
<%@ Page Language="VB" EnableViewState = "false"%>
<%@ import namespace="System" %>
<%@ import namespace="System.Data" %>
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<%@ import namespace="System.Web.UI.WebControls" %>
<%@ import namespace="System.Xml" %>
<script language="VB" runat="server">
 Public nColumn As Int32 = 0
 Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
  Dim _dsContacts As DataSet
   ' 装载XML数据原,注意:这里与数据原类型没有关系,换成数据库也是适用的
   _dsContacts = New DataSet()
   Dim dcPk As DataColumn() = {_dsContacts.Tables("Contact").Columns("Email")}
   _dsContacts.Tables("Contact").PrimaryKey = dcPk
  nColumn = _dsContacts.Tables("Contact").Columns.Count

   If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
      ' 只在页面首次请求时才进行数据绑定
     Dim dv As DataView = New DataView(_dsContacts.Tables("Contact"))
     dv.Sort = "LastName, FirstName"
     MyTable.DataSource = dv
   End If
 End Sub
 Sub MyTable_ItemCreated(sender As Object, e As DataGridItemEventArgs)
  If e.Item.ItemType=ListItemType.Header Then
   Dim i As Int32
   For i = 0 To nColumn - 1
  End If
 End Sub

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
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    <meta name="vs_defaultClientScript" content="JavaScript">
    <meta name="vs_targetSchema" content="http://schemas.microsoft.com/intellisense/ie5">
  <div align="center"><b>DataGrid拖动列、排序的例子,放在aspx运行目录下即可直接运行。</b></div>
    <form id="idbSample" method="post" runat="server" class="SubHeading">
      <asp:DataGrid id="MyTable" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="True"
       Style="behavior:url(tableAct.htc);" Width="100%" Cellpadding = "3"
       OnItemCreated="MyTable_ItemCreated" BorderColor="#000099">
    <HeaderStyle Font-Bold="True" BackColor="#ffcc66" HorizontalAlign="center"></HeaderStyle>

<public:event name="onrowselect" ID=rowSelect />
<public:property name="hlColor" />
<public:property name="slColor" />
<public:property name='dragColor' />

<PUBLIC:ATTACH EVENT="ondetach" ONEVENT="cleanup()" />
<public:attach  event=oncontentready onevent="init();" />

<script language=jscript>
var currRow = -1;
var selRow = -1;

if (element.tagName == 'TABLE')
 element.attachEvent('onmouseover', onMouseOver);
 element.attachEvent('onmouseout', onMouseOut);
 element.attachEvent('onclick', onClick);

function cleanup()

 element.detachEvent('onmouseover', onMouseOver);
 element.detachEvent('onmouseout', onMouseOut);
 element.detachEvent('onclick', onClick);

function onClick()
 srcElem = window.event.srcElement;
 while (srcElem.tagName != "TR" && srcElem.tagName != "TABLE")
  srcElem = srcElem.parentElement;

 if(srcElem.tagName != "TR") return;

 if(srcElem.rowIndex == 0 ) return;

 if (selRow != -1) selRow.runtimeStyle.backgroundColor = '';

 srcElem.runtimeStyle.backgroundColor = slColor;
 selRow = srcElem;

 var oEvent  = createEventObject();
 oEvent.selected = selRow;

function onMouseOver()
 srcElem = window.event.srcElement;
 //crawl up to find the row
 while (srcElem.tagName != "TR" && srcElem.tagName != "TABLE")
  srcElem = srcElem.parentElement;

 if(srcElem.tagName != "TR") return;

 if (srcElem.rowIndex > 0)


function onMouseOut()
 hilite(-1, -1);

function hilite(newRow)
 if (hlColor != null )
  if (currRow != -1 && currRow!=selRow)
   currRow.runtimeStyle.backgroundColor = '';

  if (newRow != -1 && newRow!=selRow)
   newRow.runtimeStyle.backgroundColor = hlColor;
 currRow = newRow;

var tbody=null;
var theadrow=null;
var colCount = null;

var reverse = false;
var lastclick = -1;

var arrHitTest = new Array();
var bDragMode = false;
var objDragItem;
var arrHitTest = new Array();
var iArrayHit = false;

function init() {
 var MytHead = element.createTHead();
 tbody = element.tBodies(0);
 if (!tbody) return;
 var thead = element.tHead;
 if (!thead)  return;

 theadrow = thead.children[0]; //假定只有一行Head
 if (theadrow.tagName != "TR") return;

 theadrow.runtimeStyle.cursor = "hand";

