第九天(How to Use Classes in Sencha Touch)




How to Use Classes in Sencha Touch


Watch the Class System video from SenchaCon 2011

Sencha Touch uses the state-of-the-art class system developed for Ext JS 4. This class system makes it easy to create new classes in JavaScript, providing inheritance, dependency loading, mixins, powerful configuration options, and lots more.

st用Ext js4最先进的类系统开发。该类系统使得在js中创建新类变得很容易,并提供了实例化、依赖加载、混合的功能强大的配置及更多的东西。

At its simplest, a class is just an object with some functions and properties attached to it. For instance, here is a class for an animal, recording its name and a function that makes it speak:


Ext.define('Animal', {
    config: {
        name: null

    constructor: function(config) {

    speak: function() {

This defines a class called Animal, where each animal can have a name and speak. To create a new instance of animal, we just use Ext.create:


var bob = Ext.create('Animal', {
    name: 'Bob'

bob.speak(); //alerts 'grunt'

We created an Animal called Bob and commanded it to speak. Now that we have created a class and instantiated it, we can start improving what we have. At the moment we do not know Bob's species, so let us clear that up with a Human subclass:


Ext.define('Human', {
    extend: 'Animal',

    speak: function() {

Now we have got a new class that inherits from Animal, therefore gaining all of its functions and configurations. We actually overrode the speak function because most humans are smart enough to say their name instead of grunt. Now, let us make Bob a human:


var bob = Ext.create('Human', {
    name: 'Bob'

bob.speak(); //alerts 'Bob'

In the previous example we used a magical function when adding the Human subclass. You will notice that we did not actually define a getName function for our Animal class, so where did it come from? Part of the class system is the ability to give classes configuration options, which each automatically give you the following functionality:


  • a getter function that returns the current value, in this case getName().   返回当前值的getter方法,该例中是getName()
  • a setter function that sets a new value, in this case setName().    设置新值的setter方法,该例中是setName()
  • an applier function called by the setter that lets you run a function when a configuration changes, in this case applyName(). 当一个配置改变后的applier方法,该方法会在setter方法运行后运行,该例中是applyName()
  • an updater function called by the setter than runs when the value for a configuration changes, in this case updateName().     当一个配置改变后的updater方法,该方法会在setter方法调用后调用,该例中是updateName()。

The getter and setter functions are generated for free and represent the recommended way to store data in a class. Every component in Sencha Touch uses the class system and the generated functions always follow the same pattern, so if you know a config, you already know how to get and set its value.


This approach also makes your code cleaner. For example, if you wanted to always ask the user if he or she really wants to change Bob's name, you can just define an applyName function that will be called automatically:


Ext.define('Human', {
    extend: 'Animal',

    applyName: function(newName, oldName) {
        return confirm('Are you sure you want to change name to ' + newName + '?')? newName : oldName;

The previous code sample uses the browser's built in confirm function, which opens a dialog asking the user the question and offering "Yes" and "No" as answers. The applier functions allow you to cancel the name change if the confirm call returned false. As it happens, the confirm function returns either the new or old name, depending on whether the user clicks Yes or No.


If we create a new Bob instance and try to change his name, but then click No when prompted, his name will not change after all:


var bob = Ext.create('Human', {
    name: 'Bob'

bob.setName('Fred'); //opens a confirm box, but we click No

bob.speak(); //still alerts 'Bob'

The apply function is also a good place where to transform your value. Remember that whatever this returns, this will be the new value for this configuration. A good example of this would be to prepend a title to the name, as shown in the following code sample:


Ext.define('Human', {
    extend: 'Animal',

    applyName: function(newName, oldName) {
        return 'Mr. ' + newName;

Another config method is update. The update method (updateName() in this case) is only called when the value of the config changes. For example, given the following code, the updateName() will not be called:


var bob = Ext.create('Human', {
    name: 'Bob'

bob.setName('Bob'); // The name is the same, so update is not called

Consequently, when we use the update method, the config is changing. This function should be the place where you update your component, or do whatever you need to do when the value of your config changes. The following example shows an alert:


