高效SQL查询之Graphical Execution Plans

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The aim of this article is to enable you to interpret basic graphical execution plans, in other words, execution plans for simple SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT or DELETEqueries, with only a few joins and no advanced functions or hints. Inorder to do this, we'll cover the following graphical execution plantopics:

  • Operators – introduced in the last article, now you'll see more
  • Joins – what's a relational system without the joins between tables
  • WHERE clause – you need to filter your data and it does affect the execution plans
  • Aggregates – how grouping data changes execution plans
  • Insert  Update and Delete execution plans

The Language of Graphical Execution Plans 

In some ways, learning how to read graphical execution plans issimilar to learning a new language, except that the language isicon-based, and the number of words (icons) we have to learn isminimal. Each icon represents a specific operator within the executionplan. We will be using the terms 'icon' and 'operator' interchangeablyin this article.

In the previous article, we only saw two operators (Select and Table Scan ).However, there are a total of 79 operators available. Fortunately forus, we don't have to memorize all 79 of them before we can read agraphical execution plan. Most queries use only a small subset of theicons, and those are the ones we are going to focus on in this article.If you run across an icon not covered here, you can find out moreinformation about it on Books Online:

Four distinct types of operator are displayed in a graphical execution plan:

  • Logical and physical operators, also callediterators, are displayed as blue icons and represent query execution orData Manipulation Language (DML) statements.
  • Parallelism physical operators are also blue iconsand are used to represent parallelism operations. In a sense, they area subset of logical and physical operators, but are considered separatebecause they entail an entirely different level of execution plananalysis.
  • Cursor operators have yellow icons and represent Transact-SQL cursor operations
  • Language elements are green icons and represent Transact-SQL language elements, such as Assign, Declare, If, Select (Result), While, and so on.

In this article we'll focus mostly on logical and physicaloperators, including the parallelism phys­ical operators. Books Onlinelists them in alphabetical order, but this is not the easiest way tolearn them, so we will forgo being "alphabetically correct" here.Instead, we will focus on the most-used icons. Of course, what isconsidered most-used and least-used will vary from DBA to DBA, but thefollowing are what I would consider the more common oper­ators, listedfrom left-to-right and top-to-bottom, roughly in the order of mostcommon to least common:

Select (Result)


Clustered Index Seek  

Clustered Index Scan    

Non-clustered Index Scan

Non-clustered Index Seek  

Table Scan

RID Lookup

Key Lookup

Hash Match  

Nested Loops  

Merge Join


Compute Scalar

Constant Scan


Lazy Spool


Eager Spool

Stream Aggregate

Distribute Streams 

Repartition Streams

Gather Streams 



Those picked out in bold are covered in this article. The rest will be covered in the book.

Operators have behavior that is worth understanding. Some operators – primarily sort, hash match (aggregate) and hash join  –require a variable amount of memory in order to execute. Because ofthis, a query with one of these operators may have to wait foravailable memory prior to execution, possibly adversely affectingperformance. Most operators behave in one of two ways, non-blocking orblocking. A non-blocking operator creates output data at the same timeas it receives the input. A blocking operator has to get all the dataprior to producing its output. A blocking operator might contribute toconcurrency problems, hurting performance.

Some Single table Queries

Let's start by looking at some very simple plans, based on single table queries.

Clustered Index Scan   

Consider the following simple (but inefficient!) query against the Person.Contact table in the AdventureWorks database:


FROM    Person.Contact

Following is the actual execution plan:

Figure 1

We can see that a clustered index scan operation is performed toretrieve the required data. If you place the mouse pointer over theClustered Index Scan  icon, to bring up the ToolTip window, you willsee that the clustered index used was PK_Contact_ContactID and that the estimated number of rows involved in the operation was 19972.

Indexes in SQL Server are stored in a B-tree (a series of nodes thatpoint to a parent). A clustered index not only stores the keystructure, like a regular index, but also sorts and stores the data,which is the main reason why there can be only one clustered index pertable.

As such, a clustered index scan is almost the same in conceptas a table scan. The entire index, or a large percentage of it, isbeing traversed, row-by-row, in order to identify the data needed bythe query.

An index scan often occurs, as in this case, when an index existsbut the optimizer determines that so many rows need to be returned thatit is quicker to simply scan all the values in the index rather thanuse the keys provided by that index.

An obvious question to ask if you see an index scan in yourexecution plan is whether you are returning more rows than isnecessary. If the number of rows returned is higher than you expect,that's a strong indication that you need to fine-tune the WHEREclause of your query so that only those rows that are actually neededare returned. Returning unnecessary rows wastes SQL Server resourcesand hurts overall performance.

