HDU-2829 Lawrence 斜率优化DP 题解与分析

● 本题解会有详细的分析,适合初学者阅读
⚠ 超长题目分析警告


Problem Description

T. E. Lawrence was a controversial figure during World War I. He was a British officer who served in the Arabian theater and led a group of Arab nationals in guerilla strikes against the Ottoman Empire. His primary targets were the railroads. A highly fictionalized version of his exploits was presented in the blockbuster movie, “Lawrence of Arabia”.

You are to write a program to help Lawrence figure out how to best use his limited resources. You have some information from British Intelligence. First, the rail line is completely linear—there are no branches, no spurs. Next, British Intelligence has assigned a Strategic Importance to each depot—an integer from 1 to 5. A depot is of no use on its own, it only has value if it is connected to other depots. The Strategic Value of the entire railroad is calculated by adding up the products of the Strategic Values for every pair of depots that are connected, directly or indirectly, by the rail line. Consider this railroad:

Its Strategic Value is 45 + 41 + 42 + 51 + 52 + 12 = 49.
Now, suppose that Lawrence only has enough resources for one attack. He cannot attack the depots themselves—they are too well defended. He must attack the rail line between depots, in the middle of the desert. Consider what would happen if Lawrence attacked this rail line right in the middle:

The Strategic Value of the remaining railroad is 45 + 12 = 22. But, suppose Lawrence attacks between the 4 and 5 depots:

The Strategic Value of the remaining railroad is 51 + 52 + 1*2 = 17. This is Lawrence’s best option.

Given a description of a railroad and the number of attacks that Lawrence can perform, figure out the smallest Strategic Value that he can achieve for that railroad.


There will be several data sets. Each data set will begin with a line with two integers, n and m. n is the number of depots on the railroad (1≤n≤1000), and m is the number of attacks Lawrence has resources for (0≤m<n). On the next line will be n integers, each from 1 to 5, indicating the Strategic Value of each depot in order. End of input will be marked by a line with n=0 and m=0, which should not be processed.


For each data set, output a single integer, indicating the smallest Strategic Value for the railroad that Lawrence can achieve with his attacks. Output each integer in its own line.


Problem Description



其战略价值为 4 ∗ 5 + 4 ∗ 1 + 4 ∗ 2 + 5 ∗ 1 + 5 ∗ 2 + 1 ∗ 2 = 49 4*5+4*1+4*2+5*1+5*2+1*2=49 45+41+42+51+52+12=49


剩余铁路的战略价值为 4 ∗ 5 + 1 ∗ 2 = 22 4*5+1*2=22 45+12=22。但是,假设La袭击了4号和5号仓库:

剩余铁路的战略价值为 5 ∗ 1 + 5 ∗ 2 + 1 ∗ 2 = 17 5*1+5*2+1*2=17 51+52+12=17。这是La的最佳选择。










我们首先按照一般分析思路对题目进行分析:题目给出了一个长度为 n n n的序列,至多将序列分成 m + 1 m+1 m+1段。每段序列具有一个权值,权值的计算方法是闭区间内点权两两相乘之和。求整个序列权值最小和

首先我们需要一个数组储存点权,我们记为 v a l [ N ] val[N] val[N],为了后续计算方便,我们提前处理出前缀和。(关于前缀和不懂的请挪步:前缀和与差分)

前缀和我们记作 c n t [ N ] cnt[N] cnt[N],采用一层循环递推到底求出各点前缀和,至于为什么要处理出前缀和,请继续阅读:

由于本题是建立在区间的基础上进行分析,因此我们不光要有点权,还应该处理出区间权值和,我们将闭区间 [ i , j ] [i,j] [i,j]的权值和记作 c o s t [ i ] [ j ] cost[i][j] cost[i][j],我们举例来分析如何求区间权值。

