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转载 C++ 在军事领域的应用

以下内容摘自《兵器知识》2007.06  记:日本在研制F-2战斗机时,外界对其相控阵雷达的技术渲染得很厉害,认为它用砷化镓制造的T/R模块成本很低,美国也是学它的技术等等。事实怎样?    张洋:在技术层面上,美国是日本不能比的。日本F-2的J/APG-1雷达有750个T/R模块,天线孔径为椭圆形,短轴长600多毫米,长轴长700 多毫米,孔径比F-16的机扫雷达大些。据报道,它每个T/R模块功

2007-07-18 22:53:00 2889 1

原创 C/C++ young library 设计与实现 — 内存池

    本篇介绍程序库中的内存池算法。    内存池函数的声明文件为: young/youngc/yc_memory.h    内存池函数的实现文件为: young/youngc/yc_memory.c    **3.1**    首先来看一下内存池算法用到的一些类型和常量。    下面的类型和常量定义在头文件 yc_definition.h 内;    硬件字节类型 :ylib_byte_t; 

2007-05-30 19:57:00 2700 5

原创 C/C++ young library 设计与实现 — 移植

    这一篇将介绍如何将程序库移植到不同的平台和编译器上。程序库是用标准C和C++来编写的,理论上是不应该存在移植的问题的,但是由于各个编译器厂家对标准C和C++(尤其是C++)支持的程度大不相同,所以了解如何移植是很有必要的。由于程序库仍在改进中,因此以下内容以0.8.4版为参考。    **2.1**    youngc程序库的移植。    *2.1.1*    要使youn

2006-11-30 21:02:00 2252 1

原创 C/C++ young library 设计与实现 — 概念

    本篇着重介绍我在开发young程序库时使用的一些抽象概念,由于程序库的思想衍生自C++ STL,了解C++ STL的读者应该会比较容易理解,而对于仅有C语言使用经历的读者来说,可能读起来就不那么舒服了。因为我写程序库的主要一个用途就是嵌入式系统编程,而在嵌入式程序设计中大部分都使用的是C语言和结构式编程的思想,而我在程序库中使用的更多的是Object Oriented Programmin

2006-11-06 20:56:00 2044 2

原创 C/C++ young library 设计与实现 — 序篇

开始有实现自己的STL的想法始于2003年,当时刚开始深入学习STL,对各个编译器STL还不是很了解,大概在2004年年初的时候,在工作中碰到的一件事情促使我开始了这项工作。当时,因为工作的需要,我需要Borland C++ Builder下调用Visual C++写的动态链接库,我在动态链接库的一个接口函数中使用了vector,不用说,大家也可以想到,这个函数无法在Borland

2006-10-19 22:47:00 4378 4

原创 C++ young 程序库——y_queue.hpp 和 y_stack.hpp

文件位置:young/y_queue.hpp /*The young LibraryCopyright (c) 2005 by 杨桓Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software for anypurpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the abo

2005-08-14 11:06:00 1378

原创 C++ young 程序库——y_pointer.hpp、y_ptr_container.hpp、y_temp_buffer.hpp 和 y_memory.hpp

文件位置:young/y_pointer.hpp/*The young LibraryCopyright (c) 2005 by 杨桓Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software for anypurpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the ab

2005-08-14 11:03:00 1257

原创 C++ young 程序库——y_numeric.hpp

文件位置:young/y_numeric.hpp/*The young LibraryCopyright (c) 2005 by 杨桓Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software for anypurpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the ab

2005-08-14 10:52:00 1106

原创 C++ young 程序库——y_hash_set.hpp 和 y_hash_map.hpp

文件位置:young/y_hash_set.hpp /*The young LibraryCopyright (c) 2005 by 杨桓Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software for anypurpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the

2005-08-14 10:50:00 1331

原创 C++ young 程序库——y_set.hpp 和 y_map.hpp

文件位置:young/y_set.hpp和标准的set有所不同,主要是加入了modify_key 的功能,其实现在y_red_black_tree.hpp中/*The young LibraryCopyright (c) 2005 by 杨桓Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software for anypurpo

2005-08-14 10:47:00 1549

原创 C++ young 程序库——y_functional.hpp

文件位置:young/y_functional.hpp/*The young LibraryCopyright (c) 2005 by 杨桓Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software for anypurpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the

