C++ young 程序库——y_optm_string.hpp 和 y_string.hpp


The young Library
Copyright (c) 2005 by 杨桓

Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software for any
purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright
notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this
permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
The author make no representations about the suitability of this software
for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.

#include "../y_allocator.hpp"
#include "../y_iterator.hpp"
#include "../y_char_traits.hpp"
#include "../y_exception.hpp"
#include "../algorithm/y_algorithm_base.hpp"

template< typename CharT, typename Traits = char_traits<CharT>,
          typename Allocator = allocator<CharT> >
class optm_string
    typedef  optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>  self;

    typedef  CharT      char_type;
    typedef  Traits     traits_type;
    typedef  Allocator  allocator_type;

    typedef  char_type                         value_type;
    typedef  value_type&                       reference;
    typedef  const value_type&                 const_reference;
    typedef  value_type*                       pointer;
    typedef  const value_type*                 const_pointer;
    typedef  def_size_t                        size_type;
    typedef  def_ptrdiff_t                     difference_type;

    typedef  value_type*                       iterator;
    typedef  const value_type*                 const_iterator;
    typedef  Reverse_Iterator<iterator>        reverse_iterator;
    typedef  Reverse_Iterator<const_iterator>  const_reverse_iterator;

    static const size_type npos = size_t_max;
    static const size_type unshareable = size_t_max;

    struct ref_str
        size_type       ref;
        char_type*      data;
        size_type       capa, len;
        allocator_type  alloc;

        size_type max_size() const
        {  return (npos - 1) / sizeof(char_type);  }

        explicit ref_str( size_type n ):ref(1)
        {  alloc_data( n );  }

        ref_str( const ref_str& rhs ):ref(1)
            alloc_data( rhs.len );
            data_copy( 0, rhs.data, rhs.len );

            if( data )
                alloc.deallocate( data, ++capa );

        void data_copy( size_type pos, const char_type* str, size_type count )
            if( count > 0 )
                traits_type::copy( data + pos, str, count );

        void data_move( size_type pos, const char_type* str, size_type count )
            if( count > 0 )
                traits_type::move( data + pos, str, count );

        void data_set( size_type pos, const char_type c, size_type count )
            if( count > 0 )
                traits_type::assign( data + pos, count, c );

        ref_str& operator=(const self&);

        void alloc_data( size_type n );
        size_type string_bytes( size_type n );

    } *m_pstr;  //end struct

    optm_string() : m_pstr( new ref_str(0) )  {}

    explicit optm_string( size_type str_size ) : m_pstr( new ref_str(str_size) )  {}

    optm_string( int str_size, char_type c ) : m_pstr( new ref_str(str_size) )
        {  assign( static_cast<size_type>(str_size), c );  }
    optm_string( long str_size, char_type c ) : m_pstr( new ref_str(str_size) )
        {  assign( static_cast<size_type>(str_size), c );  }
    optm_string( size_type str_size, char_type c ) : m_pstr( new ref_str(str_size) )
        {  assign( str_size, c );  }

    optm_string( const char_type* str )
        size_type str_size = traits_type::length( str );
        m_pstr = new ref_str( str_size );
        assign( str, str_size );

    optm_string( const char_type* str, size_type str_size )
    : m_pstr( new ref_str(str_size) )
        assign( str, str_size );

    optm_string( const self& rhs, size_type pos = 0, size_type count = npos );

    template< typename InputIterator >
    optm_string( InputIterator first, InputIterator last )
    : m_pstr( new ref_str(0) )
        assign( first, last );

    ~optm_string()  {  release();  }

    const char_type* data() const  {  return m_pstr->data;  }

    self& operator=( const self& rhs );
    self& operator=( char_type c )           {  return assign( 1, c );  }
    self& operator=( const char_type* str )  {  return assign( str );  }

    self& operator+=( const self& rhs )       {  return append( rhs );  }
    self& operator+=( char_type c )           {  return append( 1, c );  }
    self& operator+=( const char_type* str )  {  return append( str );  }

    void push_back( const char_type& c )  {  append( 1, c );  }
    void pop_back()                       {  erase( m_pstr->len - 1, 1 );  }

    size_type size() const      {  return m_pstr->len;  }
    size_type length() const    {  return m_pstr->len;  }
    size_type space() const     {  return ( m_pstr->capa - m_pstr->len );  }
    size_type capacity() const  {  return m_pstr->capa;  }
    size_type max_size() const  {  return m_pstr->max_size();  }
    bool empty() const          {  return size() == 0;  }

