recursion in prolog


Recursion in any language is the ability for a unit of code to call itself, repeatedly, if necessary. Recursion is often a very powerful and convenient way of representing certain programming constructs.

In Prolog, recursion occurs when a predicate contains a goal that refers to itself.

As we have seen in earlier chapters, every time a rule is called, Prolog uses the body of the rule to create a new query with new variables. Since the query is a new copy each time, it makes no difference whether a rule calls another rule or itself.

A recursive definition (in any language, not just Prolog) always has at least two parts, a boundary condition and a recursive case.

The boundary condition defines a simple case that we know to be true. The recursive case simplifies the problem by first removing a layer of complexity, and then calling itself. At each level, the boundary condition is checked. If it is reached the recursion ends. If not, the recursion continues.

We will illustrate recursion by writing a predicate that can detect things which are nested within other things.

Currently our location/2 predicate tells us the flashlight is in the desk and the desk is in the office, but it does not indicate that the flashlight is in the office.

  • ?- location(flashlight, office).

Using recursion, we will write a new predicate, is_contained_in/2, which will dig through layers of nested things, so that it will answer 'yes' if asked if the flashlight is in the office.

To make the problem more interesting, we will first add some more nested items to the game. We will continue to use the location predicate to put things in the desk, which in turn can have other things inside them.

  • location(envelope, desk).
    location(stamp, envelope).
    location(key, envelope).

To list all of things in the office, we would first have to list those things that are directly in the office, like the desk. We would then list the things in the desk, and the things inside the things in the desk.

If we generalize a room into being just another thing, we can state a two-part rule which can be used to deduce whether something is contained in (nested in) something else.

  • A thing, T1, is contained in another thing, T2, if T1 is directly located in T2. (This is the boundary condition.)
  • A thing, T1, is contained in another thing, T2, if some intermediate thing, X, is located in T2 and T1 is contained in X. (This is where we simplify and recurse.)

We will now express this in Prolog. The first rule translates into Prolog in a straightforward manner.

  • is_contained_in(T1,T2) :-

The recursive rule is also straightforward. Notice that it refers to itself.

  • is_contained_in(T1,T2) :-

Now we are ready to try it.

  • ?- is_contained_in(X, office).
    X = desk ;
    X = computer ;
    X = flashlight ;
    X = envelope ;
    X = stamp ;
    X = key ;
    ?- is_contained_in(envelope, office).
    ?- is_contained_in(apple, office).

How Recursion Works

As in all calls to rules, the variables in a rule are unique, or scoped, to the rule. In the recursive case, this means each call to the rule, at each level, has its own unique set of variables. So the values of X, T1, and T2 at the first level of recursion are different from those at the second level.

However, unification between a goal and the head of a clause forces a relationship between the variables of different levels. Using subscripts to distinguish the variables, and internal Prolog variables, we can trace the relationships for a couple of levels of recursion.

First, the query goal is

  • ?- is_contained_in(XQ, office).

The clause with variables for the first level of recursion is

  • is_contained_in(T11, T21) :-
      location(X1, T21),
      is_contained_in(T11, X1).

When the query is unified with the head of the clause, the variables become bound. The bindings are

  • XQ = _01
    T11 = _01
    T21 = office
    X1 = _02

Note particularly that XQ in the query becomes bound to T11 in the clause, so when a value of _01 is found, both variables are found.

With these bindings, the clause can be rewritten as

  • is_contained_in(_01, office) :-
      location(_02, office),
      is_contained_in(_01, _02).

When the location/2 goal is satisfied, with _02 = desk, the recursive call becomes

  • is_contained_in(_01, desk)

That goal unifies with the head of a new copy of the clause, at the next level of the recursion. After that unification the variables are

  • XQ = _01        T11 = _01       T12 = _01
                    T21 = office    T22 = desk
                    X1 = desk       X2 = _03

When the recursion finds a solution, such as 'envelope,' all of the T1s and X0 immediately take on that value. Figure 8.1 contains a full annotated trace of the query.

The query is
?- is_contained_in(X, office).

Each level of the recursion will have its own unique variables, but as in all calls to rules, the variables at a called level will be bound in some relationship to the variables at the calling level. In the following trace, we will use Prolog internal variables, so we can see which variables are bound together and which are not. The items directly in the office are found easily, as the variable _0 is bound to X in the query and T1 in the rule.

