Tire town school learn

Episode 1 : Eddy’s First Day

Eddy rolled onto the school lot(eddy已经在停车场了,所以动词用过去式,表示已经完成,而且它这个动作将继续持续)
His tires were new
His dumper was clean
(his表示eddy,他的tires and dumper 已经被new和clean了,所以继续用过去式,因为这个动作是过去完成并将继续保持)
my first day of school
Eddy looked at the big garage
A sigh read Tire Town School
Beep,Beep.said a long car
You are in my way
Eddy moved
Vroom vromm
Look out.said a fast car
Eddy jumped
Eddy parked near some ties
Fast cars and trucks zoomed by
Eddy sighed
I wish i was fast.he thought
Hello,called a voice
Eddy turned around
He saw a funny car
She had bright colors
She had a big grin
I’m poppy,said the car
what to see something funny
Tire Town School 1: Eddy’s First Day
Eddy rolled onto the school lot.
His tires were new.
His dumper was clean.
“Oh boy!” said Eddy.
“My first day of school!”
Eddy looked at the big garage.
A sign read Tire Town School.
“Beep, beep!” said a long car.
“You’re in my way!”
Eddy moved.
Vroom! Vroom!
“Look out!” said a fast car.
Eddy jumped.
“Move!” said a big truck.
“Sorry!” said Eddy.
Eddy parked near some tires.
Fast cars and trucks zoomed by.
Eddy sighed.
“I wish I was fast,” he thought.
“Hello!” called a voice.
Eddy turned around.
He saw a funny car.
She had bright colors.
She had a big grin.
“I’m Poppy,” said the car.
“Want to see something funny?”

Tire Town School 2: New Friends
“Watch this!” said Poppy.
She took a deep breath.
Her trunk flew open.
Balloons flew out!
Honk! Honk!
Poppy tooted her horn.
Eddy laughed hard.
His dumper shook.
“What’s your name?” asked Poppy.
Eddy told her.
Two trucks rolled over.
“Eddy,” said Poppy.
“Meet Dipper and Jeb.”
“I’m an ice cream truck,” said Dipper.
“I play music.”
“I move dirt,” said Jeb.
He rolled off the lot.
He scooped some dirt.
“Hey, Eddy,” said Jeb.
“Want to carry this dirt?”
“No, thanks,” said Eddy.
“I don’t like to carry dirt.”
Everyone looked surprised.
“What do you like to do?” asked Dipper.
Eddy grinned.
“I like to race!”

Tire Town School 3: The Race
“You like to race?” said Dipper.
“You must be fast, Eddy!”
Eddy frowned.
“I’m slow,” he said.
“I just wish I was fast.”
“I bet you’re fast,” said Dipper.
“Let’s all race!”
“Okay,” said Eddy.
“Yay!” said Poppy.
“This will be fun,” said Jeb.
Everyone lined up.
Poppy looked at everyone.
“Ready, set . . .”
Honk! Honk!
Eddy took off.
Dipper played music.
Jeb rolled slowly.
Poppy drove through a puddle.
“Woo-hoo!” cried Poppy.
She drove through the puddle again.
Eddy won!
“Yay!” His friends cheered.
“You’re fast!” they said.
A race car drove over.
He had fancy stripes.
“You’re not fast,” said the car.
“You’re just a slow dump truck!”

Tire Town School 4: Crash!
“You’re mean, Zippy,” said Dipper.
“Eddy is fast,” said Jeb.
“He won our race,” said Poppy.
“Eddy is not fast,” said Zippy.
“He won because you’re all slow!”
Eddy felt sad.
“I’m fast!” said Zippy.
He zoomed off.
Vroom! Vroom!
Zippy turned left.
He turned right.
“Wow,” thought Eddy.
Zippy hit a wall.
Something rolled across the lot.
“My wheel!” cried Zippy.
“I can’t drive now!”
Zippy looked sad.
“I’ll help,” said Eddy.
“Me too,” said Jeb.
Jeb picked up Zippy’s wheel.
He put it in Eddy’s dumper.
Eddy carried the wheel to Zippy.
“Thanks,” said Zippy.
“Eddy, let’s race again!” called Poppy.
Eddy smiled.
Zippy was mean.
But Eddy had three new friends!

Tire Town School 5: Field Trip
Eddy saw his friends at school.
“Hi, Eddy!” called Poppy.
Honk! Honk!
She tooted her horn.
Eddy laughed.
Poppy was always silly.
“Field trip today,” said Dipper.
“Yay!” said Poppy.
“Where are we going?”
“Maybe to a construction site,” said Jeb.
Eddy saw the teacher.
“Good morning,” said Mr. Grill.
“Ready for our field trip?”
“Yes!” said Poppy.
“Where are we going?” asked Zippy.
“It’s a surprise,” said Mr. Grill.
“Everyone, follow me!”
“Yay!” the students cheered.
Honk! Honk! Vroom!
They turned into a parking lot.
Eddy saw a blue building.
The building was noisy.
A sign said Car Wash.
Mr. Grill smiled.
“It’s bath time!”

Tire Town School 6: The Car Wash
“The car wash stinks!” said Jeb.
“This field trip is terrible!”
The car wash made loud sounds.
Hiss! Wump! Wump! Wump!
Poppy was quiet.
She backed away from the building.
“Everyone is dirty,” said Mr. Grill.
“I like dirt,” said Jeb.
“Dirt feels good,” said Eddy.
Mr. Grill smiled.
“I know you like dirt.
But it’s time to get clean.”
“I like to be clean,” said Zippy.
“It helps me go fast!”
Mr. Grill looked at the students.
“Who will go first?” he asked.
Eddy looked at Zippy.
Then he looked at himself.
He saw lots of dirt.
Eddy wanted to be fast.
He looked at Mr. Grill.
“I’ll go first,” said Eddy.

Tire Town School 7: Eddy in the Car Wash
Eddy drove into the car wash.
Hiss! Wump! Wump! Wump!
The building was noisy.
Water splashed on Eddy.
“Whoa!” he said.
Bubbles were everywhere.
Big brushes spun.
They cleaned his sides.
The brushes cleaned Eddy’s top.
They cleaned his tires.
Eddy laughed. “That tickles!”
More water sprayed.
Suds dripped off Eddy.
Eddy came out of the car wash.
“That was fun!” he said.
“Who will go next?” Mr. Grill asked.
“Me!” the students shouted.
Everyone got clean.
Even Jeb sparkled.
“I love the car wash!” he said.
Finally it was Poppy’s turn.
Poppy frowned.
“I am not going in there!”

Tire Town School 8: Poppy Is Scared
Poppy looked at the noisy building.
“I’m not going in,” she said.
“The car wash is scary!”
“It’s not scary,” said Mr. Grill.
“It makes strange sounds,” said Poppy.
“Ha-ha!” said Zippy.
“Poppy is afraid!”
Poppy frowned.
“The car wash is fun,” said Jeb.
“It has big brushes.”
“Brushes aren’t fun,” said Poppy.
“It sprays you with water,” said Dipper.
“Hmm,” said Poppy.
“Water is kind of fun.”
“There are bubbles,” said Eddy.
Poppy’s eyes got wide.
“Bubbles?” she said.
“I love bubbles!”
Honk! Honk!
Poppy raced into the car wash.
“Woo-hoo!” she cried.
“This is fun!”
Everyone went back to school.
“I love the car wash!” said Poppy.
“That was the best field trip!”