    iterator begin()              {  return m_pstr->data;  }
    iterator end()                {  return ( m_pstr->data + m_pstr->len );  }
    const_iterator begin() const  {  return m_pstr->data;  }
    const_iterator end() const    {  return ( m_pstr->data + m_pstr->len );  }

    reverse_iterator rbegin()              {  return end();  }
    reverse_iterator rend()                {  return begin();  }
    const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const  {  return end();  }
    const_reverse_iterator rend() const    {  return begin();  }

    self substr( size_type pos = 0, size_type count = npos ) const
        return self( *this, pos, count );

    const char_type* c_str() const
        if( size() > 0 )
            traits_type::assign( m_pstr->data[m_pstr->len], traits_type::eos() );
        return data();

    char_type& operator[]( size_type index )
        copy( false );
        return *( begin() + index );
    const char_type& operator[]( size_type index ) const
        return data()[index];

    char_type& at( size_type index )
        if( index >= size() )
            throw_out_of_range( "optm_string::at()" );
        copy( false );
        return *( begin() + index );
    const char_type& at( size_type index ) const
        if( index >= size() )
            throw_out_of_range( "optm_string::at()" );
        return data()[index];

    void clear()
        m_pstr = NULL_POINTER;

    void reserve( size_type new_size )
        if( capacity() < new_size )
            self temp( new_size );
            temp.insert( 0, m_pstr->data, size() );
            swap( temp );

    void resize( size_type new_size )
        {  resize( new_size, traits_type::eos() );  }
    void resize( size_type new_size, char_type c );

    void swap( self& rhs )
        if( m_pstr != rhs.m_pstr )
            data_swap( m_pstr, rhs.m_pstr );

    size_type copy( char_type* str, size_type count = npos,
                    size_type pos = 0 ) const
        if( pos > m_pstr->len )
            throw_out_of_range( "optm_string::copy()" );

        if( count > m_pstr->len - pos )
            count = m_pstr->len - pos;
        traits_type::copy( str, data() + pos, count );
        return count;

    self& replace( size_type pos, size_type before_count,
                   const self& str, size_type str_pos,
                   size_type after_count );
    self& replace( size_type pos, size_type before_count,
                   const char_type* str, size_type after_count );
    self& replace( size_type pos, size_type before_count,
                   size_type after_count, char_type c );
    template< typename InputIterator >
    self& replace( iterator first_pos, iterator last_pos,
                   InputIterator first, InputIterator last );
    self& replace( size_type pos, size_type count, const char_type* str )
        {  return replace( pos, count, str, traits_type::length(str) );  }
    self& replace( size_type pos, size_type count, char_type c )
        {  return replace( pos, count, 1, c );  }
    self& replace( iterator first, iterator last, const self& str )
        {  return replace( size_type(first - begin()),
                           size_type(last - first), str, 0, npos );  }
    self& replace( iterator first, iterator last,
                   const char_type* str, size_type count )
        {  return replace( size_type(first - begin()),
                           size_type(last - first), str, count );  }
    self& replace( iterator first, iterator last, const char_type* str )
        {  return replace( size_type(first - begin()), size_type(last - first),
                           str, traits_type::length(str) );  }
    self& replace( iterator first, iterator last,
                   size_type count, char_type c )
        {  return replace( size_type(first - begin()),
                           size_type(last - first), count, c );  }

    self& assign( const self& str, size_type pos = 0, size_type count = npos )
        {  return replace( 0, npos, str, pos, count );  }
    self& assign( const char_type* str, size_type count )
        {  return replace( 0, npos, str, count );  }
    self& assign( const char_type* str )
        {  return assign( str, traits_type::length(str) );  }
    self& assign( size_type count, char_type c )
        {  return replace( 0, npos, count, c );  }
    template< typename InputIterator >
    self& assign( InputIterator first, InputIterator last )
        {  return replace( begin(), end(), first, last );  }

    self& append( const self& str, size_type pos = 0, size_type count = npos )
        {  return replace( size(), 0, str, pos, count );  }
    self& append( const char_type* str, size_type count )
        {  return replace( size(), 0, str, count );  }
    self& append( const char_type* str )
        {  return append( str, traits_type::length(str) );  }
    self& append( size_type count, char_type c )
        {  return replace( size(), 0, count, c );  }
    template< typename InputIterator >
    self& append( InputIterator first, InputIterator last )
        {  return replace( end(), end(), first, last );  }