1-1 CALL is_contained_in(_0, office) 
1-1 try (1) is_contained_in(_0, office)
    2-1 CALL location(_0, office) 
    2-1 EXIT location(desk, office) 
1-1 EXIT is_contained_in(desk, office) 
      X = desk ;
    2-1 REDO location(_0, office) 
    2-1 EXIT location(computer, office) 
1-1 EXIT is_contained_in(computer, office) 
      X = computer ;
    2-1 REDO location(_0,office) 
    2-1 FAIL location(_0,office) 

When there are no more location(X, office) clauses, the first clause of is_contained_in/2 fails, and the second clause is tried. Notice that the call to location does not have its first argument bound to the same variable. It was X in the rule, and it gets a new internal value, _4. T1 stays bound to _0.

1-1 REDO is_contained_in(_0, office) 
1-1 try (2) is_contained_in(_0, office)
    2-1 CALL location(_4, office) 
    2-1 EXIT location(desk, office) 

When it initiates a new call to is_contained_in/2, it behaves exactly as if we had performed the query is_contained_in(X, desk) at the listener prompt. It is, in effect, a completely new copy of is_contained_in/2. This call will find all of the things in the desk, just as the first level found all things in the office.

    2-2 CALL is_contained_in(_0, desk) 
    2-2 try (1) is_contained_in(_0, desk)
        3-1 CALL location(_0, desk) 
        3-1 EXIT location(flashlight, desk) 

Having found the flashlight at the second-level is_contained_in/2, the answer propagates back up to the first level copy of is_contained_in/2.

    2-2 EXIT is_contained_in(flashlight, desk) 
1-1 EXIT is_contained_in(flashlight, office) 
      X = flashlight ;

Similarly, it finds the envelope at the second level of recursion.

        3-1 REDO location(_0, desk) 
        3-1 EXIT location(envelope, desk) 
    2-2 EXIT is_contained_in(envelope, desk) 
1-1 EXIT is_contained_in(envelope, office) 
      X = envelope ;

Having exhausted the things located in the desk, it next begins to look for things within things located in the desk.

        3-1 REDO location(_0, desk) 
        3-1 FAIL location(_0, desk) 
    2-2 REDO is_contained_in(_0, desk) 
    2-2 try (2) is_contained_in(_0, desk)
        3-1 CALL location(_7, desk) 
        3-1 EXIT location(flashlight, desk) 

First, is there something in the flashlight? Both clauses of is_contained_in/2 fail because there is nothing located in the flashlight.

        3-2 CALL is_contained_in(_0, flashlight) 
            4-1 CALL location(_0, flashlight) 
            4-1 FAIL location(_0, flashlight) 
        3-2 REDO is_contained_in(_0, flashlight) 
        3-2 try (2) is_contained_in(_0, flashlight)
            4-1 CALL location(_11, flashlight) 
            4-1 FAIL location(_11, flashlight) 
        3-2 FAIL is_contained_in(_0, flashlight)

Next, it tries to find things in the envelope and comes up with the stamp.

        3-1 REDO location(_7, desk) 
        3-1 EXIT location(envelope, desk) 
        3-2 CALL is_contained_in(_0, envelope) 
            4-1 CALL location(_0, envelope) 
            4-1 EXIT location(stamp, envelope) 
        3-2 EXIT is_contained_in(stamp, envelope) 
    2-2 EXIT is_contained_in(stamp, desk) 
1-1 EXIT is_contained_in(stamp, office) 
      X = stamp ;

And then the key.

            4-1 REDO location(_0,envelope) 
            4-1 EXIT location(key, envelope) 
        3-2 EXIT is_contained_in(key, envelope) 
    2-2 EXIT is_contained_in(key, desk) 
1-1 EXIT is_contained_in(key, office) 
      X = key ;

And then it fails its way back to the beginning.