设区间长度为 n = 4 n = 4 n=4,我们以题目叙述示例中的 4 , 5 , 1 , 2 4,5,1,2 4,5,1,2作为各点权值,记作 v a l [ 1 ] , v a l [ 2 ] , v a l [ 3 ] , v a l [ 4 ] val[1],val[2],val[3],val[4] val[1],val[2],val[3],val[4],那么 [ 1 , 4 ] [1,4] [1,4]区间的权值:
c o s t [ 1 ] [ 4 ] = v a l [ 4 ] ∗ v a l [ 3 ] + v a l [ 4 ] ∗ v a l [ 2 ] + v a l [ 4 ] ∗ v a l [ 1 ] + v a l [ 3 ] ∗ v a l [ 2 ] + v a l [ 3 ] ∗ v a l [ 1 ] + v a l [ 2 ] ∗ v a l [ 1 ] = v a l [ 4 ] ∗ ( v a l [ 1 ] + v a l [ 2 ] + v a l [ 3 ] ) + v a l [ 3 ] ∗ ( v a l [ 1 ] + v a l [ 2 ] ) + v a l [ 2 ] ∗ v a l [ 1 ] \begin{aligned} cost[1][4] &= val[4] * val[3] + val[4] * val[2] + val[4] * val[1] + val[3] * val[2] + val[3] * val[1] + val[2] * val[1]\\ &=val[4] * (val[1] + val[2] + val[3]) + val[3]*(val[1] + val[2]) + val[2] * val[1]\\ \end{aligned} cost[1][4]=val[4]val[3]+val[4]val[2]+val[4]val[1]+val[3]val[2]+val[3]val[1]+val[2]val[1]=val[4](val[1]+val[2]+val[3])+val[3](val[1]+val[2])+val[2]val[1]
同理, [ 1 , 3 ] [1,3] [1,3]区间的权值为:
c o s t [ 2 ] [ 4 ] = v a l [ 3 ] ∗ v a l [ 2 ] + v a l [ 3 ] ∗ v a l [ 1 ] + v a l [ 2 ] ∗ v a l [ 1 ] = v a l [ 3 ] ∗ ( v a l [ 2 ] + v a l [ 1 ] ) + v a l [ 2 ] ∗ v a l [ 1 ] \begin{aligned} cost[2][4] &= val[3] * val[2] + val[3] * val[1] + val[2] * val[1]\\ &=val[3]*(val[2] + val[1]) + val[2] * val[1]\\ \end{aligned} cost[2][4]=val[3]val[2]+val[3]val[1]+val[2]val[1]=val[3](val[2]+val[1])+val[2]val[1]
我们不难发现:当我们计算每段区间的权值时,会进行大量重复的计算。但是计算中重复的部分是固定的,因此,我们不妨将 [ 1 , 4 ] [1,4] [1,4]区间的计算式与 [ 1 , 3 ] [1,3] [1,3]区间计算式做差移项,可得:
c o s t [ 1 ] [ 4 ] = v a l [ 4 ] ∗ ( v a l [ 3 ] + v a l [ 2 ] + v a l [ 1 ] ) + c o s t [ 1 , 3 ] \begin{aligned} cost[1][4] &= val[4] * (val[3] + val[2] + val[1]) + cost[1,3]\\ \end{aligned} cost[1][4]=val[4](val[3]+val[2]+val[1])+cost[1,3]
这里我们又发现,乘项 ( v a l [ 3 ] + v a l [ 2 ] + v a l [ 1 ] ) (val[3] + val[2] + val[1]) (val[3]+val[2]+val[1])具有重复的求和性质,于是我们就想到了前缀和优化,避免重复进行这些无意义的加法。于是,上式再次被化简:
c o s t [ 1 ] [ 4 ] = v a l [ 4 ] ∗ ( c n t [ 3 ] − 0 ) + c o s t [ 1 , 3 ] \begin{aligned} cost[1][4] &= val[4] * (cnt[3] - 0) + cost[1,3]\\ \end{aligned} cost[1][4]=val[4](cnt[3]0)+cost[1,3]
为什么是 c n t [ 3 ] − 0 cnt[3] - 0 cnt[3]0?因为我们的举例区间是从头开始的,如果从 i − 1 i-1 i1开始,那么到 j j j的前缀和应表达为: c n t [ j − 1 ] − c n t [ i − 1 ] cnt[j-1] - cnt[i-1] cnt[j1]cnt[i1]



经过计算,我们得出的 c o s t cost cost数组的值如下:


综上所述,我们对区间进行推广,可以得出任意区间 [ i , j ] [i,j] [i,j]的递推式:
c o s t [ i ] [ j ] = v a l [ j ] ∗ ( v a l [ j − 1 ] + v a l [ j − 2 ] + . . . + v a l [ i ] ) + v a l [ j − 1 ] ∗ ( v a l [ j − 2 ] + v a l [ j − 3 ] + . . . " v a l [ i ] " ) + . . . + v a l [ i − 1 ] ∗ v a l [ i ] = v a l [ j ] ∗ ( c n t [ j − 1 ] − c n t [ i − 1 ] ) + c o s t [ i ] [ j − 1 ] \begin{aligned} cost[i][j] &=val[j] * (val[j - 1] + val[j - 2] +...+val[i]) + val[j-1]*(val[j-2] + val[j-3] + ... " val[i]") + ...+val[i - 1] * val[i]\\ &=val[j] * (cnt[j - 1] - cnt[i - 1]) + cost[i][j - 1] \end{aligned} cost[i][j]=val[j](val[j1]+val[j2]+...+val[i])+val[j1](val[j2]+val[j3]+..."val[i]")+...+val[i1]val[i]=val[j](cnt[j1]cnt[i1])+cost[i][j1]
c o s t [ i ] [ j ] = c o s t [ i + 1 ] [ j ] + v a l [ i ] ∗ ( c n t [ j ] − c n t [ i ] ) cost[i][j] = cost[i + 1][j] + val[i] * (cnt[j] - cnt[i]) cost[i][j]=cost[i+1][j]+val[i](cnt[j]cnt[i])

