)
        res[m++] = P[i];
    int k = m;
    for (int i = cnt - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
        while (m > k && cross(res[m - 1] - res[m - 2], P[i] - res[m - 2]) <= 0)
        res[m++] = P[i];
    if (cnt > 1) m--;
    return m;


int isPointInPolygon(point p, point *a, int n) {
    int cnt = 0;
    for(int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
        if(OnSegment(p, a[i], a[(i+1)%n])) return -1;
        int k = cross(a[(i+1)%n]-a[i], p-a[i]);
        int d1 = a[i].y - p.y;
        int d2 = a[(i+1)].y - p.y;
        if(k>0 &&d1<=0 &&d2>0)//点在线段的左侧
        if(k<0 &&d2<=0 &&d1>0)//点在线段的右侧
    if(cnt&1)return 1;
    return 0;
bool two_getaway_ConvexHull(point *cha, int n1, point *chb, int m1) {
    if(n1==1 && m1==1) {
            return false;
    } else if(n1==1 && m1==2) {
        if(OnSegment(cha[0], chb[0], chb[1]))
            return false;
    } else if(n1==2 && m1==1) {
        if(OnSegment(chb[0], cha[0], cha[1]))
            return false;
    } else if(n1==2 && m1==2) {
        if(SegmentIntersection(cha[0], cha[1], chb[0], chb[1]))
            return false;
    } else if(n1==2) {
        for(int i=0; i<n1; ++i)
            if(isPointInPolygon(cha[i], chb, m1))
                return false;
    } else if(m1==2) {
        for(int i=0; i<m1; ++i)
            if(isPointInPolygon(chb[i], cha, n1))
                return false;
    } else {
        for(int i=0; i<n1; ++i) {
            for(int j=0; j<m1; ++j) {
                if(SegmentIntersection(cha[i], cha[(i+1)%n1], chb[j], chb[(j+1)%m1]))
                    return false;
        for(int i=0; i<n1; ++i)
            if(isPointInPolygon(cha[i], chb, m1))
                return false;
        for(int i=0; i<m1; ++i)
            if(isPointInPolygon(chb[i], cha, n1))
                return false;
    return true;
double solve(point *P, point *Q, int n, int m) {
    if(n==1 && m==1) {
        return length(P[0] - Q[0]);
    } else if(n==1 && m==2) {
        return DistanceToSegment(P[0], Q[0], Q[1]);
    } else if(n==2 && m==1) {
        return DistanceToSegment(Q[0], P[0], P[1]);
    } else if(n==2 && m==2) {
        return SegmentToSegment(P[0], P[1], Q[0], Q[1]);

    int yminP = 0, ymaxQ = 0;
    for(int i=0; i<n; ++i) if(P[i].y < P[yminP].y) yminP = i;
    for(int i=0; i<m; ++i) if(Q[i].y > Q[ymaxQ].y) ymaxQ = i;
    P[n] = P[0];
    Q[n] = Q[0];
    double INF2 = 1e100;
    double arg, ans = INF2;

    for(int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
        while((arg=cross(P[yminP] - P[yminP+1],Q[ymaxQ+1] - Q[ymaxQ])) < -eps)
            ymaxQ = (ymaxQ+1)%m;
        double ret;

        if(arg > eps) { //卡住第二个凸包上的点。
            ret = DistanceToSegment(Q[ymaxQ], P[yminP], P[yminP+1]);
            ans  = min(ans,ret);
        } else { //arg==0,卡住第二个凸包的边
            ret = SegmentToSegment(P[yminP],P[yminP+1],Q[ymaxQ],Q[ymaxQ+1]);
            ans = min(ans,ret);
        yminP = (yminP+1)%n;
    return ans;
double mindis_twotubao(point *P, point *Q, int n, int m){
    //return min(solve(P, Q, n, m),solve(Q,P,m,n));
    if(two_getaway_ConvexHull(P,n,Q,m)==true) return min(solve(P, Q, n, m),solve(Q,P,m,n));
    else return 0.0;

const int N=10005;
point a[N],b[N];
point cha[N],chb[N];
int main() {
    int n,m;
        for(int i=0;i<n;++i) scanf("%lf%lf",&a[i].x,&a[i].y);
        for(int i=0;i<m;++i) scanf("%lf%lf",&b[i].x,&b[i].y);
        int n1 = ConvexHull(a, n, cha);
        int m1 = ConvexHull(b, m, chb);
    return 0;
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