    self& insert( size_type pos, const self& str,
                  size_type str_pos = 0, size_type count = npos )
        {  return replace( pos, 0, str, str_pos, count );  }
    self& insert( size_type pos, const char_type* str, size_type count )
        {  return replace( pos, 0, str, count );  }
    self& insert( size_type pos, const char_type* str )
        {  return insert( pos, str, traits_type::length(str) );  }
    self& insert( size_type pos, size_type count, char_type c )
        {  return replace( pos, 0, count, c );  }
    iterator insert( iterator pos, char_type c )
        size_type position = pos - begin();
        insert( position, 1, c );
        return begin() + position;
    void insert( iterator pos, size_type count, char_type c )
        size_type position = pos - begin();
        insert( position, count, c );
    template< typename InputIterator >
    void insert( iterator pos, InputIterator first, InputIterator last )
        {  replace( pos, pos, first, last );  }

    iterator erase( iterator pos )
        size_type n = pos - begin();
        replace( pos, pos + 1, (size_type)0, char_type() );
        return begin() + n;
    iterator erase( iterator first, iterator last )
        size_type pos = first - begin();
        size_type n = last - first;
        replace( pos, n, (size_type)0, char_type() );
        return begin() + pos;
    self& erase( size_type pos = 0, size_type count = npos )
        return replace( pos, count, (size_type)0, char_type() );

    // (1) < 0 :this < str;  (2) = 0 : this = str;  (3) > 0 : this > str
    int compare( const self& str ) const;
    int compare( const char_type* str ) const;
    int compare( size_type pos, size_type count, const self& str,
                 size_type str_pos, size_type str_count = npos ) const;
    int compare( size_type pos, size_type count, const char_type* str,
                 size_type str_count = npos ) const;

    size_type find( const char_type* str, size_type pos, size_type count ) const;
    size_type find( char_type c, size_type pos = 0 ) const
        {  return find_char( data(), c, pos, size() );  }
    size_type find( const char_type* str, size_type pos = 0 ) const
        {  return find( str, pos, traits_type::length(str) );  }
    size_type find( const self& str, size_type pos = 0 ) const
        {  return find( str.data(), pos, str.size() );  }

    size_type rfind( const char_type* str, size_type pos, size_type count ) const;
    size_type rfind( char_type c, size_type pos = npos ) const;
    size_type rfind( const char_type* str, size_type pos = npos ) const
        {  return rfind( str, pos, traits_type::length(str) );  }
    size_type rfind( const self& str, size_type pos = npos) const
        {  return rfind( str.data(), pos, str.size() );  }

    size_type find_first_of( const char_type* str,
                             size_type pos, size_type count ) const;
    size_type find_first_of( const self& str, size_type pos = 0 ) const
        {  return find_first_of( str.data(), pos, str.size() );  }
    size_type find_first_of( const char_type* str, size_type pos = 0 ) const
        {  return find_first_of( str, pos, traits_type::length(str) );  }
    size_type find_first_of( char_type c, size_type pos = 0 ) const
        {  return find(c, pos);  }

    size_type find_last_of( const char_type* str,
                            size_type pos, size_type count ) const;
    size_type find_last_of( const self& str, size_type pos = npos ) const
        {  return find_last_of( str.data(), pos, str.size() );  }
    size_type find_last_of( const char_type* str, size_type pos = npos ) const
        {  return find_last_of( str, pos, traits_type::length(str) );  }
    size_type find_last_of( char_type c, size_type pos = npos ) const
        {  return rfind(c, pos);  }

    size_type find_first_not_of( const char_type* str,
                                 size_type pos, size_type count ) const;
    size_type find_first_not_of( char_type c, size_type pos = 0 ) const;
    size_type find_first_not_of( const char_type* str, size_type pos = 0 ) const
        {  return find_first_not_of( str, pos, traits_type::length(str) );  }
    size_type find_first_not_of( const self& str, size_type pos = 0 ) const
        {  return find_first_not_of( str.data(), pos, str.size() );  }

    size_type find_last_not_of( const char_type* str,
                                size_type pos, size_type count ) const;
    size_type find_last_not_of( char_type c, size_type pos = npos ) const;
    size_type find_last_not_of( const char_type* str, size_type pos = npos ) const
        {  return find_last_not_of( str, pos, traits_type::length(str) );  }
    size_type find_last_not_of( const self& str, size_type pos = npos ) const
        {  return find_last_not_of( str.data(), pos, str.size() );  }

    void release()
        if( --(m_pstr->ref) == 0 )
            delete m_pstr;

    void copy( bool share = true )
        if( m_pstr->ref > 1 && m_pstr->ref != unshareable )
            self temp( data(), size() );
            swap( temp );
        m_pstr->ref = share ? 1 : unshareable;

    bool check_realloc( size_type new_len )
        if( (m_pstr->ref > 1 && m_pstr->ref != unshareable)
            || capacity() < new_len )
            return true;
            return false;

    size_type find_char( const char_type* str, const char_type& c,
                         size_type pos, size_type end ) const
        if( pos < end )
            const char_type* p = traits_type::find( str + pos, end - pos, c );
            if( p )
                return ( p - str );
        return npos;