Clustered Index Seek   

We can easily make the previous query more efficient by adding a WHERE clause:

FROM    Person.Contact  

The plan now looks as shown in figure 2:

Figure 2

Index seeks are completely different from scans, where the enginewalks through the rows to find what it needs. An index seek, clusteredor not, occurs when the optimizer is able to locate an index that itcan use to retrieve the required records. Therefore, it tells thestorage engine to look up the values based on the keys of the givenindex. Indexes in SQL Server are stored in a B-tree (a series of nodesthat point to a parent). A clustered index stores not just thekey structure, like a regular index, but also sorts and stores thedata, which is the main reason why there can be only one clusteredindex per table.

When an index is used in a seek operation, the key values are usedto quickly identify the row, or rows, of data needed. This is similarto looking up a word in the index of a book to get the correct pagenumber. The added value of the clustered index seek is that, not onlyis the index seek an inexpensive operation as compared to an indexscan, but no extra steps are required to get the data because it isstored in the index.

In the above example, we have a Clustered Index Seek operation carried out against the Person.Contact table, specifically on the PK_Contact_ContactId, which is happens to be both the primary key and the clustered index for this table.

Note on the ToolTips window for the Clustered Index Seek that the Ordered property is now true, indicating that the data was ordered by the optimizer.

Non-clustered Index Seek   

Let's run a slightly different query against the Person.Contact table; one that uses a non-clustered index:


FROM    Person.Contact

WHERE   EmailAddress LIKE 'sab%'

We get a non-clustered index seek. Notice in the ToolTip shown in figure 3 that the non-clustered index, IX_Contact_EmailAddress has been used.

NOTE: The non-clustered Index Seek icon is misnamed andcalled an Index Seek in the execution plan below. Apparently, this wasa mistake by Microsoft and hopefully will be fixed at some point. Nobig deal, but something for you to be aware of.

Figure 3

Like a clustered index seek, a non-clustered index seek uses anindex to look up the rows to be returned directly. Unlike a clusteredindex seek, a non-clustered index seek has to use a non-clustered indexto perform the operation. Depending on the query and index, the queryoptimizer might be able to find all the data in the non-clusteredindex, or it might have to look up the data in the clustered index,slightly hurting performance due to the additional I/O required toperform the extra lookups – more on this in the next section.

Key LookUp  

Let's take our query from the previous sections and alter it so that it returns just a few more columns:

SELECT  ContactID,



FROM    Person.Contact

WHERE   EmailAddress LIKE 'sab%'

You should see a plan like that shown in figure 4:

Figure 4

Finally, we get to see a plan that involves more than a singleoperation! Reading the plan from right-to-left and top-to-bottom, thefirst operation we see is an Index Seek against the IX_Contact_EmailAddress index. This is a non-unique, non-clustered index and, in the case of this query, it is non-covering.A non-covering index is an index that does not contain all of thecolumns that need to be returned by a query, forcing the queryoptimizer to not only read the index, but to also read the clusteredindex to gather all the data it needs so it can be returned.

We can see this in the ToolTips window from the Output List for the Index Seek, in figure 5, which shows the EmailAddress and ContactID columns.

Figure 5

The key values are then used in a Key Lookup on the PK_Contact_ContactID clustered index to find the corresponding rows, with the output list being the LastName and Phone columns, as shown in figure 6.


Figure 6

A Key Lookup is a bookmark lookup on a table with a clustered index.(Pre-SP2, this operation would have been represented with a ClusteredIndex scan, with a LookUp value of True) .

A Key Lookup essentially means that the optimizer cannot retrievethe rows in a single operation, and has to use a clustered key (or arow ID) to return the corresponding rows from a clustered index (orfrom the table itself).

The presence of a Key Lookup is an indication that query performancemight benefit from the presence of a covering or included index. Both acovering or included index include all of the columns that need to bereturned by a query, so all the columns of each row are found in theindex, and a Key Lookup does not have to occur in order to get all thecolumns that need to be returned.

A Key LookUp is always accompanied by the Nested Loop join operation that combines the results of the two operations.

Figure 7

Typically, a Nested Loops join is a standard type of join and byitself does not indicate any performance issues. In this case, becausea Key Lookup operation is required, the Nested Loops join is needed tocombine the rows of the Index Seek and Key Lookup. If the Key Lookupwas not needed (because a covering index was available), then theNested Loops operator would not be needed and would not appear in thegraphical execution plan.

Table Scan 

This operator is fairly self-explanatory and is one we previouslyencountered in Article 1. It indicates that the required rows werereturned by scanning the table, one row after another. You can see atable scan operation by executing the following query:


FROM    [dbo].[DatabaseLog]

Figure 8

A table scan can occur for several reasons, but it's often becausethere are no useful indexes on the table, and the query optimizer hasto search through every row in order to identify the rows to return.Another common reason why a table scan may occur is when all the rowsof a table are returned, as is the case in this example. When all (orthe majority) of the rows of a table are returned then, whether anindex exists or not, it is often faster for the query optimizer to scanthrough each row and return them than look up each row in an index. Andlast, sometimes the query optimizer determines that it is faster toscan each row than it is to use an index to return the rows. Thiscommonly occurs in tables with few rows.