Ext.define('Human', {
    extend: 'Animal',

    updateName: function(newName, oldName) {
        alert('Name changed. New name is: ' + newName);

Remember that the update and apply methods get called on component instantiation too, such that in the following example we would get two alerts:


// creating this will cause the name config to update, therefor causing the alert
var bob = Ext.create('Human', {
    name: 'Bob'

// changing it will cause the alert to show again

We have basically already learned the following important behavior of classes:


  • All classes are defined using Ext.define, including your own classes   所有的类都是通过Ext.define定义的,包括你自己的类。
  • Most classes extend other classes, using the extend syntax     很多类都是通过extend语法继承自其它类
  • Classes are created using Ext.create, for example Ext.create('SomeClass', {some: 'configuration'})   累世通过Ext.create创建爱你的,例如, Ext.create('SomeClass', {some: 'configuration'})
  • Always use the config syntax to get automatic getters and setters and have a much cleaner codebase   使用config语法得到自动生成的getter、setter方法,并使代码更加简洁。

At this point you can already go about creating classes in your app, but the class system takes care of a few more things that will be helpful to learn.

现在你可以在你的 app中创造类了,但是类系统还有一些值得学习的地方。

Dependencies and Dynamic Loading


Most of the time, classes depend on other classes. The Human class described previously depends on the Animal class because it extends it - we depend on Animal being present to be able to define Human. Sometimes you make use of other classes inside a class, so you need to guarantee that those classes are on the page. This is accomplished using the requires syntax, as shown in the following code sample:


Ext.define('Human', {
    extend: 'Animal',

    requires: 'Ext.MessageBox',

    speak: function() {
        Ext.Msg.alert(this.getName(), "Speaks...");

When you create a class this way, Sencha Touch verifies if Ext.MessageBox is already loaded and if not, it immediately loads the required class file with AJAX.


Ext.MessageBox itself may also have classes it depends on, which are then also loaded automatically in the background. Once all the required classes are loaded, the Human class is defined and you can start using Ext.create to instantiate people. This works well in development mode, as it means you do not have to manage the loading of all your scripts yourself, but not as well in production, because loading files one by one over an internet connection is rather slow.


In production, we want to load a single JavaScript file, ideally containing only the classes that our application actually uses. This is done in Sencha Touch using the JSBuilder tool, which analyzes your app and creates a single file build that contains all of your classes and only the framework classes your app actually uses. See the Building guide for details on how to use the JSBuilder.

在产品中,我们需要加载一个单一的js文件,该文件包含我们的应用所用到的所有类。在st中这是通过JSBuilder工具实现的,该工具分析你的app并创建一个包含你的所有类及你的app所用到框架类的单一js文件。查看Building guide查看如何使用JSBuilder。

Each approach has its pros and cons, but can we have the good parts of both without the drawbacks, too? The answer is yes, and we have implemented the solution in Sencha Touch.


Naming Conventions


Using consistent naming conventions throughout your code base for classes, namespaces, and filenames helps keep your code organized, structured, and readable.


1) Classes

Class names may only contain alphanumeric characters. Numbers are permitted but are discouraged in most cases, unless they belong to a technical term. Do not use underscores, hyphens, or any other non-alphanumeric character. For example:


  • MyCompany.useful_util.Debug_Toolbar is discouraged                       MyCompany.useful_util.Debug_Toolbar是不被鼓励的
  • MyCompany.util.Base64 is acceptable                     MyCompany.util.Base64是可接受的

Where appropriate, class names should be grouped into packages and should be properly namespaced using the object property dot notation ( . ). At the minimum, there should be one unique top level namespace followed by the class name. For example:



The top level namespaces and the actual class names should be in CamelCase, everything else should be all lower-cased. For example:



Classes that are not distributed by Sencha should never use Ext as the top-level namespace.


