在 C# 中实现简单神经网络#

我们常常忘记,我们站在巨人的肩膀上。机器学习、深度学习和人工智能已经获得了如此大的吸引力,以至于有许多可用的框架。今天,选择我们选择的框架(例如 ML.NET)并完全专注于我们试图解决的问题开始项目真的很容易。但是,有时最好停下来实际考虑我们正在使用的内容以及该东西的实际工作原理。

由于我本人是一名转向机器学习的软件开发人员,因此我决定使用面向对象编程和 C# 从头开始构建神经网络。这是因为我想拆分神经网络的构建块,并使用我已经知道的工具更多地了解它们。这样,我学到的不是两件事,而是一件。从那时起,我经常使用此解决方案向 .NET 开发人员解释深度学习概念。因此,在本文中,我们将介绍该解决方案。


  1. 人工神经网络和面向对象编程?
  2. 人工神经网络——受生物学启发的想法
  3. 人工神经网络的主要组成部分
  4. 实现输入函数激活功能神经元连接层将一切整合在一起工作流程

每当我向该领域深陷(双关语)的人提出这个解决方案时,问题总是“是的,但为什么?事实上,这不是专业构建神经网络的方法。是的,我们可以将所有权重和偏差抽象为矩阵。是的,我们可以使用一些框架来很好地处理这些矩阵上的操作,例如 PyTorch。








  • 身体,又称体
  • 枝 晶
  • 轴突





通过连接人工神经元,他们的目标是创建一个类似的系统。他们将神经元分组到层中,然后在每的神经元之间建立连接。此外,通过为每个连接分配权重,a 他们能够从不重要的连接中过滤重要连接。

人工神经元的结构也是真实神经元的镜像结构。由于它们可以有多个输入,即输入连接,因此使用收集该数据的特殊函数 - 输入函数。通常用作神经元输入函数的函数是对输入连接上处于活动状态的所有加权输入求和的函数——加权输入函数。




public interface IInputFunction
    double CalculateInput(List<ISynapse> inputs);

这些函数只有一个方法 – CalculateInput,它接收 ISynapse 接口中描述的连接列表。稍后我们将介绍此抽象;到目前为止,我们需要知道的是这个接口代表神经元之间的连接。计算输入方法需要根据连接列表中包含的数据返回某种值。然后,我做了输入函数的具体实现——加权和函数。

public class WeightedSumFunction : IInputFunction
    public double CalculateInput(List<ISynapse> inputs) {
        return inputs.Select(x => x.Weight * x.GetOutput()).Sum();



public interface IActivationFunction
    double CalculateOutput(double input);


public class StepActivationFunction : IActivationFunction
    private double _treshold;

    public StepActivationFunction(double treshold) {
        _treshold = treshold;

    public double CalculateOutput(double input) {
        return Convert.ToDouble(input > _treshold);

很简单,不是吗?在对象构造过程中定义阈值,如果输入值超过阈值,则 CalculateOutput 返回 1,否则返回 0。

其他功能也很容易。以下是 Sigmoid 激活函数实现:

public class SigmoidActivationFunction : IActivationFunction
    private double _coeficient;

    public SigmoidActivationFunction(double coeficient) {
        _coeficient = coeficient;

    public double CalculateOutput(double input) {
        return (1 / (1 + Math.Exp(-input * _coeficient)));


public class RectifiedActivationFuncion : IActivationFunction
    public double CalculateOutput(double input) {
        return Math.Max(0, input);

到目前为止一切顺利 - 我们已经实现了输入和激活函数,我们可以继续实现网络中更棘手的部分 - 神经元和连接。


    public interface INeuron
        Guid Id { get; }
        double PreviousPartialDerivate { get; set; }

        List<ISynapse> Inputs { get; set; }
        List<ISynapse> Outputs { get; set; }

        void AddInputNeuron(INeuron inputNeuron);
        void AddOutputNeuron(INeuron inputNeuron);
        double CalculateOutput();

        void AddInputSynapse(double inputValue);
        void PushValueOnInput(double inputValue);


public class Neuron : INeuron
    private IActivationFunction _activationFunction;
    private IInputFunction _inputFunction;

    /// <summary>/// Input connections of the neuron./// </summary>public List<ISynapse> Inputs { get; set; }