Assuming that the number of rows in a table is relatively small,table scans are generally not a problem. On the other hand, if thetable is large and many rows are returned, then you might want toinvestigate ways to rewrite the query to return fewer rows, or add anappropriate index to speed performance.

RID LookUp 

If we specifically filter the results of our previous DatabaseLog query using the primary key column, we see a different plan that uses a combination of an Index Seek   and a RID LookUp .

FROM    [dbo].[DatabaseLog]
WHERE   DatabaseLogID = 1

Figure 9

To return the results for this query, the query optimizer firstperforms an Index Seek on the primary key. While this index is usefulin identifying the rows that meet the WHERE clause criteria, all the required data columns are not present in the index. How do we know this?

Figure 10

If you look at the ToolTip above for the Index Seek, we see"Bmk1000" is in the Output list. This"Bmk1000" is telling us that thisIndex Seek is actually part of a query plan that has a bookmark lookup.

Next, the query optimizer performs a RID LookUp, which is a type ofbookmark lookup that occurs on a heaptable (a table that doesn't have aclustered index), and uses a row identifier to find the rows to return.In other words, since the table doesn't have a clustered index (thatincludes all the rows), it must use a row identifier that links theindex to the heap. This adds additional disk I/O because two differentoperations have to be performed instead of a single operation, whichare then combined with a Nested Loops operation.

Figure 11

In the above ToolTip for the RID Lookup, notice that "Bmk1000" isused again, but this time in the Seek Predicates section. This istelling us that a bookmark lookup (specifically a RID Lookup in ourcase) was used as part of the query plan. In this particular case, onlyone row had to be looked up, which isn't a big deal from a performanceperspective. But if a RID Lookup returns many rows, you should considertaking a close look at the query to see how you can make it performbetter by using less disk I/O – perhaps by rewriting the query, byadding a clustered index, or by using a covering or included index.

Table Joins 

Up to now, we have worked with single tables. Let's spice things upa bit and introduce joins into our query. The following query retrievesemployee information, concatenating the FirstName and LastName columns in order to return the information in a more pleasing manner.

SELECT  e.[Title],


        c.[LastName] + ', ' + c.[FirstName] AS EmployeeName

FROM    [HumanResources].[Employee] e

JOIN [HumanResources].[EmployeeAddress] ed ON e.[EmployeeID]   = ed.[EmployeeID]

JOIN [Person].[Address] a ON [ed].[AddressID] = [a].[AddressID]

        JOIN [Person].[Contact] c ON e.[ContactID] = c.[ContactID];

The execution plan for this query is shown in figure 12.

Figure 12

With this query there are multiple processing steps occurring, withvarying costs to the processor. The cost accumulates as you movethorough the execution tree from right to left.

From the relative cost displayed below each operator icon, we canidentify the three most costly operations in the plan, in descendingorder:

  1.  The Index Scan against the Person.Address table (45%)

  2. The Hash Match join operation between the HumanResources.EmployeeAddress and Person.Address (28%)

  3. The Clustered Index Seek on the Person.Contact table (18%)

Let's consider each of the operators we see in this plan.

Starting on the right of Figure 12 above, the first thing we see is an Index Scan against the HumanResources.EmployeeAddress table, and directly below this is another index scan against the Person.Addresstable. The latter was the most expensive operation in the plan, solet's investigate further. By bringing up the ToolTip, shown in Figure13, we can see that the scan was against the index IX_Address_AddressLine_­AddressLine2_­City_­StateProvinceId_­PostalCode and that the storage engine had to walk through 19,614 rows to arrive at the data that we needed.

Figure 13

The query optimizer needed to get at the AddressId and the Citycolumns, as shown by the output list. The optimizer calculated, basedon the selectivity of the indexes and columns in the table, that thebest way to arrive at that data was to walk though the index. Walkingthrough those 19,614 rows took 45% of the total query cost or anestimated operator cost of 0.180413. The estimated operator cost is thecost to the query optimizer for executing this specific operation,which is an internally calculated number used by the query optimizer toevaluate the relative costs of specific operations. The lower thisnumber, the more efficient the operation.

