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This book is based on our years-long research conducted to systematically analyze emerging Android malware. Some of our earlier research results and findings were reported in an IEEE conference paper entitled Dissecting Android Malware: Characterization and Evolution, which was presented at the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (often mentioned as Oakland conference in the security community) in May, 2012 [77]. During and after the conference, we were pleased to receive and hear inquiries from colleagues with encouraging comments on the systematization of knowledge work that has been conducted in our conference paper. Partially because of that, we are motivated to expand our work and hope such efforts will be of service to the security and privacy community. Further, as part of that, we have released corresponding malware dataset for our study under the name Android Malware Genome Projectto the community. With that, we want to take this opportunity to thank our collaborators, Dongyan Xu, Peng Ning, Xinyuan Wang, Shihong Zou, and others, whose valuable insights and comments greatly enriched our work. The authors are also grateful to colleagues in the Cyber Defense Lab at NC State University, especially Tyler Bletsch, Zhi Wang, Michael Grace, Deepa Srinivasan, Minh Q. Tran, Chiachih Wu, Wu Zhou, and Kunal Patel. Special thanks also go to Susan Lagerstrom-Fife and our publisher for their great help and patience! This research was supported in part by the US National Science Foundation (NSF) under Grants 0855297, 0855036, 0910767, and 0952640. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies or endorsements, either expressed or implied, for the NSF. 1 Introduction ........................................ 1 2 A Survey of Android Malware........................... 3 2.1 Malware Dataset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.2 Malware Characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.2.1 Malware Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.2.2 Activation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.2.3 Malicious Payloads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.2.4 Permission Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 3 Case Studies ........................................ 21 3.1 Malware I: Plankton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3.1.1 Phoning Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3.1.2 Dynamic Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 3.2 Malware II: DroidKungFu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 3.2.1 Root Exploits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 3.2.2 Command and Control (C&C) Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 3.2.3 Payloads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 3.2.4 Obfuscation, JNI, and Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 3.3 Malware III: AnserverBot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 3.3.1 Anti-Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 3.3.2 Command and Control (C&C) Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 4 Discussion.......................................... 31 5 Additional Reading................................... 33 5.1 Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 5.1.1 Malware Detection and Defense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 5.1.2 Smartphone (Apps) Security. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 5.2 Conference and Workshop Proceedings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 ix 6 Summary........................................... 37 References............................................ 39 Index ................................................ 43


