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原创 Mac OS,用Mercurial执行hg clone时报错

报错:解决方法:装python时忘记点击文件夹里的Install Certificates.Command了,点击之后就好了(非常小白

2021-09-12 20:52:04 235

原创 MMI笔记 virtual environments, audio for virtual environments 知识点总结

Virtual EnvironmentsVirtual EnvironmentdefinitionHistoryContinuum 连续体real environment - augmented reality(AR) - augmented virtuality(AV) - virtual environment(VR)mixed reality(MR)networked virtual environments(NVE)multiple user interact with e

2021-07-20 01:40:28 205

原创 MMI笔记 | multimodal action 知识点整理

Verbal and nonverbal informationspeech production and perception are multimodalnonverbal informationsubstitute替代, amplify放大, contradict矛盾, modify修改 verbal informationintentionally故意地 or automaticallyconscious or unconscious 有意识或无意识information transm

2021-07-18 23:40:26 211

原创 unity 2d 学习笔记(1)tilemap绘制和prefab预制体

教程中在Assets中的创建Tiles文件夹,在其中create tile,找不到tile。感觉找不到也没有什么特别大的影响,直接创建Tile Platte就可以了。为什么活动的ruby需要添加rigidbody 2D和Box Collider 2D而场景中的树只需要后者?rigidbody是刚体的意思,box collider 仅仅是碰撞,应该是场景中的道具没有那个需要(?)Box Collider 2D 可以通过Edit Collider调整大小。unity里没有预制体怎么办?..

2021-07-06 01:22:15 1057

原创 unity报错 please fix compile errors before creating new script components

看教程学unity 2d的时候,把写好的Scripts挂给character素材时,有这样的提示:please fix compile errors before creating new script components不知道确切的解决方法是什么,估计是因为没有用visual studio导致保存的时候出现了一些问题(?)直接用visual studio的open点开就没有问题了。...

2021-07-04 21:53:17 2895 3

原创 windows下载汉化游戏后出现乱码怎么办?

记载一个很无关的问题哈哈哈。设置 - 时间和语言 - 相关设置(右上角) - 管理语言设置 - 把“非uniccode的程序语言”改成中文

2021-06-08 22:14:01 6164

原创 3 Vision笔记

Eye4-lense systemcorneaanterior chamberlensvitreous chamberaccommondation amplitude (Dpt) vs. Ageoder, reflective power decreasevisual dieldmost precise in the middle ±10slow pursuitsfast phasesconverageretinarodsconesGestalt perceptiont

2021-06-08 17:52:06 174

原创 4 other sense, integration, and cognition 笔记

Haptics. Haptic perceptionSomatosensory systemEpidermis: outer layerDermis: deeper layer, mechanoreceptorsMechanoreceptorsreceptorresponse typeperceptionMerkelcontinuous (slowly adapting)fine detailsMeissnerresponds to change (rapidly

2021-06-08 00:07:13 81

原创 5 multimodal perception 笔记

processing multiple signalstheories of information processing:for at least speech/audio and visual/spatial informationnot more demanding than unimodal processingmore salient, can result in stronger neuronal activity1 super-additivity, large than sum

2021-06-06 19:27:52 216

原创 1-1 medium vs. modality笔记

mediumtechnical means to store, transport and convey informationphysical channelrepresentation of a message to user(相同的信息可以用不同的媒介来储存和传达)modalityhuman sensory channeluser input mode to interact with a system比如说用不同的媒介来表达,例如图表,视频,但是对于user来说是同一个modali

2021-05-14 19:23:13 101

原创 2-1 speech production笔记

1Pragmatics: meaningSemantics: content, factual informationSyntax: sentence structuremorphology: word formsphonology: sound structurephonetics: articulation, acoustics, perception2phoneme: 音位smallest distinctive unit 语音学中最小有区别性的单位,和别的音不一样,独立的,不混淆

2021-05-11 21:27:10 184

原创 SWTPP复习笔记

Codequalität und TestenÄquivalenzklassentest是为了用更少的测试达到效果,所以在画出CFG后,可以用是否能满足覆盖整个CFG来评估是否选对了。mit minimaler Anzahl, um vollständige Zweigüberdeckung für das o.g. Programm zu erreichenZweigüberdeckung => Kantengilt das minimale TestkriteriumFehleride

2021-03-28 18:22:05 83

原创 Systementwurf mit SystemC

Strukturelle ElementeModuledie elementaren KomponentenModule enthält:Prozess => FunktionalitätVariablen => ZustandPorts für die Kommuniikationweitere ModuleSC_MODULE(myModule){//ports, processes, internal data SC_HAS_PROCESS(myModule); m