}; //end class


template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
inline typename optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>::size_type
optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>::ref_str::string_bytes( size_type n )
    size_type n_bytes = n * sizeof( char_type );
    size_type i_bytes = string_alignment_bytes;

    while( i_bytes < n_bytes )
        i_bytes *= 2;

    return i_bytes;

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
void optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>::ref_str::alloc_data( size_type n )
    if( n < 1 )
        data = NULL_POINTER;
        capa = 0;
        len = 0;
        if( n > max_size() )
            throw_length_error( "optm_string::alloc_data()" );
        size_type bytes = string_bytes( n + 1 );
        len = 0;
        capa = bytes / sizeof( char_type );
        data = alloc.allocate( capa );

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>::optm_string( const self& rhs,
                                                    size_type pos,
                                                    size_type count )
    if( rhs.m_pstr->ref != unshareable )
        m_pstr = rhs.m_pstr;
        ++( m_pstr->ref );
        if( pos > rhs.size() )
            throw_length_error( "optm_string::optm_string" );
        count = min( rhs.size() - pos, count );
        m_pstr = new ref_str( count );
        m_pstr->data_copy( 0, rhs.data() + pos, count );
        m_pstr->len = count;

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>&
optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>::operator=( const self& rhs )
    if( m_pstr != rhs.m_pstr )
        if( m_pstr->ref == unshareable || rhs.m_pstr->ref == unshareable )
            if( capacity() < rhs.size() )
                self temp( rhs );
                swap( temp );
                m_pstr->data_copy( 0, rhs.data(), rhs.size() );
        else  //均为可共享状态
            if( m_pstr->ref > 1 || capacity() < rhs.size() )
             m_pstr = rhs.m_pstr;
                ++( m_pstr->ref );
                m_pstr->data_copy( 0, rhs.data(), rhs.size() );

    return *this;

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
void optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>::resize( size_type new_size,
                                                    char_type c )
    if( new_size > max_size() )
        throw_length_error( "optm_string::resize()" );

    if( m_pstr->ref > 1 || capacity() < new_size )
        self temp( new_size, c );
        swap( temp );
    else if( new_size > m_pstr->len )
        append( new_size - m_pstr->len, c );
    else if( new_size < m_pstr->len )
        erase( new_size, m_pstr->len - new_size );

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
inline optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>&
optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>::replace( size_type pos,
                                                size_type before_count,
                                                const self& str,
                                                size_type str_pos,
                                                size_type after_count )
    const size_type str_len = str.size();

    if( pos == 0 && before_count >= size()
        && str_pos == 0 && after_count >= str_len )
        return operator=( str );

    if( str_pos > str_len )
        throw_out_of_range( "optm_string::replace()" );

    if( after_count > str_len - str_pos )
        after_count = str_len - str_pos;

    return replace( pos, before_count, str.data() + str_pos, after_count );

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>&
optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>::replace( size_type pos,
                                                size_type before_count,
                                                const char_type* str,
                                                size_type after_count )
    const size_type old_len = size();
    if( pos > old_len )
        throw_out_of_range( "optm_string::replace()" );

    if( before_count > old_len - pos )
        before_count = old_len - pos;

    if( old_len - before_count > max_size() - after_count )
        throw_length_error( "optm_string::replace()" );
    size_type new_len = old_len - before_count + after_count;

    if( check_realloc(new_len) )
        self temp( new_len );
        temp.m_pstr->data_copy( 0, data(), pos );
        temp.m_pstr->data_copy( pos + after_count, data() + pos + before_count,
                                old_len - (pos + before_count) );
        temp.m_pstr->data_copy( pos, str, after_count );
        swap( temp );
        m_pstr->data_move( pos + after_count, data() + pos + before_count,
                           old_len - (pos + before_count) );
        m_pstr->data_copy( pos, str, after_count );

    m_pstr->len = new_len;
    return *this;

