
/****************************************Copyright (c)**************************************************


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <linux/videodev.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>

#include <fcntl.h>
#include <linux/fb.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>


#define ERR_VIDEO_OPEN  2
#define ERR_VIDEO_GCAP  3
#define ERR_VIDEO_GPIC  4
#define ERR_VIDEO_SPIC  5
#define ERR_SYNC     6
#define ERR_FRAME_USING   7
#define ERR_GET_FRAME     8

typedef struct _fb_v4l
 // FrameBuffer 信息
   int fbfd ;            // FrameBuffer设备句柄
    struct fb_var_screeninfo vinfo;  // FrameBuffer屏幕可变的信息
    struct fb_fix_screeninfo finfo;  // FrameBuffer固定不变的信息
    char *fbp;            // FrameBuffer 内存指针
  // video4linux信息 
   int fd;               //
   struct video_capability  capability; //
   struct video_buffer    buffer;   //
   struct video_window    window;   //
   struct video_channel   channel[8]; //
   struct video_picture   picture;  //
   struct video_tuner    tuner;   //
   struct video_audio    audio[8];  //
   struct video_mmap     mmap;    //
   struct video_mbuf     mbuf;    //
   unsigned char  *map;         
   int frame_current;//what 's the frame number being captured currently?
   int frame_using[VIDEO_MAX_FRAME];//帧的状态没有采集还是等待结束?


#define FB_FILE "/dev/fb/0"
//V4L_FILE ''/dev/video0''
//Zhaoyang Modified
#define V4L_FILE "/dev/video1" //我的板子video0已被占据
187 struct video_mmap
188 {
189         unsigned        int frame;              Frame (0 - n) for double buffer
190         int             height,width;
191         unsigned        int format;              should be VIDEO_PALETTE_*
192 };

200 struct video_mbuf
201 {
202         int     size;            Total memory to map
203         int     frames;         Frames
204         int     offsets[VIDEO_MAX_FRAME]; //32
205 };

** Function name: get_grab_frame
** Descriptions: 获取图像帧,该函数调用了VIDIOCMCAPTURE的ioctl,获取一帧图片
** Input: *vd,参数指针
**     frame,帧号
** Output : 无
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int get_grab_frame(fb_v41 *vd, int frame)
   if (vd->frame_using[frame]) {
      fprintf(stderr, "get_grab_frame: frame %d is already used./n", frame);
      return ERR_FRAME_USING;

   vd->mmap.frame = frame;
    Start Picture capture from this moment
   if (ioctl(vd->fd, VIDIOCMCAPTURE, &(vd->mmap)) < 0) {
      return ERR_GET_FRAME;
   vd->frame_using[frame] = 1;
   vd->frame_current = frame;
   return 0;

** Function name: get_next_frame
** Descriptions: 获取下一帧的图像
** Input: *vd ,参数指针
** Output : 无
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int get_first_frame(fb_v41 *vd)
  int ret;
 vd->frame_current = 0;
 ret = get_grab_frame( vd, 0 );
 if ( ret<0 )
   return ret;
 // 等待帧同步
 if (ioctl(vd->fd, VIDIOCSYNC, &(vd->frame_current)) < 0)
      return ERR_SYNC;
  vd->frame_using[vd->frame_current] = 0 ;  
 return (0);

** Function name: get_next_frame
** Descriptions: 获取下一帧的图像
** Input: *vd ,参数指针
** Output : 返回0表示正常完成返回。
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int get_next_frame(fb_v41 *vd)
 int ret;
 vd->frame_current ^= 1;//两帧采集不是0就是1
 ret = get_grab_frame( vd,vd->frame_current);   // 获取图像数据
 if( ret < 0 )
  return ret;
 if (ioctl(vd->fd, VIDIOCSYNC, &(vd->frame_current)) < 0) // 等待帧同步
 {   perror("v4l_grab_sync");
      return ERR_SYNC;
  vd->frame_using[vd->frame_current] = 0 ;//采集完毕置0
 return 0; 


