

  • 本篇看一下Suspense和lazy到底啥玩意。


  • lazy和suspense的组合有点意思,一般用来做代码分割用,但里面如何实现的?我只知道分割部分是用webpack的import语句写的,毕竟这个是用户自己写的,里面感觉像是啥都没干一样。这就有点像webpack的cssloader,你感觉cssloader好像啥都没干,毕竟你写的本来就是css或者被预处理器转成了css,那么要cssloader干啥?实际上cssloader写的相当复杂。
import React, { Component,lazy,Suspense } from 'react';
import reactDom from 'react-dom';
import {HashRouter,Route,Link}from 'react-router-dom'
class App extends Component{
      <Suspense fallback={null}>
      <Link to='/'>111</Link>
      <Link to='/2'>222</Link>
      <Route path="/" exact component={lazy(() =>import("./a"))}></Route>
      <Route path="/2" exact component={lazy(() =>import("./b"))}></Route>


  • lazy:
function lazy(ctor) {
  var lazyType = {
    $$typeof: REACT_LAZY_TYPE,
    _ctor: ctor,
    // React uses these fields to store the result.
    _status: -1,
    _result: null

    // In production, this would just set it on the object.
    var defaultProps;
    var propTypes;
    Object.defineProperties(lazyType, {
      defaultProps: {
        configurable: true,
        get: function () {
          return defaultProps;
        set: function (newDefaultProps) {
          error('React.lazy(...): It is not supported to assign `defaultProps` to ' + 'a lazy component import. Either specify them where the component ' + 'is defined, or create a wrapping component around it.');

          defaultProps = newDefaultProps; // Match production behavior more closely:

          Object.defineProperty(lazyType, 'defaultProps', {
            enumerable: true
      propTypes: {
        configurable: true,
        get: function () {
          return propTypes;
        set: function (newPropTypes) {
          error('React.lazy(...): It is not supported to assign `propTypes` to ' + 'a lazy component import. Either specify them where the component ' + 'is defined, or create a wrapping component around it.');

          propTypes = newPropTypes; // Match production behavior more closely:

          Object.defineProperty(lazyType, 'propTypes', {
            enumerable: true

  return lazyType;

  • suspense居然就一type:
exports.Suspense = REACT_SUSPENSE_TYPE;
  • 我只想说mmp,要知道这个流程只能看一下他到底怎么工作的。
  • 可以在渲染前打印下,发现suspense就是做成了个vdom
type: Symbol(react.suspense)
props: {fallback: null, children: Array(4)}
$$typeof: Symbol(react.element)
  • 而lazy也做成了个vdom:
$$typeof: Symbol(react.lazy)
_ctor: () => {}
_result: ƒ Aaa(props)
_status: 1
defaultProps: (...)
propTypes: (...)
get defaultProps: ƒ ()
set defaultProps: ƒ (newDefaultProps)
get propTypes: ƒ ()
set propTypes: ƒ (newPropTypes)
__proto__: Object
exact: true
path: "/"
  • 所以看来,要了解原理,又得去看令人崩溃的react-dom。。。
  • 打断点看一下lazy相关:
    function mountLazyComponent(_current, workInProgress, elementType, updateExpirationTime, renderExpirationTime) {
      if (_current !== null) {
        // A lazy component only mounts if it suspended inside a non-
        // concurrent tree, in an inconsistent state. We want to treat it like
        // a new mount, even though an empty version of it already committed.
        // Disconnect the alternate pointers.
        _current.alternate = null;
        workInProgress.alternate = null; // Since this is conceptually a new fiber, schedule a Placement effect

        workInProgress.effectTag |= Placement;

      var props = workInProgress.pendingProps; // We can't start a User Timing measurement with correct label yet.
      // Cancel and resume right after we know the tag.

      var Component = readLazyComponentType(elementType); // Store the unwrapped component in the type.