 colCount = theadrow.children.length;
 var l, clickCell;
  var cx=0;
  var cy=0;
  var c;

 for (var i=0; i<colCount; i++)

  clickCell = theadrow.children[i];
  clickCell.selectIndex = i;
  clickCell.insertAdjacentElement("beforeEnd", l)
  clickCell.attachEvent("onclick", doClick);

        arrHitTest[i] = new Array();

     c = clickCell.offsetParent;

    if(cx == 0 && cy == 0 )
      while (c.offsetParent != null) {
                  cy += c.offsetTop;
                  cx += c.offsetLeft;
                  c = c.offsetParent;

 arrHitTest[i][0] = cx + clickCell.offsetLeft;
 arrHitTest[i][1] = cy + clickCell.offsetTop;
 arrHitTest[i][2] = clickCell;
 arrHitTest[i][3] = cx + clickCell.offsetLeft + eval(clickCell.width);


  defaultTitleColor = theadrow.children[0].currentStyle.backgroundColor;


function doClick(e)
 var clickObject = e.srcElement;

 while (clickObject.tagName != "TD")
  clickObject = clickObject.parentElement;

 var imgcol= theadrow.all('srtimg');
 for(var x = 0; x < imgcol.length; x++)
  imgcol[x].src = "dude07232001blank.gif";

 if(lastclick == clickObject.selectIndex)
  if(reverse == false)
   clickObject.children[0].src = "dude07232001down.gif";
        reverse = true;
   clickObject.children[0].src = "dude07232001up.gif";
   reverse = false;
  reverse = false;
  lastclick = clickObject.selectIndex;
  clickObject.children[0].src = "dude07232001up.gif";

 insertionSort(tbody, tbody.rows.length-1,  reverse, clickObject.selectIndex);

function insertionSort(t, iRowEnd, fReverse, iColumn)
 var iRowInsertRow, iRowWalkRow, current, insert;
    for ( iRowInsert = 0 + 1 ; iRowInsert <= iRowEnd ; iRowInsert++ )
        if (iColumn) {
  if( typeof(t.children[iRowInsert].children[iColumn]) != "undefined")
             textRowInsert = t.children[iRowInsert].children[iColumn].innerText;
   textRowInsert = "";
        } else {
           textRowInsert = t.children[iRowInsert].innerText;

        for ( iRowWalk = 0; iRowWalk <= iRowInsert ; iRowWalk++ )
            if (iColumn) {
   if(typeof(t.children[iRowWalk].children[iColumn]) != "undefined")
    textRowCurrent = t.children[iRowWalk].children[iColumn].innerText;
    textRowCurrent = "";
            } else {
   textRowCurrent = t.children[iRowWalk].innerText;

  current = textRowCurrent;
  insert  = textRowInsert;

  if ( !isNaN(current) ||  !isNaN(insert))
   current= eval(current);
   insert= eval(insert);
   current = current.toLowerCase();
   insert = insert.toLowerCase();

            if ( (   (!fReverse && insert < current)
                 || ( fReverse && insert > current) )
                 && (iRowInsert != iRowWalk) )
      eRowInsert = t.children[iRowInsert];
                eRowWalk = t.children[iRowWalk];
                t.insertBefore(eRowInsert, eRowWalk);
                iRowWalk = iRowInsert; // done

function InitHeader()
  var cx=0;
  var cy=0;
  var c;

  for (i=0; i<colCount ; i++) {

 var clickCell = theadrow.children[i];
 clickCell.selectIndex = i;
 c = clickCell.offsetParent;

 if(cx == 0 && cy == 0 )
  while (c.offsetParent != null) {
                  cy += c.offsetTop;
                  cx += c.offsetLeft;
                  c = c.offsetParent;

 arrHitTest[i][0] = cx + clickCell.offsetLeft;
 arrHitTest[i][1] = cy + clickCell.offsetTop;
 arrHitTest[i][2] = clickCell;
 arrHitTest[i][3] = cx + clickCell.offsetLeft + eval(clickCell.width);

function onSelect()
 return false;

function ChangeHeader(iChange)
 for(var y = 0; y < arrHitTest.length; y++)
 if (arrHitTest[y][2].currentStyle.backgroundColor == dragColor)
  arrHitTest[y][2].style.backgroundColor = defaultTitleColor;

 if(iChange == "-1") return;

 arrHitTest[iChange][2].style.backgroundColor = dragColor;

function onMouseUp(e)
 if(!bDragMode) return;
 bDragMode = false;

 var iSelected = objDragItem.selectIndex;

 objDragItem = null;


 if( (iArrayHit - 1) < 0 || iSelected < 0) return;