Hash Match   (Join) 

Continuing with the above example, the output of the two index scans is combined through a Hash Match  join  , the second most expensive operation of this execution plan. The ToolTip for this operator is shown in Figure 14:

Figure 14

Before we can talk about what a Hash Match join is, we need to understand two new concepts: hashing and hash table .Hashing is a programmatic technique where data is converted into asymbolic form that makes it easier to be searched for quickly. Forexample, a row of data in a table can be programmatically convertedinto a unique value that represents the contents of the row. In manyways it is like taking a row of data and encrypting it. Likeencryption, a hashed value can be converted back to the original data.Hashing is often used within SQL Server to convert data into a formthat is more efficient to work with, or in this case, to make searchingmore efficient.

A hash table, on the other hand, is a data structure that dividesall of the elements into equal-sized categories, or buckets, to allowquick access to the elements. The hashing function determines whichbucket an element goes into. For example, you can take a row from atable, hash it into a hash value, then store the hash value into a hashtable.

Now that we understand these terms, a Hash Match  joinoccurs when SQL Server joins two tables by hashing the rows from thesmaller of the two tables to be joined, and then inserting them into ahash table, then processing the larger table one row at a time againstthe smaller hashed table, looking for  matches where rows need to bejoined. Because the smaller of the tables provides the values in thehash table, the table size is kept at a minimum, and because hashedvalues instead of real values are used, comparisons can be made veryquickly. As long as the table that is hashed is relatively small, thiscan be a quick process. On the other hand, if both tables are verylarge, a Hash Match join can be very inefficient as compared to othertypes of joins.

In this example, the data from HumanResources.EmployeeAddress.AddressId is matched with Person.Address table.

Hash Match joins are often very efficient with large data sets,especially if one of the tables is substantially smaller than theother. Hash Match joins also work well for tables that are not sortedon join columns, and they can be efficient in cases where there are nouseable indexes. On the other hand, a Hash Match join might indicatethat a more efficient join method (Nested Loops or Merge) could beused. For example, seeing a Hash Match join in an execution plansometimes indicates:

  • a missing or incorrect index

  • a missing WHERE clause

  • a WHERE clause with a calculation or conversion that makes itnon-sargeable (a commonly used term meaning that the search argument,"sarg" can't be used). This means it won't use an existing index.

While a Hash Match join may be the most efficient way for the queryoptimizer to join two tables, it does not mean there are not moreefficient ways to join two tables, such as adding appropriate indexesto the joined tables, reducing the amount of data returned by adding amore restrictive WHERE clause, or by making the WHERE clause sargeble.In other words, a seeing a Hash Match join should be a cue for you toinvestigate if the join operation can be improved or not. If it can beimproved, then great. If not, then there is nothing else to do, as theHash Match join might be the best overall way to perform the join.

Worth noting in this example is the slight discrepancy between theestimated number of rows returned, 282.216 (proving this is acalculation since you can't possibly return .216 rows), and the actualnumber of rows, 290. A difference this small is not worth worryingabout, but a larger discrepancy indicates that your statistics are outof date and need to be updated. A large difference can lead todifferences in the Estimated and Actual plans.

The query proceeds from here with another index scan against the HumanResources­.Employee table and another Hash Match between the results of the first Hash Match and the index scan.

Clustered Index Seek   

After the Hash Match   Join, we see a Clustered Index Seek    operation carried out against the Person.Contact table, specifically on the PK_Contact_ContactId,which is both the primary key and clustered index for this table. Thisis the third most-expensive operation in the plan. The ToolTip is shownin Figure 15.


Note from the Seek Predicates  section in figure 15 above, that the operation was joining directly between the ContactId column in the HumanResources.Employee table and the Person.Contact table.

Nested Loops Join  

Following the clustered index seek, the data accumulated by theother operations are joined with the data collected from the seek,through a Nested Loops  Join    , as shown in Figure 16.

Figure 16

The nested loops join is also called a nested iteration. Thisoperation takes the input from two sets of data and joins them byscanning the outer data set (the bottom operator in a graphicalexecution plan) once for each row in the inner set. The number of rowsin each of the two data sets was small, making this a very efficientoperation. As long as the inner data set is small and the outer dataset, small or not, is indexed, this becomes an extremely efficient joinmechanism. Unless you have very large data sets, this is the type ofjoin that you most want to see in an execution plan.

Compute Scalar 

Finally, in the execution plan shown in figure 12, right before theSelect operation, we have a Compute Scalar operation. The Tooltip forthis operator is shown in Figure 19.

Figure 19

This is simply a representation of an operation to produce a scalar,a single defined value, usually from a calculation – in this case, thealias EmployeeName which combines the columns Contact.LastName and Contact.FirstNamewith a comma in between them. While this was not a zero-cost operation,0.0000282, it's so trivial in the context of the query as to beessentially free of cost.

Merge Join 

Besides the Hash and Nested Loops Join , the query optimizer can also perform a Merge Join . To seen an example of a Merge Join, we can run the following code in the AdventureWorks database:

SELECT  c.CustomerID
FROM    Sales.SalesOrderDetail od
        JOIN Sales.SalesOrderHeader oh
            ON od.SalesOrderID = oh.SalesOrderID
        JOIN Sales.Customer c    
       ON oh.CustomerID = c.CustomerID

The above query produces an execution plan that looks as shown in figure 17.

