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Duzy's Tech Blog

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转载 ...成功哲学...

如果你想到失败,你就失败了! 如果你没有必胜的决心,绝无任何成就! 纵使你想要得到胜利,只要浮现失败的字眼, 胜利就不会向你微笑。 如果你不认真行事,你就失败了! 我们在大自然宇宙中发现,成功起源于人类的意志, 一切皆由人的精神状态而决定。 如果你想到落后,你就落后了! 如果你想晋升到最高位置,在胜利到手之前, 必定要拥有:“我一定做得到”的信念。 人生的战

2005-06-19 15:52:00 1344

转载 ...学会和同事相处...

  1.无论发生什么事情,都要首先想到自己是不是做错了。如果自己没错(那是不可能的),那么就站在对方的角度,体验一下对方的感觉。  2.让自己去适应环境,因为环境永远不会来适应你。即使这是一个非常非常痛苦的过程。  3.大方一点。不会大方就学大方一点。如果大方真的会让你很心疼,那就装大方一点。  4.低调一点,低调一点,再低调一点(要比临时工还要低调,可能在别人眼中你还不如一个干了几年

2005-06-19 15:35:00 1104

转载 ...35岁...

  35岁是青春的后期,35岁以后是收获的季节,如果你没有资格说这句话,你将会憎恨自己。   所以在35岁以前,在烂漫蓬勃的青春年华里,你最好把下面十件事做好!   第一,学会本行

2005-06-18 15:06:00 1110

原创 STL 容器

STL 容器    by Yazy, 2005-6-15    STL容器的概念、特性、接口。 General Concepts Concept Container stores other objects(its elements), has an associated iterator type that can

2005-06-15 22:55:00 1790

原创 GTKMM的内存管理

  ——读 GTKMM Tutorial 笔记。    by Yazy, 2005-6-41、传统 C++ 内存管理方式   1. 类作作用域内的构件     将构件声明为类的成员变量,不使用动态内存分配机制。使用这种方式的优点是“memory      management is grouped in one place.”,随着类的创建与销毁,构件也随之存在与消失。     // From t

2005-06-04 22:13:00 1683

转载 Multiline Text Editing Widget (9)

From: http://www.bravegnu.org/gtktext/x551.htmlPrev 9. Tutorial Copyright and Permissions NoticeCopyright (C) 2005 Vijay Kumar B. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this m

2005-06-04 10:29:00 1140

转载 Multiline Text Editing Widget (8)

From: http://www.bravegnu.org/gtktext/x534.htmlPrevNext8. Final Notes8.1. GtkTextView in gtk-demoThe gtk-demo which is distributed along the GTK+ library contains a demo on the GtkTextView and friends

2005-06-04 10:27:00 1347

转载 Multiline Text Editing Widget (7)

From: http://www.bravegnu.org/gtktext/x471.htmlPrevNext7. Buffer and Window CoordinatesSometimes it is necessary to know the position of the text cursor on the screen, or the word in a buffer under th

2005-06-04 10:26:00 1695

转载 Multiline Text Editing Widget (6)

From: http://www.bravegnu.org/gtktext/x417.htmlPrevNext6. Images/WidgetsA text buffer can hold images and anchor location for widgets. In this section, you will learn how to insert images and widgets.

2005-06-04 10:22:00 1663

转载 Multiline Text Editing Widget (5)

From: http://www.bravegnu.org/gtktext/x346.htmlPrevNext5. Examining and Modifying TextExamining and modifying text is yet another common operation performed on text buffers. Examples: converting a sel

2005-06-04 10:21:00 1562

转载 Multiline Text Editing Widget (4)

From: http://www.bravegnu.org/gtktext/x253.htmlPrevNext4. SearchingIn this section, you will learn how to search through a text buffer. Along the way you will learn about marks, as well. We will start

2005-06-04 10:18:00 2103 1

转载 Multiline Text Editing Widget (3)

From: http://www.bravegnu.org/gtktext/x234.htmlPrevNext3. Cut, Copy and PasteIn this section you will learn how to do common clipboard related activities like cut, copy and paste. First, you will have

2005-06-04 10:09:00 1348

转载 Multiline Text Editing Widget (2)

From: http://www.bravegnu.org/gtktext/x92.htmlPrevNext2. Formatted Text in GtkTextViewGtkTextView can also be used to display formatted text. This usually involves creating tags which represent a grou

2005-06-02 23:54:00 1864

转载 Multiline Text Editing Widget (1)

Multiline Text Editing Widget        From: http://www.bravegnu.org/gtktext/Vijay Kumar B. vijaykumar@bravegnu.org$Name: GTKTEXT_0_2_0 $ $Id: gtktext.docbook,v 1.4 2005/05/23 01:39:32 vijay Exp $Copyri

2005-06-02 16:16:00 1890

原创 GNU Emacs 命令列表

  by Yazy,2005-6-1  http://www.gnu.org/software/chinese/manual/TUTORIAL.cnEmacs 命令通常包含有 CONTROL 键(有时候以 CTRL 或 CTL 来标示)或是META 键(有时候以 EDIT 或 ALT 来标示)。为了避免每一次都要写出其全名,我们将会使用下述的缩写:    C- 表示按住 CONTROL 键的同时键

2005-06-01 16:14:00 3637



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