
*File name:  classmate.c
*Author:    Vinco Zhang  e-mail:
*Description: this program is written for the course design of "创新实验",it have been tested in
*Red Hat 5(a linux os).when run it, firstly it create a file classmate.ini, then input the data of your *classmate, it will be recorded into the classmate.ini, finally it will print the data in the file. you also *can clean the file in the last by the function fclean()
*Develop environment: linux red hat 5 //gcc -o classmate classmate.c
*Copyright: All Reserved


#define LIST_INIT_SIZE 60
#define LEN sizeof(struct classmate)
//#define DEF_INIT_P(p)  ClassMate p=(ClassMate )malloc(LEN)
//#define DEF_NULL_P(p)  ClassMate p=NULL
//#define llong long long
#define llong __int64

typedef struct classmate
    unsigned llong No;
    char name[30];
    char cellphone[15];
    //you can add more members such as QQ, home address .etc
    struct classmate*  next;
}* ClassMate;
//struct classmate classmate;
int n;
ClassMatelist_creat(ClassMate head);
ClassMate list_insert(ClassMate head,ClassMate classmate);
ClassMate list_delete(ClassMate head, unsigned llong No);
void list_print(ClassMatehead);

int list_write(ClassMate head);
int list_read(ClassMate head);
int parse_line_to_list(char* line,ClassMate head);
int fclean(void);
int time_print(void);


int main(void)
    ClassMate head,p;
    struct classmate tp={2007142103,"li","15307135540",p};
    ClassMate classmate=&tp;
    unsigned llong No=2007142105;

    printf("len=sizeof(struct classmate)=%d\n",LEN);
    return 0;

int fclean(void)
    FILE* fclm;
    int i=0;
    char line[128];
        printf("classmates.ini open fail!!\n");
        return 0;
    printf("the file have been cleaned now!\n");
    return 1;

ClassMate list_creat(ClassMate head)
    //p1 point to the last one elem of the list (the elem inputed just now)
    //p2 point to the second last elem of the list
    ClassMate  p1=NULL,p2=NULL;
    printf("please input as follw format,or enter 0 for exit from input model:\nNo:\tname:\t\tcellphone:\n");
    scanf("%ld",&p1->No);if(p1->No==0) goto exit;
    printf("you have input:\nNo:%ld\tname:%s\t\tcellphone:%s\n",p1->No,p1->name,p1->cellphone);
        p1=(ClassMate )malloc(LEN);
        printf("please input as follw format,or enter 0 for exit from input model:\nNo:\tname:\t\tcellphone:\n");
        scanf("%ld",&p1->No);if(p1->No==0) goto exit;
        printf("you have input:\nNo:%ld\tname:%s\t\tcellphone:%s\n",p1->No,p1->name,p1->cellphone);
    printf("you have input '0',so exit from the input now!!\n");

    return (head);
ClassMate  list_insert(ClassMate head,ClassMate classmate)
    //p0 point to the data will be insert into the list
    //p1 point to the last one elem of the list
    //p2 point to the second last elem of the list
    ClassMate p0,p1,p2;

            while((p0->No > p1->No) && (p1->next!=NULL))
            if(p0->No <= p1->No)
                else p2->next=p0;
    printf("you have inserted the following into the list just now!\nNo:%ld\tname:%s\t\tcellphone:%s\n",classmate->No,classmate->name,classmate->cellphone);
ClassMate  list_delete(ClassMate  head, unsigned llong No)
    //p1 point to the last one elem of the list
    //p2 point to the second last elem of the list
    ClassMate p1;
    ClassMate p2;
    printf("you want to detele classmate from the list whose No=%ld;\n",No);
        printf("\nthe list is NULL,delete fail!!!\n");
        goto end;
    while(No != p1->No && p1->next != NULL)
        if(p1==head) head=p1->next;
        else p2->next=p1->next;
        printf("you have deleted the following from the list just now:\nNo:%ld\tname:%s\t\tcellphone:%s\n",p1->No,p1->name,p1->cellphone);
    else printf("but %ld not been found,delete fail!!!\n",No);

void list_print(ClassMate  head)
    //ClassMate  p;
    printf("print the list record now!\n");

int list_write(ClassMate  head)
    ClassMate  p=head;
    FILE* fclm;
    char line[128+1];
    int i=0;
        printf("classmates.ini open fail!!\n");
        return 0;
            printf("you have writed the following line to the file:\n%s\n",line);
    return 1;
int list_read(ClassMate  head)
    ClassMate  p=head;
    FILE* fclm;
    char line[128+1];
    char ch;
    int i=0;
        printf("classmates.ini open fail!!\n");
        return 0;
    printf("read the file now!\n");
        printf("get the line[%d]=%s",i,line);//fputs(line,stdout);
    }while(ch!= EOF);
    return 1;
int parse_line_to_list(char* line,ClassMate  head)
    //ClassMate  classmate;
    char* p=line;
    int i;
    unsigned llong No=0,tmp;
    char name[30];
    char cellphone[15];
    if(p==NULL) return 0;
    while(!isdigit(*p)) p++;
    while(!isalnum(*p)) p++;
    while(!isdigit(*p)) p++;
    return 0;
int time_print(void)
    time_t t=time(0);
    char tmp[64];
    strftime(tmp,sizeof(tmp),"date:%Y-%m-%d %A \ntime:%X   %j  %z %Z",localtime(&t));
    return 0;





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