Figure 17

According to the execution plan, the query optimizer performs a Clustered Index Scan on the Customer table and a non-clustered Index Scan   on the SalesOrderHeader table. Since a WHERE clause was not specified in the query, a scan was performed on each table to return all the rows in each table.

Next, all the rows from both the Customer and SalesOrderHeader tables are joined using the Merge Join  operator.A Merge Join occurs on tables where the join columns are presorted. Forexample, in the ToolTip window for the Merge Join, shown in figure 18,we see that the join columns are Sales and CustomerID.In this case, the data in the join columns are presorted in order. AMerge Join is an efficient way to join two tables, when the joincolumns are presorted but if the join columns are not presorted, thequery optimizer has the option of a) sorting the join columns first,then performing a Merge Join, or b) performing a less efficient HashJoin. The query optimizer considers all the options and generallychooses the execution plan that uses the least resources.

Figure 18

Once the Merge Join has joined two of the tables, the third table isjoined to the first two using a Hash Match Join, which was discussedearlier. And finally, the joined rows are returned.

The key to performance of a Merge Join is that the joined columnsare already presorted. If they are not, and the query optimizer choosesto sort the data before it performs a Merge Join, and this might be anindication that a Merge Join is not an ideal way to join the tables, orit might indicate that you need to consider some different indexes.

Adding a WHERE Clause

Only infrequently will queries run without some sort of conditional statements to limit the results set:; in other words, a WHERE clause. We'll investigate two multi-table, conditional queries using graphical execution plans.

Run the following query against AdventureWorks, and look at theactual execution plan. This query is the same as the one we saw at thestart of the Table Joins  section, but now has a WHERE clause.

SELECT  e.[Title],


        c.[LastName] + ',' + c.[FirstName] AS EmployeeName

FROM    [HumanResources].[Employee] e

        JOIN [HumanResources].[EmployeeAddress] ed ON e.[EmployeeID] = ed.[EmployeeID]

   JOIN [Person].[Address] a ON [ed].[AddressID] = [a].[AddressID]

        JOIN [Person].[Contact] c ON e.[ContactID] = c.[ContactID]

WHERE   e.[Title] = 'Production Technician - WC20' ;

Figure 20 shows the actual execution plan for this query:

Figure 20

Starting from the right, we see that the optimizer has used the criteria from the WHERE clause to do a clustered index scan, using the primary key. The WHERE clause limited the number of rows to 22, which you can see by hovering your mouse pointer over the arrow coming out of the Clustered Index Scan    operator (see figure 21).

Figure 21

The optimizer, using the available statistics, was able to determinethis up front, as we see by comparing the estimated and actual rowsreturned in the ToolTip.

Working with a smaller data set and a good index on the Person.Contact table, as compared to the previous query, the optimizer was able to use the more efficient Nested Loop    Join    .Since the optimizer changed where that table was joined, it also movedthe scalar calculation right next to the join. Since it's still only 22rows coming out of the scalar operation, a clustered index seek andanother nested loop were used to join the data from the HumanResources.EmployeeAddresstable. This then leads to a final clustered index seek and the finalnested loop. All these more efficient joins are possible because wereduced the initial data set with the WHERE clause, as compared to the previous query which did not have a WHERE clause.

Frequently, developers who are not too comfortable with T-SQL willsuggest that the "easiest" way to do things is to simply return all therows to the application, either without joining the data betweentables, or even without adding the WHERE clause. This was avery simple query with only a small set of data, but you can use thisas an example, when confronted with this sort of argument. The finalsubtree cost for the optimizer for this query, when we used a WHEREclause, was 0.112425. Compare that to the 0.400885 of the previousquery. That's four times faster even on this small, simple query. Justimagine what it might be like when the data set gets bigger and thequery becomes more complicated.

Execution Plans with GROUP BY and ORDER BY

When other basic clauses are added to a query, different operators are displayed in the execution plans.



Take a simple select with an ORDER BY clause as an example:


FROM    [Production].[ProductInventory]

ORDER BY [Shelf]

The execution plan  is shown in figure 22.

Figure 22

The Clustered Index Scan    operator outputs into the Sort   operator.Compared to many of the execution plan icons, the Sort operator is verystraightforward. It literally is used to show when the query optimizeris sorting data within the execution plan. If an ORDER BY clause does not specify order, the default order is ascending, as you will see from the ToolTip for the Sort icon (see figure 23 below).

