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2021-03-30 00:22:39 190

原创 CISSP考试指南笔记:8.7 安全编码

Secure codingis the process of developing software that is free from defects, particularly those that could be exploited by an adversary to cause us harm or loss.Source Code VulnerabilitiesTheOpen Web Application Security Project (OWASP)is an organi...

2021-03-30 00:19:52 156

原创 CISSP考试指南笔记:8.9 分布式计算

A distributed object computing model needs toregisterthe client and server components, which means to find out here they live on the network, what their names or IDs are, and what type of functionality the different components carry out.Distributed Com..

2021-03-30 00:19:32 104

原创 CISSP考试指南笔记:8.8 编程语言和概念

Machine languageis in a format that the computer’s processor can understand and work with directly.Anassembly languageis considered a low-level programming language and is the symbolic representation of machine-level instructions.Third-generation pr...

2021-03-30 00:18:45 194

原创 CISSP考试指南笔记:8.6 开发环境的安全

there are three major elements we should stress when it comes to security of development environments: the development platforms, the code repositories, and the software configurations.Security of Development Platformsthe first step in ensuring the sec

2021-03-30 00:16:43 181

原创 CISSP考试指南笔记:8.4 能力成熟度模型

Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)is a comprehensive, integrated set of guidelines for developing products and software.CMMI describes procedures, principles, and practices that underlie software development process maturity.The five maturit.

2021-03-30 00:15:51 289

原创 CISSP考试指南笔记:8.5 变更控制

Change managementis a systematic approach to deliberately regulating the changing nature of projects, including software development projects.Change ControlChange controlis the process of controlling the specific changes that take place during the li..

2021-03-30 00:15:18 298

原创 CISSP考试指南笔记:8.3 软件开发模型

Waterfall MethodologyThe Waterfall methodology uses a linear-sequential life-cycle approach,Each phase must be completed in its entirety before the next phase can begin. At the end of each phase, a review takes place to make sure the project is on the co

2021-03-30 00:13:29 127

原创 CISSP考试指南笔记:8.2 软件开发生命周期

There have been several software development life cycle (SDLC) models developed over the years, the crux of each model deals with the following phases: Requirements gathering Design Development Testing Operations and maintenance Pr

2021-03-30 00:12:40 201

原创 CISSP考试指南笔记:8.1 创建好的代码

Quality can be defined as fitness for purpose.Code reviews and interface testing, are key elements in ensuring software quality.Software controls come in various flavors and have many different goals. They can control input, encryption, logic process..

2021-03-30 00:11:53 159

原创 最后防线:字节跳动HIDS分析

AgentSmith HIDS是字节跳动开源的HIDS,采用内核驱动方式进行入侵检测,可以检测各种rootkit/bootkit,具有实时,高性能,无感知的优势。由于它是基于内核,只对2.6.32+内核支持,且rootkit的检测必须要在3.10.0+内核才支持。同时,由于它是监控内核函数的调用,事件和消息,并不提供软件管理,用户管理,系统管理,网络管理之类的基线。虽然目前总体代码只是2500行左右,但实现功能却非常多,多得作者Will大佬的指点,在撸一把5.12.0内核的代码,才勉强清楚这些检测.

2021-03-17 11:42:39 1875 1

原创 CISSP考试指南笔记:7.14 快速提示

Facilities that house systems that process sensitive information should have physical access controls to limit access to authorized personnel only. Clipping levels should be implemented to establish a baseline of user activity and acceptable errors...

2021-03-17 00:28:12 218

原创 CISSP考试指南笔记:7.13 个人安全问题

The single most valuable asset for an organization, and the one that involves the highest moral and ethical standards, is its people.Emergency ManagementA common tool for ensuring the safety of personnel during emergencies is the occupant emergency pla

2021-03-14 16:21:41 181

原创 CISSP考试指南笔记:7.12 实施灾难恢复

Recovering from a disaster begins way before the event occurs. It starts by anticipating threats and developing goals that support the business’s continuity of operations.A goal must contain certain key information, such as the following: Responsibili

2021-03-14 16:20:53 183

原创 CISSP考试指南笔记:7.11 保险

The BCP team should work with management to understand what the current coverage is, the various insurance options, and the limits of each option. The goal here is to make sure the insurance coverage fills in the gap of what the current preventive counterm

2021-03-12 23:40:47 141

原创 CISSP考试指南笔记:7.10 义务及其后果

In the context of security,due caremeans that a company did all it could have reasonably done, under the circumstances, to prevent security breaches, and also took reasonable steps to ensure that if a security breach did take place, proper controls or co..

2021-03-12 00:24:12 151

原创 CISSP考试指南笔记:7.9 灾难恢复

Therecovery time objective (RTO)is the maximum time period within which a business process must be restored to a designated service level after a disaster to avoid unacceptable consequences associated with a break in business continuity.Thework recove...