2021-03-24 23:48:13 78

原创 Ada SPARK | 3. Flussanalyse

SPARK FlussanalyseFokus: VariablenAutomatisch erkannte ProblemeFehlende InitialisierungFehlerhafte Parametermodiin und out inkorrekt verwendetStatements ohne EffektIrrelevant für OutputUngenutzte VariablenGlobal Contractsprocedure P with Glob

2021-03-24 19:49:22 107

原创 Ada SPARK | 2. Proof

Laufzeitfehlererkennungprocedure Increment(X:in out Integer) with Pre => (x < Integer'Last)is begin X:=X+1;end Increment;Grundlegende Routine-Oriented ContractsPre- und Postconditionsprocedure Turn_on(speed: in out Integer) with Pre =>

2021-03-24 18:39:04 273 1

原创 Ada SPARK | 1.Einführung(未完成)

Contracts in SPARKExplizite Contracts: Pre- und PostconditionsBedingungen bei Aufruf und Verlassen des Teilprogrammsprocedure Turn_on (speed: in out Integer) with pre => speed = 0, Post => speed < 200 is begin end Turn_on;Explizite Contr

2021-03-24 04:19:59 253

原创 EBS | Echtzeit-Schedulingverfahren

Statistische PrioritätenRM-Verfahren: higher rate, höher PrioritätDM-Verfahren: kürzer Zeitschranke, höher PrioritätDynamische PrioritätenEarliest Deadline First (EDF)Least Laxity First (LLF)Laxity: Differenz zwischen deadline und restlicher Ausführ

2021-03-24 03:33:57 44

原创 C | 2. POSIX

POSIX ThreadsPOSIX ThreadsBibliotheken: pthread librarieslibthread.sokompilieren: gcc -lpthread -o myProgram myProgram.cPOSIX Threads APIpthread_tpthread_creat(pthread_t *thread, const pthread_attr_t *attr, void* (*start_routine)(void*), void *arg)

2021-03-24 01:19:20 80 1

原创 C | 1. Hardwarezugriff

SpeicherPhysischer SpeicherVirtueller SpeicherStack: lokale Variablen, Funktionsparameter, Rücksprungsadressen … nach LIFO freigegeben werdenHeap: dynamisch Speicher (malloc/free)Pointer in COperatoren:Inhaltsoperator *: => Wert, der an Pointe

2021-03-24 00:14:09 61

原创 Ada | 3.Tasks

GrundlagenTask Erzeugungwith Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;procedure Show_Simple_Task_Type is task type TT is end TT;task body TT is begin Put_Line("1");end TT; A_Task: TT;My_Tasks: array(1 .. 5) of TT;begin Put_Line("1");end Show_Simple

2021-03-23 23:00:54 126

原创 Ada | 2. Grundlegende Sprachelemente

Konditionale Ausdrückeif-Statementif N < 15 then elseif N = 15else -- else ist pflicht end if;case-Statementcase N is when 0 | 360 => Put_Line("1"); when 1 .. 89 => Put_Line("2"); when 90 => Put_Line("3"); when others =>

2021-03-23 21:47:26 39

原创 ada | 1. Aufbau von Programmen

with Ada.Text_IO;use Ada.Text_IO;procedure Main is begin Put_Line("Hello, World");end Main;Subprogramme子程序Fundamentale Einheit基本单元procedures: keinen Rückgabewertfunctions: immer Rückgabewertfunction Increment (I:Integer) return Integer is-- D

2021-03-23 07:21:19 58

原创 嵌入式/网络物理系统 | Timed Automata

Einführungerweitern um UhrenUhrenUhren durch x,y,z … aus C repräsentiertnicht negative reelle ZahlVC: Menge der UhrenbelegungUhrenbedingungen Φ(C)\Phi(C)Φ(C)An Transitionen: GuardsAn Zuständen: InvariantenSemantikZeitschritte (l,v)→(l,v+δ)(l,

2021-03-21 02:30:25 167

原创 ComputerGraphics | 纹理,过滤模式

当纹理大于三维图形表面=>一个像素被映射到多个纹理当纹理小于三维图形表面=>多个像素被映射到一个纹理=> 发生模糊或者错位=>smooth,过滤模式mip-mapanti-aliasing图像(纹理)在缩小时因为采样率不够=>混叠,直线:断线,纹理复杂:纹理杂乱如果用于贴图的纹理大小64x32,生成32x16,16x8,8x4,4x2,2x1,1x1。步骤:低通滤波减轻混叠,缩小常用:box filtering计算缩小比率d根据d值确定哪一个mip做贴图

