



     public void List_YXJH()
            //string rows = replaceDanger("rows");
            //string page = replaceDanger("page");

            //var sort = replaceDanger("sort") == "" ? "ZHXGRQ" : replaceDanger("sort");
            //var order = replaceDanger("order") == "" ? "desc" : replaceDanger("order");
            string where1 = "";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["TextBox1"]))
                where1 += " and a.Name like '%" + replaceDanger("TextBox1").Trim() + "%'";

            if (ui.RoleID.Equals(config.FHXTROLEGUID) || (ui.RoleID.Equals(config.GLYROLEGUID) && ui.UserType == "分行"))
            else if (ui.RoleID.Equals(config.FHCPROLEGUID))
                if (ui.FHCPType.Contains("理财") || ui.FHCPType.Contains("财富") || ui.FHCPType.Contains("私行"))
                    where1 += " and (1<>1";
                    if (ui.FHCPType.Contains("理财"))
                        where1 += " or a.Name like '%理财%'";

                    if (ui.FHCPType.Contains("财富"))
                        where1 += " or a.Name like '%财富%'";

                    if (ui.FHCPType.Contains("私行"))
                        where1 += " or a.Name like '%私行%'";

                    where1 += " or a.WorkNo='" + ui.UserName + "')";
            else if (ui.RoleID.Equals(config.GLYROLEGUID) && ui.UserType != "分行")
                where1 += " and NetWorkNo in (select name from split((select AllChildNetworkNO from wft_network where NetworkNO='" + ui.NetWorkNO + "'),','))";
            else if (ui.RoleID == config.LCSROLEGUID || ui.RoleID == config.KGROLEGUID || ui.RoleID == config.XDROLEGUID)
                where1 += " and FinancialPlannerWorkNO='" + ui.UserName + "'";
                where1 += " and FinancialPlannerWorkNO in (select * from GetManagerList('" + ui.UserName + "'))";

//            string sql = @"select a.ID,a.Name,a.WorkNO,a.Memo,convert(varchar,a.Addtime,120) Addtime,a.OrderID,
//    sum(case when b.ID is not null then 1 else 0 end) counts,
//    isnull(sum(case when b.ID is not null and b.ContactTime is not null then 1 end),0) complete,
//    isnull(sum(case when b.ID is not null and b.ContactTime is null then 1 end),0) notComplete,
//    case when sum(case when b.ID is not null then 1 else 0 end)=0 then 0 else isnull(sum(case when b.ContactTime is not null then 1 end),0)*100.00/sum(case when b.ID is not null then 1 else 0 end) end completePercent 
//    from WFT_CustomerGroup a left join WFT_CustomerGroupDetails b on a.ID=b.GroupID 
//    where type='1' @where1
//    group by a.ID,a.Name,a.WorkNO,a.Memo,a.Addtime,a.OrderID
//    order by isnull(a.OrderID,9999),a.Addtime desc".Replace("@where1", where1);

            string sql = @"select * from
	select a.ID,a.Name,a.WorkNO,a.Memo,convert(varchar,a.Addtime,120) Addtime,a.OrderID,
	sum(case when b.ID is not null then 1 else 0 end) counts,
	isnull(sum(case when b.ID is not null and b.ContactTime is not null then 1 end),0) complete,
	isnull(sum(case when b.ID is not null and b.ContactTime is null then 1 end),0) notComplete,
	case when sum(case when b.ID is not null then 1 else 0 end)=0 then 0 else isnull(sum(case when b.ContactTime is not null then 1 end),0)*100.00/sum(case when b.ID is not null then 1 else 0 end) end completePercent 
	from WFT_CustomerGroup a left join WFT_CustomerGroupDetails b on a.ID=b.GroupID 
	where type='1'  and a.WorkNO='" + ui.UserName + @"'
	group by a.ID,a.Name,a.WorkNO,a.Memo,a.Addtime,a.OrderID
	select a.ID,a.Name,a.WorkNO,a.Memo,convert(varchar,a.Addtime,120) Addtime,a.OrderID,
	sum(case when b.ID is not null then 1 else 0 end) counts,
	isnull(sum(case when b.ID is not null and b.ContactTime is not null then 1 end),0) complete,
	isnull(sum(case when b.ID is not null and b.ContactTime is null then 1 end),0) notComplete,
	case when sum(case when b.ID is not null then 1 else 0 end)=0 then 0 else isnull(sum(case when b.ContactTime is not null then 1 end),0)*100.00/sum(case when b.ID is not null then 1 else 0 end) end completePercent 
	from WFT_CustomerGroup a left join WFT_CustomerGroupDetails b on a.ID=b.GroupID 
	where type='1' and a.WorkNO<>'" + ui.UserName + @"' @where1
	group by a.ID,a.Name,a.WorkNO,a.Memo,a.Addtime,a.OrderID
) a order by isnull(a.OrderID,9999),a.Addtime desc".Replace("@where1", where1);
            DataTable dt = conn.GetDataTable(sql);