Tire Town School 9: Fast Eddy
Vroom! Vroom!
Eddy zoomed around.
“Way to go, Eddy!” said Jeb.
“You’re fast!” said Dipper.
Honk! Honk!
Poppy tooted her horn.
Eddy grinned.
“Someday I’ll be a race car!” he said.
“No, you won’t,” said Zippy.
“You’re too slow!”
Eddy frowned.
Ms. Fender came outside.
“Good morning!” said the teacher.
“It’s time for safety class.”
“Safety class?” said Zippy.
“That’s boring!”
“Safety is important,” said Ms. Fender.
She led everyone to a track.
Eddy saw cones.
He saw stop signs.
He saw traffic lights.
“We’ll practice here,” said Ms. Fender.
“Everyone will drive on the track.
Don’t go too fast.”
Zippy laughed.
“This will be easy for Eddy.
He’s slow!”

Tire Town School 10: Safety Class
Jeb drove between the cones.
“Very safe driving!” said Ms. Fender.
Jeb drove toward a stop sign.
“Obey the sign,” said Ms. Fender.
Jeb stopped at the sign.
He looked both ways.
Then he drove some more.
A green light turned yellow.
Jeb slowed down.
The light turned red.
Jeb stopped.
Zippy whispered to Eddy.
“You’re good at slowing down.
Because you’re slow!”
“I’m not slow,” said Eddy.
The light turned green.
Jeb drove some more.
Soon he was done.
“Good job,” said Ms. Fender.
“It’s Zippy’s turn now.”
Zippy drove to the track.
Zippy smiled. “This will be easy!”
“I’m the best at everything!”

Tire Town School 11: Not Too Fast
Zippy drove very fast.
But he didn’t hit the cones.
And he stopped at the sign.
“Good job, Zippy,” said Ms. Fender.
“But next time go slow.”
“Sorry,” said Zippy.
“I’m just too fast!”
Eddy frowned.
Poppy went next.
Honk! Honk!
Poppy knocked over a cone.
“Whee!” she cried.
“Stop being silly, Poppy!” said Ms. Fender.
“Sorry!” said Poppy.
“La, la, la, la!” Poppy sang.
She drove past the stop sign.
“You didn’t stop!” cried Ms. Fender.
“Sorry!” said Poppy.
Then it was Eddy’s turn.
“Remember, Eddy,” said Ms. Fender.
“Don’t go too fast.”
Zippy laughed. “Don’t worry, Ms. Fender.
Eddy won’t go too fast!”
Eddy’s engine roared.

Tire Town School 12: Eddy Is Not Safe
Eddy drove onto the track.
“Slow, slow, slow!” Zippy sang.
Eddy gritted his teeth.
Eddy drove between the cones.
He saw the stop sign.
Eddy slowed down.
“You are really slow!” Zippy laughed.
Eddy felt hot.
His dumper shook.
“I’m not slow!” Eddy yelled.
Eddy went fast—too fast!
“Slow down!” cried Ms. Fender.
Eddy flew past a red light.
He crashed into cones.
“That was not safe!” said Ms. Fender.
Eddy sighed. “I’m sorry.”
“Zippy,” said Ms. Fender.
“You must stop being a bully.”
“Fine,” Zippy said.
Eddy drove on the track again.
“Eddy is slow,” said Zippy.
“No! Eddy is safe!” said Ms. Fender.
Everyone honked.

Tire Town School 13: Something New
“Good morning,” said Mr. Grill.
“We will do something new today!”
“Will we go fast?” asked Zippy.
He looked at Eddy and grinned.
Eddy frowned.
“Will we tell jokes?” asked Poppy.
“Nope,” said Mr. Grill.
“Follow me!”
The teacher drove down the road.
Eddy saw lots of trees.
“Hmm,” he thought.
“Where are we going?”
“We’re here!” said Mr. Grill.
Eddy saw a wide path.
It led into the woods.
Mr. Grill smiled.
“We’re going off-road!”
Eddy smiled.
“Wow!” he said.
“Cool!” said Jeb.
“Fun!” said Dipper.
“Yay!” said Poppy.
“I hope the path is bumpy!”
Zippy frowned.
“This stinks!” he cried.
“I hate going off-road!”

Tire Town School 14: The Dirt Path
Eddy smiled.
“I love driving off-road.
Dirt and rocks feel good!”
Poppy tooted her horn.
Honk! Honk!
“Ugh,” said Zippy.
“I have to drive slowly.
And I’ll get dirty.”
“You’ll be fine, Zippy,” said Mr. Grill.
Everyone drove into the woods.
The path had lots of rocks.
Jeb rolled over the rocks.
Dipper drove around them.
Poppy bumped up and down.
“Whee!” she said.
“This is fun!” said Eddy.
He rolled over a big rock.
A tree branch hit Zippy.
“Oof!” he said.
His tire hit a rock.
“Ouch!” said Zippy.
“Everybody, get ready!” said Mr. Grill.
“The path gets muddy soon!”
“Yay!” shouted everyone.
“Ugh!” moaned Zippy.

Tire Town School 15: Mud
Zippy did not like dirt paths.
He did not like rocks.
“This stinks,” said Zippy.
“I have to drive slowly.
And these rocks hurt!”
Eddy grinned.
Now he was faster than Zippy!
“I see mud!” cried Poppy.
Everybody drove through the mud.
“Oh no!” said Zippy.
“My tires are muddy!”
Eddy went fast in the mud.
The mud splashed.
Mud sprayed all over Zippy.
“Hey!” cried Zippy.
Poppy splashed in the mud.
“Ugh!” cried Zippy.
Jeb and Dipper splashed in the mud.
Splat! Splat!
Zippy spun his tires.
But the mud was deep.
His tires went deeper.
“Oh no!” cried Zippy.
“I’m stuck in the mud!”

Tire Town School 16: Deep Mud
Zippy spun his tires.
He spun them very fast.
Mud sprayed everywhere.
But Zippy didn’t move.
Zippy sank deeper.
“Help!” he cried.
“I’ll help you,” said Mr. Grill.
The teacher pushed.
Zippy moved a little bit.
But then Mr. Grill sank too.
“Help!” he cried.
“Uh-oh!” said Dipper.
Poppy gulped.
Eddy looked at Jeb.
Jeb looked at Eddy.
“Let’s clear that mud,” said Eddy.
The two friends moved fast.
Jeb scooped the mud.
He put it in Eddy’s dumper.
Soon everyone was free!
“Thank you,” said Mr. Grill.
“You’re welcome,” said Eddy and Jeb.
Eddy zoomed along the path.
“I love driving off-road!”
Zippy groaned. “I don’t!”

Tire Town School 17: Tag
Poppy raced over to Dipper.
“Tag!” said Poppy. “You’re it!”
Eddy and Jeb laughed.
The friends were playing tag.
Poppy drove away fast.
Dipper shot toward Eddy.
“Watch out, Eddy!” said Dipper.
“I’m it!”
Eddy’s tires spun.
He took off.
Dipper tagged Jeb.
Jeb sighed. “I’m it again.”
“You can’t catch me!” Eddy shouted.
He zoomed away from Jeb.
Jeb rolled slowly.
Poppy wasn’t looking.
Jeb tagged her.
“You’re it,” said Jeb.
“This is so much fun!” said Poppy.
“I love playing tag!”
Poppy chased Dipper.
Dipper got away.
Poppy chased Eddy.
Eddy got away.
Then Eddy saw something.
“Um, Poppy,” he said.
“Something is wrong!”