回归题目,我们设 d p [ i ] [ j ] dp[i][j] dp[i][j]表示前 i i i个数,分成 j j j段能得到的最小序列权值和。

⚠ 闫氏DP分析法--“寻找最后一个状态不同的点”

d p [ 2 ] [ 1 ] = c o s t [ 1 ] [ 1 ] + c o s t [ 2 ] [ 2 ] d p [ 3 ] [ 1 ] = m i n ( ( c o s t [ 1 ] [ 1 ] + c o s t [ 2 ] [ 3 ] ) ,   ( c o s t [ 1 ] [ 2 ] + c o s t [ 3 ] [ 3 ] ) ) d p [ 3 ] [ 2 ] = c o s t [ 1 ] [ 1 ] + c o s t [ 2 ] [ 2 ] + c o s t [ 3 ] [ 3 ] d p [ 4 ] [ 1 ] = m i n ( ( c o s t [ 1 ] [ 1 ] + c o s t [ 2 ] [ 4 ] ) ,   ( c o s t [ 1 ] [ 2 ] + c o s t [ 3 ] [ 4 ] ) ,   ( c o s t [ 1 ] [ 3 ] + c o s t [ 4 ] [ 4 ] ) ) d p [ 4 ] [ 2 ] = m i n ( ( c o s t [ 1 ] [ 1 ] + c o s t [ 2 ] [ 2 ] + c o s t [ 3 ] [ 4 ] ) ,   ( c o s t [ 1 ] [ 1 ] + c o s t [ 2 ] [ 3 ] + c o s t [ 4 ] [ 4 ] ,   ( c o s t [ 1 ] [ 2 ] + c o s t [ 3 ] [ 3 ] + c o s t [ 4 ] [ 4 ] ) ) \begin{aligned} &dp[2][1] = cost[1][1] + cost[2][2]\\ &dp[3][1] = min((cost[1][1] + cost[2][3]),\ (cost[1][2] +cost[3][3])) \\ &dp[3][2] = cost[1][1] + cost[2][2] + cost[3][3]\\ &dp[4][1] = min((cost[1][1] + cost[2][4]),\ (cost[1][2] + cost[3][4]),\ (cost[1][3] + cost[4][4])) \\ &dp[4][2] = min((cost[1][1] + cost[2][2] + cost[3][4]),\ (cost[1][1] + cost[2][3] + cost[4][4],\ (cost[1][2] + cost[3][3] + cost[4][4])) \end{aligned} dp[2][1]=cost[1][1]+cost[2][2]dp[3][1]=min((cost[1][1]+cost[2][3]), (cost[1][2]+cost[3][3]))dp[3][2]=cost[1][1]+cost[2][2]+cost[3][3]dp[4][1]=min((cost[1][1]+cost[2][4]), (cost[1][2]+cost[3][4]), (cost[1][3]+cost[4][4]))dp[4][2]=min((cost[1][1]+cost[2][2]+cost[3][4]), (cost[1][1]+cost[2][3]+cost[4][4], (cost[1][2]+cost[3][3]+cost[4][4]))


d p [ 4 ] [ 2 ] = m i n ( ( d p [ 2 ] [ 1 ] + c o s t [ 3 ] [ 4 ] ) ,   ( d p [ 3 ] [ 1 ] + c o s t [ 4 ] [ 4 ] ) ) dp[4][2] = min((dp[2][1] + cost[3][4]),\ (dp[3][1] + cost[4][4])) dp[4][2]=min((dp[2][1]+cost[3][4]), (dp[3][1]+cost[4][4]))
d p [ i ] [ j ] = m i n ( d p [ k ] [ j − 1 ] + c o s t [ k + 1 ] [ i ] ) ,   k = 1 , 2 , . . . , i − 1 dp[i][j] = min(dp[k][j - 1] + cost[k + 1][i]),\ k = 1,2,...,i-1 dp[i][j]=min(dp[k][j1]+cost[k+1][i]), k=1,2,...,i1


