2021-09-13 MATLAB Psychtoolbox安装实践

1 Psychtoolbox

2 安装:


Psychtoolbox-3 - Download, Installation, and Updateicon-default.png?t=L892http://psychtoolbox.org/download.html#Windows




 安装2 gstreamer会自动下载。

 3 下载好文件,准备好文件夹



 安装 Gstreamer





在matlab 里面输入如下代码:

>> cd H:\toolbox\Psychtoolbox\
>> SetupPsychtoolbox





>> cd H:\toolbox\Psychtoolbox\
PTB-INFO: Enforcing script abortion and restoring desktop by executing Screen('CloseAll') now!
PTB-INFO: Please ignore the false error message (INTERNAL PSYCHTOOLBOX ERROR) caused by this...
>> SetupPsychtoolbox
Will setup working copy of the Psychtoolbox folder inside: H:\toolbox\Psychtoolbox

Your old Psychtoolbox appears in the MATLAB/OCTAVE path:
Your old Psychtoolbox appears 1195 times in the MATLAB/OCTAVE path.
Before you decide to delete the paths, do you want to see them (yes or no)? 





A very simple test call to the Screen() MEX file failed in AssertOpenGL, indicating
that either Screen is totally dysfunctional, or you are trying to run your script on
a system without Psychtoolbox-3 properly installed - or not installed at all.

On Windows you *must* install the MSVC build runtime of at least GStreamer 1.18.0
or a later version. Screen() will not work with earlier versions, without GStreamer,
or with the MinGW variants of the GStreamer runtime!
Read 'help GStreamer' for more info.

Screen() does not work. Read all preceeding and following output as well as "help AssertOpenGL" for more info.
A first diagnostic test would be to simply type 'Screen' in your Matlab/Octave console and check what its output is.

The returned error message by Matlab/Octave was:
Last Error: MEX-file 'H:\toolbox\Psychtoolbox\PsychBasic\MatlabWindowsFilesR2007a\Screen.mexw64' 无效: 缺少依赖共享库:
'H:\toolbox\Psychtoolbox\PsychBasic\MatlabWindowsFilesR2007a\Screen.mexw64' 需要 'glib-2.0-0.dll'。 (MATLAB:mex:ErrInvalidMEXFile)

NOTE: You may want to acquire paid priority support for future issues like this.
Please type 'PsychPaidSupportAndServices' to learn more.


我们之前是自动连接下载的GStreamer 1.18.1,现在找到对应的最新版本,直接装一下看看:

Download GStreamericon-default.png?t=L892https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/download/









PsychStartup: Adding path of installed GStreamer runtime to library path. [D:\gstreamer\1.0\msvc_x86_64\bin]



PTB-INFO: Multi-display setup in explicit multi-display mode detected. Using the following mapping:
PTB-INFO: Screen 0 corresponds to the full Windows desktop area. Useful for stereo presentations in stereomode=4 ...
PTB-INFO: Screen 1 corresponds to the display area of the monitor with the Windows-internal name \\.\DISPLAY1 ...
PTB-INFO: Screen 2 corresponds to the display area of the monitor with the Windows-internal name \\.\DISPLAY2 ...

PTB-INFO: Your version of Matlab 64-Bit is global system DPI aware. On Windows-8 or later, fullscreen onscreen windows will only work 
PTB-INFO: properly timing-wise when displayed on displays with the same pixel density as your systems primary display monitor.
PTB-INFO: For your multi-display setup the stimulus display monitor must have a DPI of (96, 96), matching that of
PTB-INFO: your primary display monitor. Ideally you will only display on the primary display in the first place.
PTB-INFO: Displaying on anything with a different DPI will cause mysterious visual timing problems, sync failures etc.
PTB-INFO: Read 'help RetinaDisplay' for more info on this topic.

% Activate compatibility mode: Try to behave like the old MacOS-9 Psychtoolbox:
oldEnableFlag=Screen('Preference', 'EmulateOldPTB', [enableFlag]);

% Open or close a window or texture:
[windowPtr,rect]=Screen('OpenWindow',windowPtrOrScreenNumber [,color] [,rect] [,pixelSize] [,numberOfBuffers] [,stereomode] [,multisample][,imagingmode][,specialFlags][,clientRect][,fbOverrideRect][,vrrParams=[]]);
[windowPtr,rect]=Screen('OpenOffscreenWindow',windowPtrOrScreenNumber [,color] [,rect] [,pixelSize] [,specialFlags] [,multiSample]);
textureIndex=Screen('MakeTexture', WindowIndex, imageMatrix [, optimizeForDrawAngle=0] [, specialFlags=0] [, floatprecision] [, textureOrientation=0] [, textureShader=0]);
oldParams = Screen('PanelFitter', windowPtr [, newParams]);
Screen('Close', [windowOrTextureIndex or list of textureIndices/offscreenWindowIndices]);