Tire Town School 18: Flat Tire
“Poppy,” said Eddy.
“You have a flat tire.”
“I don’t care,” said Poppy.
Thump, thump, thump!
“Come here, Poppy!” called Ms. Fender.
“You need a new tire!”
“I’m okay,” said Poppy.
“I want to keep playing tag!”
Thump, thump, thump!
Poppy chased her friends.
But she was slow now.
“Listen to Ms. Fender,” said Eddy.
“You need a new tire.”
“Nah,” said Poppy.
“I’m fine.”
Poppy drove forward.
She drove backward.
Thump, thump, thump.
“See?” said Poppy.
“I can still drive.
Let’s keep playing tag!”
Poppy chased her friends.
Ms. Fender frowned.
Poppy tried to tag Eddy.
But Eddy drove away.
Then . . .
“Uh-oh, Poppy!” said Dipper.
“I see smoke!”

Tire Town School 19: Black Smoke
Puffs of smoke came from Poppy.
The smoke was gray.
“Yuck!” said Jeb.
“That smoke smells terrible!”
“Poppy!” said Ms. Fender.
“Come to the garage now.
You need a repair.”
“No thanks,” said Poppy.
“I’m fine!”
Poppy tried to chase her friends.
But now Poppy had more smoke.
The smoke was thick.
It turned black.
Eddy coughed.
Jeb coughed.
Dipper coughed.
“Poppy!” called Ms. Fender
“Come over here!”
Poppy didn’t listen.
She kept playing.
Poppy tried to drive fast.
But she made even more smoke.
Putt, putt, putt.
Poppy went slower and slower.
Finally she rolled to a stop.
“Uh-oh,” cried Poppy.
“I’m out of gas!”

Tire Town School 20: Out of Gas
Poppy was out of gas.
“I can’t move!” she said.
“Uh-oh,” said Eddy.
Poppy moaned. “This is bad!”
Ms. Fender drove over.
“Poppy,” said Ms. Fender.
“I told you to stop playing.
You didn’t listen!”
Poppy looked at the ground.
Jeb pushed her to the garage.
Everyone followed.
Ms. Fender put out the smoke.
She gave Poppy a new tire.
Then Poppy filled her gas tank.
“Um, Ms. Fender,” said Poppy.
“I’m sorry I didn’t listen.
I was busy playing.”
“I know,” said Ms. Fender.
“But you can’t always play.
You must take care of yourself.”
“Okay,” said Poppy.
Then she raced over to Eddy.
“Tag!” said Poppy.
“You’re it!”

Tire Town School 21: Eddy Is Busy
The sky was gray.
A strong wind blew.
Eddy drove across the parking lot.
“Hi, Eddy,” said Dipper.
“Want to play tag?”
“No, thanks,” said Eddy.
“I’m busy.”
Honk! Honk!
Poppy zoomed over to Eddy.
“Hey, Eddy!” she said.
“Want to hear a joke?”
“Not right now,” said Eddy.
“I have something to do.”
Eddy drove past Jeb.
Jeb was digging.
“Hi, Eddy,” said Jeb.
“Want to play in the dirt?”
“Not now,” said Eddy.
“I’m busy.”
Eddy drove onto the racetrack.
The racetrack was empty.
It was smooth.
“I’m alone,” said Eddy.
“Now I can practice racing!”
“Hey, slowpoke!” said a voice.
Eddy groaned.
It was Zippy.

Tire Town School 22: The Racetrack
“Why are you here?” asked Zippy.
“This is a racetrack.
It’s for speedy cars!”
“I’m going to practice,” said Eddy.
“Practice what?” asked Zippy.
“Racing,” said Eddy.
Zippy laughed. “I’m fast!
I don’t need to practice!”
Eddy sighed.
Then he zoomed down the track.
“Let’s race!” said Zippy.
“I’m going to win!”
Zippy shot after Eddy.
The sky grew dark.
Raindrops splashed everywhere.
Eddy’s tires slipped in a puddle.
Eddy slowed down.
But Zippy went faster.
Water sprayed off Zippy’s tires.
“Hey, Zippy!” Eddy yelled.
“You need to slow—”
Lightning struck a big tree.
The tree fell onto the racetrack.
“Slow down, Zippy!” cried Eddy.
“You’re going to crash!”

Tire Town School 23: The Slippery Racetrack
Zippy drove toward the tree.
He slammed on his brakes.
But the racetrack was slippery.
Zippy slid.
He tried to turn.
“Oh no!” cried Zippy.
“I’m going to hit the—”
Zippy’s side banged into the tree.
“Ouch!” said Zippy.
“I got a bad dent.”
Eddy drove slowly.
He went around the tree.
He went past Zippy.
“You were going too fast,” said Eddy.
Zippy frowned.
Zippy shot past Eddy.
Water splashed on Eddy.
Then Zippy hit a big puddle.
He went left.
He went right.
Zippy spun in circles.
“Whoa!” he cried.
“Oh no!” said Eddy.
He saw Zippy spin.
Then Zippy flew off the track!

Tire Town School 24: Zippy Is Stuck
Zippy was stuck in a bush.
“Help!” Zippy cried.
“I’ll get help,” said Eddy.
Eddy drove slowly back to school.
Rain fell hard.
Swish! Swish!
Eddy’s wipers went back and forth.
Eddy saw Mr. Grill.
“Eddy!” said Mr. Grill.
“It’s raining hard!
Where’s Zippy?”
“Zippy is stuck,” said Eddy.
He led Mr. Grill to Zippy.
“Please help!” said Zippy.
“Hold on,” said Mr. Grill.
Mr. Grill dropped his hook.
Then he pulled Zippy out.
“Thanks!” said Zippy.
They drove back to school.
Zippy sped up.
“Slow down!” called Mr. Grill.
“Stop right there, Zippy!”
Eddy drove slowly past Zippy.
He crossed the finish line first!
Eddy won the race!

Tire Town School 25: Black Marks
Eddy saw long black marks.
He smelled burnt rubber.
“Watch this!” Poppy yelled.
Poppy drove fast.
She slammed on her brakes.
Her wheels stopped.
But Poppy kept going.
She skidded across the parking lot.
Smoke rose from her tires.
Her tires made more black marks.
“That was cool!” said Dipper.
“Now it’s my turn!”
Dipper raced across the parking lot.
She slammed on her brakes.
Dipper skidded.
“Good one!” said Poppy.
“Watch me!” Jeb yelled.
He was at the construction site.
He rolled down a dirt hill.
Then he skidded too.
“It’s your turn, Eddy!” said Poppy.
“You shouldn’t skid,” said Eddy.
“It’s bad for your tires!”

Tire Town School 26: Skidding
“We love skidding!” said Poppy.
“Our tires are fine!” said Dipper.
Eddy’s friends kept skidding.
“That does look like fun,” Eddy thought.
“But I’ll just watch.”
More cars and trucks came over.
“Watch me skid!” yelled a van.
The van made a sharp turn.
She slammed on her brakes.
The van skidded sideways!
“Watch this!” cried a jeep.
He zoomed through the construction site.
The jeep went up the dirt hill.
He flew through the air.
Then he skidded through the dirt.
Everyone cheered.
Eddy sighed.
“Everyone is having fun,” he thought.
“But skidding is bad for tires.”