        3-2 REDO is_contained_in(_0, envelope) 
        3-2 try (2) is_contained_in(_0, envelope)
            4-1 CALL location(_11, envelope) 
            4-1 EXIT location(stamp, envelope) 
            4-2 CALL is_contained_in(_0, stamp) 
                5-1 CALL location(_0, stamp) 
                5-1 FAIL location(_0, stamp) 
            4-2 REDO is_contained_in(_0, stamp) 
            4-2 try(2) is_contained_in(_0, stamp)
                5-1 CALL location(_14, stamp) 
                5-1 FAIL location(_14, stamp) 
            4-1 REDO location(_11, envelope) 
            4-1 EXIT location(key, envelope) 
            4-2 CALL is_contained_in(_0, key) 
            4-2 try (1) is_contained_in(_0, key)
                5-1 CALL location(_0, key) 
                5-1 FAIL location(_0, key) 
            4-2 REDO is_contained_in(_0, key) 
            4-2 try (2) is_contained_in(_0, key)
                5-1 CALL location(_14, key) 
                5-1 FAIL location(_14, key) 
            4-1 REDO location(_7, desk) 
            4-1 FAIL location(_7, desk) 
        3-1 REDO location(_4, office) 
        3-1 EXIT location(computer, office) 
        3-2 CALL is_contained_in(_0, computer) 
            4-1 CALL location(_0, computer) 
            4-1 FAIL location(_0, computer) 
        3-2 REDO is_contained_in(_0, computer) 
            4-1 CALL location(_7, computer) 
            4-1 FAIL location(_7, computer) 
        3-1 REDO location(_4, office) 
        3-1 FAIL location(_4, office) 

Figure 8.1. Trace of a recursive query

When writing a recursive predicate, it is essential to ensure that the boundary condition is checked at each level . Otherwise, the program might recurse forever.

The simplest way to do this is by always defining the boundary condition first, ensuring that it is always tried first and that the recursive case is only tried if the boundary condition fails.


We now come to some of the pragmatics of Prolog programming. First consider that the goal location(X,Y) will be satisfied by every clause of location/2. On the other hand, the goals location(X, office) or location(envelope, X) will be satisfied by fewer clauses .

Let's look again at the second rule for is_contained_in/2, and an equally valid alternate coding.

  • is_contained_in(T1,T2):-

Both will give correct answers, but the performance of each will depend on the query. The query is_contained_in(X, office) will execute faster with the first version. That is because T2 is bound, making the search for location(X, T2) easier than if both variables were unbound. Similarly, the second version is faster for queries such as is_contained_in(key, X).


Adventure Game

1- Trace the two versions of is_contained_in/2 presented at the end of the chapter to understand the performance differences between them.

2- Currently, the can_take/1 predicate only allows the player to take things which are directly located in a room. Modify it so it uses the recursive is_contained_in/2 so that a player can take anything in a room.

Genealogical Database

3- Use recursion to write an ancestor/2 predicate. Then trace it to understand its behavior. It is possible to write endless loops with recursive predicates. The trace facility will help you debug ancestor/2 if it is not working correctly.

4- Use ancestor/2 for finding all of a person's ancestors and all of a person's descendants. Based on your experience with grandparent/2 and grandchild/2, write a descendant/2 predicate optimized for descendants, as opposed to ancestor/2, which is optimized for ancestors.

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目标检测(Object Detection)是计算机视觉领域的一个核心问题,其主要任务是找出图像中所有感兴趣的目标(物体),并确定它们的类别和位置。以下是对目标检测的详细阐述: 一、基本概念 目标检测的任务是解决“在哪里?是什么?”的问题,即定位出图像中目标的位置并识别出目标的类别。由于各类物体具有不同的外观、形状和姿态,加上成像时光照、遮挡等因素的干扰,目标检测一直是计算机视觉领域最具挑战性的任务之一。 二、核心问题 目标检测涉及以下几个核心问题: 分类问题:判断图像中的目标属于哪个类别。 定位问题:确定目标在图像中的具体位置。 大小问题:目标可能具有不同的大小。 形状问题:目标可能具有不同的形状。 三、算法分类 基于深度学习的目标检测算法主要分为两大类: Two-stage算法:先进行区域生成(Region Proposal),生成有可能包含待检物体的预选框(Region Proposal),再通过卷积神经网络进行样本分类。常见的Two-stage算法包括R-CNN、Fast R-CNN、Faster R-CNN等。 One-stage算法:不用生成区域提议,直接在网络中提取特征来预测物体分类和位置。常见的One-stage算法包括YOLO系列(YOLOv1、YOLOv2、YOLOv3、YOLOv4、YOLOv5等)、SSD和RetinaNet等。 四、算法原理 以YOLO系列为例,YOLO将目标检测视为回归问题,将输入图像一次性划分为多个区域,直接在输出层预测边界框和类别概率。YOLO采用卷积网络来提取特征,使用全连接层来得到预测值。其网络结构通常包含多个卷积层和全连接层,通过卷积层提取图像特征,通过全连接层输出预测结果。 五、应用领域 目标检测技术已经广泛应用于各个领域,为人们的生活带来了极大的便利。以下是一些主要的应用领域: 安全监控:在商场、银行




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