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>&
optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>::replace( size_type pos,
                                                size_type before_count,
                                                size_type after_count,
                                                char_type c )
    const size_type old_len = size();
    if( pos > old_len )
        throw_out_of_range( "optm_string::replace()" );

    if( before_count > old_len - pos )
        before_count = old_len - pos;

    if( old_len - before_count > max_size() - after_count )
        throw_length_error( "optm_string::replace()" );
    size_type new_len = old_len - before_count + after_count;

    if( check_realloc(new_len) )
        self temp( new_len );
        temp.m_pstr->data_copy( 0, data(), pos );
        temp.m_pstr->data_copy( pos + after_count, data() + pos + before_count,
                                old_len - (pos + before_count) );
        temp.m_pstr->data_set( pos, c, after_count );
        swap( temp );
        m_pstr->data_move( pos + after_count, data() + pos + before_count,
                           old_len - (pos + before_count) );
        m_pstr->data_set( pos, c, after_count );

    m_pstr->len = new_len;
    return *this;

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
template< typename InputIterator >
optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>&
optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>::replace( iterator first_pos,
                                                iterator last_pos,
                                                InputIterator first,
                                                InputIterator last )
    if( first == last )
        return *this;

    const size_type old_len = size();
    size_type pos = first_pos - begin();
    if( pos > old_len )
        throw_out_of_range( "optm_string::replace()" );

    size_type before_count = last_pos - first_pos;
    size_type after_count = distance( first, last );

    if( before_count > old_len - pos )
        before_count = old_len - pos;

    if( old_len - before_count > max_size() - after_count )
        throw_length_error( "optm_string::replace()" );
    size_type new_len = old_len - before_count + after_count;

    if( check_realloc(new_len) )
        self temp( new_len );
        temp.m_pstr->data_copy( 0, data(), pos );
        temp.m_pstr->data_copy( pos + after_count, data() + pos + before_count,
                                old_len - (pos + before_count) );
        for( ; after_count > 0; ++first,++pos,--after_count )
            traits_type::assign( *(m_pstr->data + pos), *first );
        swap( temp );
        m_pstr->data_move( pos + after_count, data() + pos + before_count,
                           old_len - (pos + before_count) );
        for( ; after_count > 0; ++first,++pos,--after_count )
            traits_type::assign( *(m_pstr->data + pos), *first );

    m_pstr->len = new_len;
    return *this;

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
int optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>::compare( const self& str ) const
    int result = traits_type::compare( data(), str.data(),
                                       min( size(), str.size() ) );

    if( result == 0 )
        result = size() - str.size();

    return result;

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
int optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>::compare( const char_type* str ) const
    size_type str_len = traits_type::length( str );

    int result = traits_type::compare( data(), str, min(size(), str_len) );

    if( result == 0 )
        result = size() - str_len;

    return result;

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
int optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>::compare( size_type pos,
                                                    size_type count,
                                                    const self& str,
                                                    size_type str_pos,
                                                    size_type str_count ) const
    if( pos > size() || str_pos > str.size() )
        throw_out_of_range( "optm_string::compare()" );

    size_type str_len = min( str.size() - str_pos, str_count );
    size_type this_len = min( size() - pos, count );

    int result = traits_type::compare( data() + pos, str.data() + str_pos,
                                       min(str_len, this_len) );

    if( result == 0 )
        result = this_len - str_len;

    return result;

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
int optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>::compare( size_type pos,
                                                    size_type count,
                                                    const char_type* str,
                                                    size_type str_count ) const
    if( pos > size() )
        throw_out_of_range( "optm_string::compare()" );

    size_type str_len = min( traits_type::length(str), str_count );
    size_type this_len = min( size() - pos, count );

    int result = traits_type::compare( data() + pos, str,
                                       min(str_len, this_len) );

    if( result == 0 )
        result = this_len - str_len;

    return result;

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
typename optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>::size_type
optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>::find( const char_type* str,
                                             size_type pos,
                                             size_type count ) const
    for( ; pos + count <= size(); ++pos )
        if( traits_type::eq( data()[pos], *str )
            && traits_type::compare( data() + pos, str, count ) == 0 )
            return pos;
    return npos;

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
typename optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>::size_type
optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>::rfind( const char_type* str,
                                              size_type pos,
                                              size_type count ) const
    if( count > size() )
        return npos;

    size_type end_pos = size() - 1;
    if( end_pos > pos )
        end_pos = pos;

    for( ++end_pos; end_pos-- > 0; )
        if( traits_type::eq( data()[end_pos], *str )
            && traits_type::compare( data() + end_pos, str, count ) == 0 )
            return end_pos;
    return npos;