2021-03-19 18:00:31 96

原创 ComputerGraphics | Output - Images

types of imagesraster images: GIF, JPEG, PNG, (PS)resolutionvector images: CGM, (PS, PDF)Rater imagesmonochromatic images/bit mapsgray scalememory: 8 bits = 1 byte24 bit color imagescolor for each bit: 3 bytes8-bit color images8-bit color im

2021-03-18 05:49:46 170

原创 ComputerGraphics | global illumination: Radiosity

Rendering Equationradiosity assumptionscontinuousdiscreteRadiosity MatrixFrom Factors## 标题

2021-03-18 05:40:50 162

原创 ComputerGraphics | Raytracing

Recursive raytracingsend a ray from eye center through each pixel centerdraw the object that intersect the ray closest to the image plane:no intersection: background colorlight sourceintersection with an object that in front of the light source: illu

2021-03-18 05:35:06 142

原创 ComputerGraphics | Texturing

sphere Mappingcenter (xs,ys,zs)(x_s, y_s, z_s)(xs​,ys​,zs​) of the sphereCylinder MappingBox Mapping(xbox,max−xbox,min)≥(ybox,max−ybox,min)≥(zbox,max−zbox,min)(x_{box,max}-x_{box,min}) \ge (y_{box,max}-y_{box,min}) \ge (z_{box,max}-z_{box,min})(xbox,m

2021-03-18 05:04:21 174

原创 ComputerGraphics | Rasterization

Rasterization of linesBresenham’s algorithmΔx=x2−x1≥0\Delta x = x_{2} - x_{1} \ge 0Δx=x2​−x1​≥0Δy=y2−y1≥0\Delta y = y_{2} - y_{1} \ge 0Δy=y2​−y1​≥0E:=ΔyΔx−12E := \frac{\Delta y}{\Delta x} - \frac{1}{2}E:=ΔxΔy​−21​E≤0:E \le 0:E≤0:x:=x+1x:=x+1x:=x+1E

2021-03-18 03:17:35 61

原创 ComputerGraphics | Light, Color

Additive color mixingGrassman’s lawamong four colors there is a linear dependencythree-dimensional spacevector space: color spacelength of vector: luminancedirection: chromaticitythree linear independent basis vectors: primariestristimulus-system

2021-03-18 00:18:00 90

原创 ComputerGraphics | Lighing, Shading

light sourcesdirected/parallel light sourceposition is point at infinity (x,y,z,0)^Tpoint light sourcefinite position (x,y,z,1)^Tspotposition, direction, opening angleambient lighttype of reflectionspecular(mirror-like)diffusemixedreflectio

2021-03-17 21:58:18 100

原创 ComputerGraphics | clipping & culling, visibility

Cullingremoval of primitives that areocclusion cullingview frustum cullingback face cullingClippingCohen-Sutherland-Algorithmconsider a rectangular windoweach bit represents one of the 4 half-spacesalgorithm1 input: p1(x1, y1), p2(x2, y2), y

2021-03-17 20:14:36 70

原创 Haskell | Classes and types

Classes and instances(==) :: (Eq a) => a -> a -> Boolthe definition of Eq:class Eq a where (==), (/=) :: a -> a -> Bool x/=y = not(x == y) x==y = not(x /= y)example: an algebraic data type made into an instance of Eq by an instanc.

2021-03-13 02:38:25 150

原创 python | print(l.extend(l2))的值为None


2021-01-04 19:05:48 221

原创 python | range()不能生成list


2021-01-04 18:56:21 478 2

原创 THREE.js | camera中没有Object

错误:在使用cameraHelper同时在scene添加camera,scene中没有物体显示解决方法:去掉scene.add(camera), 只留下创建的scene.add(cameraHelper)

2020-12-07 19:19:21 86

原创 R language notes | pipes: chaining

df-sum <- df %>% mutate(bar = bar(foo)) %>% mutate(compare = bar > baz) %>% mutate(express = ifelse(compare, "greater than baz",baz )) %>% group_by(express) %>% summarise(n = n(), mean = mean(bar))would be equal todf_

2020-11-29 02:34:20 104

原创 git | unable to save public key

reason: forget to close the original id_rsa.pub document

2020-11-27 06:06:28 232

原创 git | win10 unable to start ssh-agent service, error:1058

命令:ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa报错error connecting to agent: No such file or directory搜索后需要手动运行 ssh-agent报错:unable to start ssh-agent service, error:1058解决:查找services(德语是Dienst),查询OpenSSH Authentication Agent,设置为Automatic。...

2020-11-27 06:02:18 485 1

原创 R语言笔记| work with datausing R and theTidyverse

grabbing the dataCsv-data: A comma-separated values file is a delimited text file that uses a comma to separate values.These are plain text files, just like .txt meaning they contain no formatting(bold, italics, fontsizes, etc.)-> protable and durable

2020-11-16 23:43:44 170



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