此时不妨对时间复杂度进行估计:状态为 O ( n 2 ) O(n^2) O(n2),转移时间 O ( n ) O(n) O(n),总共 O ( n 3 ) O(n^3) O(n3),这不是一个优解算法,甚至会TLE。

当然,我们可以进行降维优化: d p [ i ] = m i n ( d p [ i ] , d p [ k ] + c o s t [ k + 1 ] [ i ] ) dp[i]=min(dp[i],dp[k]+cost[k+1][i]) dp[i]=min(dp[i],dp[k]+cost[k+1][i]),这里推荐一篇大佬的题解:HDU 3102 Lawrence of Arabia_yechenv,有兴趣可以继续探讨这种优化方案,在这种方案中,我们舍弃了对状态转移无贡献的维度。


抛开降维方案,我们回到超时的状态转移方程: d p [ i ] [ j ] = m i n ( d p [ k ] [ j − 1 ] + c o s t [ k + 1 ] [ i ] ) dp[i][j] = min(dp[k][j - 1] + cost[k + 1][i]) dp[i][j]=min(dp[k][j1]+cost[k+1][i])

c o s t [ i + 1 ] [ j ] cost[i + 1][j] cost[i+1][j]表示为$cost[1][j] - cost[1][i] -cnt[i]* (cnt[j] - cnt[a]) $,这个式子自己推,依然采用前文的方式列举、转式得到。

状态转移方程可以表示为: d p [ i ] [ j ] = m i n ( d p [ k ] [ j − 1 ] + c o s t [ 1 ] [ i ] − c o s t [ 1 ] [ k ] − c n t [ k ] ∗ ( c n t [ i ] − c n t [ k ] ) ) dp[i][j] = min(dp[k][j - 1] + cost[1][i] - cost[1][k] - cnt[k] *(cnt[i]-cnt[k]) ) dp[i][j]=min(dp[k][j1]+cost[1][i]cost[1][k]cnt[k](cnt[i]cnt[k]))

1 ≤ b < a ≤ i − 1 1 \leq b < a \leq i - 1 1b<ai1,则当决策a优于b时,存在 d p [ a ] [ j − 1 ] + c o s t [ 1 ] [ i ] − c o s t [ 1 ] [ a ] − c n t [ a ] ∗ ( c n t [ i ] − c n t [ a ] ) ≤ d p [ b ] [ j − 1 ] + c o s t [ 1 ] [ i ] − c o s t [ 1 ] [ b ] − c n t [ b ] ∗ ( c n t [ i ] − c n t [ b ] ) dp[a][j - 1] + cost[1][i] - cost[1][a] - cnt[a] *(cnt[i]-cnt[a]) \leq dp[b][j - 1] + cost[1][i] - cost[1][b] - cnt[b] *(cnt[i]-cnt[b]) dp[a][j1]+cost[1][i]cost[1][a]cnt[a](cnt[i]cnt[a])dp[b][j1]+cost[1][i]cost[1][b]cnt[b](cnt[i]cnt[b])

( d p [ a ] [ j − 1 ] + c o s t [ 1 ] [ a ] + c n t [ a ] 2 ) − ( d p [ b ] [ j − 1 ] + c o s t [ 1 ] [ b ] + c n t [ b ] 2 ) c n t [ a ] − c n t [ b ] ≤ c n t [ i ] \frac{(dp[a][j - 1] + cost[1][a] + cnt[a]^2) - (dp[b][j - 1] + cost[1][b] + cnt[b]^2)}{cnt[a] - cnt[b]} \leq cnt[i] cnt[a]cnt[b](dp[a][j1]+cost[1][a]+cnt[a]2)(dp[b][j1]+cost[1][b]+cnt[b]2)cnt[i]
在进行优化之前,我们枚举决策点 ( x i , y i ) (x_i, y_i) (xi,yi),将其视为二维平面上的点,并确定对应的 m i n ( d p [ k ] [ j − 1 ] + c o s t [ 1 ] [ i ] − c o s t [ 1 ] [ k ] − c n t [ k ] ∗ ( c n t [ i ] − c n t [ k ] ) ) min(dp[k][j - 1] + cost[1][i] - cost[1][k] - cnt[k] *(cnt[i]-cnt[k])) min(dp[k][j1]+cost[1][i]cost[1][k]cnt[k](cnt[i]cnt[k])),我们已经通过时间复杂度的角度分析认定它是一个“不高效的算法”。那么我们尝试对问题进行转化,即建立一个模型,减少所尝试的点,使得算法最优。这里就需要上述的不等式进行优化了。