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
typename optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>::size_type
optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>::rfind( char_type c,
                                              size_type pos ) const
    if( size() < 1 )
        return npos;

    size_type end_pos = size() - 1;
    if( end_pos > pos )
        end_pos = pos;

    for( ++end_pos; end_pos-- > 0; )
        if( traits_type::eq( data()[end_pos], c ) )
            return end_pos;
    return npos;

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
typename optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>::size_type
optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>::find_first_of( const char_type* str,
                                                      size_type pos,
                                                      size_type count ) const
    for( ; pos < size(); ++pos )
        if( find_char( str, data()[pos], 0, count ) != npos )
            return pos;
    return npos;

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
typename optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>::size_type
optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>::find_last_of( const char_type* str,
                                                     size_type pos,
                                                     size_type count ) const
    if( size() == 0 )
        return npos;

    size_type end_pos = size() - 1;
    if( end_pos > pos )
        end_pos = pos;

    for( ++end_pos; end_pos-- > 0; )
        if( find_char( str, data()[end_pos], 0, count ) != npos )
            return end_pos;
    return npos;

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
typename optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>::size_type
optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>::find_first_not_of( const char_type* str,
                                                          size_type pos,
                                                          size_type count ) const
    for( ; pos < size(); ++pos )
        if( find_char( str, data()[pos], 0, count ) == npos )
            return pos;
    return npos;

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
typename optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>::size_type
optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>::find_first_not_of( char_type c,
                                                          size_type pos ) const
    for( ; pos < size(); ++pos )
        if( !traits_type::eq( data()[pos], c ) )
            return pos;
    return npos;

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
typename optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>::size_type
optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>::find_last_not_of( const char_type* str,
                                                         size_type pos,
                                                         size_type count ) const
    if( size() == 0 )
        return npos;

    size_type end_pos = size() - 1;
    if( end_pos > pos )
        end_pos = pos;

    for( ++end_pos; end_pos-- > 0; )
        if( find_char( str, data()[end_pos], 0, count ) == npos )
            return end_pos;
    return npos;

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
typename optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>::size_type
optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>::find_last_not_of( char_type c,
                                                         size_type pos ) const
    if( size() < 1 )
        return npos;

    size_type end_pos = size() - 1;
    if( end_pos > pos )
        end_pos = pos;

    for( ++end_pos; end_pos-- > 0; )
        if( !traits_type::eq( data()[end_pos], c ) )
            return end_pos;
    return npos;


template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
inline void swap( optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& lhs,
                  optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& rhs )
    lhs.swap( rhs );




template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
inline optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>
operator+( const optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& lhs,
           const optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& rhs )
    optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator> str( lhs );
    str.append( rhs );
    return str;

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
inline optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>
operator+( const char* lhs, const optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& rhs )
    optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator> str( lhs );
    str.append( rhs );
    return str;

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
inline optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>
operator+( const optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& lhs, const char* rhs )
    optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator> str( lhs );
    str.append( rhs );
    return str;

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
inline optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>
operator+( const optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& lhs, CharT c )
    optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator> str( lhs );
    str.append( 1, c );
    return str;

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
inline optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>
operator+(  CharT c, const optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& rhs )
    optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator> str( rhs );
    str.append( 1, c );
    return str;


template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
inline bool operator==( const optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& lhs,
                        const optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& rhs )
    return ( lhs.compare(rhs) == 0 );

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
inline bool operator==( const optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& lhs,
                        const CharT* rhs )
    return ( lhs.compare(rhs) == 0 );

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
inline bool operator==( const CharT* lhs,
                        const optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& rhs )
    return ( rhs.compare(lhs) == 0 );


template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
inline bool operator!=( const optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& lhs,
                        const optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& rhs )
    return ( lhs.compare(rhs) != 0 );

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
inline bool operator!=( const optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& lhs,
                        const CharT* rhs )
    return ( lhs.compare(rhs) != 0 );

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
inline bool operator!=( const CharT* lhs,
                        const optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& rhs )
    return ( rhs.compare(lhs) != 0 );


template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
inline bool operator<( const optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& lhs,
                       const optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& rhs )
    return ( lhs.compare(rhs) < 0 );

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
inline bool operator<( const optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& lhs,
                       const CharT* rhs )
    return ( lhs.compare(rhs) < 0 );

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
inline bool operator<( const CharT* lhs,
                       const optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& rhs )
    return ( rhs.compare(lhs) > 0 );


template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
inline bool operator<=( const optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& lhs,
                        const optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& rhs )
    return ( lhs.compare(rhs) <= 0 );