      workInProgress.type = Component;
      var resolvedTag = workInProgress.tag = resolveLazyComponentTag(Component);
      var resolvedProps = resolveDefaultProps(Component, props);
      var child;

      switch (resolvedTag) {
        case FunctionComponent:
              validateFunctionComponentInDev(workInProgress, Component);
              workInProgress.type = Component = resolveFunctionForHotReloading(Component);

            child = updateFunctionComponent(null, workInProgress, Component, resolvedProps, renderExpirationTime);
            return child;

        case ClassComponent:
              workInProgress.type = Component = resolveClassForHotReloading(Component);

            child = updateClassComponent(null, workInProgress, Component, resolvedProps, renderExpirationTime);
            return child;

        case ForwardRef:
              workInProgress.type = Component = resolveForwardRefForHotReloading(Component);

            child = updateForwardRef(null, workInProgress, Component, resolvedProps, renderExpirationTime);
            return child;

        case MemoComponent:
              if (workInProgress.type !== workInProgress.elementType) {
                var outerPropTypes = Component.propTypes;

                if (outerPropTypes) {
                  checkPropTypes(outerPropTypes, resolvedProps, // Resolved for outer only
                    'prop', getComponentName(Component), getCurrentFiberStackInDev);

            child = updateMemoComponent(null, workInProgress, Component, resolveDefaultProps(Component.type, resolvedProps), // The inner type can have defaults too
              updateExpirationTime, renderExpirationTime);
            return child;

      var hint = '';

        if (Component !== null && typeof Component === 'object' && Component.$$typeof === REACT_LAZY_TYPE) {
          hint = ' Did you wrap a component in React.lazy() more than once?';
      } // This message intentionally doesn't mention ForwardRef or MemoComponent
      // because the fact that it's a separate type of work is an
      // implementation detail.

          throw Error("Element type is invalid. Received a promise that resolves to: " + Component + ". Lazy element type must resolve to a class or function." + hint);

    function readLazyComponentType(lazyComponent) {

      if (lazyComponent._status !== Resolved) {
        throw lazyComponent._result;

      return lazyComponent._result;
   function initializeLazyComponentType(lazyComponent) {
      if (lazyComponent._status === Uninitialized) {
        lazyComponent._status = Pending;
        var ctor = lazyComponent._ctor;
        var thenable = ctor();
        lazyComponent._result = thenable;
        thenable.then(function (moduleObject) {
          if (lazyComponent._status === Pending) {
            var defaultExport = moduleObject.default;

              if (defaultExport === undefined) {
                error('lazy: Expected the result of a dynamic import() call. ' + 'Instead received: %s\n\nYour code should look like: \n  ' + "const MyComponent = lazy(() => import('./MyComponent'))", moduleObject);

            lazyComponent._status = Resolved;
            lazyComponent._result = defaultExport;
        }, function (error) {
          if (lazyComponent._status === Pending) {
            lazyComponent._status = Rejected;
            lazyComponent._result = error;
  • 可以看见,这个thenable就是我们在lazy中写的webpack的import,还没加载时是个pending的promise,然后存到_result上。就是把我们写的存到vdom属性上。又加了个then后的内容和状态,到时候代码来了,状态显示仍未处理,那就把真正结果放到_result上。

  • 当拉完代码后webpack的promise会调then,就是走一遍这里,这时这个vnode的_result就是有值的状态,同样也会进initializeLazyComponentType方法,但是这里已经被标记处理过了,然后就会直接退出来返回_result结果。

  • 此时mountLazyComponent中工作的fiber就会取得Component结果,然后存到type上,resolveDefaultProps是判断有无默认属性,判断这个默认导出到底是什么组件,再后面几个判断没啥用,最后就是更新属性,得到当前工作fiber的最新状态,也就是拿到了懒加载后最终要渲染的fiber的样子。

  • 如果一直没拉完代码当然就一直没人调then,页面一直维持fallback样子,有人调then或者rej就继续走调度。

  • 判断是suspense的tag会走这个逻辑:

 function updateSuspenseComponent(current, workInProgress, renderExpirationTime) {
      var mode = workInProgress.mode;
      var nextProps = workInProgress.pendingProps; // This is used by DevTools to force a boundary to suspend.
        if (shouldSuspend(workInProgress)) {
          workInProgress.effectTag |= DidCapture;

      var suspenseContext = suspenseStackCursor.current;
      var nextDidTimeout = false;
      var didSuspend = (workInProgress.effectTag & DidCapture) !== NoEffect;

