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原创 20091209_english

on behalf of in behalf of Traditionally,in behalf of  and on behalf of  have distinct senses. In behalf of  means “for the benefit of,” as inWe raised money in behalf of the earthquake victims. On

2009-12-09 08:52:00 263

原创 20091208_english

hit back 反击 抵抗 appreciation  [E7pri:Fi5eiFEn] n. 感谢, 感激, 正确评价, 欣赏, 增值 depreciation [di7pri:Fi5eiFEn] n. 贬值, 减价, 跌落, 折旧, 轻视

2009-12-08 18:03:00 265

原创 20091130_softskill

This morning, I take 33 road as usual, but the previous one broke up, so lots of people changed this one.So you can think there are more people on this bus, there is a woman called: will you please

2009-11-30 08:39:00 255

原创 20091127_english

business days cannot schedule exam until you submit payment of credential fees---- you can use the sentence. Eligibility n.  适任, 合格 Delineation  dI9lInI`eIFEn  n.描绘 supervision  [7sju:pE5viVEn]n.监

2009-11-27 08:29:00 276

原创 20091118_english

hospitality [7hCspi5tAliti]   n.好客, 宜人, 盛情 gracious  [5^reiFEs]   adj.亲切的, 高尚的 referral  [ri5fE:rEl]  n.提名, 推举, 被推举的人 encompass [in5kQmpEs]  v.包围, 环绕, 包含或包括某事物

2009-11-18 10:39:00 164

原创 20091112_english

margins [5mB:dVin]  I. blank space round the written or printed matter on a page II. difference between cost price and selling price III. amount of space, time, votes, etc by which sth is won

2009-11-12 10:21:00 155

原创 20091111_english

Greater efforts to increase agricultural production must be made if food shortage ____________ avoided. A) is to be B) can be C) will be D) has been here is to be  = if ….want to    if ….should

2009-11-11 08:45:00 223

原创 20091107_language_english

quotes consultation glowing annoying tough dive How can I reach you?  联系你。 funeral megahertz deficit finance trips subsequently

2009-11-07 16:25:00 254

原创 20091106_language

enlighten optimize optimism

2009-11-06 09:04:00 209

原创 20091104_WCF

“System.ServiceModel.ClientBase`1”的类型初始值设定项引发异常。   the reason is that I modified the App.Config manually, we should use right-click "Edit WCF configration" to add the end point.

2009-11-04 06:53:00 392

原创 20091103_language

negative  n. 否定, 负数, 底片 adj. 否定的, 消极的, 负的, 阴性的 vt. 否定, 拒绝(接受) positive  adj. 肯定的, 实际的, 积极的, 绝对的, 确实的 adj. [数]正的 adj. [电]阳的 adj. [语法] 原级的 active adj. 积极的, 能起作

2009-11-03 16:20:00 179

原创 20091103_sharepoint

At Central Administration site, you can add the user that belongs to the domain server. etc.  Domain/UserA Domain/UserB Domain/UserC   At site  you must add the user that you want the user to ge

2009-11-03 09:51:00 183

原创 20091103_language

田舎に いなかに hovered  hover [5hCvE]v. 盘旋 metallic  [mi 5tAlik]adj.金属(性)的 luster   [5lQstE]   n.光彩, 光泽   vi.有光泽, 发亮  vt.使有光泽 bronze   [brCnz]n.青铜(铜与锡合金), 铜像adj.青铜色的 absorbed   [Eb5sC:bd ]adj.全神贯注的, 一心

2009-11-03 09:11:00 287

原创 20091031_language

 persist有点偏固执的意味在里面,就是不顾别人的反对,坚持要干。insist就是态度很坚定訳 ちょっとその前に.....稍等一下。。。。。何だろう   是什么。。。。遥か はるか自由に繰られて さらさら [下接否定]丝毫(不)。  だますつもりはさらさらなかった競争してみよう  きょうそう研究 けんきゅう開会する かいかい各選手 かくせんしゅ思

2009-10-31 12:43:00 226

原创 20091029_language

 優れる すぐれるsupreme 英[sju:ˈpri:m]美[sʊˈprim]    adj 1. 最高的; 至上的2. 最重要的3.  (程度)很大的,最大的enduring [ɛnˈdʊrɪŋ, -ˈdjʊr-]       adj 1. 持久的,不朽的inspirations  英[ˌɪnspəˈreiʃən] 美[ˌɪnspəˈreʃən]  n 1. 灵感2. 鼓舞人心的人

2009-10-29 14:50:00 343

原创 20091028_japanese

JR とは 。。。。。結んでいます。むすんでいます方向 ほうこうのぼり くだり 最終 さいしゅう私鉄 民間 企業 きぎょう  卵を溶いて といて 溶く旅行 りょこう ゆっくり 挨拶 あいさつお待たせしました。こちらにお願いします。带路いろいろ ご馳走さまでした。第二天致谢。こちらこそ、とても楽しかったですよ。お変わりなく、お元気そうですね。