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
inline bool operator<=( const optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& lhs,
                        const CharT* rhs )
    return ( lhs.compare(rhs) <= 0 );

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
inline bool operator<=( const CharT* lhs,
                        const optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& rhs )
    return ( rhs.compare(lhs) >= 0 );


template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
inline bool operator>( const optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& lhs,
                       const optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& rhs )
    return ( lhs.compare(rhs) > 0 );

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
inline bool operator>( const optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& lhs,
                       const CharT* rhs )
    return ( lhs.compare(rhs) > 0 );

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
inline bool operator>( const CharT* lhs,
                       const optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& rhs )
    return ( rhs.compare(lhs) < 0 );


template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
inline bool operator>=( const optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& lhs,
                        const optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& rhs )
    return ( lhs.compare(rhs) >= 0 );

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
inline bool operator>=( const optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& lhs,
                        const CharT* rhs )
    return ( lhs.compare(rhs) >= 0 );

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
inline bool operator>=( const CharT* lhs,
                        const optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& rhs )
    return ( rhs.compare(lhs) <= 0 );



The young Library
Copyright (c) 2005 by 杨桓

Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software for any
purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright
notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this
permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
The author make no representations about the suitability of this software
for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.

#include <iostream>
#include "string/y_basic_string.hpp"
#include "string/y_optm_string.hpp"

typedef  basic_string<char>     string;
typedef  basic_string<wchar_t>  wstring;

typedef  basic_string<char, lower_char_traits>              lstring;
typedef  basic_string<char, upper_char_traits>              ustring;
typedef  basic_string<char, cmp_no_case_char_traits>        ncstring;
typedef  basic_string<char, cmp_no_case_lower_char_traits>  nclstring;
typedef  basic_string<char, cmp_no_case_upper_char_traits>  ncustring;

typedef  basic_string<wchar_t, lower_wchar_traits>              lwstring;
typedef  basic_string<wchar_t, upper_wchar_traits>              uwstring;
typedef  basic_string<wchar_t, cmp_no_case_wchar_traits>        ncwstring;
typedef  basic_string<wchar_t, cmp_no_case_lower_wchar_traits>  nclwstring;
typedef  basic_string<wchar_t, cmp_no_case_upper_wchar_traits>  ncuwstring;


typedef  optm_string<char>     o_string;
typedef  optm_string<wchar_t>  o_wstring;

typedef  optm_string<char, lower_char_traits>              o_lstring;
typedef  optm_string<char, upper_char_traits>              o_ustring;
typedef  optm_string<char, cmp_no_case_char_traits>        o_ncstring;
typedef  optm_string<char, cmp_no_case_lower_char_traits>  o_nclstring;
typedef  optm_string<char, cmp_no_case_upper_char_traits>  o_ncustring;

typedef  optm_string<wchar_t, lower_wchar_traits>              o_lwstring;
typedef  optm_string<wchar_t, upper_wchar_traits>              o_uwstring;
typedef  optm_string<wchar_t, cmp_no_case_wchar_traits>        o_ncwstring;
typedef  optm_string<wchar_t, cmp_no_case_lower_wchar_traits>  o_nclwstring;
typedef  optm_string<wchar_t, cmp_no_case_upper_wchar_traits>  o_ncuwstring;


template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
inline std::basic_ostream<CharT>&
operator<<( std::basic_ostream<CharT>& os,
            const basic_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& str )
    return os.write( str.data(), str.size() );

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
operator>>( std::basic_istream<CharT>& is,
            basic_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& str )
    typedef  std::ctype<CharT>            ctype_t;
    typedef  std::basic_istream<CharT>    istream_type;
    typedef  std::basic_streambuf<CharT>  streambuf_type;
    typedef  basic_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>  string_type;
    typedef  typename istream_type::int_type  int_type;
    typedef  typename string_type::size_type  size_type;

    size_type extracted = 0;

    typename istream_type::sentry  cerb( is, false );
    if( cerb )
        std::streamsize w = is.width();  //取得输入流的域宽

        size_type n = w > 0 ? (size_type)w : str.max_size();
        const ctype_t& ct = std::use_facet<ctype_t>( is.getloc() );  //取得现场
        const int_type eof = Traits::eof();  //字符串结束符
        streambuf_type* buf = is.rdbuf();
        int_type c = buf->sgetc();  //取当前字符

        while( extracted < n
               && !Traits::eq_int_type(c, eof)
               && !ct.is(std::ctype_base::space, c) )
            str += Traits::to_char_type( c );
            c = buf->snextc();  //跳过当前字符,取下一个字符

        if( Traits::eq_int_type(c, eof) )
            is.setstate( std::ios_base::eofbit );  //设置IO状态,读取结束
        is.width( 0 );

    if( extracted == 0 )
        is.setstate( std::ios_base::failbit );  //设置IO状态,读取操作失败

    return is;

