Enterprise Architect's Engineering Code Template Framework Code Templates

The Code Template Framework consists of a number of base templates. Each base template transforms particular aspects of the UML to corresponding parts of object-oriented languages.

The following table lists and briefly describes the base templates used in the CTF.




A top-level template to generate member variables from UML attributes.

Attribute Declaration

Used by the Attribute template to generate a member variable declaration.

Attribute Notes

Used by the Attribute template to generate member variable notes.


A top-level template for generating Classes from UML Classes.

Class Base

Used by the Class template to generate a base Class name in the inheritance list of a derived Class, where the base Class doesn't exist in the model.

Class Body

Used by the Class template to generate the body of a Class.

Class Declaration

Used by the Class template to generate the declaration of a Class.

Class Interface

Used by the Class template to generate an interface name in the inheritance list of a derived Class, where the interface doesn't exist in the model.

Class Notes

Used by the Class template to generate the Class notes.


A top-level template for generating the source file. For languages such as C++, this corresponds to the header file.

Import Section

Used in the File template to generate external dependencies.

Linked Attribute

A top-level template for generating attributes derived from UML Associations.

Linked Attribute Notes

Used by the Linked Attribute template to generate the attribute notes.

Linked Attribute Declaration

Used by the Linked Attribute template to generate the attribute declaration.

Linked Class Base

Used by the Class template to generate a base Class name in the inheritance list of a derived Class, for a Class element in the model that is a parent of the current Class.

Linked Class Interface

Used by the Class template to generate an Interface name in the inheritance list of a derived Class, for an Interface element in the model that is a parent of the current Class.


A top-level template for generating namespaces from UML packages. (Although not all languages have namespaces, this template can be used to generate an equivalent construct, such as packages in Java.)

Namespace Body

Used by the Namespace template to generate the body of a namespace.

Namespace Declaration

Used by the Namespace template to generate the namespace declaration.


A top-level template for generating operations from a UML Class's operations.

Operation Body

Used by the Operation template to generate the body of a UML operation.

Operation Declaration

Used by the Operation template to generate the operation declaration.

Operation Notes

Used by the Operation template to generate documentation for an operation.


Used by the Operation Declaration template to generate parameters.

The second table lists templates used for generating code for languages that have separate interface and implementation sections.



Class Impl

A top-level template for generating the implementation of a Class.

Class Body Impl

Used by the Class Impl template to generate the implementation of Class members.

File Impl

A top-level template for generating the implementation file.

File Notes Impl

Used by the File Impl template to generate notes in the source file.

Import Section Impl

Used by the File Impl template to generate external dependencies.

Operation Impl

A top-level template for generating operations from a UML Class's operations.

Operation Body Impl

Used by the Operation template to generate the body of a UML operation.

Operation Declaration Impl

Used by the Operation template to generate the operation declaration.

Operation Notes Impl

Used by the Operation template to generate documentation for an operation.

The base templates form a hierarchy, which varies slightly across different programming languages. A typical template hierarchy relevant to a language like C# or Java (which do not have header files) is shown in the example diagram below. In this diagram the templates are modeled as Classes (in reality they are just plain text). This hierarchy would be slightly more complicated for languages like C++ and Delphi, which have separate implementation templates.

Each of the base templates must be specialized to be of use in code engineering. In particular, each template is specialized for the supported languages (or 'products'). For example, there is a ClassBody template defined for C++, another for C#, another for Java, and so on. By specializing the templates, you can tailor the code generated for the corresponding UML entity.

Once the base templates are specialized for a given language, they can be further specialized based on:

  • A Class's stereotype
  • A feature's stereotype (where the feature can be an operation or attribute)

This type of specialization enables, for example, a C# operation that is stereotyped as «property» to have a different Operation Body template from an ordinary operation. The Operation Body template can then be specialized further, based on the Class stereotype.



The above Class Model shows the hierarchy of Code Generation templates for a language such as C# or Java. The Aggregation connectors denote references between templates.





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