    /// <summary>/// Output connections of the neuron./// </summary>public List<ISynapse> Outputs { get; set; }

    public Guid Id { get; private set; }

    /// <summary>/// Calculated partial derivate in previous iteration of training process./// </summary>public double PreviousPartialDerivate { get; set; }

    public Neuron(IActivationFunction activationFunction, IInputFunction inputFunction)
        Id = Guid.NewGuid();
        Inputs = new List<ISynapse>();
        Outputs = new List<ISynapse>();

        _activationFunction = activationFunction;
        _inputFunction = inputFunction;

    /// <summary>/// Connect two neurons. /// This neuron is the output neuron of the connection./// </summary>/// <param name="inputNeuron">Neuron that will be input neuron of the newly created connection.</param>public void AddInputNeuron(INeuron inputNeuron)
        var synapse = new Synapse(inputNeuron, this);

    /// <summary>/// Connect two neurons. /// This neuron is the input neuron of the connection./// </summary>/// <param name="outputNeuron">Neuron that will be output neuron of the newly created connection.</param>public void AddOutputNeuron(INeuron outputNeuron)
        var synapse = new Synapse(this, outputNeuron);

    /// <summary>/// Calculate output value of the neuron./// </summary>/// <returns>/// Output of the neuron./// </returns>public double CalculateOutput()
        return _activationFunction.CalculateOutput(_inputFunction.CalculateInput(this.Inputs));

    /// <summary>/// Input Layer neurons just receive input values./// For this they need to have connections./// This function adds this kind of connection to the neuron./// </summary>/// <param name="inputValue">/// Initial value that will be "pushed" as an input to connection./// </param>public void AddInputSynapse(double inputValue)
        var inputSynapse = new InputSynapse(this, inputValue);

    /// <summary>/// Sets new value on the input connections./// </summary>/// <param name="inputValue">/// New value that will be "pushed" as an input to connection./// </param>public void PushValueOnInput(double inputValue)
        ((InputSynapse)Inputs.First()).Output = inputValue;

每个神经元都有其唯一的标识符 – Id。此属性稍后将在反向传播算法中使用。为反向传播目的添加的另一个属性是 PreviousPartial Derivate,但这将进一步详细研究。神经元有两个列表,一个用于输入连接 – 输入,另一个用于输出连接 – 输出。 此外,它还有两个字段,每个字段对应前面章节中描述的每个函数。它们通过构造函数初始化。这样,可以创建具有不同输入和激活函数的神经元。

这个类也有一些有趣的方法。AddInputNeuron 和 AddOutputNeuron 用于在神经元之间创建连接。第一个为某个神经元添加输入连接,第二个为某个神经元添加输出连接。AddInputSynapse将InputSynapse添加到神经元,这是一种特殊类型的连接。这些是仅用于神经元输入层的特殊连接,即它们仅用于向整个系统添加输入。这将在下一章中更详细地介绍。


连接通过 ISynapse 接口抽象化:

public interface ISynapse
    double Weight { get; set; }
    double PreviousWeight { get; set; }
    double GetOutput();

    bool IsFromNeuron(Guid fromNeuronId);
    void UpdateWeight(double learningRate, double delta);

每个连接都有其权重通过同名属性表示。附加属性 PreviousWeight 被添加,并在错误通过系统反向传播期间使用它。当前权重的更新和前一个权重的存储是在帮助程序函数 UpdateWeight 中完成的。

还有另一个辅助函数 – IsFromNeuron,它可以检测某个神经元是否是连接的输入神经元。当然,有一个方法可以获取连接的输出值 – GetOutput。 以下是连接的实现:

public class Synapse : ISynapse
    internal INeuron _fromNeuron;
    internal INeuron _toNeuron;

    /// <summary>/// Weight of the connection./// </summary>public double Weight { get; set; }

    /// <summary>/// Weight that connection had in previous itteration./// Used in training process./// </summary>public double PreviousWeight { get; set; }

    public Synapse(INeuron fromNeuraon, INeuron toNeuron, double weight)
        _fromNeuron = fromNeuraon;
        _toNeuron = toNeuron;

        Weight = weight;
        PreviousWeight = 0;

    public Synapse(INeuron fromNeuraon, INeuron toNeuron)
        _fromNeuron = fromNeuraon;
        _toNeuron = toNeuron;

        var tmpRandom = new Random();
        Weight = tmpRandom.NextDouble();
        PreviousWeight = 0;

