

# Form the rectangle of units around the peasant.
# You need 2 archers and 2 soldiers.

# This function can be helpful.
def summonAndSend(type, x, y):
    unit = hero.built[len(hero.built)-1]
    hero.command(unit, "move", {"x": x, "y": y})

# The rectangle should be formed around the peasant.
centerUnit = hero.findNearest(hero.findFriends())
# It's the center of the rectangle.
center = centerUnit.pos
# Also you need the height and width.
rectWidth = centerUnit.rectWidth
rectHeight = centerUnit.rectHeight

# First "soldier" to the left bottom corner of the rectangle.
leftBottomX = center.x - rectWidth / 2
leftBottomY = center.y - rectHeight / 2
summonAndSend("soldier", leftBottomX, leftBottomY)

# An "archer" to the left top corner.
leftTopX = center.x - rectWidth / 2
leftTopY = center.y + rectHeight / 2
summonAndSend("archer", leftTopX, leftTopY)

# Summon and send a "soldier" to the right top corner.
rightTopX = center.x + rectWidth / 2
rightTopY = center.y - rectHeight / 2
summonAndSend("archer", rightTopX, rightTopY)
# Summon and send an "archer" to the right bottom corner.
rightBottomX = center.x + rectWidth / 2
rightBottomY = center.y + rectHeight / 2
summonAndSend("soldier", rightBottomX, rightBottomY)
# Now hide or fight.

Rectangle Formation

# Form up soldiers and archers in rectangle formations.

# The distance between units.
step = 8

# First form up soldiers.
sergeant = hero.findNearest(hero.findByType("soldier"))
# The coordinates of the bottom left corner.
soldierX = 8
soldierY = 8
# The width and height of the formation.
width = sergeant.rectWidth
height = sergeant.rectHeight

for x in range(soldierX, soldierX + width + 1, 8):
    for y in range(soldierY, soldierY + height + 1, 8):
        lastUnit = hero.built[len(hero.built) - 1]
        # Command the last built unit by using the  x/y variables:
        hero.command(lastUnit, 'move', {'x': x, 'y': y})
# Next form up archers.
sniper = hero.findNearest(hero.findByType("archer"))
# The coordinates of the bottom left corner.
archerX1 = 48
archerY1 = 8
# The coordinates of the top right corner.
archerX2 = sniper.archerX2
archerY2 = sniper.archerY2

for x in range(archerX1, archerX2 + 1, 8):
    for y in range(archerY1, archerY2 + 1, 8):
        # Summon an archer.
        # Find the last built unit.
        lastUnit = hero.built[len(hero.built) - 1]
        # Command the last built unit by using the  x/y variables:
        hero.command(lastUnit, 'move', {'x': x, 'y': y})

Area of Yetis

# Defeat Yetis.
yets = hero.findEnemies()[0]
# The chosen one can stun yetis with a Shout.
chosen = hero.findFriends()[0]

# The power of the Shout is equal to the area of a circle.
radius = chosen.distanceTo(chosen.findNearestEnemy())
# The area of a circle can be calculated with the formula:
area = radius * radius * Math.PI
# Tell the area to the chosen one.
# Don't just stand there! Fight!

Safe Spot

# Shout to activate the  bombs and move to the entrance.

# The function checks if numbers are almost equal.
def almostEqual(n1, n2):
    return abs(n1 - n2) <= 0.5

# The function checks that all
# thangs are on the same distance from the hero.
def allSameDistance(thangs):
    if len(thangs) == 0:
        return True
    # We can use any thang as an etalon.
    etalon = hero.distanceTo(thangs[0])
    # Iterate all thangs:
    for thang in thangs:
    # Use almostEqual to compare `etalon` and the distance to `unit`.
        distance = hero.distanceTo(thang)
    # If they are not equal (almost):
        if not almostEqual(distance, etalon):
    # Return False.
            return False
    # All the same. Return  True.
    return True

bombs = hero.findEnemies()
for x in range(36, 45):
    for y in range(30, 39):
        hero.moveXY(x, y)
        if allSameDistance(bombs):
            # It's a safe spot. Rock'n'Roll!
            hero.moveXY(40, 58)

hero.say("Heh. Nothing.");

Fence Builder

# Build a fence around the farm.

# Take coordinates of the opposite corners.
customer = hero.findNearest(hero.findFriends())
x1 = customer.leftBottom.x
y1 = customer.leftBottom.y
x2 = customer.rightTop.x
y2 = customer.rightTop.y
step = 4

# Let's build the left side.
for y in range(y2 - step, y1 - 1, -step):
    hero.buildXY("fence", x1, y)
# Build the bottom side.
for x in range(x1 + step, x2 + 1, step):
    hero.buildXY("fence", x, y1)
# Then the right side.
for y in range(y1 + step, y2 + 1, step):
    hero.buildXY("fence", x2, y)
# Build the top side.
for x in range(x2 - step, x1 - 1, -step):
    hero.buildXY("fence", x, y2)

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