Android Application Security Essentials

Table of Contents Preface 1 Chapter 1: The Android Security Model – the Big Picture 7 Installing with care 7 Android platform architecture 9 Linux kernel 9 Middleware 11 Dalvik virtual machine 11 Application layer 11 Android application structure 12 Application signing 15 Data storage on the device 15 Crypto APIs 16 Device Administration 17 Summary 17 Chapter 2: Application Building Blocks 19 Application components 19 Activity 20 Activity declaration 20 Saving the Activity state 21 Saving user data 23 Service 23 Service declaration 24 Service modes 25 Lifecycle management 26 Binder 28 Content Provider 29 Provider declaration 30 Other security consideration 33 Table of Contents [ii ] Broadcast Receiver 34 Receiver declaration 35 Secure sending and receiving broadcasts 36 Local broadcasts 37 Intents 38 Explicit Intents 40 Implicit Intent 41 Intent Filter 42 Pending Intent 42 Summary 43 Chapter 3: Permissions 45 Permission protection levels 45 Application level permissions 53 Component level permissions 54 Activity 54 Service 54 Content Provider 55 Broadcast Receiver 56 Extending Android permissions 57 Adding a new permission 57 Creating a permission group 58 Creating a permission tree 59 Summary 60 Chapter 4: Defining the Application's Policy File 61 The AndroidManifest.xml file 61 Application policy use cases 66 Declaring application permissions 66 Declaring permissions for external applications 67 Applications running with the same Linux ID 68 External storage 70 Setting component visibility 72 Debugging 73 Backup 74 Putting it all together 74 Example checklist 75 Application level 76 Component level 77 Summary 78 Table of Contents [iii ] Chapter 5: Respect Your Users 79 Principles of data security 80 Confidentiality 80 Integrity 81 Availability 81 Identifying assets, threats, and attacks 81 What and where to store 86 End-to-end security 87 The mobile ecosystem 88 Three states of data 90 Digital rights management 92 Summary 95 Chapter 6: Your Tools – Crypto APIs 97 Terminology 98 Security providers 99 Random number generation 100 Hashing functions 101 Public key cryptography 103 RSA 104 Key generation 105 Encryption 105 Decryption 106 Padding 106 The Diffie-Hellman algorithm 106 Symmetric key cryptography 108 Stream cipher 109 Block cipher 110 Block cipher modes 111 Electronic Code Book (ECB) 111 Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) 112 Cipher Feedback Chaining (CFB) 113 Output Feedback Mode (OFB) 114 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 115 Message Authentication Codes 116 Summary 117 Chapter 7: Securing Application Data 119 Data storage decisions 120 Privacy 120 Data retention 121 Implementation decisions 121 Table of Contents [iv ] User preferences 123 Shared preferences 123 Creating a preference file 123 Writing preference 124 Reading preference 124 Preference Activity 125 File 125 Creating a file 126 Writing to a file 126 Reading from a file 126 File operations on an external storage 127 Cache 128 Database 129 Account manager 131 SSL/TLS 132 Installing an application on an external storage 133 Summary 136 Chapter 8: Android in the Enterprise 137 The basics 138 Understanding the Android ecosystem 138 Device administration capabilities 139 Device administration API 140 Policies 141 DeviceAdminReceiver 142 Protecting data on a device 145 Encryption 146 Backup 147 Secure connection 147 Identity 148 Next steps 149 Device specific decisions 149 Knowing your community 151 Defining boundaries 151 Android compatibility program 151 Rolling out support 152 Policy and compliance 153 FINRA 153 Android Update Alliance 154 Summary 154 Table of Contents [v ] Chapter 9: Testing for Security 155 Testing overview 156 Security testing basics 158 Security tenets 158 Security testing categories 160 Application review 160 Manual testing 161 Dynamic testing 161 Sample test case scenarios 161 Testing on the server 161 Testing the network 162 Securing data in transit 162 Secure storage 162 Validating before acting 162 The principle of least privilege 163 Managing liability 163 Cleaning up 164 Usability versus security 164 Authentication scheme 164 Thinking like a hacker 164 Integrating with caution 164 Security testing the resources 165 OWASP 165 Android utilities 165 Android Debug Bridge 165 Setting up the device 166 SQlite3 166 Dalvik Debug Monitor Service 167 BusyBox 167 Decompile APK 168 Summary 169 Chapter 10: Looking into the Future 171 Mobile commerce 172 Product discovery using a mobile device 172 Mobile payments 173 Configurations 173 PCI Standard 175 Point of Sale 176 Proximity technologies 178 Social networking 178 Table of Contents [vi ] Healthcare 180 Authentication 180 Two-factor authentication 180 Biometrics 181 Advances in hardware 182 Hardware security module 183 TrustZone 184 Mobile trusted module 185 Application architecture 185 Summary 186 Index 187