Figure 23

If you pull up the ToolTip window for the Sort icon (see figure 24),you'll see that the Sort operator is being passed 1069 rows. The Sortoperator takes these 1069 rows from the Clustered Index Scan , sortsthem, and then passes the 1069 rows back in sorted order.

Figure 24

The most interesting point to note is that the Sort operation is 76%of the cost of the query. There is no index on this column, so the Sortoperation is done within the query execution.

As a rule-of-thumb, I would say that when sorting takes more than50% of a query's total execution time, then you need to carefullyreview it to ensure that it is optimized. In our case the reason why weare breaking this rule is fairly straightforward: we are missing a WHERE clause. Most likely, this query is returning more rows to be sorted than needs to be returned. However, even if a WHEREclause exists, you need to ensure that it limits the amount of rows toonly the required number of rows to be sorted, not rows that will neverbe used.

Other things to consider are:

  • Is the sort really necessary? If not, remove it to reduce overhead.
  • Is it possible to have the data presorted so it doesn't haveto be sorted? For example, can a clustered index be used that alreadysorts the data in the proper order? This is not always possible, but ifit is, you will save sorting overhead if you create the appropriateclustered index.
  • If an execution plan has multiple Sort   operators, reviewthe query to see if they are all necessary, or if the code can berewritten so that fewer sorts are needed to accomplish the goal of thequery.


If we change the query to the following:


FROM    [Production].[ProductInventory]

ORDER BY [ProductID]

We get the execution plan shown in figure 25:

 Figure 25

Although this query is almost identical to the previous query, and it includes an ORDER BYclause, we don't see a sort operator in the execution plan. This isbecause the column we are sorting by has changed, and this new columnhas a clustered index on it, which means that the returned data doesnot have to be sorted again, as it is already sorted as a byproduct ofit being the clustered index. The query optimizer is smart enough torecognize that the data is already ordered, and does not have to orderit again. If you have no choice but to sort a lot of data, you shouldconsider using the SQL Server 2005 Profiler to see if any Sort Warningsare generated. To boost performance, SQL Server 2005 attempts toperform sorting in memory instead of disk. Sorting in RAM is muchfaster than sorting on disk. But if the sort operation is large, SQLServer may not be able to sort the data in memory, instead, having towrite data to the tempdb database. Whenever this occurs, SQL Servergenerates a Sort Warning event, which can be captured by Profiler. Ifyou see that your server is performing a lot of sorts, and many SortWarnings are generated, then you may need to add more RAM to yourserver, or to speed up tempdb access.

Hash Match (Aggregate)

Earlier in this article, we took a look at the Hatch Match operatorfor joins. This same Hatch Match operator also can occur whenaggregations occur within a query. Let's consider a simple aggregatequery against a single table using the COUNT operator:

SELECT  [City],

        COUNT([City]) AS CityCount

FROM    [Person].[Address]


The actual execution plan is shown below.

Figure 26

The query execution begins with an Index Scan, because all of the rows are returned for the query. There is no WHERE clause to filter the rows. These rows then need to be aggregated in order to perform the requested COUNTaggregate operation. In order for the query optimizer to count each rowfor each separate city, it must perform a Hatch Match operation. Noticethat underneath Hatch Match in the execution plan that the word"aggregate" is put between parentheses. This is to distinguish it froma Hatch Match operation for a join. As with a Hatch Match with a join,a Hatch Match with an aggregate causes SQL Server to create a temporaryhash table in memory in order to count the number of rows that matchthe GROUP BY column, which in this case is "City." Once the results are aggregated, then the results are passed back to us.

Quite often, aggregations with queries can be expensive operations.About the only way to "speed" the performance of an aggregation viacode is to ensure that you have a restrictive WHERE clause to limit the number of rows that need to be aggregated, thus reducing the amount of aggregation that needs to be done.


If we add a simple HAVING clause to our previous query, our execution plan gets more complex

SELECT  [City],

        COUNT([City]) AS CityCount



HAVING  COUNT([City]) > 1


The execution plan now looks as shown in figure 27:


Figure 27

By adding the HAVING clause, the Filter operator has been added to the execution plan. We see that the Filter operator is applied to limit the output to those values of the column, City, that are greater than 1. One useful bit of knowledge to take away from this plan is that the HAVINGclause is not applied until all the aggregation of the data iscomplete. We can see this by noting that the actual number of rows inthe Hash Match  operator is 575 and in the Filter operator it's 348.

Figure 28

While adding a HAVING clause reduces the amount of data returned, it actually adds to the resources needed to produce the query results, because the HAVINGclause does not come into play until after the aggregation. This hurtsperformance. As with the previous example, if you want to speed theperformance of a query with aggregations, the only way to do so in codeis to add a WHERE clause to the query to limit the number of rows that need to be selected and aggregated.