 CopyRow(iSelected, (iArrayHit - 1) );

 iSelected = 0;
 iArrayHit = -1;

function onMouseDown(e)
 bDragMode = true;
 var src = e.srcElement;
 var c = e.srcElement;

 while (src.tagName != "TD")
  src = src.parentElement;
 objDragItem = document.createElement("DIV");
 objDragItem.innerHTML  = src.innerHTML;
 objDragItem.style.height = src.currentStyle.height;
 objDragItem.style.width  = src.currentStyle.width;
 objDragItem.style.background  = src.currentStyle.backgroundColor;
 objDragItem.style.fontColor = src.currentStyle.fontColor;
 objDragItem.style.position  = "absolute";
 objDragItem.selectIndex  = src.selectIndex;
 while (c.offsetParent != null)
  objDragItem.style.y += c.offsetTop;
  objDragItem.style.x += c.offsetLeft;
  c = c.offsetParent;
  objDragItem.style.borderStyle = "outset";
 objDragItem.style.display = "none";

function onMouseMove(e)
 if(!bDragMode || !objDragItem) return;

 var midWObj = objDragItem.style.posWidth / 2;
 var midHObj = 12;

 var intTop = e.clientY + element.document.body.scrollTop;
 var intLeft = e.clientX + element.document.body.scrollLeft;

 var cx=0,cy=0;
 var elCurrent = objDragItem.offsetParent;
               while (elCurrent.offsetParent != null) {
                  cx += elCurrent.offsetTop;
                  cy += elCurrent.offsetLeft;
                  elCurrent = elCurrent.offsetParent;

      objDragItem.style.pixelTop  = intTop  - cx - midHObj;
      objDragItem.style.pixelLeft = intLeft - cy - midWObj;

 if(objDragItem.style.display == "none") objDragItem.style.display = "";

 iArrayHit = CheckHit(intTop , intLeft , e);

 e.cancelBubble = false;
 e.returnValue = false;

function CheckHit(x,y,e)
 midWObj = objDragItem.style.posWidth / 2;
 midHObj = 12;

 if( ((x) > (arrHitTest[0][1] + 20) ) || ( (x) < (arrHitTest[0][1]) ) )
  return -1;

 for(var i=0; i < colCount; i++)
  if( (y) > (arrHitTest[i][0]) && (y) < (arrHitTest[i][3] )) //+ 100))
   return i + 1;
 return -1;

function CopyRow(from, to)
 if(from == to) return;

 var origfrom = from;
 var origto = to;
 var iDiff = 0;

 if( from > to )

  iDiff = from - to;

  var saveObj  = theadrow.children[from].innerHTML;
  var saveWidth  = theadrow.children[from].width;

  for(var i = 0 ; i < iDiff; i++)
   theadrow.children[from].innerHTML = theadrow.children[from - 1].innerHTML;
   theadrow.children[from].width = theadrow.children[from - 1].width;
  theadrow.children[to].innerHTML  = saveObj;
  theadrow.children[to].width = saveWidth;


  iDiff = to - from;

  var saveObj = theadrow.children[from].innerHTML;
  var saveWidth  = theadrow.children[from].width;

  for(var i = 0 ; i < iDiff; i++)
   theadrow.children[from].innerHTML = theadrow.children[from + 1].innerHTML;
   theadrow.children[from].width = theadrow.children[from + 1].width;

  theadrow.children[to].innerHTML  = saveObj;
  theadrow.children[to].width = saveWidth;

 for(var i = 0 ; i < theadrow.children.length; i++)
   theadrow.children[i].selectIndex = i;

 for ( var iRowInsert = 0 ; iRowInsert < tbody.rows.length; iRowInsert++ )
  from = origfrom;
  to = origto;
  if( from > to )
   iDiff = from - to;
   var saveObj = tbody.children[iRowInsert].children[from].innerHTML
   for(var i = 0 ; i < iDiff; i++)
    tbody.children[iRowInsert].children[from].innerHTML = tbody.children[iRowInsert].children[from - 1].innerHTML;
   tbody.children[iRowInsert].children[to].innerHTML = saveObj;

   iDiff = to - from;
   var saveObj = tbody.children[iRowInsert].children[from].innerHTML
   for(var i = 0 ; i < iDiff; i++)
    tbody.children[iRowInsert].children[from].innerHTML = tbody.children[iRowInsert].children[from + 1].innerHTML;
   tbody.children[iRowInsert].children[to].innerHTML = saveObj;






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