2005-08-14 10:42:00 1160

原创 C++ young 程序库——y_algorithm.hpp

文件位置:young/y_algorithm.hpp/*The young LibraryCopyright (c) 2005 by 杨桓Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software for anypurpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the

2005-08-14 10:37:00 1431

原创 C++ young 程序库——y_hash_function.hpp、y_hash_table_base.hpp 和 y_hash_table.hpp

文件位置:young/hash/y_hash_function.hpp这个文件的内容是照抄SGI STL的。/*The young LibraryCopyright (c) 2005 by 杨桓Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software for anypurpose is hereby granted wit

2005-08-14 10:25:00 1407

原创 C++ young 程序库——y_binary_search_tree_base.hpp、y_red_black_tree_base.hpp 和 y_red_black_tree.hpp

文件位置:young/tree/y_binary_search_tree_base.hpp/*The young LibraryCopyright (c) 2005 by 杨桓Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software for anypurpose is hereby granted without fee,

2005-08-14 10:20:00 2191 1

原创 C++ young 程序库——y_algorithm_heap.hpp

文件位置:young/algoithm/y_algorithm_heap.hpp/*The young LibraryCopyright (c) 2005 by 杨桓Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software for anypurpose is hereby granted without fee, prov

2005-08-14 03:20:00 871

原创 C++ young 程序库——y_algorithm_base.hpp、y_algorithm_compare.hpp、y_algorithm_copy.hpp、y_algorithm_fill.hpp、y_algorithm_lower_bound.hp

文件位置:young/algorithm/y_algorithm_base.hpp/*The young LibraryCopyright (c) 2005 by 杨桓Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software for anypurpose is hereby granted without fee, pro

2005-08-14 03:17:00 860

原创 C++ young 程序库——y_slist.hpp

文件位置: young/y_slist.hpp/*The young LibraryCopyright (c) 2005 by 杨桓Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software for anypurpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the abo

2005-08-14 03:07:00 1034

原创 C++ young 程序库——y_list.hpp

文件位置:young/y_list.hpp/*The young LibraryCopyright (c) 2005 by 杨桓Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software for anypurpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above

2005-08-14 03:05:00 968

原创 C++ young 程序库——y_deque.hpp

文件位置:young/y_deque.hpp/*The young LibraryCopyright (c) 2005 by 杨桓Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software for anypurpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the abov

2005-08-14 02:56:00 904

原创 C++ young 程序库——y_vector.hpp

文件位置:young/y_vector.hpp/*The young LibraryCopyright (c) 2005 by 杨桓Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software for anypurpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the abo

2005-08-14 02:53:00 1018

原创 C++ young 程序库——y_optm_string.hpp 和 y_string.hpp

文件位置:young/string/y_optm_string.hpp/*/*The young LibraryCopyright (c) 2005 by 杨桓Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software for anypurpose is hereby granted without fee, provide

2005-08-14 02:44:00 2554

原创 C++ young 程序库——y_basic_string.hpp

文件位置:young/string/y_basic_string.hpp/*/*The young LibraryCopyright (c) 2005 by 杨桓Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software for anypurpose is hereby granted without fee, provid

2005-08-14 02:40:00 1076

原创 C++ young 程序库——y_char_function.hpp 和 y_char_traits.hpp

文件位置:young/string/y_char_function.hpp/*The young LibraryCopyright (c) 2005 by 杨桓Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software for anypurpose is hereby granted without fee, provide

2005-08-14 02:33:00 1003

原创 C++ young 程序库——y_pair.hpp 和 y_initialization.hpp

文件位置:young/y_pair.hpp/*The young LibraryCopyright (c) 2005 by 杨桓Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software for anypurpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above

2005-08-14 02:29:00 707

原创 C++ young 程序库——y_iterator.hpp 和 y_type_traits.hpp

文件位置:young/y_iterator.hpp/*The young LibraryCopyright (c) 2005 by 杨桓Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software for anypurpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the a

2005-08-14 02:25:00 860

原创 C++ young 程序库——y_allocator.hpp 、y_construct.hpp 和 y_exception.hpp

文件位置:young/y_allocator.hpp/*The young LibraryCopyright (c) 2005 by 杨桓Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software for anypurpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the

2005-08-14 02:19:00 860

原创 C++ young 程序库——y_define.hpp

文件位置:young/y_define.hpp/*The young LibraryCopyright (c) 2005 by 杨桓Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software for anypurpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the abo

2005-08-14 02:03:00 879

原创 C++ young 程序库概述


2005-08-14 01:54:00 1168 1



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