      if (didSuspend || shouldRemainOnFallback(suspenseContext, current)) {
        // Something in this boundary's subtree already suspended. Switch to
        // rendering the fallback children.
        nextDidTimeout = true;
        workInProgress.effectTag &= ~DidCapture;
      } else {
        // Attempting the main content
        if (current === null || current.memoizedState !== null) {
          // This is a new mount or this boundary is already showing a fallback state.
          // Mark this subtree context as having at least one invisible parent that could
          // handle the fallback state.
          // Boundaries without fallbacks or should be avoided are not considered since
          // they cannot handle preferred fallback states.
          if (nextProps.fallback !== undefined && nextProps.unstable_avoidThisFallback !== true) {
            suspenseContext = addSubtreeSuspenseContext(suspenseContext, InvisibleParentSuspenseContext);

      suspenseContext = setDefaultShallowSuspenseContext(suspenseContext);
      pushSuspenseContext(workInProgress, suspenseContext); // This next part is a bit confusing. If the children timeout, we switch to
      // showing the fallback children in place of the "primary" children.
      // However, we don't want to delete the primary children because then their
      // state will be lost (both the React state and the host state, e.g.
      // uncontrolled form inputs). Instead we keep them mounted and hide them.
      // Both the fallback children AND the primary children are rendered at the
      // same time. Once the primary children are un-suspended, we can delete
      // the fallback children — don't need to preserve their state.
      // The two sets of children are siblings in the host environment, but
      // semantically, for purposes of reconciliation, they are two separate sets.
      // So we store them using two fragment fibers.
      // However, we want to avoid allocating extra fibers for every placeholder.
      // They're only necessary when the children time out, because that's the
      // only time when both sets are mounted.
      // So, the extra fragment fibers are only used if the children time out.
      // Otherwise, we render the primary children directly. This requires some
      // custom reconciliation logic to preserve the state of the primary
      // children. It's essentially a very basic form of re-parenting.

      if (current === null) {
        // If we're currently hydrating, try to hydrate this boundary.
        // But only if this has a fallback.
        if (nextProps.fallback !== undefined) {
          tryToClaimNextHydratableInstance(workInProgress); // This could've been a dehydrated suspense component.
        } // This is the initial mount. This branch is pretty simple because there's
        // no previous state that needs to be preserved.

        if (nextDidTimeout) {
          // Mount separate fragments for primary and fallback children.
          var nextFallbackChildren = nextProps.fallback;
          var primaryChildFragment = createFiberFromFragment(null, mode, NoWork, null);
          primaryChildFragment.return = workInProgress;

          if ((workInProgress.mode & BlockingMode) === NoMode) {
            // Outside of blocking mode, we commit the effects from the
            // partially completed, timed-out tree, too.
            var progressedState = workInProgress.memoizedState;
            var progressedPrimaryChild = progressedState !== null ? workInProgress.child.child : workInProgress.child;
            primaryChildFragment.child = progressedPrimaryChild;
            var progressedChild = progressedPrimaryChild;

            while (progressedChild !== null) {
              progressedChild.return = primaryChildFragment;
              progressedChild = progressedChild.sibling;

          var fallbackChildFragment = createFiberFromFragment(nextFallbackChildren, mode, renderExpirationTime, null);
          fallbackChildFragment.return = workInProgress;
          primaryChildFragment.sibling = fallbackChildFragment; // Skip the primary children, and continue working on the
          // fallback children.

          workInProgress.memoizedState = SUSPENDED_MARKER;
          workInProgress.child = primaryChildFragment;
          return fallbackChildFragment;
        } else {
          // Mount the primary children without an intermediate fragment fiber.
          var nextPrimaryChildren = nextProps.children;
          workInProgress.memoizedState = null;
          return workInProgress.child = mountChildFibers(workInProgress, null, nextPrimaryChildren, renderExpirationTime);
      } else {
        // This is an update. This branch is more complicated because we need to
        // ensure the state of the primary children is preserved.
        var prevState = current.memoizedState;

        if (prevState !== null) {
          // wrapped in a fragment fiber.

          var currentPrimaryChildFragment = current.child;
          var currentFallbackChildFragment = currentPrimaryChildFragment.sibling;

          if (nextDidTimeout) {
            // Still timed out. Reuse the current primary children by cloning
            // its fragment. We're going to skip over these entirely.
            var _nextFallbackChildren2 = nextProps.fallback;

            var _primaryChildFragment2 = createWorkInProgress(currentPrimaryChildFragment, currentPrimaryChildFragment.pendingProps);

