keep old customs or follow new ones

Topic 3:

Whenpeople move to another country, some of them decide to follow the customs ofnew country. Others prefer to keep their own customs. Compare these twochoices. Which one do you prefer? Support your answer with specific reasons.


1.       Can be quicker to accustom to thenew environment

2.       Know different cultural charactersof other country

3.       Safer, keep you from someforbidden things.


When itcomes to the issue about whether to assimilate into the new culture(同意替换) or keep the customs of one's home, people’s opinion differs from individual to individual, and culture to culture. Some prefer to the suitable one, namely making adjustment whereas others contend that keeping the traditional customs is of more reasonability. From my own perspective, I am infavor of the latter category for several feasible and manifest reasons which will be clarified as follows.


It  is commonly shared that following new rules(同意替换,会替换哪个就替换哪个) brings much quicker adaptation(这一句要简洁).Every corner of our lives exist specific examples and we may easily quote a single example to illustrate it. In Muslim countries, pork is forbidden as an eating material, which is related to the religious belief. Similar taboos also exist in different religions like Christianity, Buddhism and Taoism. Just suppose what a tough situation would be like if people violate the customs in new religious countries. What is more? Customs also play a significant in our daily life. If individualsare not in awareness of the common senses and depart from them, they will find it even hard to lead a normal life, either. In short, making adjustment when we go abroad is more adaptable than keeping the old one is. (例子要恰当)


Another equally crucial aspect is that choose to follow the new customs can learn more foreign culture and living styles. If you keep the old ones, you will find it hard for you to be really step into the foreign group, and plenty of matters are tackled in different manners between you and your foreign neighbors. Only numerical figures can indicate us the nearest place to the truth. There is a survey I have ever read that exactly meets the reasonability of my perspective. Weibo, the equivalent of twitter inChina, ever randomly investigated 1000 travelers who had ever gone abroad about the most impressive thing they met in foreigncountries. 80 percent of them chose the diverse cultural characters as the first priority.Hence, it is clear that by accepting the new customs people can enjoy a different and real foreign culture.


Last but not the least, there is no denying that adaptation guarantees safer circumstances. Once a Japanese man did not know that he should keep unmoving when the police officer says “freezing” in America, and finally he got him shot because he did not obey the new accustom. Such a tragedy can tell us how significant it is for you to make adjustment if you desire a safer environmentand experience.


Admittedly, keeping the traditional customs does have its own advantages over following thenew ones, like maintaining the culture’s characters, no necessity to learn a lot of new rules and keeping a continuous habit. But from what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that it is a wiser decision to adjust ourselves to new customs for much quicker adaptation, knowing more foreign culture and more safety. So, I prefer the latter choice.



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