%  Draw lines and solids like QuickDraw and DirectX (OS 9 and Windows):
currentbuffer = Screen('SelectStereoDrawBuffer', windowPtr [, bufferid] [, param1]);
Screen('DrawLine', windowPtr [,color], fromH, fromV, toH, toV [,penWidth]);
Screen('FrameArc',windowPtr,[color],[rect],startAngle,arcAngle[,penWidth] [,penHeight] [,penMode])
Screen('FillRect', windowPtr [,color] [,rect] );
Screen('FrameRect', windowPtr [,color] [,rect] [,penWidth]);
Screen('FillOval', windowPtr [,color] [,rect] [,perfectUpToMaxDiameter]);
Screen('FrameOval', windowPtr [,color] [,rect] [,penWidth] [,penHeight] [,penMode]);
Screen('FramePoly', windowPtr [,color], pointList [,penWidth]);
Screen('FillPoly', windowPtr [,color], pointList [, isConvex]);

% New OpenGL functions for OS X:
Screen('glPoint', windowPtr, color, x, y [,size]);
Screen('gluDisk', windowPtr, color, x, y [,size]);
[minSmoothPointSize, maxSmoothPointSize, minAliasedPointSize, maxAliasedPointSize] = Screen('DrawDots', windowPtr, xy [,size] [,color] [,center] [,dot_type] [,lenient]);
[minSmoothLineWidth, maxSmoothLineWidth, minAliasedLineWidth, maxAliasedLineWidth] = Screen('DrawLines', windowPtr, xy [,width] [,colors] [,center] [,smooth] [,lenient]);
[sourceFactorOld, destinationFactorOld, colorMaskOld]=Screen('BlendFunction', windowIndex, [sourceFactorNew], [destinationFactorNew], [colorMaskNew]);

% Draw Text in windows
textModes = Screen('TextModes');
oldCopyMode=Screen('TextMode', windowPtr [,textMode]);
oldTextSize=Screen('TextSize', windowPtr [,textSize]);
oldStyle=Screen('TextStyle', windowPtr [,style]);
[oldFontName,oldFontNumber,oldTextStyle]=Screen('TextFont', windowPtr [,fontNameOrNumber][,textStyle]);
[normBoundsRect, offsetBoundsRect, textHeight, xAdvance] = Screen('TextBounds', windowPtr, text [,x] [,y] [,yPositionIsBaseline] [,swapTextDirection]);
[newX, newY, textHeight]=Screen('DrawText', windowPtr, text [,x] [,y] [,color] [,backgroundColor] [,yPositionIsBaseline] [,swapTextDirection]);
oldTextColor=Screen('TextColor', windowPtr [,colorVector]);
oldTextBackgroundColor=Screen('TextBackgroundColor', windowPtr [,colorVector]);
oldMatrix = Screen('TextTransform', windowPtr [, newMatrix]);

% Copy an image, very quickly, between textures, offscreen windows and onscreen windows.
[resident [texidresident]] = Screen('PreloadTextures', windowPtr [, texids]);
Screen('DrawTexture', windowPointer, texturePointer [,sourceRect] [,destinationRect] [,rotationAngle] [, filterMode] [, globalAlpha] [, modulateColor] [, textureShader] [, specialFlags] [, auxParameters]);
Screen('DrawTextures', windowPointer, texturePointer(s) [, sourceRect(s)] [, destinationRect(s)] [, rotationAngle(s)] [, filterMode(s)] [, globalAlpha(s)] [, modulateColor(s)] [, textureShader] [, specialFlags] [, auxParameters]);
Screen('CopyWindow', srcWindowPtr, dstWindowPtr, [srcRect], [dstRect], [copyMode])

% Copy an image, slowly, between matrices and windows :
imageArray=Screen('GetImage', windowPtr [,rect] [,bufferName] [,floatprecision=0] [,nrchannels=3])
Screen('PutImage', windowPtr, imageArray [,rect]);