            _primaryChildFragment2.return = workInProgress;

            if ((workInProgress.mode & BlockingMode) === NoMode) {
              // Outside of blocking mode, we commit the effects from the
              // partially completed, timed-out tree, too.
              var _progressedState = workInProgress.memoizedState;

              var _progressedPrimaryChild = _progressedState !== null ? workInProgress.child.child : workInProgress.child;

              if (_progressedPrimaryChild !== currentPrimaryChildFragment.child) {
                _primaryChildFragment2.child = _progressedPrimaryChild;
                var _progressedChild2 = _progressedPrimaryChild;

                while (_progressedChild2 !== null) {
                  _progressedChild2.return = _primaryChildFragment2;
                  _progressedChild2 = _progressedChild2.sibling;
            } // Because primaryChildFragment is a new fiber that we're inserting as the
            // parent of a new tree, we need to set its treeBaseDuration.

            if (workInProgress.mode & ProfileMode) {
              // treeBaseDuration is the sum of all the child tree base durations.
              var _treeBaseDuration = 0;
              var _hiddenChild = _primaryChildFragment2.child;

              while (_hiddenChild !== null) {
                _treeBaseDuration += _hiddenChild.treeBaseDuration;
                _hiddenChild = _hiddenChild.sibling;

              _primaryChildFragment2.treeBaseDuration = _treeBaseDuration;
            } // Clone the fallback child fragment, too. These we'll continue
            // working on.

            var _fallbackChildFragment2 = createWorkInProgress(currentFallbackChildFragment, _nextFallbackChildren2);

            _fallbackChildFragment2.return = workInProgress;
            _primaryChildFragment2.sibling = _fallbackChildFragment2;
            _primaryChildFragment2.childExpirationTime = NoWork; // Skip the primary children, and continue working on the
            // fallback children.

            workInProgress.memoizedState = SUSPENDED_MARKER;
            workInProgress.child = _primaryChildFragment2;
            return _fallbackChildFragment2;
          } else {
            // No longer suspended. Switch back to showing the primary children,
            // and remove the intermediate fragment fiber.
            var _nextPrimaryChildren = nextProps.children;
            var currentPrimaryChild = currentPrimaryChildFragment.child;
            var primaryChild = reconcileChildFibers(workInProgress, currentPrimaryChild, _nextPrimaryChildren, renderExpirationTime); // If this render doesn't suspend, we need to delete the fallback
            // children. Wait until the complete phase, after we've confirmed the
            // fallback is no longer needed.
            // TODO: Would it be better to store the fallback fragment on
            // the stateNode?
            // Continue rendering the children, like we normally do.

            workInProgress.memoizedState = null;
            return workInProgress.child = primaryChild;
        } else {
          // The current tree has not already timed out. That means the primary
          // children are not wrapped in a fragment fiber.
          var _currentPrimaryChild = current.child;

          if (nextDidTimeout) {
            // Timed out. Wrap the children in a fragment fiber to keep them
            // separate from the fallback children.
            var _nextFallbackChildren3 = nextProps.fallback;

            var _primaryChildFragment3 = createFiberFromFragment( // It shouldn't matter what the pending props are because we aren't
              // going to render this fragment.
              null, mode, NoWork, null);

            _primaryChildFragment3.return = workInProgress;
            _primaryChildFragment3.child = _currentPrimaryChild;

            if (_currentPrimaryChild !== null) {
              _currentPrimaryChild.return = _primaryChildFragment3;
            } // Even though we're creating a new fiber, there are no new children,
            // because we're reusing an already mounted tree. So we don't need to
            // schedule a placement.
            // primaryChildFragment.effectTag |= Placement;

            if ((workInProgress.mode & BlockingMode) === NoMode) {
              // Outside of blocking mode, we commit the effects from the
              // partially completed, timed-out tree, too.
              var _progressedState2 = workInProgress.memoizedState;

              var _progressedPrimaryChild2 = _progressedState2 !== null ? workInProgress.child.child : workInProgress.child;