Android系统源代码情景分析光盘资料 目录 第1篇初识Android系统 第1章 准备知识................................................................ 2 1.1 Linux内核参考书籍.................................................. 2 1.2 Android应用程序参考书籍....................................... 3 1.3 下载、编译和运行Android源代码........................... 3 1.3.1 下载Android源代码........................................... 4 1.3.2 编译Android源代码........................................... 4 1.3.3 运行Android模拟器........................................... 5 1.4 下载、编译和运行Android内核源代码............................................................ 6 1.4.1 下载Android内核源代码................................... 6 1.4.2 编译Android内核源代码................................... 7 1.4.3 运行Android模拟器........................................... 8 1.5 开发第一个Android应用程序................................... 8 1.6 单独编译和打包Android应用程序模块.......................................................... 11 1.6.1 导入单独编译模块的mmm命令............................................................... 11 1.6.2 单独编译Android应用程序模块............................................................... 12 1.6.3 重新打包Android系统镜像文件............................................................... 12 第2章 硬件抽象层....................................................... 13 2.1 开发Android硬件驱动程序..................................... 14 2.1.1 实现内核驱动程序模块.................................. 14 2.1.2 修改内核Kconfig文件...................................... 21 2.1.3 修改内核Makefile文件..................................... 22 2.1.4 编译内核驱动程序模块.................................. 22 2.1.5 验证内核驱动程序模块.................................. 23 2.2 开发C可执行程序验证Android硬件驱动程序............................................... 24 2.3 开发Android硬件抽象层模块................................. 26 2.3.1 硬件抽象层模块编写规范............................... 26 2.3.2 编写硬件抽象层模块接口............................... 29 2.3.3 硬件抽象层模块的加载过程........................... 33 2.3.4 处理硬件设备访问权限问题........................... 36 2.4 开发Android硬件访问服务..................................... 38 2.4.1 定义硬件访问服务接口.................................. 38 2.4.2 实现硬件访问服务.......................................... 39 2.4.3 实现硬件访问服务的JNI方法.......................... 40 2.4.4 启动硬件访问服务.......................................... 43 2.5 开发Android应用程序来使用硬件访问服务.................................................. 44 第3章 智能指针............................................................... 49 3.1 轻量级指针............................................................. 50 3.1.1 实现原理分析................................................ 50 3.1.2 应用实例分析................................................ 53 3.2 强指针和弱指针..................................................... 54 3.2.1 强指针的实现原理分析.................................. 55 3.2.2 弱指针的实现原理分析.................................. 61 3.2.3 应用实例分析................................................ 67 第2篇Android专用驱动系统 第4章 Logger日志系统............................................. 74 4.1 Logger日志格式....................................................... 75 4.2 Logger日志驱动程序.............................................. 76 4.2.1 基础数据结构................................................ 77 4.2.2 日志设备的初始化过程.................................. 78 4.2.3 日志设备文件的打开过程............................... 83 4.2.4 日志记录的读取过程...................................... 84 4.2.5 日志记录的写入过程...................................... 88 4.3 运行时库层日志库................................................. 93 4.4 C/C++日志写入接口............................................. 100 4.5 Java日志写入接口................................................ 104 4.6 Logcat工具分析..................................................... 110 4.6.1 基础数据结构.............................................. 111 4.6.2 初始化过程.................................................. 115 4.6.3 日志记录的读取过程.................................... 127 4.6.4 日志记录的输出过程.................................... 132 第5章 Binder进程间通信系统............................... 144 5.1 Binder驱动程序..................................................... 145 5.1.1 基础数据结构.............................................. 146 5.1.2 Binder设备的初始化过程.............................. 164 5.1.3 Binder设备文件的打开过程.......................... 165 5.1.4 Binder设备文件的内存映射过程............................................................ 166 5.1.5 内核缓冲区管理........................................... 173 5.2 Binder进程间通信库............................................. 183 5.3 Binder进程间通信应用实例................................. 188 5.4 Binder对象引用计数技术..................................... 196 5.4.1 Binder本地对象的生命周期.......................... 197 5.4.2 Binder实体对象的生命周期.......................... 201 5.4.3 Binder引用对象的生命周期.......................... 204 5.4.4 Binder代理对象的生命周期.......................... 209 5.5 Binder对象死亡通知机制..................................... 212 5.5.1 注册死亡接收通知........................................ 213 5.5.2 发送死亡接收通知........................................ 216 5.5.3 注销死亡接收通知........................................ 221 5.6 Service Manager的启动过程.................................. 224 5.6.1 打开和映射Binder设备文件.......................... 226 5.6.2 注册为Binder上下文管理者.......................... 227 5.6.3 循环等待Client进程请求............................... 231 5.7 Service Manager代理对象的获取过程........................................................... 238 5.8 Service组件的启动过程........................................ 244 5.8.1 注册Service组件............................................ 245 5.8.2 启动Binder线程池......................................... 289 5.9 Service代理对象的获取过程................................ 291 5.10 Binder进程间通信机制的Java接口............................................................. 300 5.10.1 Service Manager的Java代理对象的获取过程.......................................... 300 5.10.2 Java服务接口的定义和解析.................................................................. 310 5.10.3 Java服务的启动过程.................................... 