Acronyms should also follow the CamelCase convention, as illustrated by the following naming examples:


  • Ext.data.JsonProxy instead of Ext.data.JSONProxy             Ext.data.JsonProxy 而不是 Ext.data.JSONProxy
  • MyCompany.util.HtmlParser instead of MyCompary.parser.HTMLParser     MyCompany.util.HtmlParser 而不是MyCompary.parser.HTMLParser
  • MyCompany.server.Http instead of MyCompany.server.HTTP      MyCompany.server.Http 而不是 MyCompany.server.HTTP

2) Source Files


The names of the classes map directly to the file paths in which they are stored. As a result, there must only be one class per file. For example:


  • Ext.mixin.Observable is stored in path/to/src/Ext/mixin/Observable.js
  • Ext.form.action.Submit is stored in path/to/src/Ext/form/action/Submit.js
  • MyCompany.chart.axis.Numeric is stored in path/to/src/MyCompany/chart/axis/Numeric.js

where path/to/src is the directory of your application's classes. All classes should stay under this common root and should be properly namespaced for the best development, maintenance, and deployment experience.


3) Methods and Variables     方法和变量

Similarly to class names, method and variable names may only contain alphanumeric characters. Numbers are permitted but are discouraged in most cases, unless they belong to a technical term. Do not use underscores, hyphens, or any other nonalphanumeric character.


Method and variable names should always use CamelCase. This also applies to acronyms.


Here are a few examples:


  • Acceptable method names: 可接受的方法名:

    getHtml() instead of getHTML()
    getJsonResponse() instead of getJSONResponse()
    parseXmlContent() instead of parseXMLContent()
  • Acceptable variable names:   可接受的变量名:

    var isGoodName
    var base64Encoder
    var xmlReader
    var httpServer

4) Properties  属性

Class property names follow the same convention as method and variable names, except the case when they are static constants. Static class properties that are constants should be all upper-cased, for example:


Working with Classes in Sencha Touch 2


1. Declaration   声明

1.1. The Old Way  原始方法

If you have developed apps with Sencha Touch 1.x, you are certainly familiar with the Ext.extend function that creates a class:

如果你使用st 1.x开发,你对Ext.define方法创建类应该很熟悉:

var MyPanel = Ext.extend(Object, {
    // ...

This approach is easy to follow when creating a new class that inherits from another. Other than direct inheritance, however, there was not a fluent API for other aspects of class creation, such as configuration, statics, and mixins. We will be reviewing these items in detail shortly.


Let us take a look at the following example:


My.cool.Panel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
    // ...

In this example we want to namespace our new class and make it extend from Ext.Panel. There are two concerns we need to address:


  1. My.cool needs to be an existing object before we can assign Panel as its property.         在我们将Panel作为My.cool的属性时,My.cool应该先存在
  2. Ext.Panel needs to exist or to be loaded on the page before it can be referenced.         Ext.Panel在引用前应该已经存在或者可加载至页面上

The first concern is usually solved by using Ext.namespace (aliased by Ext.ns). This method recursively traverses the object/property tree and creates them if they do not exist yet. The drawback is that you need to remember adding this function call above Ext.extend all the time, as shown in the following example:


My.cool.Panel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
    // ...

The second issue, however, is not easy to address because Ext.Panel might depend on many other classes that it directly or indirectly inherits from, and in turn, these dependencies might depend on other classes to exist. For that reason, applications written before Sencha Touch 2 usually include the whole library in the form of ext-all.js, even though they might only need a small portion of the framework.


1.2. The New Way   新的方式

Sencha Touch 2 eliminates all these drawbacks with a single method you need to remember for class creation: Ext.define. Its basic syntax is as follows:


Ext.define(className, members, onClassCreated);

Let us look at each part of method call:


  • className is the class name    类名
  • members is an object that represents a collection of class members in key-value pairs  代表类成员的集合,键值对的形式
  • onClassCreated is an optional function callback to be invoked when all dependencies of this class are ready, and when the class itself is fully created. Due to the new asynchronous nature of class creation, this callback can be useful in many situations. These will be discussed further in Section IV.     onClassCreated是一个可选的回调函数,该函数在所有的依赖被加载后、类被创建时调用。由于类的创建是yibu的,该回调函数在很多情况下是有用的。这会在第四部分讲解。

Example   例子

Ext.define('My.sample.Person', {
    name: 'Unknown',

    constructor: function(name) {
        if (name) {
            this.name = name;

    eat: function(foodType) {
        alert(this.name + " is eating: " + foodType);

var aaron = Ext.create('My.sample.Person', 'Aaron');
aaron.eat("Salad"); // alert("Aaron is eating: Salad");

Note that we created a new instance of My.sample.Person using the Ext.create() method. We could have used the new keyword (new My.sample.Person()). However it is recommended that you always use Ext.create, since it allows you to take advantage of dynamic loading. For more info on dynamic loading see the Getting Started guide.