** Function name: get_frame_address
** Descriptions: 获取帧地址.调用该函数可以获取当前帧的缓冲地址
** Input: *vd ,参数指针
** Output : 返回帧图像数据的指针地址.
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unsigned char *get_frame_address(fb_v41 *vd)
 return (vd->map + vd->mbuf.offsets[vd->frame_current]);  // 从MAP内存中找到当前帧的起始指针


** Function name: rgb_to_framebuffer
** Descriptions: 写图像数据到Framebuffer,使用该函数前必须成功执行open_framebuffer函数.
** Input: *vd ,参数指针
**    width,图像的宽度vd->mmap.width
**        height,图像高度
**        xoffset,图在Framebuffer X轴偏移量vd->vinfo.xoffset
**        yoffset,图在Framebuffer Y轴偏移量
**        *img_ptr,即将写进FrameBuffer缓冲区指针
** Output : 无
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**                    vd->finfo.line_length
**         -------------------------------
**         |                   yoffset                     |
**         | xoffset         *                             |
**         |                                                  |
**         |                                                  |
**          -------------------------------
void rgb_to_framebuffer( fb_v41 *vd,          //
                         int width,int height,     // 图像大小
                         int xoffset,int yoffset,      // 图像在Framebuffer偏移位置
                         unsigned short  *img_ptr )  // 图像数据指针
  int x,y;
  int location;
  unsigned short *loca_ptr;
  // Figure out where in memory to put the pixel

    for ( y = 0; y < height; y++ )    // 纵扫描
    location = xoffset * 2 +
            (y + yoffset) * vd->finfo.line_length; 
    loca_ptr = (unsigned short *) (vd->fbp + location);         
     for ( x = 0; x < width; x++ )   // 行扫描  
      *(loca_ptr + x) = *img_ptr++;
void rgb_to_framebuffer( fb_v41 *vd,          //
                         int width,int height,     // 图像大小
                         int xoffset,int yoffset,      // 图像在Framebuffer偏移位置
                         unsigned short int *img_ptr )  // 图像数据指针
  int x,y;
  int location;
  // Figure out where in memory to put the pixel

    for ( y = 0; y < height; y++ )    // 纵扫描
     for ( x = 0; x < width; x++ )   // 行扫描  
      location = (x + xoffset) * 2 +
            (y + yoffset) * vd->finfo.line_length;  
      *((unsigned short int*)(vd->fbp + location )) = *img_ptr++;


** Function name: open_framebuffer
** Descriptions: 该函数用于初始化FrameBuffer设备,在该函数中打开FrameBuffer设备,并将设备影射到内存
** Input: *ptr,打开Framebuffer设备路径指针
**        *vd ,参数指针
** Output : 返回非0值表示出错
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int open_framebuffer(char *ptr,fb_v41 *vd)
  int fbfd,screensize;
     // Open the file for reading and writing
    fbfd = open( ptr, O_RDWR);
    if (fbfd < 0)
    printf("Error: cannot open framebuffer device.%x/n",fbfd);
    return ERR_FRAME_BUFFER;
    printf("The framebuffer device was opened successfully./n");
  vd->fbfd = fbfd; // 保存打开FrameBuffer设备的句柄
    // Get fixed screen information 获取FrameBuffer固定不变的信息
    if (ioctl(fbfd, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &vd->finfo))
    printf("Error reading fixed information./n");
    return ERR_FRAME_BUFFER;

    // Get variable screen information 获取FrameBuffer屏幕可变的信息
    if (ioctl(fbfd, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &vd->vinfo))
    printf("Error reading variable information./n");
    return ERR_FRAME_BUFFER;

    printf("%dx%d, %dbpp, xoffset=%d ,yoffset=%d /n", vd->vinfo.xres,
       vd->vinfo.yres, vd->vinfo.bits_per_pixel,vd->vinfo.xoffset,vd->vinfo.yoffset );