            JsonConvert<object> jc = new JsonConvert<object>();
            Response.Write(jc.ToDataGrid(dt, dt.Rows.Count.ToString()));



 if (replaceDanger("kq") != "")
                where += " and exists(select 1 from WFT_CustomerGroupDetails b1 where GroupID='" + replaceDanger("kq") + "' and b1.CustomerSerial=b.CustomerSerial)";

  public void List_CallRecord() {
            string rows = replaceDanger("rows");
            string page = replaceDanger("page");
            string total = replaceDanger("total");
            var sort = replaceDanger("sort") == "" ? "a.Addtime" : replaceDanger("sort");	//排序字段
            if (sort == "Addtime" || sort == "CustomerName" || sort == "CustomerSerial" || sort == "CustomerMobile" || sort == "NetWorkNo")
                sort = "b." + sort;
            else if (sort == "CallType")
                sort = "a.[Type]";
            else if (sort == "通话状态")
                sort = "a.[State]";
            else if (sort == "CallAddTime")
                sort = "a.AddTime";
            else if (sort == "customerBankPatha")
                sort = "a.BankPath";
            else if (sort == "电话摘要")
                sort = "a.FollowAbstract";
            else if (sort == "摘要内容")
                sort = "a.AbstractContent";
            else if (sort == "Mobile")
                sort = "a.Mobile";
            else if (sort == "customerBankPatha")
                sort = "d.BankPath";
            else if (sort == "WorkNo")
                sort = "a.WorkNo";
            var order = replaceDanger("order") == "" ? "desc" : replaceDanger("order");	//排序顺序

            string where = "1=1 ";//and  len(b.CustomerName)<=4 
            string top = " top 1000 ";
            if (!ui.RoleID.Equals(config.FHCPROLEGUID) && !ui.RoleID.Equals(config.FHXTROLEGUID))
                if (ui.UserType.Contains("支行") && ui.RoleID == config.GLYROLEGUID)
                    where += " and charindex(c.NetworkNO,(select AllChildNetworkNO from Tb_Common_User  where WorkNO='" + ui.UserName + "'))>0";
                else {
                    where += " and a.WorkNo = '" + ui.UserName + "'";
            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["TextBox2"]) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["TextBox3"]))
            //    where += " and b.AddTime>='" + Request["TextBox2"] + "'";
            //else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["TextBox3"]) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["TextBox2"]))
            //    where += " and b.AddTime<='" + Request["TextBox3"] + "'";
            //else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["TextBox2"]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["TextBox3"]))
            //    where += " and (b.AddTime between '" + Request["TextBox2"] + "' and '" + Request["TextBox3"] + "')";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["TextBox1"]))
                where += " and (b.CustomerName like '%" + Request["TextBox1"] + "%' or b.CustomerIDcard like '%" + Request["TextBox1"] + "%' or b.CustomerSerial like '%" + Request["TextBox1"] + "%' or b.CustomerPhone like '%" + Request["TextBox1"] + "%')";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["LCS_txt"])) {
                where += " and (c.RealName like '%" + Request["LCS_txt"] + "%' or c.WorkNo like '%" + Request["LCS_txt"] + "%')";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["Answer_txt"])) {
                where += " and a.Type = '" + Request["Answer_txt"] + "'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["CallState"])) {
                where += " and a.State = '" + Request["CallState"] + "'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["CustomerLevel"])) {
                where += " and b.CustomerType in( '" + Request["CustomerLevel"].Replace(",","','") + "')";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["TextBox7"]))
                where += " and a.AddTime>='" + Request["TextBox7"] + "'";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["TextBox8"]))
                where += " and a.AddTime<='" + Request["TextBox8"] + " 23:59:59'";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["btsc"]))
                where += " and a.Times>=60"; 

            where += getWangdianCondition("c.NetworkNo");
            if (replaceDanger("kq") != "")
                where += " and exists(select 1 from WFT_CustomerGroupDetails b1 where GroupID='" + replaceDanger("kq") + "' and b1.CustomerSerial=b.CustomerSerial)";