2021-03-12 00:23:27 215

原创 CISSP考试指南笔记:7.8 调查

When a potential computer crime takes place, it is critical that the investigation steps are carried out properly to ensure that the evidence will be admissible to the court if things go that far and that it can stand up under the cross-examination and scr

2021-03-12 00:22:38 144

原创 CISSP考试指南笔记:7.7 事故管理流程

There are many incident management models, but all share some basic characteristics. They all require that we identify the event, analyze it to determine the appropriate counteractions, correct the problem(s), and, finally, keep the event from happening ag

2021-03-12 00:21:58 309

原创 最后防线:osquery功能与实现

开源HIDS osquery的主机监控功能和实现原理。osquery代码链接:osqueryosquery表结构:表结构本文是在安装它之后,从osqueryi中的表再调研代码来获取它的实现设备基线对系统使用的设备建立基线,从而发现故障的设备,用于IDC机房。不足之处:这些功能用于传统机房。对于云时代并不适用功能 实现原理 acpi设备 读取/sys/firmware/acpi/tables目录 块设备 通过调用udev库API读取 设备信息(设备...

2021-03-07 23:15:14 841

原创 CISSP考试指南笔记:7.6 预防和检测

The steps of this generalized process are described here: Understand the risk. Use the right controls. Use the controls correctly. Manage your configuration. Assess your operation. Continuous MonitoringNIST Special Publication 80

2021-03-07 23:13:35 257

原创 CISSP考试指南笔记:7.5 网络和资源可用性

Another key component of security operations is planning for and dealing with the inevitable failures of the component parts of our information systems.The network needs to be properly maintained to make sure the network and its resources will always be

2021-03-07 01:08:50 99

原创 CISSP考试指南笔记:7.4 安全资源配置

provisioning is the set of all activities required to provide one or more new information services to a user or group of users.At the heart of provisioning is the imperative to provide these services in a secure manner.Asset Inventorythe most essenti

2021-03-06 00:09:54 181

原创 CISSP考试指南笔记:7.3 物理安全

As any other defensive technique, physical security should be implemented by using a layered approach.It is also important to have a diversity of controls.This defense model should work in two main modes: one mode during normal facility operations and

2021-03-06 00:07:52 138

原创 CISSP考试指南笔记:7.2 行政管理

Administrative management is a very important piece of operational security. One aspect of administrative management is dealing with personnel issues. This includes separation of duties and job rotation. The objective of separation of duties is to ensure t

2021-03-06 00:06:50 143

原创 CISSP考试指南笔记:7.1 运营部门的角色

The continual effort to make sure the correct policies, procedures, standards, and guidelines are in place and being followed is an important piece of the due care and due diligence efforts that companies need to perform.Security operations is all abou.

2021-03-06 00:06:04 158

原创 CISSP考试指南笔记:6.6 快速提示

An audit is a systematic assessment of the security controls of an information system. Setting a clear set of goals is probably the most important step of planning a security audit. Internal audits benefit from the auditors’ familiarity with th..

2021-03-06 00:05:23 297

原创 CISSP考试指南笔记:6.5 管理评审

A management review is a formal meeting of senior organizational leaders to determine whether the management systems are effectively accomplishing their goals.While management reviews have been around for a very long time, the modern use of the term is p

2021-03-06 00:04:34 240

原创 CISSP考试指南笔记:6.4 报告

Analyzing ResultsOnly after analyzing the results can you provide insights and recommendations that will be valuable to senior decision-makers.First you gather all your data, organize it, and study it carefully.The second step in your analysis is to

2021-03-06 00:03:19 146

原创 CISSP考试指南笔记:6.3 审计管理控制

Account ManagementA preferred technique of attackers is to become “normal” privileged users of the systems they compromise as soon as possible. They can accomplish this in at least three ways: compromise an existing privileged account, create a new privi

2021-03-06 00:02:25 195

原创 CISSP考试指南笔记:6.2 审计技术控制

Atechnical controlis a security control implemented through the use of an IT asset.Vulnerability TestingVulnerability testing requires staff and/or consultants with a deep security background and the highest level of trustworthiness.The goals of th..

2021-03-06 00:01:15 228

原创 CISSP考试指南笔记:6.1 评估、测试和审计策略

Atestis a procedure that records some set of properties or behaviors in a system being tested and compares them against predetermined standards.Anassessmentis a series of planned tests that are somehow related to each other.Anauditis a systematic...

2021-03-06 00:00:17 153

原创 CISSP考试指南笔记:5.12 快速提示

Access is a flow of information between a subject and an object. A subject is an active entity that requests access to an object, which is a passive entity. A subject can be a user, program, or process. Some security mechanisms that provid..

2021-03-05 23:53:05 272



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