对于所谓的斜率优化,在本题中就是不停的维护下凸包折线,直至求出 d p [ i ] [ j ] dp[i][j] dp[i][j]的最小值。


**1.**对于一个凸包,每当 i i i增加时,会有一个新的点,而由于 x i x_i xi递增,所以新点 ( x i + 1 ,   y i + 1 ) (x_{i + 1}, \ y_{i + 1}) (xi+1, yi+1)必定位于右侧,位于凸包上,需要将这个点加入凸包,但是加入的时候必须符合斜率不断增加的定义,即: y i + 1 − y i x i + 1 − x i \frac {y_{i + 1}-y_i}{x_{i + 1 - x_i}} xi+1xiyi+1yi是递增的,所以可能会删除部分点,使其满足条件。当满足:
y i − y t x i − x t ≤ y t − y t − 1 x t − x t − 1 \frac{y_i - y_t}{x_i - x_t} \leq \frac {y_t - y_{t - 1}}{x_t - x_{t - 1}} xixtyiytxtxt1ytyt1
时,抛弃第 t t t个数对/点, t t t每次时点集的最后一项,重复这个过程,直至上述条件不再成立。注意:上述式子的条件是举例,本题有本题的不等式,即为 ( d p [ a ] [ j − 1 ] + c o s t [ 1 ] [ a ] + c n t [ a ] 2 ) − ( d p [ b ] [ j − 1 ] + c o s t [ 1 ] [ b ] + c n t [ b ] 2 ) c n t [ a ] − c n t [ b ] ≤ c n t [ i ] \frac{(dp[a][j - 1] + cost[1][a] + cnt[a]^2) - (dp[b][j - 1] + cost[1][b] + cnt[b]^2)}{cnt[a] - cnt[b]} \leq cnt[i] cnt[a]cnt[b](dp[a][j1]+cost[1][a]+cnt[a]2)(dp[b][j1]+cost[1][b]+cnt[b]2)cnt[i],我们同样重复抛弃t个数对/点,t每次为点集最后一项,直到条件不成立。

**2.**如果对于i=k, ( x j , y j ) (x_j, y_j) (xj,yj) 所对应的函数值大于 ( x j + 1 , y j + 1 ) (x_{j+1}, y_{j+1}) (xj+1,yj+1)所对应的函数值,即后者更优时,在所有 i < = k i <= k i<=k所对应的函数值都大于所对应 ( x j + 1 , y j + 1 ) (x_{j+1}, y_{j+1}) (xj+1,yj+1)的函数值,即后者都更优。我们需要满足过前者的直线与过后者的平行直线,前者纵截距>后者。


AC Code


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define rnt register int
#define ll long long
using namespace std;
const int N = 1e3 + 10;
int n, m, Begin, End;
ll cnt[N], cost[N][N], val[N],dp[N][N], q[N];
inline ll getx(int k1, int k2){ 
    return cnt[k2] - cnt[k1]; 
inline ll gety(int i, int k1, int k2){
    return dp[i - 1][k2] - dp[i - 1][k1] + cost[1][k1] - cost[1][k2] + (cnt[k2] * cnt[k2]) - (cnt[k1] * cnt[k1]); 

int main(){
    while(cin >> n >> m, n + m){
        memset(cost, 0, sizeof(cost)), cnt[0] = 0;
        for (rnt i = 1; i <= n; i++) cin >> val[i];
        for (rnt i = 1; i <= n; i++) cnt[i] = cnt[i - 1] + val[i];
        for (rnt i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            for (rnt j = i + 1; j <= n; j++) cost[i][j] = cost[i][j - 1] + (cnt[j - 1] - cnt[i - 1]) * val[j];
        for (rnt i = 0; i <= n; i++) dp[0][i] = cost[1][i];
        for (rnt i = 1; i <= m; i++){
            Begin = End = 0;
            for (rnt j = i; j <= n; j++){
                while (Begin + 1 < End && gety(i, q[Begin], q[Begin + 1]) <= cnt[j] * getx(q[Begin], q[Begin + 1])) Begin++;
                if (Begin == End) dp[i][j] = 0;
                else dp[i][j] = dp[i - 1][q[Begin]] + cost[q[Begin] + 1][j];
                while (Begin + 1 < End && gety(i, q[End - 2], q[End - 1]) * 1.0 / getx(q[End - 2], q[End - 1]) >= gety(i, q[End - 1], j) * 1.0 / getx(q[End - 1], j)) End--;
                q[End++] = j;
        cout << dp[m][n] << endl;
    return 0;
评论 4




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