              _primaryChildFragment3.child = _progressedPrimaryChild2;
              var _progressedChild3 = _progressedPrimaryChild2;

              while (_progressedChild3 !== null) {
                _progressedChild3.return = _primaryChildFragment3;
                _progressedChild3 = _progressedChild3.sibling;
            } // Because primaryChildFragment is a new fiber that we're inserting as the
            // parent of a new tree, we need to set its treeBaseDuration.

            if (workInProgress.mode & ProfileMode) {
              // treeBaseDuration is the sum of all the child tree base durations.
              var _treeBaseDuration2 = 0;
              var _hiddenChild2 = _primaryChildFragment3.child;

              while (_hiddenChild2 !== null) {
                _treeBaseDuration2 += _hiddenChild2.treeBaseDuration;
                _hiddenChild2 = _hiddenChild2.sibling;

              _primaryChildFragment3.treeBaseDuration = _treeBaseDuration2;
            } // Create a fragment from the fallback children, too.

            var _fallbackChildFragment3 = createFiberFromFragment(_nextFallbackChildren3, mode, renderExpirationTime, null);

            _fallbackChildFragment3.return = workInProgress;
            _primaryChildFragment3.sibling = _fallbackChildFragment3;
            _fallbackChildFragment3.effectTag |= Placement;
            _primaryChildFragment3.childExpirationTime = NoWork; // Skip the primary children, and continue working on the
            // fallback children.

            workInProgress.memoizedState = SUSPENDED_MARKER;
            workInProgress.child = _primaryChildFragment3;
            return _fallbackChildFragment3;
          } else {
            // Still haven't timed out. Continue rendering the children, like we
            // normally do.
            workInProgress.memoizedState = null;
            var _nextPrimaryChildren2 = nextProps.children;
            return workInProgress.child = reconcileChildFibers(workInProgress, _currentPrimaryChild, _nextPrimaryChildren2, renderExpirationTime);
  • 这玩意真长,注释都写下面内容比较乱,不过这个分2部分,就是挂载和更新,就是看current是不是null,current是页面上状态,上半部分是未渲染出来时走的fallback逻辑,大概意思就是在当前的工作fiber的孩子的sibiling那用fragment新增个元素,然后存个pendingProps等待属性,这个pendingProps就是我们写在fallback里面的内容,在等待期间会渲染这个,而当前工作fiber的大儿子以及其子节点,就是我们所要真实渲染的元素。
  • current不是null也就是更新逻辑,还得判断个nextDidTimeout,看是不是仍超时,如果仍超时,做个fallback渲染。
  • 判断nextDidTimeout的下半段注释写了:
 No longer suspended. Switch back to showing the primary children,
          // and remove the intermediate fragment fiber.
  • 不再推迟,换成大儿子进行渲染。大儿子就是要渲染的子节点。
  • 所以这个suspense是个分步渲染的玩意,不管下面组件是不是能立即获取。里面只要进行更新,要走它调度,先甩给你个fallback,再看后面。


  • lazy有点相当于给promise后面搞个更新,suspense相当于搞个分段渲染。


  • 看看司徒正美大佬做的react咋实现suspense和lazy的:
function Suspense(props){
    return props.children
export {
import { miniCreateClass, isFn, get } from "react-core/util";
import { Component } from "react-core/Component";
import { createElement } from "react-core/createElement";
import { Suspense } from "./Suspense";

var LazyComponent = miniCreateClass(function LazyComponent(props, context) {
    this.props = props;
    this.context = context;
    this.state = {
        component: null,
        resolved: false
    var promise = props.children();
    if(!promise || !isFn(promise.then)){
        throw "lazy必须返回一个thenable对象"
    promise.then( (value) =>
            component: value.default,
            resolved:  true
}, Component, {
        var parent = Object(get(this)).return
          if( parent.type === Suspense){
              return parent.props.fallback
           parent = parent.return
        throw "lazy组件必须包一个Suspense组件"
    render: function f2(){
        return this.state.resolved ? createElement(this.state.component, this.props) : this.fallback()

function lazy(render) {
    return function (props) {
        return createElement(LazyComponent, props, render );
export {
  • 相当精简啊,直接用找父亲方式找有没有suspensetype然后渲染fallback就行了,当webpack调then,直接setState刷新。
  • 0
  • 0
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 打赏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




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