Metadata元素个数暂定为12个 = 音频5个 + 视频5个 + 2个(duration和filesize)。 后面还可能会加入其它元素,因此会返回来修改此值。metadata元素的顺序不固定,此处采用ffmpeg中的顺序。
keyframes: (Object) This object is added only if you specify the /k switch. 'keyframes' is known to FLVMDI and if /k switch is not specified, 'keyframes' object will be deleted.
'keyframes' object has 2 arrays: 'filepositions' and 'times'. Both arrays have the same number of elements, which is equal to the number of key frames in the FLV. Values in times array are in 'seconds'. Each correspond to the timestamp of the n'th key frame. Values in filepositions array are in 'bytes'. Each correspond to the fileposition of the nth key frame video tag (which starts with byte tag type 9).
也就是说keyframes中包含着2个内容 'filepositions' and 'times'分别指的是关键帧的文件位置和关键帧的PTS。通过keyframes可以建立起自己的Index,然后再seek和快进快退的操作中,快速有效的跳转到你想要找的关键帧位置进行处理。