The C Programming Language 读书总结

(英文 第二版)

花了两天时间把The C Programming Language看了一遍(点这里查看pdf版),这本传说中的C语言经典教材,给我的感觉就是“短小精悍”,全书(英文版 第2版)除去附录不到两百页,共190页,作者将主要的精力集中在C语言本身上,没有太多的介绍编程的技巧,这也是此书的目的,在作者看来,C语言只是一个小巧的语言,所以完全没必要也不需要用一本大块头的书去描述它。作者在有限的篇幅里将C语言的语法介绍的准确而清楚,毕竟作者之一是C语言的设计者。而且作者的代码风格值得学习,也就是K&R风格,简洁明了,国内的C语言教材里面的代码真是一片凌乱,不知道是不是因为要省版面的缘故。虽然看的是英文版的,但作者所使用的语句简单易懂,一点也不晦涩,跟之前看的CSAPP有的一拼,强烈推荐!


另外再推荐一个网站:cplusplus. 在线的C语言标准库函数参考,每个函数都有相关示例。而且不像MSDN那么复杂,学习C语言必备!

The C programming Language By Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie. Published by Prentice-Hall in 1988 ISBN 0-13-110362-8 (paperback) ISBN 0-13-110370-9 目录结构: Contents Preface Preface to the first edition Introduction Chapter 1: A Tutorial Introduction Getting Started Variables and Arithmetic Expressions The for statement Symbolic Constants Character Input and Output File Copying Character Counting Line Counting Word Counting Arrays Functions Arguments - Call by Value Character Arrays External Variables and Scope Chapter 2: Types, Operators and Expressions Variable Names Data Types and Sizes Constants Declarations Arithmetic Operators Relational and Logical Operators Type Conversions Increment and Decrement Operators Bitwise Operators Assignment Operators and Expressions Conditional Expressions Precedence and Order of Evaluation Chapter 3: Control Flow Statements and Blocks If-Else Else-If Switch Loops - While and For Loops - Do-While Break and Continue Goto and labels Chapter 4: Functions and Program Structure Basics of Functions Functions Returning Non-integers External Variables Scope Rules Header Files Static Variables Register Variables Block Structure Initialization Recursion The C Preprocessor File Inclusion Macro Substitution Conditional Inclusion Chapter 5: Pointers and Arrays Pointers and Addresses Pointers and Function Arguments Pointers and Arrays Address Arithmetic Character Pointers and Functions Pointer Arrays; Pointers to Pointers Multi-dimensional Arrays Initialization of Pointer Arrays Pointers vs. Multi-dimensional Arrays Command-line Arguments Pointers to Functions Complicated Declarations Chapter 6: Structures Basics of Structures Structures and Functions Arrays of Structures Pointers to Structures Self-referential Structures Table Lookup Typedef Unions Bit-fields Chapter 7: Input and Output Standard Input and Output Formatted Output - printf Variable-length Argument Lists Formatted Input - Scanf File Access Error Handling - Stderr and Exit Line Input and Output Miscellaneous Functions String Operations Character Class Testing and Conversion Ungetc Command Execution Storage Management Mathematical Functions Random Number generation Chapter 8: The UNIX System Interface File Descriptors Low Level I/O - Read and Write Open, Creat, Close, Unlink Random Access - Lseek Example - An implementation of Fopen and Getc Example - Listing Directories Example - A Storage Allocator Appendix A: Reference Manual Introduction Lexical Conventions Syntax Notation Meaning of Identifiers Objects and Lvalues Conversions Expressions Declarations Statements External Declarations Scope and Linkage Preprocessor Grammar Appendix B: Standard Library Input and Output: <stdio.h> File Operations Formatted Output Formatted Input Character Input and Output Functions Direct Input and Output Functions File Positioning Functions Error Functions Character Class Tests: <ctype.h> String Functions: <string.h> Mathematical Functions: <math.h> Utility Functions: <stdlib.h> Diagnostics: <assert.h> Variable Argument Lists: <stdarg.h> Non-local Jumps: <setjmp.h> Signals: <signal.h> Date and Time Functions: <time.h> Implementation-defined Limits: <limits.h> and <float.h> Appendix C: Summary of Changes




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