Tire Town School 27: Roar!
Everyone but Eddy was skidding.
Suddenly Zippy flew by.
Eddy jumped out of the way.
Zippy skidded fast across the lot.
His tires left long dark marks.
Smoke filled the air.
“Wow!” said Poppy.
“That was cool, Zippy!” said the van.
“I know,” said Zippy.
Zippy took off again.
He stopped far away.
His engine rumbled.
“Watch this!” Zippy yelled.
Zippy zoomed back toward everyone.
He made a sharp turn.
Then he skidded in circles!
“Whoa!” said the jeep.
“Zippy is the best!” said the van.
“Yes, I am!” said Zippy.
Eddy shot across the parking lot!

Tire Town School 28: Pop!
Eddy drove fast.
“Skidding is bad for tires,” he thought.
“But it’s fun!”
Eddy jumped over the dirt hill.
Then he skidded far.
“Yes!” Eddy cried.
Everyone cheered.
Eddy drove off again.
Zippy followed.
They both skidded.
“Oh no!” Eddy cried.
“My tire popped!”
“Ha-ha!” Zippy laughed.
“Your tire—”
“Ugh! My tire popped too!”
Mr. Grill rushed outside.
“What’s going on?” he cried.
“We were skidding,” Eddy mumbled.
“Our tires popped,” said Zippy.
Mr. Grill frowned.
“Come with me,” he said.
Mr. Grill found new tires.
“No more skidding,” said the teacher.
“Do you know why?”
“Yes,” said everyone.
“It’s bad for your tires!”

Tire Town School 29: The Plan
Eddy’s engine started.
His tires spun.
And he took off!
Eddy zoomed across the parking lot.
“Go, Eddy!” Poppy cheered.
“Eddy looks fast today!” said Jeb.
“Yes!” said Dipper.
Mr. Grill came outside.
“Time for class!” he said.
Eddy drove over.
Everyone parked near the teacher.
“Good morning, Mr. Grill,” they said.
“What’s the plan today?” asked Dipper.
“Is there a field trip?”
“No,” said Mr. Grill.
“Will we go fast?” asked Zippy.
“No,” said Mr. Grill.
“What will we do?” asked Poppy.
Mr. Grill smiled.
“We will stop,” he said.
“Stop?” cried Zippy.
“That’s right,” said Mr. Grill.
“Today we’ll use our brakes!”

Tire Town School 30: Brakes Are Boring
“Brakes?” cried Zippy.
“Brakes are boring!”
Eddy didn’t like Zippy.
But Zippy was right.
Brakes were boring.
“Brakes are very important,” said Mr. Grill.
“First we must check them.”
The teacher drove slowly.
Then he stopped.
“See?” he said.
“My brakes work.
Now you all try.”
Most students checked their brakes.
But Zippy didn’t.
“My brakes are fine,” said Zippy.
“I don’t need to check them.”
Mr. Grill drove around the parking lot.
“Use brakes when you turn,” he said.
Mr. Grill slowed down.
He made a turn.
Then he went faster.
“Ugh,” said Zippy.
“Race cars never slow down.”
“Yeah!” said Eddy.
“I won’t check my brakes either.”

Tire Town School 31: No Brakes!
Eddy was at the racetrack.
Eddy took off!
There was a bend in the track.
Eddy didn’t slow down.
He shot around the bend.
But then he slid.
“Whoa!” cried Eddy.
“I almost crashed!”
There was another bend.
“I’ll slow down this time,” he thought.
Eddy hit his brakes.
But they didn’t work.
“Ouch!” cried Eddy.
Eddy rolled slowly to the garage.
Mr. Grill fixed his brakes.
Later Eddy was in the parking lot.
“Let’s play tag!” said Poppy.
Eddy roared his engine .
He started to drive.
But then he remembered the crash.
Eddy stopped.
“I’m scared to go fast!”

Tire Town School 32: Playing in the Dirt
Eddy drove to the construction site.
He went slowly.
He didn’t want to crash again.
“Hey, Jeb,” said Eddy.
“Let’s play in the dirt!”
Poppy and Dipper drove over.
“Eddy!” said Poppy.
“Don’t you want to play tag?”
“No,” said Eddy.
“I don’t want to crash again.”
Jeb loaded dirt into Eddy’s dumper.
Eddy dumped the dirt.
“You won’t crash,” said Dipper.
“Don’t you want to go fast?”
“No,” said Eddy.
Zippy drove over.
“Hey, slowpoke!” he said.
“Want to race?”
“Grr!” said Eddy.
“Leave Eddy alone,” said Dipper.
“He doesn’t want to—”
Eddy roared his engine.
He quickly checked his brakes.
Then he took off!

Tire Town School 33: Up, Up, Up!
“I love field trips,” said Eddy.
“The new bridge will be cool.
I can’t wait to see it!”
Everyone drove up a hill.
“This hill is steep!” said Poppy.
“I’m tired,” said Jeb.
“Me too,” said Dipper.
“I’m too tired to play music.”
“Up, up, up!” said Ms. Fender.
“We’re almost there!”
“Ugh!” said Zippy.
Eddy saw mountains .
He felt the wind.
“Wow!” he said.
“Keep going, everyone!” said Ms. Fender.
“The new bridge is close!”
The road made a sharp turn.
Then Eddy saw something red.
“Whoa!” said Eddy.
“The new bridge!”
Ms. Fender smiled.
“Here we are!” she said.
“Who will go across first?”

Tire Town School 34: The New Bridge
Eddy looked at the new bridge.
“Oh boy!” he said.
He drove closer.
Eddy looked up.
He saw clouds.
Then Eddy looked down.
The ground was far below.
There was a river.
It looked tiny.
Eddy gulped.
“We’re up very high!” he thought.
“Who’s going first?” Ms. Fender asked.
“Not me!” said Dipper.
“Not me!” said Jeb.
“Not me!” said Poppy.
“The bridge is too high!”
“Don’t be scared,” said Ms. Fender.
“The bridge is very safe.”
Then Ms. Fender saw Eddy.
“Oh, Eddy!” said Ms. Fender.
“You don’t seem scared.
Do you want to go first?”

Tire Town School 35: Eddy Is Brave
Eddy was scared.
The bridge was too high!
“Go ahead, Eddy!” said Ms. Fender.
“Drive across the bridge.”
Eddy backed up a little.
“Go, Eddy!” Poppy cheered.
“You can do it!”
“Eddy is brave!” said Dipper.
“He’s braver than we are!” said Jeb.
Zippy laughed.
“Eddy is not brave.
He’s scared!”
Eddy felt hot all over.
“I’m not scared!” he yelled.
“Oh yeah?” said Zippy.
“Then cross the bridge.”
“Fine,” said Eddy.
“I will!”
Eddy took a deep breath.
He rolled onto the bridge.
Eddy drove very slowly.
“I can be brave,” he thought.
“I just won’t look down.”

Tire Town School 36: Across the Bridge
Eddy was on the bridge.
“This bridge isn’t scary,” he thought.
Some birds flew by.
“Birds aren’t scary,” Eddy thought.
A wind blew.
“Wind isn’t scary,” Eddy thought.
Then a stronger wind blew.
The bridge shook!
“Ahh!” Eddy screamed.
He spun his tires.
And he shot across the bridge!
Eddy stopped on the other side.
“Whew!” said Eddy.
“I’m safe!”
Eddy looked back.
Poppy drove onto the bridge.
Everyone else followed Poppy.
Soon everyone was on Eddy’s side.
“Thanks, Eddy,” said Poppy.
“You were very brave.
You made us brave!”
“Well done, Eddy,” said Ms. Fender.
Eddy grinned.