% Synchronize with the window's screen (on-screen only):
[VBLTimestamp StimulusOnsetTime FlipTimestamp Missed Beampos] = Screen('Flip', windowPtr [, when] [, dontclear] [, dontsync] [, multiflip]);
[VBLTimestamp StimulusOnsetTime FlipTimestamp Missed Beampos] = Screen('AsyncFlipBegin', windowPtr [, when] [, dontclear] [, dontsync] [, multiflip]);
[VBLTimestamp StimulusOnsetTime FlipTimestamp Missed Beampos] = Screen('AsyncFlipEnd', windowPtr);
[VBLTimestamp StimulusOnsetTime FlipTimestamp Missed Beampos] = Screen('AsyncFlipCheckEnd', windowPtr);
[VBLTimestamp StimulusOnsetTime swapCertainTime] = Screen('WaitUntilAsyncFlipCertain', windowPtr);
[info] = Screen('GetFlipInfo', windowPtr [, infoType=0] [, auxArg1]);
[telapsed] = Screen('DrawingFinished', windowPtr [, dontclear] [, sync]);
framesSinceLastWait = Screen('WaitBlanking', windowPtr [, waitFrames]);

% Load color lookup table of the window's screen (on-screen only):
[gammatable, dacbits, reallutsize] = Screen('ReadNormalizedGammaTable', windowPtrOrScreenNumber [, physicalDisplay]);
[oldtable, success] = Screen('LoadNormalizedGammaTable', windowPtrOrScreenNumber, table [, loadOnNextFlip][, physicalDisplay][, ignoreErrors]);
oldclut = Screen('LoadCLUT', windowPtrOrScreenNumber [, clut] [, startEntry=0] [, bits=8]);

% Get (and set) information about a window or screen:
screenNumbers=Screen('Screens' [, physicalDisplays]);
kind=Screen(windowPtr, 'WindowKind');
hz=Screen('FrameRate', windowPtrOrScreenNumber [, mode] [, reqFrameRate]);
hz=Screen('NominalFrameRate', windowPtrOrScreenNumber [, mode] [, reqFrameRate]);
[ monitorFlipInterval nrValidSamples stddev ]=Screen('GetFlipInterval', windowPtr [, nrSamples] [, stddev] [, timeout]);
screenNumber=Screen('WindowScreenNumber', windowPtr);
rect=Screen('Rect', windowPtrOrScreenNumber [, realFBSize=0]);
pixelSize=Screen('PixelSize', windowPtrOrScreenNumber);
pixelSizes=Screen('PixelSizes', windowPtrOrScreenNumber);
[width, height]=Screen('WindowSize', windowPointerOrScreenNumber [, realFBSize=0]);
[width, height]=Screen('DisplaySize', ScreenNumber);
[oldmaximumvalue, oldclampcolors, oldapplyToDoubleInputMakeTexture] = Screen('ColorRange', windowPtr [, maximumvalue][, clampcolors][, applyToDoubleInputMakeTexture]);
info = Screen('GetWindowInfo', windowPtr [, infoType=0] [, auxArg1]);
resolutions=Screen('Resolutions', screenNumber);
oldResolution=Screen('Resolution', screenNumber [, newwidth] [, newheight] [, newHz] [, newPixelSize] [, specialMode]);
oldSettings = Screen('ConfigureDisplay', setting, screenNumber, outputId [, newwidth][, newheight][, newHz][, newX][, newY]);
Screen('ConstrainCursor', windowIndex, addConstraint [, rect]);

% Get/set details of environment, computer, and video card (i.e. screen):
oldBool=Screen('Preference', 'IgnoreCase' [,bool]);
tick0Secs=Screen('Preference', 'Tick0Secs', tick0Secs);
psychTableVersion=Screen('Preference', 'PsychTableVersion');
mexFunctionName=Screen('Preference', 'PsychTableCreator');
proc=Screen('Preference', 'Process');
Screen('Preference','SkipSyncTests', skipTest);
Screen('Preference','VisualDebugLevel', level (valid values between 0 and 5));
Screen('Preference', 'ConserveVRAM', mode (valid values between 0 and 3));
Screen('Preference', 'Enable3DGraphics', [enableFlag]);

% Helper functions.  Don't call these directly, use eponymous wrappers:
[x, y, buttonVector, hasKbFocus, valuators]= Screen('GetMouseHelper', numButtons [, screenNumber][, mouseIndex]);
Screen('HideCursorHelper', windowPntr [, mouseIndex]);
Screen('ShowCursorHelper', windowPntr [, cursorshapeid][, mouseIndex]);
Screen('SetMouseHelper', windowPntrOrScreenNumber, x, y [, mouseIndex][, detachFromMouse]);
Screen('SetMouseHelper', windowPntrOrScreenNumber, x, y [, mouseIndex][, detachFromMouse]);

% Internal testing of Screen
timeList= Screen('GetTimelist');
Screen('Preference','DebugMakeTexture', enableDebugging);

