首先安装Common UNIX Printing System(或CUPS™): # apt-get install cupsys cupsomatic-ppd # apt-get install cupsys-bsd cupsys-driver-gimpprint 接着用浏览器来配置系统: $ mybrowser http://localhost:631 举个例子,将你的打印机联接到可访问打印机列表中: * 在主页面上点击“Printers”,然后点“Add Printer”, * 输入用户名和密码,进入“root”, * 按提示添加打印机, * 返回“Printers”页面,点“Configure Printer”, * 设定打印纸尺寸、分辨率和其它参数。 更多信息可浏览http://localhost:631/documentation.html和http://www.cups.org/cups-help.html。 Adding Your First Printer CUPS provides two methods for adding printers: a command-line program called lpadmin(8) and a Web interface. The lpadmin command allows you to perform most printer administration tasks from the command-line and is located in /usr/sbin. The Web interface is located at: http://localhost:631/admin and steps you through printer configuration. If you don't like command-line interfaces, try the Web interface instead. Adding Your First Printer from the Command-Lin
最新推荐文章于 2024-09-03 00:12:11 发布
本文介绍了如何在Linux系统中使用CUPS(Common UNIX Printing System)安装和配置网络打印机。通过运行特定的apt-get命令安装CUPS及相关组件,然后利用CUPS的Web界面或lpadmin命令行工具进行打印机的添加和设置。详细步骤包括选择设备URI、PPD文件,以及调整打印参数。