1. 简介
DVWA官网中的解释是:Damn Vulnerable Web App (DVWA) is a PHP/MySQL web application that is damn vulnerable. Its main goals are to be an aid for security professionals to test their skills and tools in a legal environment, help web developers better understand the processes of securing web applications and aid teachers/students to teach/learn web application security in a class room environment.
大致意思为:DVWA(Damn Vulnerable Web Application)是一个用来进行安全脆弱性鉴定的PHP/MySQL Web应用,旨在为安全专业人员测试自己的专业技能和工具提供合法的环境,帮助web开发者更好的理解web应用安全防范的过程。
- Brute Force(暴力破解)
- Command Injection(命令行注入)
- CSRF(跨站请求伪造)
- File Inclusion(文件包含)
- File Upload(文件上传)
- Insecure CAPTCHA(不安全的验证码)
- SQL Injection