    // Figure out the size of the screen in bytes
    screensize = vd->vinfo.xres * vd->vinfo.yres * vd->vinfo.bits_per_pixel / 8;

    // Map the device to memory
    vd->fbp = (char *)mmap(0,screensize,PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,MAP_SHARED,fbfd,0); // 影射Framebuffer设备到内存
    if ((int)vd->fbp == -1)
    printf("Error: failed to map framebuffer device to memory./n");
    return ERR_FRAME_BUFFER;
    printf("The framebuffer device was mapped to memory successfully./n");
  return  0;

** Function name: open_video
** Descriptions: 通过该函数初始化视频设备
** Input: *fileptr,打开的文件名指针
**     *vd,参数指针
**     dep,像素深度
**     pal,调色板
**     width,宽度
**     height,高度
** Output : 无
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int open_video( char *fileptr,fb_v41 *vd ,int dep,int pal,int width,int height)
  // 打开视频设备

   if ((vd->fd = open(fileptr, O_RDWR)) < 0)
      return ERR_VIDEO_OPEN;
    printf("=============Open Video Success=======================");
   // 获取设备
   if (ioctl(vd->fd, VIDIOCGCAP, &(vd->capability)) < 0)
      return ERR_VIDEO_GCAP;

   printf("=============Get Device Success=======================");
  // 获取图象 
   if (ioctl(vd->fd, VIDIOCGPICT, &(vd->picture)) < 0)
      return ERR_VIDEO_GPIC;
      printf("=============Get Picture Success=======================");
   // 设置图象
   vd->picture.palette = pal;  // 调色板
   vd->picture.depth = dep;   // 像素深度
//printf("=====Capture depth:%d,Palette:%d================/n",vpic.depth,vpic.palette);
   vd->mmap.format =pal;
   if (ioctl(vd->fd, VIDIOCSPICT, &(vd->picture)) < 0)
      return ERR_VIDEO_SPIC;
   vd->mmap.width = width;   // width;
   vd->mmap.height = height;  // height;
   vd->mmap.format = vd->picture.palette;

   vd->frame_current = 0;
   vd->frame_using[0] = 0;
   vd->frame_using[1] = 0;
   // 获取缓冲影射信息
   if (ioctl(vd->fd, VIDIOCGMBUF, &(vd->mbuf)) < 0)
      return -1;
   // 建立设备内存影射
   vd->map = mmap(0, vd->mbuf.size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, vd->fd, 0);
   if ( vd->map < 0)
      return -1;
       printf("The video device was opened successfully./n");
  // return get_first_frame(vd);
  return 0;


int main( void )
  fb_v41 vd;
  int ret,i;
  unsigned short  *imageptr;
  unsigned short  tempbuf[640*480];
  ret = open_framebuffer(FB_FILE,&vd);  // 打开FrameBuffer设备
  if( 0!= ret )              // 打开FrameBuffer设备
    goto err;
   tempbuf[i] = 0xffff;
  rgb_to_framebuffer(&vd,640,480,0,0,tempbuf); // 填充FrameBuffer颜色至整个屏幕

  ret = open_video( V4L_FILE, &vd ,
                    16,             // 像素深度
           VIDEO_PALETTE_RGB565,    // 设置调包板
           320,240 );
  if( 0!= ret )   // 打开视频设备失败
    goto err;
 printf(vd.capability.name);printf(", Type:%d/n",vd.capability.type);
    printf("Maxwidth:%d,Maxheight:%d/n",vd.capability.maxwidth ,vd.capability.maxheight);
    printf("------Pic Size:%d-------/n",vd.mbuf.size);
    imageptr = (unsigned short *) get_frame_address( &vd ); //
                       160,120,imageptr);   //
    if(get_next_frame( &vd ) !=0 ) 
    { // 获取图像数据出错
     goto err;

 //  exit(0);
  close(vd.fbfd);    // 关闭FrameBuffer设备
 return 0;

评论 13




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