313 5.10.4 Java服务代理对象的获取过程.............................................................. 320 5.10.5 Java服务的调用过程.................................... 323 第6章 Ashmem匿名共享内存系统.............................................................. 327 6.1 Ashmem驱动程序................................................. 328 6.1.1 基础数据结构.............................................. 328 6.1.2 匿名共享内存设备的初始化过程........................................................... 330 6.1.3 匿名共享内存设备文件的打开过程....................................................... 332 6.1.4 匿名共享内存设备文件的内存映射过程................................................ 334 6.1.5 匿名共享内存块的锁定和解锁过程....................................................... 336 6.1.6 匿名共享内存块的回收过程.................................................................. 344 6.2 运行时库cutils的匿名共享内存访问接口.................................................... 345 6.3 匿名共享内存的C++访问接口............................. 349 6.3.1 MemoryHeapBase......................................... 349 6.3.2 MemoryBase................................................. 359 6.3.3 应用实例..................................................... 364 6.4 匿名共享内存的Java访问接口............................. 370 6.4.1 MemoryFile.................................................. 370 6.4.2 应用实例..................................................... 375 6.5 匿名共享内存的共享原理.................................... 386 第3篇Android应用程序框架 第7章 Activity组件的启动过程............................. 392 7.1 Activity组件应用实例............................................ 392 7.2 根Activity组件的启动过程.................................... 398 7.3 子Activity组件在进程内的启动过程............................................................ 432 7.4 子Activity组件在新进程中的启动过程........................................................ 440 第8章 Service组件的启动过程............................ 443 8.1 Service组件应用实例............................................. 443 8.2 Service组件在新进程中的启动过程............................................................. 451 8.3 Service组件在进程内的绑定过程................................................................. 463 第9章 Android系统广播机制................................. 486 9.1 广播机制应用实例............................................... 487 9.2 广播接收者的注册过程........................................ 493 9.3 广播的发送过程................................................... 501 第10章 Content Provider组件的实现原理................................................. 524 10.1 Content Provider组件应用实例........................... 525 10.1.1 ArticlesProvider........................................... 525 10.1.2 Article......................................................... 535 10.2 Content Provider组件的启动过程................................................................ 550 10.3 Content Provider组件的数据共享原理........................................................ 573 10.3.1 数据共享模型............................................. 573 10.3.2 数据传输过程............................................. 576 10.4 Content Provider组件的数据更新通知机制................................................ 596 10.4.1 注册内容观察者.......................................... 597 10.4.2 发送数据更新通知...................................... 603 第11章 Zygote和System进程的启动过程................................................. 611 11.1 Zygote进程的启动脚本........................................ 611 11.2 Zygote进程的启动过程........................................ 614 11.3 System进程的启动过程....................................... 622 第12章 Android应用程序进程的启动过程................................................. 630 12.1 应用程序进程的创建过程.................................. 630 12.2 Binder线程池的启动过程................................... 639 12.3 消息循环的创建过程.......................................... 641 第13章 Android应用程序的消息处理机制................................................. 645 13.1 创建线程消息队列............................................. 645 13.2 线程消息循环过程............................................. 650 13.3 线程消息发送过程............................................. 655 13.4 线程消息处理过程............................................. 660 第14章 Android应用程序的键盘消息处理机制....................................... 667 14.1 键盘消息处理模型............................................. 667 14.2 InputManager的启动过程.................................... 670 14.2.1 创建InputManager...................................... 670 14.2.2 启动InputManager...................................... 673 14.2.3 启动InputDispatcher.................................... 675 14.2.4 启动InputReader........................................ 677 14.3 InputChannel的注册过程..................................... 688 14.3.1 创建InputChannel....................................... 689 14.3.2 注册Server端InputChannel........................... 697 14.3.3 注册系统当前激活的应用程序窗口..................................................... 701 14.3.4 注册Client端InputChannel........................... 706 14.4 键盘消息的分发过程.......................................... 709 14.4.1 InputReader获得键盘事件........................... 710 14.4.2 InputDispatcher分发键盘事件............................................................... 717 14.4.3 系统当前激活的应用程序窗口获得键盘消息....................................... 727 14.4.4 InputDispatcher获得键盘事件处理完成通知......................................... 743 14.5 InputChannel的注销过程..................................... 746 14.5.1 销毁应用程序窗口...................................... 747 14.5.2 注销Client端InputChannel........................... 756 14.5.3 注销Server端InputChannel........................... 758 第15章 Android应用程序线程的消息循环模型....................................... 764 15.1 应用程序主线程消息循环模型.......................... 765 15.2 与界面无关的应用程序子线程消息循环模型.......................................... 766 15.3 与界面相关的应用程序子线程消息循环模型.......................................... 769 第16章 Android应用程序的安装和显示过程............................................ 778 16.1 应用程序的安装过程......................................... 778 16.2 应用程序的显示过程.......................................... 814