2009-10-28 11:27:00 300

原创 20091028_SQL_union all; left join ;right join's learning

Its really hard to learn if you read the exists code, the real problem is the best teacher. ^_^ for union allSELECT * FROM table_1union allSELECT * FROM table_2  the returen result is : t

2009-10-28 09:44:00 351

原创 20091027+english_good interview sentence

It is not our abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choicesIf work has no intention, its not work at all. Its an empty motionMen dont follow titles, they follow courageIts not who

2009-10-27 17:47:00 242

原创 20091027_.NET_about NotifyIcon

I do not know why the balloon cant be poped out.I use NotifyIcon1.ShowBalloonTip(.....).If the Icon property was set, It can works.I solve this problem.

2009-10-27 16:07:00 227

原创 20091027_.NET_about outlook login dialog

I do not know how to pop up the login dialog when I use outlook. actually, if you select mail account as exchanger server. this dialog can be poped up.

2009-10-27 13:28:00 382

原创 20091026_language_english

suspicion[səˈspɪʃən] n.1. 怀疑, 嫌疑2. 疑心, 猜疑3. 一点儿, 少量4. 感觉,看法odds [ɔdz]]n.1. 可能性, 机会2. 不利条件;掣肘的事情;逆境 3. 投注赔率    eg. It makes no odds. 没有关系。midst[mɪdst, mɪtst] n中部, 中间, 当中municipal[mjuˈnisipəl] 

2009-10-26 15:54:00 220

原创 20091019_language_english

on end   1. 连续地2. 直立着, 竖立  He worked three days on end. <a onclick="function onclick(){function onclick(){asplay(http://res.iciba.com/resource/phrase_mp3/1/d/1d90ca003723d00978c13f11dd28d260.

2009-10-19 07:20:00 159

原创 20091018_language_english

 musculature 英[ˈmʌskjulətʃə] 美[ˈmʌskjələˌtʃʊr]  1. 肌肉组 retreat            vi.1. 撤退; 退却2. 规避, 退缩3.  离开;离去;退去;后退4.  隐退;逃避;躲避 n.1. 退却, 撤退2. 退军号, 收兵号3. 隐退处, 静居处4. 静修(期)5. 逃避;退避;躲避6. (由于批评或环境过于恶劣

2009-10-18 06:57:00 245

原创 20091014_language_english

drain 掏空[drein] n.排水沟, 消耗, 排水 vt. 排出沟外, 喝干, 耗尽 vi.排水, 流干 - financial crisis has drained peoples bank accounts.? why? as I know crisis only can make our purse tighter. optimistic [7Cpti5mistik] 乐观

2009-10-14 11:28:00 184

原创 20091012_language_english

Giving A Message To ...

2009-10-12 09:14:00 205

原创 20091011_oracle_sql

 Consider the following relational database schema. It is intended to represent who will eat whatkinds of sandwiches and the places which serve the various kinds of sandwiches. A sampledatabase inst

2009-10-11 21:05:00 423

原创 20091011_language_japanese

ゆうせん  好きな人ができた   有喜欢的人了 表現 ひょうげん 常駐 じょうちゅう 意欲 いよく    意志 热情 积极性 履行 りこう 宛ら さながら 宛如 好像 。。。似的 一層 いっそう 一层/越发 更加。 自ら みずから 亲自 自己

2009-10-11 20:50:00 251

原创 20091011_language_english

in those days,2,000 years ago to be exact  准确地说 beneath the streets. beneath prep.   1.在…的下方, 在…的底下2. (表示状态)在…掩饰之下, 在…背面3. (表示比较)不及, 次于4. (表示环境)在…影响之下, 由于5. (对某人来说)不够好 we are part of that fa

2009-10-11 10:44:00 203

原创 20091009_Language_Japanese


2009-10-09 13:30:00 209

原创 20091009_C#_GeneratePWD

private string CreatePWD(PWDMark mark,int pwdlength, bool isUpper, bool isLower, bool isNumber, bool isSpecial) {           string createdPWD = string.Empty;             if (pwdlength         

2009-10-09 13:23:00 224

原创 20091009_Language_English

dental adj. 牙齿的 mental adj. 精神的, 智力的 -> intelligent n.智力 , 聪明, 智能 metal n.  dominate v 支配, 占优势 domination n. 控制, 统治, 支配 dormitory n. 宿舍 -> mansion n.  ad-hoc 特别的

2009-10-09 09:02:00 221

转载 Plan


2009-10-08 17:50:00 151

Quality Function Deployment

Quality Function Deployment


PERT CHART example

PERT CHART example..



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