    /// <summary>/// Get output value of the connection./// </summary>/// <returns>/// Output value of the connection./// </returns>public double GetOutput()
        return _fromNeuron.CalculateOutput();

    /// <summary>/// Checks if Neuron has a certain number as an input neuron./// </summary>/// <param name="fromNeuronId">Neuron Id.</param>/// <returns>/// True - if the neuron is the input of the connection./// False - if the neuron is not the input of the connection. /// </returns>public bool IsFromNeuron(Guid fromNeuronId)
        return _fromNeuron.Id.Equals(fromNeuronId);

    /// <summary>/// Update weight./// </summary>/// <param name="learningRate">Chossen learning rate.</param>/// <param name="delta">Calculated difference for which weight of the connection needs to be modified.</param>public void UpdateWeight(double learningRate, double delta)
        PreviousWeight = Weight;
        Weight += learningRate * delta;

请注意字段_fromNeuron和_toNeuron,它们定义了该突触连接的神经元。除了这种连接的实现之外,我在上一章中提到的另一个关于神经元的实现。它是输入突触,它被用作系统的输入。这些连接的权重始终为 1,并且在训练过程中不会更新。这是它的实现:

public class InputSynapse : ISynapse
    internal INeuron _toNeuron;

    public double Weight { get; set; }
    public double Output { get; set; }
    public double PreviousWeight { get; set; }

    public InputSynapse(INeuron toNeuron)
        _toNeuron = toNeuron;
        Weight = 1;

    public InputSynapse(INeuron toNeuron, double output)
        _toNeuron = toNeuron;
        Output = output;
        Weight = 1;
        PreviousWeight = 1;

    public double GetOutput()
        return Output;

    public bool IsFromNeuron(Guid fromNeuronId)
        return false;

    public void UpdateWeight(double learningRate, double delta)
        throw new InvalidOperationException("It is not allowed to call this method on Input Connecion");


public class NeuralLayer {
    public List<INeuron> Neurons;

    public NeuralLayer()
        Neurons = new List<INeuron>();

    /// <summary>/// Connecting two layers./// </summary>public void ConnectLayers(NeuralLayer inputLayer)
        var combos = Neurons.SelectMany(neuron => inputLayer.Neurons, (neuron, input) => new { neuron, input });
        combos.ToList().ForEach(x => x.neuron.AddInputNeuron(x.input));



public class SimpleNeuralNetwork
    private NeuralLayerFactory _layerFactory;

    internal List<NeuralLayer> _layers;
    internal double _learningRate;
    internal double[][] _expectedResult;

    /// <summary>/// Constructor of the Neural Network./// Note:/// Initialy input layer with defined number of inputs will be created./// </summary>/// <param name="numberOfInputNeurons">/// Number of neurons in input layer./// </param>public SimpleNeuralNetwork(int numberOfInputNeurons)
        _layers = new List<NeuralLayer>();
        _layerFactory = new NeuralLayerFactory();

        // Create input layer that will collect inputs.

        _learningRate = 2.95;

    /// <summary>/// Add layer to the neural network./// Layer will automatically be added as the output layer to the last layer in the neural network./// </summary>public void AddLayer(NeuralLayer newLayer)
        if (_layers.Any())
            var lastLayer = _layers.Last();


    /// <summary>/// Push input values to the neural network./// </summary>public void PushInputValues(double[] inputs)
        _layers.First().Neurons.ForEach(x => x.PushValueOnInput(inputs[_layers.First().Neurons.IndexOf(x)]));

    /// <summary>/// Set expected values for the outputs./// </summary>public void PushExpectedValues(double[][] expectedOutputs)
        _expectedResult = expectedOutputs;

    /// <summary>/// Calculate output of the neural network./// </summary>/// <returns></returns>public List<double> GetOutput()
        var returnValue = new List<double>();

        _layers.Last().Neurons.ForEach(neuron =>

        return returnValue;

    /// <summary>/// Train neural network./// </summary>/// <param name="inputs">Input values.</param>/// <param name="numberOfEpochs">Number of epochs.</param>public void Train(double[][] inputs, int numberOfEpochs)
        double totalError = 0;

        for(int i = 0; i < numberOfEpochs; i++)
            for(int j = 0; j < inputs.GetLength(0); j ++)

                var outputs = new List<double>();

