Linux 块设备驱动 (5)


1. 背景


  • Linux Block Driver - 1 介绍了一个只有 200 行源码的 Sampleblk 块驱动的实现。
  • Linux Block Driver - 2 中,在 Sampleblk 驱动创建了 Ext4 文件系统,并做了一个 fio 顺序写测试。测试中我们利用 Linux 的各种跟踪工具,对这个 fio 测试做了一个性能个性化分析。
  • Linux Block Driver - 3 中,利用 Linux 跟踪工具和 Flamegraph 来对文件系统层面上的文件 IO 内部实现,有了一个概括性的了解。
  • Linux Block Driver - 4 里,在之前同样的 fio 顺序写测试下,分析 Sampleblk 块设备的 IO 性能特征,大小,延迟,统计分布,IOPS,吞吐等。

本文将继续之前的实验,围绕这个简单的 fio 测试,探究 Linux 块设备驱动的运作机制。除非特别指明,本文中所有 Linux 内核源码引用都基于 4.6.0。其它内核版本可能会有较大差异。

2. 准备


本文将在与前文完全相同 fio 测试负载下,使用 blktrace 在块设备层面对该测试做进一步的分析。

3. 使用 blktrace

blktrace(8) 是非常方便的跟踪块设备 IO 的工具。我们可以利用这个工具来分析前几篇文章中的 fio 测试时的块设备 IO 情况。

首先,在 fio 运行时,运行 blktrace 来记录指定块设备上的 IO 操作,

$ sudo blktrace /dev/sampleblk1
[sudo] password for yango:

^C=== sampleblk1 ===
  CPU  0:              1168040 events,    54752 KiB data
    Total:               1168040 events (dropped 0),    54752 KiB data

退出跟踪后,IO 操作的都被记录在日志文件里。可以使用 blkparse(1) 命令来解析和查看这些 IO 操作的记录。
虽然 blkparse(1) 手册给出了每个 IO 操作里的具体跟踪动作 (Trace Action) 字符的含义,但下面的表格,更近一步地包含了下面的信息,

  • Trace Action 之间的时间顺序
  • 每个 blkparse 的 Trace Action 对应的 Linux block tracepoints 的名字,和内核对应的 trace 函数。
  • Trace Action 是否对块设备性能有正面或者负面的影响
  • Trace Action 的额外说明,这个比 blkparse(1) 手册里的描述更贴近 Linux 实现
Order Action Linux block tracepoints Kernel trace function Perf impact Description
1 Q block:block_bio_queue trace_block_bio_queue Neutral Intent to queue a bio on a given reqeust_queue. No real requests exists yet.
2 B block:block_bio_bounce trace_block_bio_bounce Negative Pages in bio has copied to bounce buffer to avoid hardware (DMA) limits.
3 X block:block_split trace_block_split Negative Split a bio with smaller pieces due to underlying block device’s limits.
4 M block:block_bio_backmerge trace_block_bio_backmerge Positive A previously inserted request exists that ends on the boundary of where this bio begins, so IO scheduler merges them.
5 F block:block_bio_frontmerge trace_block_bio_frontmerge Positive Same as the back merge, except this i/o ends where a previously inserted requests starts.
6 S block:block_sleeprq trace_block_sleeprq Negative No available request structures were available (eg. memory pressure), so the issuer has to wait for one to be freed.
7 G block:block_getrq trace_block_getrq Neutral Allocated a free request struct successfully.
8 P block:block_plug trace_block_plug Positive I/O isn’t immediately dispatched to request_queue, instead it is held back by current process IO plug list.
9 I block:block_rq_insert trace_block_rq_insert Neutral A request is sent to the IO scheduler internal queue and later service by the driver.
10 U block:block_unplug trace_block_unplug Positive Flush queued IO request to device request_queue, could be triggered by timeout or intentionally function call.
11 A block:block_rq_remap trace_block_rq_remap Neutral Only used by stackable devices, for example, DM(Device Mapper) and raid driver.
12 D block:block_rq_issue trace_block_rq_issue Neutral Device driver code is picking up the request
13 C block:block_rq_complete trace_block_rq_complete Neutral A previously issued request has been completed. The output will detail the sector and size of that request.




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