Tire Town School 37: The Racing Team
“I have some news,” said Mr. Grill.
“I’m forming a racing team.”
“What?” cried Eddy.
“Really?” said Zippy.
“Tryouts are next week,” said Mr. Grill.
“I’ll pick the fastest cars.
They’ll get team stickers.”
“Oh boy!” said Eddy.
“I hope I make the team.”
“You will,” said Poppy.
“You’re fast,” said Jeb.
“We’ll help you train,” said Dipper.
Eddy trained all week.
He drove faster each day.
His friends cheered him on.
“Go, Eddy!” said Jeb.
Zippy flew by Eddy.
“Ha-ha!” said Zippy.
“Eddy won’t make the team!”
Eddy stopped.
“Don’t listen to Zippy,” said Poppy.
“You’ll make the team.”
Eddy sighed.
“I hope you’re right.”

Tire Town School 38: Tryouts
It was the day of tryouts.
Eddy saw Zippy.
He saw other cars too.
They all looked pretty fast.
“Welcome to tryouts,” said Mr. Grill.
“I need four fast racers.”
“How will you pick them?” Zippy asked.
“We’ll have a race,” said Mr. Grill.
“I’ll pick the four winners.”
“Me!” said Zippy.
“Maybe,” said Mr. Grill.
“Everyone, line up.”
Eddy went to the starting line.
He was between two big cars.
Their engines rumbled.
Eddy gulped.
But then he heard his friends.
“You can do it, Eddy!” Poppy shouted.
“Good luck, everyone,” said Mr. Grill.
“Ready, set . . . go!”
Eddy took off.
“I can do this,” he thought.
“I can make the team!”

Tire Town School 39: Stickers
Eddy raced.
Most cars flew ahead of Eddy.
But some cars were behind him.
“At least I’m not last,” Eddy thought.
Then Eddy passed a car.
“Cool!” said Eddy.
Eddy picked up speed.
He went around the bend.
Eddy passed another car.
Then he passed another.
“Wow!” said Eddy.
“I really am fast!
I’m going to make the team!”
Eddy saw the finish line.
He raced across it.
“I won!” Zippy was shouting.
Eddy looked over.
Three other cars were with Zippy.
They all had team stickers.
“The four winners,” thought Eddy.
“Sorry, Eddy,” said Mr. Grill.
“You were pretty fast.
But you didn’t make the team.”

Tire Town School 40: The Best Team Ever
Eddy drove toward his friends.
He felt awful.
Zippy flew past Eddy.
“I made the team!” Zippy shouted.
“And Eddy didn’t!”
Poppy looked at Eddy.
She whispered to Dipper and Jeb.
The three of them raced away.
They drove behind the garage.
Eddy gasped.
“My friends don’t like me anymore!” he thought.
Eddy grew angry.
“They’re mean!” he thought.
“I’ll tell them that!”
Eddy drove behind the garage.
“Surprise!” shouted Poppy.
“Huh?” said Eddy.
Poppy stuck a sticker on Eddy.
“There!” she said.
“Now you’re on a team!”
“What team?” asked Eddy.
“Our team!” said Dipper.
“It’s a friends’ team!” said Jeb.
Eddy grinned.
It was the best team ever.

Tire Town School 41: Jeb Is Slow
Eddy and his friends raced.
They drove around the racetrack.
“Eddy won!” cried Poppy.
“Let’s race again!” said Eddy.
“Yeah!” said Dipper.
“Racing is fun!”
“You’re too fast, Eddy,” said Jeb.
“You win all the time.”
“Let’s play tag,” said Dipper.
“I love tag,” said Poppy.
She tagged Eddy.
“You’re it!” said Poppy.
She took off.
Eddy started to follow.
“I don’t like tag,” said Jeb.
“I’m too slow for it.”
Poppy and Eddy came back.
“Hmm,” said Poppy.
“Let’s tell funny jokes.
Tell a funny joke, Jeb!”
“Um,” said Jeb.
“I don’t know any funny jokes.”
Jeb sighed.
“I’m not really good at anything.”

Tire Town School 42: Snowflakes
“That’s not true, Jeb,” said Poppy.
“You’re good at things.”
“Not like you, Poppy,” said Jeb.
“You’re funny.
Eddy is fast.
And Dipper plays music.”
“You’re good at digging dirt,” said Dipper.
“I guess,” said Jeb.
“But no one cares about digging.”
“I do!” said Eddy.
“Dirt is fun!”
Just then a snowflake fell.
“It’s starting to snow!” said Poppy.
More snowflakes fell.
“Yay!” cried Poppy.
Eddy stuck out his tongue.
He caught a snowflake.
“Mmm!” said Eddy.
Soon snow covered the ground.
The snow got deep.
“We’re going home early!” said Mr. Grill.
“Yay!” shouted the students.
Poppy’s tires spun in the snow.
She didn’t move.
“Uh-oh!” said Poppy.

Tire Town School 43: Deep Snow
“This snow is deep,” said Poppy.
“I can’t drive in it!”
“I can’t drive either,” said Dipper.
“I’m stuck!”
Jeb drove through the snow.
“I can drive in it,” he said.
Wind blew.
It made big snow piles.
The snow piles blocked the road.
“Uh-oh,” said Jeb.
“We can’t get to the road.”
“We’re stuck at school!” said Eddy.
Mr. Grill went into the garage.
He came out with a snowplow.
His snowplow pushed the snow.
Soon the parking lot was clear.
“We can move now!” said Poppy.
Mr. Grill pushed the snow piles.
But the piles were too big.
“Ugh!” said Mr. Grill.
“My snowplow broke!”

Tire Town School 44: Jeb Helps
Mr. Grill’s plow was broken.
“Oh no,” said Eddy.
“This is bad,” said Mr. Grill.
The snow got deeper.
The snow piles got bigger.
“How will we drive home?” said Poppy.
Jeb rolled over to Mr. Grill.
“I can help,” said Jeb.
Mr. Grill smiled.
“Yes, Jeb!” he said.
“You have a scooper!”
Jeb picked up some snow.
He moved it away.
Jeb scooped up more snow.
Soon the snow piles were gone.
“Way to go, Jeb!” said Eddy.
“We can get to the road now!”
A big snowplow truck drove by.
He was clearing the road.
He looked at Jeb and nodded.
“Good job, kid,” said the truck.
Jeb grinned.

Tire Town School 45: Parking
Everyone was learning how to park.
“Watch me,” said Ms. Fender.
The teacher drove backward.
She turned her wheels.
She parked next to a curb.
“Everybody, practice,” said Ms. Fender.
“We have a test this afternoon.”
Eddy gulped.
“I don’t like tests,” he thought.
Poppy tried to park.
Her wheel hit the curb.
“Oops!” she said.
“I turned too much!”
She tried again.
“Oops!” she said.
“I didn’t turn enough!”
Eddy backed up.
He turned.
He parked next to the curb.
“Perfect, Eddy,” said Ms. Fender.
“Wow!” said Jeb.
“Eddy doesn’t need to practice!”
Zippy laughed.
“Parking is slow,” he said.
“That’s why Eddy can do it!”
“Grr!” said Eddy.