                // Get outputs.
                _layers.Last().Neurons.ForEach(x =>

                // Calculate error by summing errors on all output neurons.
                totalError = CalculateTotalError(outputs, j);

    /// <summary>/// Hellper function that creates input layer of the neural network./// </summary>private void CreateInputLayer(int numberOfInputNeurons)
        var inputLayer = _layerFactory.CreateNeuralLayer(numberOfInputNeurons, new RectifiedActivationFuncion(), new WeightedSumFunction());
        inputLayer.Neurons.ForEach(x => x.AddInputSynapse(0));

    /// <summary>/// Hellper function that calculates total error of the neural network./// </summary>private double CalculateTotalError(List<double> outputs, int row)
        double totalError = 0;

        outputs.ForEach(output =>
            var error = Math.Pow(output - _expectedResult[row][outputs.IndexOf(output)], 2);
            totalError += error;

        return totalError;

    /// <summary>/// Hellper function that runs backpropagation algorithm on the output layer of the network./// </summary>/// <param name="row">/// Input/Expected output row./// </param>private void HandleOutputLayer(int row)
        _layers.Last().Neurons.ForEach(neuron =>
            neuron.Inputs.ForEach(connection =>
                var output = neuron.CalculateOutput();
                var netInput = connection.GetOutput();

                var expectedOutput = _expectedResult[row][_layers.Last().Neurons.IndexOf(neuron)];

                var nodeDelta = (expectedOutput - output) * output * (1 - output);
                var delta = -1 * netInput * nodeDelta;

                connection.UpdateWeight(_learningRate, delta);

                neuron.PreviousPartialDerivate = nodeDelta;

    /// <summary>/// Hellper function that runs backpropagation algorithm on the hidden layer of the network./// </summary>/// <param name="row">/// Input/Expected output row./// </param>private void HandleHiddenLayers()
        for (int k = _layers.Count - 2; k > 0; k--)
            _layers[k].Neurons.ForEach(neuron =>
                neuron.Inputs.ForEach(connection =>
                    var output = neuron.CalculateOutput();
                    var netInput = connection.GetOutput();
                    double sumPartial = 0;

                    _layers[k + 1].Neurons
                    .ForEach(outputNeuron =>
                        outputNeuron.Inputs.Where(i => i.IsFromNeuron(neuron.Id))
                        .ForEach(outConnection =>
                            sumPartial += outConnection.PreviousWeight * outputNeuron.PreviousPartialDerivate;

                    var delta = -1 * netInput * sumPartial * output * (1 - output);
                    connection.UpdateWeight(_learningRate, delta);

此类包含神经层列表和层工厂(用于创建新层的类)。在对象构建期间,初始输入层将添加到网络中。其他图层通过函数 AddLayer 添加,该函数在当前图层列表的顶部添加一个传递的图层。GetOutput 方法将激活网络的输出层,从而通过网络启动连锁反应。

此外,此类还有一些帮助程序方法,例如 PushExpectValues,用于为训练期间将传递的训练集设置所需值,以及 PushInputValues,用于设置网络的某些输入。

此类最重要的方法是 Train 方法。它接收训练集和纪元数。对于每个 epoch,它通过网络运行整个训练集,如本文所述。然后,将输出与所需的输出进行比较,并调用函数 HandleOutputLayer 和 HandleHiddenLayer。这些函数实现本文中所述的反向传播算法。

典型的工作流程可以在其中一个测试中看到 -
Train_RuningTraining_NetworkIsTrained。 它是这样的:

var network = new SimpleNeuralNetwork(3);

var layerFactory = new NeuralLayerFactory();
network.AddLayer(layerFactory.CreateNeuralLayer(3, new RectifiedActivationFuncion(), new WeightedSumFunction()));
network.AddLayer(layerFactory.CreateNeuralLayer(1, new SigmoidActivationFunction(0.7), new WeightedSumFunction()));

    new double[][] {
        new double[] { 0 },
        new double[] { 1 },
        new double[] { 1 },
        new double[] { 0 },
        new double[] { 1 },
        new double[] { 0 },
        new double[] { 0 },

    new double[][] {
        new double[] { 150, 2, 0 },
        new double[] { 1002, 56, 1 },
        new double[] { 1060, 59, 1 },
        new double[] { 200, 3, 0 },
        new double[] { 300, 3, 1 },
        new double[] { 120, 1, 0 },
        new double[] { 80, 1, 0 },
    }, 10000);

network.PushInputValues(new double[] { 1054, 54, 1 });
var outputs = network.GetOutput();

