Core Architecture Blocks (核心架构模块)(二)

CoreArchitecture Blocks

Channel Manager

The channel manager isresponsible for creating, managing, and destroying L2CAP channels for thetransport of service protocols and application data streams. The channelmanager uses the L2CAP protocol to interact with a channel manager on a remote(peer) device to create these L2CAP channels and connect their endpoints to theappropriate entities. The channel manager interacts with its local link managerto create new logical links (if necessary) and to configure these links toprovide the required QoS for the type of data being transported.





L2CAP Resource Manager

The L2CAP resource managerblock is responsible for managing the ordering of submission of PDU fragmentsto the baseband and some relative scheduling between channels to ensure thatL2CAP channels with QoS commitments are not denied access to the physicalchannel due to Bluetoothcontroller resource exhaustion. This is required because the architecturalmodel does not assume that theBluetooth controller has limitless buffering, or that the HCI is a pipe of infinitebandwidth.




L2CAP resource managers mayalso carry out traffic conformance policing to ensure that applications aresubmitting L2CAP SDUs within the bounds of their negotiated QoS settings. ThegeneralBluetooth datatransport model assumes well-behaved applications, and does not define how animplementation is expected to deal with this problem.

L2CAP资源管理器同时也遵从数据的一致性原则来确保应用程序在可以用商议好的QoS配置下传递L2CAP SDU数据。一般的蓝牙数据传输模式假定正常行为的应用程序并不定义如何期望一个执行体来处理这个问题。


Device Manager

The device manager is thefunctional block in the baseband that controls the general behavior of theBluetooth enabled device. It is responsible for all operationof theBluetooth systemthat is not directly related to data transport, such as inquiring for thepresence of other nearbyBluetooth enabled devices, connecting to otherBluetooth enabled devices or making the localBluetooth enabled device discoverable or connectable by otherdevices.



The device manager requestsaccess to the transport medium from the baseband resource controller in orderto carry out its functions.


The device manager alsocontrols local device behavior implied by a number of the HCI commands, such asmanaging the device local name, any stored link keys, and other functionality.



Link Manager

The link manager isresponsible for the creation, modification, and release of logical links (and,if required, their associated logical transports), as well as the update ofparameters related to physical links between devices. The link manager achievesthis by communicating with the link manager in remote Bluetooth devices using the link management protocol (LMP).


The LMP allows the creation ofnew logical links and logical transports between devices when required, as wellas the general control of link and transport attributes such as the enabling ofencryption on the logical transport, the adapting of transmit power on thephysical link or the adjustment of QoS settings for a logical link.


Baseband Resource Manager

The baseband resource manageris responsible for all access to the radio medium. It has two main functions.At its heart is a scheduler that grants time on the physical channels to all ofthe entities that have negotiated an access contract. The other main functionis to negotiate access contracts with these entities. An access contract iseffectively a commitment to deliver a certain QoS that is required in order toprovide a user application with an expected performance.




The access contract andscheduling function must take account of any behavior that requires use of theBluetooth radio. This includes, for example, the normalexchange of data between connected devices over logical links and logicaltransports, as well as the use of the radio medium to carry out inquiries, makeconnections, be discoverable or connectable, or to take readings from unusedcarriers during the use of AFH mode.


In some cases the schedulingof a logical link results in changing to a different physical channel from theone that was previously used. This may be, for example, due to involvement inscatternet, a periodic inquiry function, or page scanning. When the physicalchannels are not time slot aligned, then the resource manager also accounts forthe realignment time between slots on the original physical channel and slotson the new physical channel. In some cases the slots will be naturally aligneddue to the same device clock being used as a reference for both physicalchannels.


Link Controller

The link controller isresponsible for the encoding and decoding of Bluetooth packets from the data payload and parameters relatedto the physical channel, logical transport and logical link.

The link controller carriesout the link control protocol signaling (in close conjunction with thescheduling function of the resource manager), which is used to communicate flowcontrol and acknowledgement and retransmission request signals. Theinterpretation of these signals is a characteristic of the logical transportassociated with the baseband packet. Interpretation and control of the linkcontrol signaling is normally associated with the resource manager’s scheduler.




The RF block is responsiblefor transmitting and receiving packets of information on the physical channel.A control path between the baseband and the RF block allows the baseband blockto control the timing and frequency carrier of the RF block. The RF blocktransforms a stream of data to and from the physical channel and the basebandinto required formats.




预告:下一篇: Bluetooth Spec Version Comaration(v2.0 3.0 4.0)(蓝牙Spec各版本比较)





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