Tire Town School 46: A Great Friend
Poppy tried to park again.
She backed up.
She turned.
Her wheel hit the curb.
“Ugh!” cried Poppy.
“I still can’t do this!”
Zippy laughed.
Poppy glared at Zippy.
“Can you park?” she asked.
“Race cars don’t park,” said Zippy.
“We go fast!”
Eddy drove over to Poppy.
“You just need to practice,” he said.
“But we have a test,” said Poppy.
“I’m going to fail it!”
“No, you won’t,” said Eddy.
“I’ll help you practice.”
Poppy smiled.
“Really?” she asked.
“Of course,” said Eddy.
“Story time!” called Ms. Fender.
Everyone raced over to the teacher.
“We’ll practice during recess,” said Eddy.
“Thanks, Eddy!” said Poppy.
“You’re a great friend!”

Tire Town School 47: Recess Race
It was time for recess.
Eddy drove onto the parking lot.
“Hey, slowpoke!” Zippy yelled.
Zippy took off.
“Grr!” said Eddy.
He raced after the bully.
Poppy was waiting for Eddy.
But Eddy didn’t see her.
Eddy chased Zippy around the racetrack.
They went around and around.
But Zippy was too fast.
“Ha-ha!” said Zippy.
“You’re slow!”
Zippy shot back to the parking lot.
Eddy sighed.
“Zippy is a show-off!” he said.
Eddy drove back to school.
He turned into the parking lot.
“Hi, Poppy,” said Eddy.
Poppy glared at Eddy.
“Don’t say hi to me!” she snapped.
“You forgot to help me!”

Tire Town School 48: Poppy Is Mad
Eddy raced after Poppy.
“Poppy, wait!” he cried.
Eddy shot in front of her.
“Let’s practice now!” he said.
“No!” said Poppy.
Poppy backed up fast.
She tried to go around Eddy.
Eddy blocked her way.
Poppy backed up again.
Poppy turned.
Then she gasped.
She was next to the curb.
“I did it!” cried Poppy.
“Thanks, Eddy!”
“You’re welcome,” said Eddy.
“I’m sorry I didn’t help before.
Zippy made me so mad.”
“It’s okay,” said Poppy.
“Test time!” called Ms. Fender.
Everyone took the parking test.
“Yay!” Poppy shouted.
“I passed the test!”
Zippy’s wheel hit the curb.
“Ugh,” he said.
“I failed!”
Ms. Fender smiled.
“Keep practicing, Zippy!”

Tire Town School Episode 49: The Junkyard
Eddy was with his friends.
They were driving in the woods.
“This is fun!” Poppy said.
The road left the woods.
The friends stopped.
They saw piles.
Old wheels sat in one pile.
Another pile had car doors.
Everything was rusty.
“This is a junkyard,” Jeb said.
“It’s a place for old parts.”
“It’s creepy,” Dipper said.
“It’s not creepy,” Jeb said.
“Let’s look around.”
Jeb rolled off.
Eddy, Poppy, and Dipper followed.
They went past some big pipes.
Dipper drove through an oil puddle.
“Yuck,” she said.
“Let’s leave,” Dipper said.
“There might be monsters.”
“Don’t be silly,” Poppy said.
“There aren’t monsters,” Eddy said.
Brumm, brumm!
Suddenly they heard a loud sound.

Tire Town School 50: A Monster?
“I heard a monster!” Dipper cried.
“Let’s get out of here!”
“Don’t go!” a voice cried.
“Who said that?” Eddy asked.
“Look!” Poppy said.
“Someone is behind that tire pile.”
A truck peeked out.
He had really big tires.
Dipper gasped.
“A monster!” she cried.
“Let’s go!”
“Wait!” the truck called.
“I’m a monster truck.
But I’m very friendly.”
Dipper gulped.
“He looks nice,” she whispered.
“My name is Gasser,” the truck said.
“It’s nice to meet you, Gasser,” Eddy said.
“Do you live here?”
“Yes,” said Gasser.
“My family just moved here.
Want to see something cool?”
Brumm, brumm!
Gasser sped toward a junk pile.
“Look out, Gasser!” Eddy cried.
“You’re going to crash!”

Tire Town School 51: Playing Games
Gasser slammed into the junk pile.
Brumm, brumm!
Gasser drove over the pile.
“Whoa!” Eddy said.
Crack! Crunch!
Parts twisted and broke.
Gasser drove up a bigger pile.
“Yay!” Dipper cheered.
“Listen to this,” said Gasser.
He closed his eyes.
He took a deep breath.
Brumm, brumm, brumm!
Gasser’s engine roared.
“Wow!” Eddy said.
“That was super loud!”
“Let’s play!” Dipper said.
The friends played hide-and-seek.
Next they played tag.
Then they told jokes.
It was getting late.
“Good-bye, Gasser,” Eddy said.
The friends drove home.
Everyone was sad.
“Gasser is cool,” Jeb said.
“Will we ever see him again?”

Tire Town School 52: Really Loud
“Yesterday was fun,” Poppy said.
The friends were at school.
“Yeah,” said Eddy.
“Gasser is cool.”
Zippy was driving by.
He stopped.
“Who’s Gasser?” he asked.
“Gasser is our new friend,” Dipper said.
“He’s a monster truck.”
Zippy laughed.
“Monster trucks look silly,” he said.
“Their tires are too big!”
Zippy laughed some more.
A shadow appeared behind him.
He didn’t see it.
“Monster trucks are dumb!” Zippy said.
“They’re not scary at all!”
The shadow’s engine roared.
Brumm, brumm, brumm!
“Ahh!” Zippy screamed.
He zoomed away.
The friends gasped.
“Gasser, it’s you!” cried Poppy.
“Surprise!” Gasser said.
“This is my new school!”
Eddy and his friends cheered.

Tire Town School 53: The Old Cars’ Home
“We’re here,” Dipper said.
“Tire Town Old Cars’ Home.”
It was Saturday.
The friends were meeting Dipper’s grandma.
“This place is nice,” Eddy said.
“I see a garden,” Poppy said.
Jeb looked around.
“Does this place have dirt?” he asked.
“Nope,” Dipper said.
“Older cars don’t like dirt.”
“I don’t see any piles,” said Gasser.
“There’s nothing to jump over.”
“Of course not,” Dipper said.
“Older cars don’t jump over piles.”
Some cars and trucks drove over.
“Dipper!” said an ice cream truck.
“Hi, Grandma!” Dipper said.
“These are my friends.”
The older cars smiled at Eddy.
They smiled at Poppy and Jeb.
But then the cars saw Gasser.
“Oh no!” one car said.
“That truck is scary!”

Tire Town School 54: The Dirt Pile
“Gasser is a monster truck,” Dipper said.
“But he’s really nice.”
“I’m Carlin,” said an old van.
“What do monster trucks do?”
“I drive on dirt,” Gasser said.
“I also jump over stuff.”
“That sounds fun,” Carlin said.
“It sure does!” Grandma said.
“Ha-ha, Grandma,” Dipper said.
“You don’t jump over stuff.”
“Come on,” Carlin said.
“We’ll show you kids around.”
Grandma and Carlin led the way.
“The garden is so pretty,” Poppy said.
“Look,” Grandma said.
“Do you see our new pond?”
“I see dirt!” Jeb said.
“That’s a big pile!” Eddy said.
“Workers left it,” Grandma said.
“They dug out the pond.
That’s the dirt from the hole.”
“The dirt doesn’t look nice,” Carlin said.