注意,我们通过Ext.create()创建了My.sample.Person的实例。我们可能会使用new关键词(new  My.sample.Person())。然后,推荐你使用Ext.create,因为它可以从分利用动态加载的优点。关于动态加载的更多信息,查看Getting Started guide

2. Configuration   配置

In Sencha Touch 2, we introduce a dedicated config property that is processed by the powerful Ext.Class preprocessors before the class is created. The config features include the following:


  • Configurations are completely encapsulated from other class members.       配置是被其他类成员完全包裹的
  • Getter and setter functions, methods for every config property are automatically generated into the class prototype during class creation, if the class does not have these methods already defined.        每一个配置的getter、setter方法在类创建的过程中是自动创建到类邹型中的,如果该类没有定义这些方法。
  • An apply method is also generated for every config property. The auto-generated setter method calls the apply method internally before setting the value.     Override the apply method for a config property if you need to run custom logic before setting the value. If apply method does not return a value, then the setter will not set the value. For an example see the following applyTitle code sample:                   


    Ext.define('My.own.Window', {

     /** @readonly */
     isWindow: true,
     config: {
         title: 'Title Here',
         bottomBar: {
             enabled: true,
             height: 50,
             resizable: false
     constructor: function(config) {
     applyTitle: function(title) {
         if (!Ext.isString(title) || title.length === 0) {
             console.log('Error: Title must be a valid non-empty string');
         else {
             return title;
     applyBottomBar: function(bottomBar) {
         if (bottomBar && bottomBar.enabled) {
             if (!this.bottomBar) {
                 return Ext.create('My.own.WindowBottomBar', bottomBar);
             else {


The following code illustrates the use of the previously defined My.own.Window class:


var myWindow = Ext.create('My.own.Window', {
    title: 'Hello World',
    bottomBar: {
        height: 60

console.log(myWindow.getTitle()); // logs "Hello World"

myWindow.setTitle('Something New');
console.log(myWindow.getTitle()); // logs "Something New"

myWindow.setTitle(null); // logs "Error: Title must be a valid non-empty string"

myWindow.setBottomBar({ height: 100 }); // Bottom bar's height is changed to 100

3. Statics   静态成员

Static members can be defined using the statics config, as shown in the followind example:


Ext.define('Computer', {
    statics: {
        instanceCount: 0,
        factory: function(brand) {
            // 'this' in static methods refer to the class itself
            return new this({brand: brand});

    config: {
        brand: null

    constructor: function(config) {

        // the 'self' property of an instance refers to its class
        this.self.instanceCount ++;

var dellComputer = Computer.factory('Dell');
var appleComputer = Computer.factory('Mac');

alert(appleComputer.getBrand()); // using the auto-generated getter to get the value of a config property. Alerts "Mac"

alert(Computer.instanceCount); // Alerts "2"

Error Handling and Debugging


Sencha Touch 2 includes some useful features that help you with debugging and error handling.


You can use the Ext.getDisplayName() call to get the display name of any method. This is especially useful for throwing errors that have the class name and the method name in their description, as shown in the following code sample:


throw new Error('['+ Ext.getDisplayName(arguments.callee) +'] Some message here');

When an error is thrown in any method of any class defined using Ext.define(), you should see the method and class names in the call stack if you are using a WebKit based browser (Chrome or Safari). For example, here is what it would look like in Chrome:

当通过Ext.define()定义的任何类的任何方法抛出一个错误是,如果你用的是webkit内核的浏览器(chrome 或者safari),你应该在调用栈里看方法名和类名。例如,下面是chrome浏览器中的示例:

Further Reading


Classes are only a part of the Sencha Touch 2 ecosystem. To understand more about the framework and how it works, we recommend reading the following guides:

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