导语:ingress nginx报错80端口无法被bind后续。目前遇到过3次,此次无论重启还是重置k8s均会提示80的问题。
经查使用nc -l 80 可以使用80,证明端口并未被占用。
现场问题临时使用nodePort + nginx80的方式先提供了服务。
官方的error没打印。 是listen失败,但上层调用时就是认为是 port already in use
One possible reason for this error is lack of permission to bind to the port. Ports 80, 443, and any other port < 1024 are Linux privileged ports which historically could only be bound by root. The ingress-nginx-controller uses the CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE linux capability to allow binding these ports as a normal user (www-data / 101). This invol