
This plugin provides direct mixing of multiple streams. The resolution for 32-bit mixing is only 24-bit. The low significant byte is filled with zeros. The extra 8 bits are used for the saturation. {
type dmix # Direct mix
ipc_key INT # unique IPC key
ipc_key_add_uid BOOL # add current uid to unique IPC key
ipc_perm INT # IPC permissions (octal, default 0600)
slave STR
# or
slave { # Slave definition
pcm STR # slave PCM name
# or
pcm { } # slave PCM definition
format STR # format definition
rate INT # rate definition
channels INT
period_time INT # in usec
# or
period_size INT # in bytes
buffer_time INT # in usec
# or
buffer_size INT # in bytes
periods INT # when buffer_size or buffer_time is not specified
bindings { # note: this is client independent!!!
N INT # maps slave channel to client channel N
slowptr BOOL # slow but more precise pointer updates

ipc_key specfies the unique IPC key in integer. This number must be unique for each different dmix definition, since the shared memory is created with this key number. When ipc_key_add_uid is set true, the uid value is added to the value set in ipc_key. This will avoid the confliction of the same IPC key with different users concurrently.

Note that the dmix plugin itself supports only a single configuration. That is, it supports only the fixed rate (default 48000), format (S16), channels (2), and period_time (125000). For using other configuration, you have to set the value explicitly in the slave PCM definition. The rate, format and channels can be covered by an additional plug plugin, but there is only one base configuration, anyway.

An example configuration for setting 44100 Hz, S32_LE format as the slave PCM of "hw:0" is like below:

pcm.dmix_44 {
type dmix
ipc_key 321456 # any unique value
ipc_key_add_uid true
slave {
pcm "hw:0"
format S32_LE
rate 44100

You can hear 48000 Hz samples still using this dmix pcm via plug plugin like:

% aplay -Dplug:dmix_44 foo_48k.wav

For using the dmix plugin for OSS emulation device, you have to set the period and the buffer sizes in power of two. For example,

pcm.dmixoss {
type dmix
ipc_key 321456 # any unique value
ipc_key_add_uid true
slave {
pcm "hw:0"
period_time 0
period_size 1024 # must be power of 2
buffer_size 8192 # ditto

period_time 0 must be set, too, for resetting the default value. In the case of soundcards with multi-channel IO, adding the bindings would help

pcm.dmixoss {
bindings {
0 0 # map from 0 to 0
1 1 # map from 1 to 1

so that only the first two channels are used by dmix. Also, note that ICE1712 have the limited buffer size, 5513 frames (corresponding to 640 kB). In this case, reduce the buffer_size to 4096.

Function reference





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