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
getline( std::basic_istream<CharT>& is,
         basic_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& str,
         CharT delim = '/n' )
    typedef  std::ctype<CharT>            ctype_t;
    typedef  std::basic_istream<CharT>    istream_type;
    typedef  std::basic_streambuf<CharT>  streambuf_type;
    typedef  basic_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>  string_type;
    typedef  typename istream_type::int_type  int_type;
    typedef  typename string_type::size_type  size_type;

    size_type extracted = 0;
    bool testdelim = false;

    typename istream_type::sentry  cerb( is, true );
    if( cerb )
        str.erase();  //将字符串清空

        const int_type eof = Traits::eof();  //字符串结束符
        size_type n = str.max_size();
        streambuf_type* buf = is.rdbuf();
        int_type c = buf->sbumpc();  //将buf->gptr()推进1,即已填入的下一个字符
        int_type idelim = Traits::to_int_type( delim );
        testdelim = Traits::eq_int_type( c, idelim );

        while( extracted <= n
               && !Traits::eq_int_type(c, eof) && !testdelim )
            str += Traits::to_char_type( c );
            c = buf->sbumpc();
            testdelim = Traits::eq_int_type( c, idelim );  //下一个字符是否是结束符

        if( Traits::eq_int_type(c, eof) )
            is.setstate( std::ios_base::eofbit );
        is.width( 0 );

    if( extracted == 0 && !testdelim )
        is.setstate( std::ios_base::failbit );

    return is;


template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
inline std::basic_ostream<CharT>&
operator<<( std::basic_ostream<CharT>& os,
            const optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& str )
    return os.write( str.data(), str.size() );

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
operator>>( std::basic_istream<CharT>& is,
            optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& str )
    typedef  std::ctype<CharT>            ctype_t;
    typedef  std::basic_istream<CharT>    istream_type;
    typedef  std::basic_streambuf<CharT>  streambuf_type;
    typedef  optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>  string_type;
    typedef  typename istream_type::int_type  int_type;
    typedef  typename string_type::size_type  size_type;

    size_type extracted = 0;

    typename istream_type::sentry  cerb( is, false );
    if( cerb )
        std::streamsize w = is.width();
        size_type n = w > 0 ? (size_type)w : str.max_size();

        const ctype_t& ct = std::use_facet<ctype_t>( is.getloc() );
        const int_type eof = Traits::eof();
        streambuf_type* buf = is.rdbuf();
        int_type c = buf->sgetc();

        while( extracted < n
               && !Traits::eq_int_type(c, eof)
               && !ct.is(std::ctype_base::space, c) )
            str += Traits::to_char_type( c );
            c = buf->snextc();

        if( Traits::eq_int_type(c, eof) )
            is.setstate( std::ios_base::eofbit );
        is.width( 0 );

    if( extracted == 0 )
        is.setstate( std::ios_base::failbit );

    return is;

template< typename CharT, typename Traits, typename Allocator >
getline( std::basic_istream<CharT>& is,
         optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>& str,
         CharT delim = '/n' )
    typedef  std::ctype<CharT>            ctype_t;
    typedef  std::basic_istream<CharT>    istream_type;
    typedef  std::basic_streambuf<CharT>  streambuf_type;
    typedef  optm_string<CharT, Traits, Allocator>  string_type;
    typedef  typename istream_type::int_type  int_type;
    typedef  typename string_type::size_type  size_type;

    size_type extracted = 0;
    bool testdelim = false;

    typename istream_type::sentry  cerb( is, true );
    if( cerb )

        const int_type eof = Traits::eof();
        size_type n = str.max_size();
        streambuf_type* buf = is.rdbuf();
        int_type c = buf->sbumpc();
        int_type idelim = Traits::to_int_type( delim );
        testdelim = Traits::eq_int_type( c, idelim );

        while( extracted <= n
               && !Traits::eq_int_type(c, eof) && !testdelim )
            str += Traits::to_char_type( c );
            c = buf->sbumpc();
            testdelim = Traits::eq_int_type( c, idelim );

        if( Traits::eq_int_type(c, eof) )
            is.setstate( std::ios_base::eofbit );
        is.width( 0 );

    if( extracted == 0 && !testdelim )
        is.setstate( std::ios_base::failbit );

    return is;


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