Rebinds and Rewinds Explained 

While examining the ToolTips for physical operators, throughout this article, you will have seen these terms several times:

  • Actual Rebinds or Estimated Rebinds

  • Actual Rewind or Estimated Rewinds

Most of the time in this article, the value for both the rebinds andrewinds has been zero, but for the Sort   operator example, a littleearlier, we saw that there was one actual rebind and zero actual rewinds.

In order to understand what these values mean, we need somebackground. Whenever a physical operator, such as the SORT operator inan execution plan occurs, three things happen.

  • First, the physical operator is initialized and any required data structures are set up. This is called the Init() method. In all cases this happens once for an operator, although it is possible to happen many times.
  • Second, the physical operator gets (or receives) the rows of data that it is to act on. This is called the GetNext() method. Depending on the type of operator, it may receive none, or many GetNext() calls.
  • Third, once the operator is done performing its function, it needs to clean itself up and shut itself down. This is called the Close() method. A physical operator only ever receives a single Close() call.

A rebind or rewind is a count of the number of times the Init() method is called by an operator. A rebind and a rewind both count the number of times the Init() method is called, but do so under different circumstances.

A rebind count occurs when one or more of the correlated parametersof a join change and the inner side must be reevaluated. A rewind countoccurs when none of the correlated parameters change and the priorinner result set may be reused. Whenever either of these circumstancesoccur, a rebind or rewind occurs, and increases their count.

Given the above information, you would expect to see a value of oneor higher for the rebind or rewind in every ToolTips or Propertiesscreen for a physical operator. But you don't. What is odd is that therebind and rewind count values are only populated when particularphysical operators occur, and are not populated when other physicaloperators occur. For example, if any of the following six operatorsoccur, the rebind and rewind counts are populated:

  • Nonclustered Index Spool 
  • Remote Query
  • Row Count Spool
  • Sort 
  • Table Spool 
  • Table-Valued Function

If the following operators occur, the rebind and rewind counts will only be populated when the StartupExpression  for the physical operation is set to TRUE,which can vary depending on how the query optimizer evaluates thequery. This is set by Microsoft in code and is something we have nocontrol over.

  • Assert 
  • Filter

And for all other physical operators, they are not populated. Inthese cases, the counts for rebind zero count doeot mean that zerorebinds or rewinds occurred, just that these values were not populated.As you can imagine, this can get a little confusing. This also explainswhy most of the time you see zero values for rebind and rewind.

So, what does it mean when you see a value for either rebind orrewind for the eight operators where rebind and rewind may be populated?

If you see an operator where rebind equals one and rewinds equals zero, this means that an Init()method was called one time on a physical operator that is NOT on theinner side of a loop join. If the physical operator is ON the innerside of a loop join used by an operator, then the sum of the rebindsand rewinds will equal the number of rows process on the outer side ofa join used by the operator

So how is this helpful to the DBA? Generally speaking, it is idealif the rebind and rewind counts are as low as possible, as highercounts indicate more disk I/O. If the counts are high, it mightindicate that a particular operator is working harder than it needs to,hurting server performance. If this is the case, it might be possibleto rewrite the query, or modify current indexing, to use a differentquery plan that uses fewer rebinds and rewinds, reducing I/O andboosting performance.

Insert  Update and Delete Execution Plans

Execution plans are generated for all queries against the databasein order for the engine to figure out how best to undertake the requestyou've submitted. While the previous examples have been for SELECT queries, in this section we will take a look at the execution plans of INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE queries.

Insert Statements 

Here is a very simple INSERT statement:

INSERT  INTO [AdventureWorks].[Person].[Address]











          '1313 Mockingbird Lane',







        ) ;

This statement generates this rather interesting estimated plan (sothat I don't actually affect the data within the system), shown inFigure 29.

Figure 29

The execution plan starts off, reading right to left, with an operator that is new to us: Constant Scan .This operator introduces a constant number of rows into a query. In ourcase, it's building a row in order for the next two operators to have aplace to add their output. The first of these is a Compute Scalar  operator to call a function called getidentity.This is the moment within the query plan when an identity value isgenerated for the data to follow. Note that this is the first thingdone within the plan, which helps explain why, when an insert fails,you get a gap in the identity values for a table.

Another scalar operation occurs which outputs a series of placeholders for the rest of the data and creates the new uniqueidentifier   value, and the date and time from the GETDATE function. All of this is passed to the Clustered Index Insert    operator, where the majority of the cost of this plan is realized. Note the output value from the INSERT statement, the Person.Address.StateProvinceId. This is passed to the next operator, the Nested Loop    join, which also gets input from the Clustered Index Seek    against the Person.StateProvince table. In other words, we had a read during the INSERT to check for referential integrity on the foreign key of StateProvinceId. The join then outputs a new expression which is tested by the next operator, Assert  . An Assertverifies that a particular condition exists. This one checks that thevalue of Expr1014 equals zero. Or, in other words, that the data thatwas attempted to be inserted into the Person.Address.StateProvinceId field matched a piece of data in the Person.StateProvince table; this was the referential check.