首先,创建一个神经网络对象。在构造函数中,定义输入层中将有三个神经元。之后,使用函数添加层和层工厂添加两个层。对于每一层,定义每个神经元的神经元和功能的数量。完成此部分后,将定义预期的输出,并调用具有输入训练集和 epoch 数的 Train 函数。

神经网络的这种实现远非最佳。您会注意到很多嵌套的 for 循环,这些循环的性能肯定很差。此外,为了简化此解决方案,例如,在实现、动量和偏差的第一次迭代中没有引入神经网络的某些组件。然而,实现高性能网络的目标不是,而是分析和显示每个人工神经网络具有的重要元素和抽象。

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以下是一个简单C# Emgucv4.7神经网络算法实现图像分类的例程: 1. 首先,需要添加Emgu.CV和Emgu.CV.ML NuGet包。 2. 创建一个新的C#控制台应用程序,并在程序添加以下代码: ``` using System; using System.IO; using Emgu.CV; using Emgu.CV.ML; using Emgu.CV.ML.MlEnum; using Emgu.CV.Structure; namespace ImageClassification { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Load training images and labels string[] imageFiles = Directory.GetFiles(@"C:\training_images\", "*.jpg"); int[] labels = new int[imageFiles.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < imageFiles.Length; i++) { labels[i] = int.Parse(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(imageFiles[i])); } Mat trainingData = new Mat(); for (int i = 0; i < imageFiles.Length; i++) { Mat image = CvInvoke.Imread(imageFiles[i], ImreadModes.Grayscale); trainingData.PushBack(image.Flatten()); } // Train the neural network using (var model = new ANN_MLP()) { int inputCount = trainingData.Cols; int hiddenCount = 16; int outputCount = 10; MCvTermCriteria termCriteria = new MCvTermCriteria(1000, 0.01); model.SetLayerSizes(new int[] { inputCount, hiddenCount, outputCount }); model.SetActivationFunction(ANN_MLP.AnnMlpActivationFunction.SigmoidSym, 0, 0); model.Train(trainingData, SampleTypes.RowSample, labels, termCriteria); model.Save("model.xml"); } // Test the neural network using (var model = new ANN_MLP()) { model.Load("model.xml"); Mat testData = new Mat(); Mat testLabels = new Mat(); string[] testImageFiles = Directory.GetFiles(@"C:\test_images\", "*.jpg"); for (int i = 0; i < testImageFiles.Length; i++) { Mat image = CvInvoke.Imread(testImageFiles[i], ImreadModes.Grayscale); testData.PushBack(image.Flatten()); testLabels.PushBack(new Mat(1, 1, DepthType.Cv32S, new int[] { int.Parse(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(testImageFiles[i])) })); } Mat response = new Mat(); model.Predict(testData, response); int correctCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < testImageFiles.Length; i++) { int actualLabel = testLabels.Row(i).GetData().GetInt(0); int predictedLabel = response.Row(i).GetData().GetInt(0); if (actualLabel == predictedLabel) { correctCount++; } } Console.WriteLine("Accuracy: {0}%", (double)correctCount / testImageFiles.Length * 100); } Console.ReadKey(); } } } ``` 3. 将`C:\training_images\`和`C:\test_images\`替换为您自己的图像文件夹路径,并将图像文件夹的图像命名为它们所属的类别的数字标签(例如,类别1的图像应命名为“1.jpg”)。 4. 运行程序,它将加载训练图像和标签,使用它们来训练一个具有一个隐藏层的多层感知器(MLP)神经网络,并将模型保存到“model.xml”文件。然后,它将加载测试图像和标签,并使用训练好的模型对它们进行分类,计算分类准确度并输出结果。 这是一个简单的例程,可以根据您的需要进行修改和扩展。注意,在实际应用,您需要更大的数据集和更复杂的神经网络模型来实现更好的分类性能。


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