
21 篇文章 0 订阅
2 篇文章 0 订阅

ELF文件头、节区(section)以及节区表(section table)
ELF文件头、段区(segment table)表以及段区




typedef struct elf32_hdr{	
unsigned char e_ident[EI_NIDENT];	//magic等
Elf32_Half e_type;			//格式类型,binary还是so
Elf32_Half e_machine;			//平台架构,arm或者x86
Elf32_Word e_version;			//格式版本,没动过
Elf32_Addr e_entry;			//入口点
Elf32_Off e_phoff;			//段表偏移
Elf32_Off e_shoff;			//节表偏移
Elf32_Word e_flags;			//平台特定标志
Elf32_Half e_ehsize;			//Elf_Ehdr大小
Elf32_Half e_phentsize;		//段表结构大小
Elf32_Half e_phnum;			//段表数量
Elf32_Half e_shentsize;		//节表结构大小
Elf32_Half e_shnum;			//解表数量
Elf32_Half e_shstrndx;			//节表字符串表索引,节表名字在这
} Elf32_Ehdr;


typedef struct { 
Elf32_Word sh_name; 		//指向节表字符串表的偏移
Elf32_Word sh_type; 		
Elf32_Word sh_flags; 
Elf32_Addr sh_addr; 		//虚地址
Elf32_Off sh_offset; 		//文件内偏移
Elf32_Word sh_size; 		//大小
Elf32_Word sh_link; 
Elf32_Word sh_info; 
Elf32_Word sh_addralign; 
Elf32_Word sh_entsize;
} Elf32_Shdr;


typedef struct elf32_phdr{ 
Elf32_Word p_type; 		//段类型LOAD、DYNAMIC等
Elf32_Off p_offset; 		//段文件偏移,跟节表文件偏移一直
Elf32_Addr p_vaddr; 		//段虚地址,跟节表也一样
Elf32_Addr p_paddr; 		//段物理地址,嵌入式有区别
Elf32_Word p_filesz;		//段文件中大小
Elf32_Word p_memsz; 	//段占用内存大小,比如全局没有初始化的数组在data和非初始化在bss,不写在文件里,进入内存就要占空间?
Elf32_Word p_flags; 		//段的权限属性
Elf32_Word p_align;		//段对齐
} Elf32_Phdr;



观察find_library,就是对dlopen(char* name,flag)的封装,就是打开一个动态链接库。

// /data/data/***/libtest.so
soinfo *find_library(const char *name)
    soinfo *si;
    const char *bname;

    if (name == NULL)
        return somain;
    if (name == NULL)
        return NULL;
    bname = strrchr(name, '/');
    bname = bname ? bname + 1 : name;
    for(si = solist; si != 0; si = si->next){
        if(!strcmp(bname, si->name)) {
            if(si->flags & FLAG_ERROR) {
                DL_ERR("%5d '%s' failed to load previously", pid, bname);
                return NULL;
            if(si->flags & FLAG_LINKED) return si;
            DL_ERR("OOPS: %5d recursive link to '%s'", pid, si->name);
            return NULL;

    TRACE("[ %5d '%s' has not been loaded yet.  Locating...]\n", pid, name);
    si = load_library(name);
    if(si == NULL)
        return NULL;
    return init_library(si);




tatic soinfo *
load_library(const char *name)
    int fd = open_library(name);//打开函数在下面
    int cnt;
    unsigned ext_sz;
    unsigned req_base;
    const char *bname;
    soinfo *si = NULL;
    Elf32_Ehdr *hdr;

    if(fd == -1) {
        DL_ERR("Library '%s' not found", name);
        return NULL;

    /* We have to read the ELF header to figure out what to do with this image
    if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0) {//从0开始读
        DL_ERR("lseek() failed!");
        goto fail;

    if ((cnt = read(fd, &__header[0], PAGE_SIZE)) < 0) {//读一页放到header
        DL_ERR("read() failed!");
        goto fail;

    /* Parse the ELF header and get the size of the memory footprint for
     * the library 解析头部计算出文件所需要占用的内存大小,放在ext_sz*/
    req_base = get_lib_extents(fd, name, &__header[0], &ext_sz);
    if (req_base == (unsigned)-1)
        goto fail;
    TRACE("[ %5d - '%s' (%s) wants base=0x%08x sz=0x%08x ]\n", pid, name,
          (req_base ? "prelinked" : "not pre-linked"), req_base, ext_sz);

    /* Now configure the soinfo struct where we'll store all of our data
     * for the ELF object. If the loading fails, we waste the entry, but
     * same thing would happen if we failed during linking. Configuring the
     * soinfo struct here is a lot more convenient.
    bname = strrchr(name, '/');
    si = alloc_info(bname ? bname + 1 : name);
    if (si == NULL)
        goto fail;

    /* Carve out a chunk of memory where we will map in the individual
     * segments */
    si->base = req_base;
    si->size = ext_sz;
    si->flags = 0;
    si->entry = 0;
    si->dynamic = (unsigned *)-1;
    if (alloc_mem_region(si) < 0)//在下面,分配文件
        goto fail;

    TRACE("[ %5d allocated memory for %s @ %p (0x%08x) ]\n",
          pid, name, (void *)si->base, (unsigned) ext_sz);

    /* Now actually load the library's segments into right places in memory */
    if (load_segments(fd, &__header[0], si) < 0) {//把文件加载到内存,在下面
        goto fail;

    /* this might not be right. Technically, we don't even need this info
     * once we go through 'load_segments'. */
    hdr = (Elf32_Ehdr *)si->base;//把内存中的开始给hdr,下面是关掉文件
    si->phdr = (Elf32_Phdr *)((unsigned char *)si->base + hdr->e_phoff);
    si->phnum = hdr->e_phnum;

    return si;

    if (si) free_info(si);
    return NULL;


static int open_library(const char *name)
    int fd;
    char buf[512];
    const char **path;
    int n;