Hello, Android: Introducing Googles Mobile Development Platform

Paperback: 228 pages Publisher: Pragmatic Bookshelf; 1 edition (January 4, 2009) Language: English ISBN-10: 1934356174 ISBN-13: 978-1934356173 Android is a new software toolkit for mobile phones, created by Google and the Open Handset Alliance. In a few years, it's expected to be found inside millions of cell phones and other mobile devices, making Android a major platform for application developers. That could be your own program running on all those devices. Getting started developing with Android is easy. You don't even need access to an Android phone, just a computer where you can install the Android SDK and the phone emulator that comes with it. Within minutes, "Hello, Android" will get you creating your first working application: Android's version of "Hello, World." From there, you'll build up a more substantial example: an Android Sudoku game. By gradually adding features to the game throughout the course of the book, you'll learn about many aspects of Android programming including user interfaces, multimedia, and the Android life cycle. If you're a busy developer who'd rather be coding than reading about coding, this book is for you. To help you find what you need to know fast, each chapter ends with "Fast forward" section. These sections provide guidance for where you should go next when you need to read the book out of order.


Android Apps Security

Android Apps Security


Decompiling Android

Decompiling Android looks at the the reason why Android apps can be decompiled to recover their source code, what it means to Android developers and how you can protect your code from prying eyes. This is also a good way to see how good and bad Android apps are constructed and how to learn from them in building your own apps. This is becoming an increasingly important topic as the Android marketplace grows and developers are unwittingly releasing the apps with lots of back doors allowing people to potentially obtain credit card information and database logins to back-end systems, as they don’t realize how easy it is to decompile their Android code. In depth examination of the Java and Android class file structures Tools and techniques for decompiling Android apps Tools and techniques for protecting your Android apps What you’ll learn How to download an Android app and decompile it into its original Java source and HTML5 and CSS code How to protect your Android apps so that others cannot decompile it To identify potential security threats that currently exist and how to avoid them What tools are available to decompile and protect Android apps The structure of a Java Classfile and an Android classfile How the standard JVM and the Dalvik JVM differ How to create your own Android decompiler and obfuscator Who this book is for This book is for Android developers and their managers. It's also for hackers and hobbyist types who wish to see how Android apps are constructed as a means of learning how to build Android apps.