Tire Town School 55: Ruining the Garden
“Oh no!” Gasser said.
A broken statue lay under him.
“I’m sorry,” Gasser said.
“I was looking at the dirt.
I didn’t see the statue.”
“That’s okay,” Grandma said.
“No big deal,” Carlin said.
“There is more to see!” Grandma said.
Everyone followed her.
“Uh-oh,” Poppy said.
“Gasser ran over some flowers!”
“Please be careful!” Dipper whispered.
“Sorry,” Gasser said.
“Don’t worry,” Eddy said.
“We know you didn’t mean to.”
“I like this fountain,” Jeb said.
“It looks like a boat.”
“This way,” Carlin said.
Everyone followed.
“Ugh!” Gasser cried.
“My tire knocked over the fountain!”
He backed into a sign.
“I’m too big!” Gasser cried.
“I’m ruining the garden!”

Tire Town School 56 : Eddy and Jeb’s Surprise
Gasser was sad.
“Don’t be sad,” Poppy said.
“We can fix everything,” Dipper said.
“I’ll help,” Carlin said.
“Jeb, I have an idea,” Eddy said.
“Follow me.”
Eddy and Jeb went to the dirt pile.
Everyone else got to work.
Dipper planted new flowers.
Carlin fixed the sign.
Gasser stood the fountain back up.
Poppy cleaned up the broken statue.
Soon the garden looked nice again.
Gasser smiled.
Eddy came back.
“Hey, everyone,” he said.
“Jeb and I have a surprise!”
Eddy led everyone to the dirt.
The pile was gone.
Now there was a dirt track.
“That looks fun!” Carlin said.
“It sure does!” Grandma said.
Everyone drove on the track.
Grandma jumped a ramp.

Tire Town School 57: A Mystery
Eddy, Jeb, and Gasser were playing.
“I love dirt,” Jeb said.
“I love jumping!” Gasser said.
He drove fast toward a pile.
Gasser flew through the air.
Mr. Grill came outside.
“Good morning, students!” he said.
“Do we have safety class today?” Zippy asked.
“That’s so boring.”
“No,” Mr. Grill said.
“We’re doing something fun today.”
“What is it?” Eddy asked.
“Tell us!” Poppy said.
Mr. Grill smiled.
“I’m not telling yet.
It’s a mystery!”
“When will you tell us?” Jeb asked.
“This afternoon,” Mr. Grill said.
“Meet me in the parking lot.”
That afternoon the students met.
They parked in the parking lot.
“Um,” Dipper said.
“Where is Mr. Grill?”

Tire Town School 58: Where Is Mr. Grill?
“Where is Mr. Grill?” Jeb asked.
“He said to meet here.”
“Maybe he forgot,” Poppy said.
“I don’t think so,” Dipper said.
Everyone looked around.
But they didn’t see the teacher.
“Hey!” Gasser said.
“What’s this?”
Eddy saw a sheet of paper.
There was an oval on it.
“Hmm,” Eddy said.
“It looks like a racetrack.”
Poppy gasped.
“I bet Mr. Grill left it!” she said.
Everyone looked confused.
“Why did he leave it?” Zippy asked.
“So we can find him,” Poppy said.
“I think it’s a clue.”
“Oh, fun!” Dipper said.
“Let’s go to the racetrack!”
Everyone hurried to the racetrack.
Eddy saw a sign.
It said, “Race!”

Tire Town School 59: Another Clue
“Let’s race!” Zippy said.
He zoomed off.
Eddy drove fast.
He zipped around a bend.
Eddy saw Zippy.
Zippy was reading another sign.
Everyone else stopped.
“What does the sign say?” Gasser asked.
“It says, ‘Dig!’” Zippy said.
“Hmm,” Poppy said.
“Where will we dig?”
“I know where to dig,” Jeb said.
“At the construction site!”
Everyone went to the construction site.
Jeb dug.
He dug deep.
He dug up a box.
Poppy opened the box.
“It’s a horn,” she said.
“Another clue,” Eddy said.
“Honk the horn, Poppy.”
Poppy honked the horn.
Nothing happened.
Eddy sighed.
“Now what do we do?”

Tire Town School 60: Honk, Honk!
“Look!” Dipper said.
“There’s a picture in the box.”
The picture showed a road.
was next to it.
“Oh!” Eddy said.
“We’re going to drive off-road.”
“How do you know?” Jeb said.
“See the
?” Eddy said.
“It is
the road.”
“You’re smart, Eddy,” Poppy said.
“So where do we go?” Gasser asked.
“Where can we drive off-road?”
“In the woods,” Eddy said.
“Follow me!”
Everyone drove along the trail.
They came to a stop sign.
Eddy looked around.
He didn’t see any clues.
Poppy honked the horn.
Honk, honk!
Someone honked back!
“It’s Mr. Grill!” Dipper cried.
“Good job, everyone,” Mr. Grill said.
“You found me!”

Tire Town School 61: Amazing News
Eddy and his friends were playing.
Jeb chased Poppy.
Zippy zoomed by.
“You’re all slow!” he said.
Ms. Fender came outside.
“Come here, everyone!” she called.
“I have some news!”
Everyone hurried over.
“What is it?” Dipper asked.
“Field trip tomorrow!” Ms. Fender said.
“Someone will do something amazing!”
“I’ll bet it’s a race,” Zippy said.
“Someone will go fast!”
Zippy zoomed around the parking lot.
“No, Zippy,” Ms. Fender said.
“We’re not going to a race.”
“Will someone build something?” Jeb asked.
“Nope,” Ms. Fender said.
“Will a car do jumps?” Gasser asked.
“Nope,” Ms. Fender said.
“What is it then?” Eddy asked.
“Tell us!” Poppy cried.
Ms. Fender grinned.
“Someone will say good-bye!”

Tire Town School 62: The Spaceport
Everyone drove along the road.
“Hmm,” Eddy thought.
“Who’s going to say good-bye?”
“We’re here,” Ms. Fender said.
“The Tire Town Spaceport.
Please follow the rules.”
Everyone gasped.
“I see a rocket!” Jeb said.
“His name is Rocky,” Ms. Fender said.
“He’s going to space.
We’ll watch him blast off!”
“Whoa,” Dipper said.
“Space is so cool,” Poppy said.
Gasser stared at Rocky.
His eyes were big.
“I never saw a rocket before!”
“Me neither,” Eddy said.
“Rockets are so fast!”
“Ms. Fender!” Gasser called.
“Can we meet Rocky?”
“Yes,” Ms. Fender said.
“We’re going to meet him now.”
“Cool,” Eddy said.
“I can’t wait to meet Rocky.”
Zippy laughed.
“You’re slow!” he said.
“Rocky won’t want to meet you!”

Tire Town School 63: Rocky
“Zippy is mean,” Eddy thought.
He drove away from Zippy.
Eddy watched the busy spaceport.
A fuel truck drove by.
“I’m bringing fuel to Rocky!”
“Let’s meet Rocky,” Ms. Fender said.
They drove over to the rocket.
Eddy blinked.
Rocky was huge!
“Hi, kids!” Rocky said.
“Will you watch me blast off?”
“Yes!” everyone yelled.
“My job is important,” Rocky said.
“I’m bringing things to space.”
“How will you do that?” Jeb asked.
“My engine is strong,” Rocky said.
“I can fly very fast.”
“I’m fast too,” Zippy said.
“Watch this!”
Zippy sped off.
He shot across the spaceport.
“Uh-oh,” Eddy said.
“Zippy is breaking the rules.”
Ms. Fender beeped her horn.
“No speeding, Zippy!”