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["report"]))
                string sql = @"declare @pagesize int; 
declare @pageindex int; 
set @pagesize = " + rows + @"
set @pageindex=" + page + @"
select * from(
ROW_NUMBER() over(order by @sort @order) as 'rownumber',
c.NetWorkNo EHRNetWorkNo,
case when charindex('/',c.BankPath)>0 then SUBSTRING(c.BankPath,0,charindex('/',c.BankPath)) end 员工分支行,
case when charindex('/',c.BankPath)>0 then reverse(substring(reverse(c.BankPath),1,charindex('/',reverse(c.BankPath)) - 1)) end 员工网点,
b.NetworkNo CUSNetWorkNo,
case when charindex('/',d.BankPath)>0 then SUBSTRING(d.BankPath,0,charindex('/',d.BankPath)) end 客户分支行,
case when charindex('/',d.BankPath)>0 then reverse(substring(reverse(d.BankPath),1,charindex('/',reverse(d.BankPath)) - 1)) end 客户网点,
convert(varchar(10),b.Addtime,120) Addtime,a.Times,
case when a.Type = 0 then '呼出' when a.Type = 1 then '呼入' else '' end CallType,
convert(varchar(20),a.AddTime,120) as CallAddTime,
a.WorkNo,c.RealName,a.ID,a.VideoFileUrl '本地录音文件',
a.FollowAbstract '电话摘要',
a.AbstractContent '摘要内容',
case when a.State = 0 then '未接' when a.State = 1 then '已接' end '通话状态'
from DW_PHONE a 
left join WFT_Customer_All b on a.CustomerSerial = b.CustomerSerial
left join Tb_Common_User c on a.WorkNo = c.WorkNo
left join WFT_Network d on b.NetworkNo=d.NetworkNO
where @where
) as temp where rownumber between  (((@pageindex-1)*@pagesize)+1) and (@pageindex*@pagesize) order by rownumber".Replace("@where", where).Replace("@sort", sort).Replace("@order", order);
                DataTable dt = conn.GetDataTable(sql);
                JsonConvert<object> jc = new JsonConvert<object>();
                if (page == "1")
                    total = conn.GetScalar(@"select count(*) from DW_PHONE a left join WFT_Customer_All b on a.CustomerSerial = b.CustomerSerial left join Tb_Common_User c on a.WorkNo = c.WorkNo left join WFT_Network d on b.NetWorkNo=d.NetworkNO where @where".Replace("@where", where));
                    if (Convert.ToInt32(total) > 1000) total = "1000";
                Response.Write(jc.ToDataGrid(dt, total));
            else {
                string sql = @"select
b.CustomerName '客户姓名',b.CustomerSerial '客户号',a.Mobile '手机号',
a.Times '拨通时长',case when a.Type = 0 then '呼出' when a.Type = 1 then '呼入' else '' end '接听类型',
case when a.State = 0 then '未接' when a.State = 1 then '已接' end '通话状态',
a.WorkNo '员工号', c.RealName '员工姓名',
c.NetWorkNo 员工机构号,
case when charindex('/',c.BankPath)>0 then SUBSTRING(c.BankPath,0,charindex('/',c.BankPath)) end 员工分支行,
case when charindex('/',c.BankPath)>0 then reverse(substring(reverse(c.BankPath),1,charindex('/',reverse(c.BankPath)) - 1)) end 员工网点,
b.NetworkNo 客户机构号,
case when charindex('/',d.BankPath)>0 then SUBSTRING(d.BankPath,0,charindex('/',d.BankPath)) end 客户分支行,
case when charindex('/',d.BankPath)>0 then reverse(substring(reverse(d.BankPath),1,charindex('/',reverse(d.BankPath)) - 1)) end 客户网点,
a.FollowAbstract '电话摘要',
a.AbstractContent '摘要内容',
convert(varchar(20),a.AddTime,120) as '跟进时间'
from DW_PHONE a 
left join WFT_Customer_All b on a.CustomerSerial = b.CustomerSerial
left join Tb_Common_User c on a.WorkNo = c.WorkNo
left join WFT_Network d on b.NetWorkNo=d.NetworkNO
where @where".Replace("@where", where);
                DataTable dt_Data = conn.GetDataTable(sql, 120);
                string fp = jj360.CommonMethods.ExportDataTable(dt_Data, Request["report"]);
        /// <summary>








当前余额3.43前往充值 >
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钱包余额 0