% Movie and multimedia playback functions:
[ moviePtr [duration] [fps] [width] [height] [count] [aspectRatio] [hdrStaticMetaData]]=Screen('OpenMovie', windowPtr, moviefile [, async=0] [, preloadSecs=1] [, specialFlags1=0][, pixelFormat=4][, maxNumberThreads=-1][, movieOptions]);
Screen('CloseMovie' [, moviePtr=all]);
[ texturePtr [timeindex]]=Screen('GetMovieImage', windowPtr, moviePtr, [waitForImage], [fortimeindex], [specialFlags = 0] [, specialFlags2 = 0]);
[droppedframes] = Screen('PlayMovie', moviePtr, rate, [loop], [soundvolume]);
timeindex = Screen('GetMovieTimeIndex', moviePtr);
[oldtimeindex] = Screen('SetMovieTimeIndex', moviePtr, timeindex [, indexIsFrames=0]);
moviePtr = Screen('CreateMovie', windowPtr, movieFile [, width][, height][, frameRate=30][, movieOptions][, numChannels=4][, bitdepth=8]);
Screen('FinalizeMovie', moviePtr);
Screen('AddFrameToMovie', windowPtr [,rect] [,bufferName] [,moviePtr=0] [,frameduration=1]);
Screen('AddAudioBufferToMovie', moviePtr, audioBuffer);
[imageArray, format, errorMsg, auxInfo] = Screen('ReadHDRImage', filename [, errorMode=0]);

% Video capture functions:
devices = Screen('VideoCaptureDevices' [, engineId]);
videoPtr =Screen('OpenVideoCapture', windowPtr [, deviceIndex][, roirectangle][, pixeldepth][, numbuffers][, allowfallback][, targetmoviename][, recordingflags][, captureEngineType][, bitdepth=8]);
Screen('CloseVideoCapture', capturePtr);
[fps starttime] = Screen('StartVideoCapture', capturePtr [, captureRateFPS] [, dropframes=0] [, startAt]);
droppedframes = Screen('StopVideoCapture', capturePtr [, discardFrames=1]);
[ texturePtr [capturetimestamp] [droppedcount] [average_intensityOrRawImageMatrix]]=Screen('GetCapturedImage', windowPtr, capturePtr [, waitForImage=1] [,oldTexture] [,specialmode] [,targetmemptr]);
oldvalue = Screen('SetVideoCaptureParameter', capturePtr, 'parameterName' [, value]);

% Low level direct access to OpenGL-API functions:
% Online info for each function available by opening a terminal window
% and typing 'man Functionname' + Enter.

Screen('glPushMatrix', windowPtr);
Screen('glPopMatrix', windowPtr);
Screen('glLoadIdentity', windowPtr);
Screen('glTranslate', windowPtr, tx, ty [, tz]);
Screen('glScale', windowPtr, sx, sy [, sz]);
Screen('glRotate', windowPtr, angle, [rx = 0], [ry = 0] ,[rz = 1]);

% Support for 3D graphics rendering and for interfacing with external OpenGL code:
Screen('Preference', 'Enable3DGraphics', [enableFlag]);  % Enable 3D gfx support.
Screen('BeginOpenGL', windowPtr [, sharecontext]);  % Prepare window for external OpenGL drawing.
Screen('EndOpenGL', windowPtr);  % Finish external OpenGL drawing.
[targetwindow, IsOpenGLRendering] = Screen('GetOpenGLDrawMode');
[textureHandle rect] = Screen('SetOpenGLTextureFromMemPointer', windowPtr, textureHandle, imagePtr, width, height, depth [, upsidedown][, target][, glinternalformat][, gltype][, extdataformat][, specialFlags]);
[textureHandle rect] = Screen('SetOpenGLTexture', windowPtr, textureHandle, glTexid, target [, glWidth][, glHeight][, glDepth][, textureShader][, specialFlags]);
[ gltexid gltextarget texcoord_u texcoord_v ] =Screen('GetOpenGLTexture', windowPtr, textureHandle [, x][, y]);

% Support for plugins and for builtin high performance image processing pipeline:
[ret1, ret2, ...] = Screen('HookFunction', windowPtr, 'Subcommand', 'HookName', arg1, arg2, ...);
proxyPtr = Screen('OpenProxy', windowPtr [, imagingmode]);
transtexid = Screen('TransformTexture', sourceTexture, transformProxyPtr [, sourceTexture2][, targetTexture][, specialFlags]);


【MATLAB】Psychtoolbox的安装方法 - 简书 (jianshu.com)

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