Tire Town School 64: Blastoff!
Zippy zoomed around the spaceport.
Trucks jumped out of the way.
Zippy laughed.
Then he gasped.
Zippy was speeding toward a truck.
The truck was carrying a satellite.
Zippy slammed his brakes and slid.
Zippy crashed into the truck.
“My wheel is broken!” the truck said.
“I can’t bring Rocky this satellite.”
“Jeb and I can help!” Eddy said.
Eddy and Jeb hurried over.
Jeb picked up the satellite.
He put it in Eddy’s dumper.
Eddy drove it to Rocky.
Ms. Fender went to Zippy.
“You’re in big trouble,” she said.
“Get ready!” a voice said.
“Blastoff is in ten seconds!”
Everyone counted down.
“Good-bye!” Rocky said.
Rocky blasted off.
Eddy waved. “Bye, Rocky!”

Tire Town School 65: Tire Town Beach
“I love the beach!” Dipper said.
“Me too,” Eddy said.
“The sun feels warm.”
“This is boring,” Zippy said.
“I can’t go fast on sand!”
The cars were on a field trip.
They were at Tire Town Beach.
“The water looks fun,” said Dipper.
Ms. Fender frowned.
“Don’t forget.
Cars cannot go in the water.”
Jeb dug sand.
He loaded it in Eddy’s dumper.
A boat floated on the sea.
“Wow,” Dipper said.
“I wish we could float.”
Poppy nodded.
“The water looks fun,” she said.
“It sure does!” Gasser said.
Gasser looked around.
“I don’t see Ms. Fender,” he said.
Brumm, brumm!
Gasser went fast.
Gasser zoomed through the water.
It splashed everyone!

Tire Town School 66: Gasser’s Big Splash
Water splashed.
“Yay!” Dipper cheered.
Gasser drove through the water again.
“Do it again, Gasser!” Poppy said.
Just then Ms. Fender drove over.
“Gasser,” she said.
“Stop that right now!”
Gasser frowned.
“Sorry,” he said.
“Just play in the sand,” Ms. Fender said.
“Water is not for cars!”
Ms. Fender drove off.
Gasser waited for a moment.
“Ms. Fender is gone,” he said.
Brumm, brumm!
Gasser sped through the water again.
Everyone laughed.
“The water feels great,” Dipper said.
“I’m going in!”
“No, Dipper!” Eddy said.
“It’s fine,” Dipper said.
Dipper drove into the water.
She went in deeper and deeper.
Dipper called to her friends.
“Come on in!” she said.

Tire Town School 67: Splashing and Playing
“The water feels nice!” Dipper said.
“You should come out,” Jeb said.
“Yeah,” Eddy said.
“Ms. Fender will be mad.”
But Dipper didn’t listen.
She went in even deeper.
Poppy went closer to the water.
The others followed.
Brumm, brumm!
Gasser splashed into the water.
Everyone laughed.
Jeb scooped some water.
Eddy dipped his tire.
“I’m going in,” Zippy said.
He drove into the waves.
“Me too!” Jeb said.
He splashed into the water.
Poppy went in next.
“Come on, Eddy!” she said.
Eddy went in.
“This is fun!” he said.
Everyone splashed and played.
“Uh-oh!” Eddy said.
“My engine stopped!”

Tire Town School 68: Toots
“This is bad!” Eddy said.
“I can’t drive!”
“Me neither!” Dipper cried.
“What will we do?”
Ms. Fender came over.
She gasped. “Water is not for cars!”
“We’re sorry!” Dipper said.
“Now we’re stuck!”
Ms. Fender sighed.
“I’ll get help,” she said.
A small boat arrived.
“I’m Toots,” she said.
Toots pushed everyone onto the sand.
“Stay on land,” Toots said.
“Water is not for cars.”
The cars still couldn’t drive.
“Your engines are wet,” Ms. Fender said.
“The sun will dry them.”
Soon Eddy’s engine was dry.
The others could drive too.
Everyone drove back to school.
“What did you learn today?” Ms. Fender asked.
“Water is fun,” Dipper said.
“But it is not for cars!”

Tire Town School 69: A Talent
“Did you hear?” Dipper asked.
“Hear what?” Eddy asked.
“We’re having a talent show!” Dipper said.
“I will play music in it!”
Dipper played her music.
She spun around and sang.
“What will you do, Jeb?” Eddy asked.
“Watch this!” Jeb said.
Jeb rolled to the dirt area.
He lifted a big rock.
“Wow!” everyone said.
“I will lift big things,” Jeb said.
“I can tell jokes,” Poppy said.
“And I can do balloon tricks!”
Poppy’s trunk popped open.
Balloons floated out.
“Cool!” Gasser said.
“I will drive over things.”
Brumm, brumm!
Gasser drove over a dirt pile.
“What will you do, Eddy?” Jeb asked.
Eddy frowned. “I don’t know.”

Tire Town School 70: Dipper’s Music Player
“This stinks,” Eddy said.
“I don’t have a talent!”
“Don’t be silly,” Poppy said.
“Think, Eddy,” Dipper said.
“What do you love to do?”
“I like to go fast,” Eddy said.
Just then Zippy drove over.
Zippy laughed. “You’re slow.”
“Going fast is not your talent!”
Zippy sped off.
“Grr!” Eddy zoomed after Zippy.
They raced around the parking lot.
Then they zoomed back.
Eddy skidded.
“Oh no!” Dipper cried.
Eddy banged into Dipper.
“Oof!” Dipper cried.
“Sorry!” Eddy said.
“Are you okay?”
“I think so,” Dipper said.
She tried to play her music.
But no sound came out.
Dipper gulped.
“My music player broke!”

Tire Town School 71: A New Music Player
“This stinks!” Dipper said.
“We’re having a talent show.
I need my music player!”
“Let’s check my junkyard,” Gasser said.
“Maybe we can find one there.”
The friends searched the junkyard.
Gasser found a music player.
“Thank you!” Dipper said.
“I’ll put it in later.
Eddy, can you carry it?”
Eddy nodded.
Jeb lifted the music player.
He put it in Eddy’s dumper.
Suddenly Jeb bumped a tire pile.
One tire bounced onto Poppy.
“Ouch!” Poppy said.
Her hood got dented.
“Sorry!” Jeb said.
Gasser found Poppy a new hood.
Jeb lifted the hood.
He placed it in Eddy’s dumper.
Jeb looked at the hood.
It balanced on the music player.
Jeb told Eddy.
Eddy grinned.
“I have an idea, Jeb!” he said.

Tire Town School 72: The Talent Show
“Good morning,” Ms. Fender said.
“It’s time for the talent show!”
Dipper spun around in circles.
Her music filled the air.
Zippy zoomed across the parking lot.
“Watch me!” he said.
Gasser drove over dirt piles.
Poppy told jokes.
She did balloon tricks.
Jeb looked at Eddy.
“It’s our turn now,” Jeb said.
Jeb lifted a big rock.
He tossed it through the air.
Everyone gasped.
Eddy spun around and—
The rock landed in Eddy’s dumper.
“Got it!” Eddy said.
“Yay!” everyone cheered.
Jeb tossed another rock.
Eddy moved fast.
He caught the rock.
The rock landed on the first rock!
Jeb threw more rocks.
Soon Eddy balanced six rocks.
Everyone cheered.
Eddy and Jeb grinned.





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