Update Statements 

Consider the following update statement:

UPDATE  [Person].[Address]

SET     [City] = 'Munro',

        [ModifiedDate] = GETDATE()

WHERE   [City] = 'Monroe' ;

The estimated execution plan is shown below:

Figure 30

Let's begin reading this execution plan, from right to left. Thefirst operator is a non-clustered Index Scan, which retrieves all ofthe necessary rows from a non-clustered index, scanning through them,one row at a time. This is not particular efficient and should be aflag to you that perhaps the table needs better indexes to speedperformance. The purpose of this operator is to identify all the rows WHERE [City] = 'Monroe', and then send them to the next operator.

The next operator is TOP. In an UPDATE execution plan,it is used to enforce row count limits, if there are any. In this case,no limits have been enforced because the TOP clause was not used in the UPDATE query.

Note: If the TOP operator is found in a SELECT statement, not an UPDATE statement, it indicates that a specified number, or percent, of rows have been returned, based on the TOP command used in the SELECT statement.

The next operator is an Eager Spool  (a form ofa Table Spool  ). This obscure sounding operator essentially takes eachof the rows to be updated and stores them in a hidden temporary objectstored in the tempdb database. Later in the execution plan, if theoperator is rewound (say due to the use of a Nested Loops operator inthe execution plan) and no rebinding is required, the spooled data canbe reused instead of having to rescan the data again (which means thenon-clustered Index Scan has to be repeated, which would be anexpensive option). In this particular query, no rewind operation wasrequired.

The next three operators are all Compute Scalar operators, which wehave seen before. In this case, they are used to evaluate expressionsand to produce a computed scalar value, such as the GETDATE() function used in the query.

Now we get to the core of the UPDATE statement, the ClusteredIndex Update operator. In this case, the values being updated are partof a clustered index. So this operator identifies the rows to beupdated, and updates them.

And last of all, we see the generic T-SQL Language Element Catchall operator, which tells us that an UPDATE operation has been completed.

From a performance perspective, one of the things to watch for ishow the rows to be updated are retrieved. In this example, annon-clustered Index Scan was performed, which is not very efficient.Ideally, a clustered or non-clustered index seek would be preferredfrom a performance standpoint, as either one of them would use less I/Oto perform the requested UPDATE.

Delete Statements 

What kind of execution plan is created with a DELETE statement? For example, let's run the following code and check out the execution plan.

DELETE  FROM [Person].[Address]
WHERE   [AddressID] = 52;


Figure 31 shows the estimated execution plan:

Figure 31

I know this is a bit difficult to read. I just wanted to show howbig a plan is necessary to delete data within a relational database.Remember, removing a row, or rows, is not an event isolated to thetable in question. Any tables related to the primary key of the tablewhere we are removing data will need to be checked, to see if removingthis piece of data affects their integrity. To a large degree, thisplan looks more like a SELECT statement than a DELETE statement.

Starting on the right, and reading top to bottom, we immediately geta Clustered Index Delete operator. There are a couple of interestingpoints in this operation. The fact that the delete occurs at the verybeginning of the process is good to know. The second interesting factis that the Seek Predicate on this Clustered Index Seek    To Delete  operation was:

Prefix: [AdventureWorks].[Person].[Address].AddressID = Scalar Operator­(CONVERT_IMPLICIT(int,[@1],0)).

This means that a parameter, @1, was used to look up the AddressId.If you'll notice in the code, we didn't use a parameter, but ratherused a constant value, 52. Where did the parameter come from? This isan indication of the query engine generating a reusable query plan, asper the rules of simple parameterization.

Figure 32

After the delete, a series of Index and Clustered Index Seek  s andScans are combined through a series of Nested Loop Join operators.These are specifically Left Semi Joins. These operators return a valueif the join predicate between the two tables in question matches or ifthere is no join predicate supplied. Each one returns a value. Finally,at the last step, an Assertoperator, the values returned from eachJoin, all the tables related to the table from which we're attemptingto delete data, are checked to see if referential data exists. If thereis none, the delete is completed. If they do return a value, an errorwould be generated, and the DELETE operation aborted.

Figure 33


This article represents a major step in learning how to readgraphical execution plans. However, as we discussed at the beginning ofthis article, we only focused on the most common type of operators andwe only looked at simple queries. So if you decide to analyze a200-line query and get a graphical execution plan that is just about aslong, don't expect to be able to analyze it immediately. Learning howto read and analyze execution plans takes time and effort. But once yougain some experience, you will find that it becomes easier and easierto read and analyze, even for the most complex of execution plans.





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