Android开发三剑客——UML、模式与测试 代码资源包

上篇 UML 第1章 项目分析 1.1 为什么要选择Android多线程断点续传下载器作为本书讲解UML时的项目 1.2 细致剖析Android多线程断点续传下载器 第2章 UML与StarUML简介 2.1 UML介绍 2.2 安装StarUML 2.3 StarUML入门 第3章 UML图 3.1 UML用例图 3.2 UML类图 3.3 UML对象图 3.4 UML组件图 3.5 UML部署图 3.6 UML时序图 3.7 UML协作图 3.8 UML状态图 3.9 UML活动图 中篇 模 式 第4章 针对接口编程 4.1 针对接口编程——问世间情为何物,直教人生死相许 4.2 Android与针对接口编程原则 第5章 设计原则 5.1 单一职责原则——乔峰VS慕容复 5.2 开放封闭原则——孙悟空任弼马温一职 5.3 里氏代换原则——法海捉拿白蛇新解 5.4 迪米特法则——慈禧太后为何不和陌生人说话 5.5 合成聚合复用原则——刘邦VS韩信 第6章 设计模式 6.1 简单工厂模式——一见钟情的代价 6.2 工厂方法模式——让麦当劳的汉堡适合不同MM的不同口味 6.3 抽象工厂模式——MM的生日 6.4 单例模式——你是我的唯一 6.5 原型模式——肉麻情话 6.6 建造者模式——让我们同居吧 6.7 装饰模式——见MM的家长 6.8 外观模式——MM也迷恋炒股 6.9 享元模式——短信可以这样发 6.10 适配器模式——笔记本电脑的适配器 6.11 代理模式——QQ聊天机器人 6.12 桥接模式——最重要的是有一颗让MM快乐的心 6.13 组合模式——MM的生日礼物 6.14 模板方法模式——人的一生应该这样度过 6.15 观察者模式——GG在MM身边有两个妹妹 6.16 状态模式——在一天的不同时间要给MM发不同的短信 6.17 策略模式——帮助MM选择商场打折策略 下篇 测 试 第7章 Android中的单元测试入门 7.1 Android中的单元测试初体验 7.2 Android中的单元测试的必要性 7.3 Android中的单元测试的框架JUnit 7.4 剖析我们的第一个单元测试程序 第8章 Android JUnit测试的生命周期 8.1 JUnit用例生命周期分析 8.2 JUnit用例生命周期实战 8.3 JUnit测试用例不向测试框架抛出异常该怎么处理 第9章 Android单元测试案例实战 9.1 测试数组 9.2 测试堆栈 9.3 测试文件系统 9.4 如何测试private方法 第10章 Android中单元入门测试 10.1 测试套件TestSuite 10.2 自动化测试实战 第11章 JUnit与模式 11.1 JUnit与模板方法模式 11.2 JUnit与适配器模式 11.3 JUnit与组合模式 第12章 JUnit源码剖析 12.1 以TestCase抽象类为核心剖析Junit源代码 12.2 以TestSuite类为核心剖析Junit源代码 附录A 如何成为Android高手V2.0:结合云计算和智能终端、软/硬件整合






教学内容与要求   1掌握处理器在进程地址空间上的三种运行位置,了解内核编程不能使用C库函数和FPU,以及可能产生内存故障、核心栈溢出和四种内核竞争情形的原因。(2学时)   2熟悉进程描述符的组织,进程上下文和进程状态转换,和fork,exec,wait,exit,clone,linux线程和内核线程的实现原理和应用。了解COW和避免出现孤儿进程技术。(4小时)   3介绍支持SMP的O(1)调度,用户和内核抢占和进程上下文切换,了解优先级复算,睡眠和唤醒机制,SMP的负载均衡。(4小时)   4掌握在x86体系结构上系统调用的具体实现原理,接口参数传递,用户地址空间和核心地址空间之间的数据传输,和增加新的系统功能的方法。(2小时)   5熟悉在x86体系结构上Linux中断和异常的处理原理,中断注册、共享、控制,和中断上下文的意义,中断和设备驱动程序的关系,以及设备驱动程序结构和用户接口。(4小时)   6中断处理程序被分解为top half和bottom half的原因,介绍linux的softirq,tasklet,ksoftirqd和work queue,分析进程与top half,bottom half的竞争情形和同步。(4小时)   7掌握内核同步原理和方法:原子操作,自旋锁,(读—写)信号量,完成变量,bkl,seqlock和延迟内核抢占。了解指令“路障”。(4小时)   8介绍系统时钟和硬件定时器,单处理器和多处理器上的linux计时体系结构,定时的时间插补原理,单处理器和多处理器上的时钟中断处理,动态定时器的数据结构和算法原理,定时器竞争情形,延迟函数。Time,gettimeofday,adjtimex,setitimer,alarm的实现原理和应用。(4小时)   9熟悉进程地址空间的区和页,分配和释放物理页,物理地址与逻辑地址、虚地址之间的映射,slub分配原理和方法,高端物理内存的映射。(4小时)   10介绍VFS原理,超级块,inode结构和方法,dentry结构和方法,file结构和方法,以及进程打开文件表,linux中的文件系统。(2小时)   11讲解块设备缓冲,bio结构,I/O请求队列,和有最终期限的块I/O调度算法。(2小时)   12熟悉进程地址空间的分区,mm_struct结构,vm_area_struct结构和操作,,进程的页表文件映射接口mmap原理和方法。(2小时)   13熟悉页cache和radix_tree,缓冲区cache,和pdflush内核线程原理。(2小时)












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