    TRACE("[ %5d opening %s ]\n", pid, name);

    if(name == 0) return -1;
    if(strlen(name) > 256) return -1;//校验长度

    if ((name[0] == '/') && ((fd = _open_lib(name)) >= 0))//对文件在不在,有没有访问权限,就是调open去打开的封装
        return fd;
    for (path = ldpaths; *path; path++) {
        n = format_buffer(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", *path, name);
        if (n < 0 || n >= (int)sizeof(buf)) {
            WARN("Ignoring very long library path: %s/%s\n", *path, name);
        if ((fd = _open_lib(buf)) >= 0)
            return fd;
    for (path = sopaths; *path; path++) {
        n = format_buffer(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", *path, name);
        if (n < 0 || n >= (int)sizeof(buf)) {
            WARN("Ignoring very long library path: %s/%s\n", *path, name);
        if ((fd = _open_lib(buf)) >= 0)
            return fd;

    return -1;


static unsigned
get_lib_extents(int fd, const char *name, void *__hdr, unsigned *total_sz)
    unsigned req_base;
    unsigned min_vaddr = 0xffffffff;
    unsigned max_vaddr = 0;
    unsigned char *_hdr = (unsigned char *)__hdr;
    Elf32_Ehdr *ehdr = (Elf32_Ehdr *)_hdr;
    Elf32_Phdr *phdr;
    int cnt;

    TRACE("[ %5d Computing extents for '%s'. ]\n", pid, name);
    if (verify_elf_object(_hdr, name) < 0) {//检验头elf头是否正确,,magic
        DL_ERR("%5d - %s is not a valid ELF object", pid, name);
        return (unsigned)-1;

    req_base = (unsigned) is_prelinked(fd, name);//
    if (req_base == (unsigned)-1)
        return -1;
    else if (req_base != 0) {
        TRACE("[ %5d - Prelinked library '%s' requesting base @ 0x%08x ]\n",
              pid, name, req_base);
    } else {
        TRACE("[ %5d - Non-prelinked library '%s' found. ]\n", pid, name);

    phdr = (Elf32_Phdr *)(_hdr + ehdr->e_phoff);//取得段表偏移,得到段表开始,然后去迭代

    /* find the min/max p_vaddrs from all the PT_LOAD segments so we can
     * get the range. 找所有段的中的最小地址和最大地址*/
    for (cnt = 0; cnt < ehdr->e_phnum; ++cnt, ++phdr) {
        if (phdr->p_type == PT_LOAD) {
            if ((phdr->p_vaddr + phdr->p_memsz) > max_vaddr)
                max_vaddr = phdr->p_vaddr + phdr->p_memsz;
            if (phdr->p_vaddr < min_vaddr)
                min_vaddr = phdr->p_vaddr;
    if ((min_vaddr == 0xffffffff) && (max_vaddr == 0)) {
        DL_ERR("%5d - No loadable segments found in %s.", pid, name);
        return (unsigned)-1;

    /* truncate min_vaddr down to page boundary *///按页对齐
    min_vaddr &= ~PAGE_MASK;

    /* round max_vaddr up to the next page */
    max_vaddr = (max_vaddr + PAGE_SIZE - 1) & ~PAGE_MASK;

    *total_sz = (max_vaddr - min_vaddr);
    return (unsigned)req_base;


static int
alloc_mem_region(soinfo *si)
    if (si->base) {
        /* Attempt to mmap a prelinked library. */
        return reserve_mem_region(si);

    /* This is not a prelinked library, so we use the kernel's default
    void *base = mmap(NULL, si->size, PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC,
                      MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
    if (base == MAP_FAILED) {
        DL_ERR("%5d mmap of library '%s' failed: %d (%s)\n",
              pid, si->name,
              errno, strerror(errno));
        goto err;
    si->base = (unsigned) base;//把内存首地址给他
    PRINT("%5d mapped library '%s' to %08x via kernel allocator.\n",
          pid, si->name, si->base);
    return 0;

    DL_ERR("OOPS: %5d cannot map library '%s'. no vspace available.",
          pid, si->name);
    return -1;


static int
load_segments(int fd, void *header, soinfo *si)//把前面预读的header,内存,文件指针传进来
    Elf32_Ehdr *ehdr = (Elf32_Ehdr *)header;
    Elf32_Phdr *phdr = (Elf32_Phdr *)((unsigned char *)header + ehdr->e_phoff);
    unsigned char *base = (unsigned char *)si->base;
    int cnt;
    unsigned len;
    unsigned char *tmp;
    unsigned char *pbase;
    unsigned char *extra_base;
    unsigned extra_len;
    unsigned total_sz = 0;

    si->wrprotect_start = 0xffffffff;
    si->wrprotect_end = 0;

    TRACE("[ %5d - Begin loading segments for '%s' @ 0x%08x ]\n",
          pid, si->name, (unsigned)si->base);
    /* Now go through all the PT_LOAD segments and map them into memory
     * at the appropriate locations.这个大循环就是把文件加载到内存 */
    for (cnt = 0; cnt < ehdr->e_phnum; ++cnt, ++phdr) {
        if (phdr->p_type == PT_LOAD) {
            DEBUG_DUMP_PHDR(phdr, "PT_LOAD", pid);
            /* we want to map in the segment on a page boundary */
            tmp = base + (phdr->p_vaddr & (~PAGE_MASK));//基地址加上虚地址按页向下取整,因为linux的mmp需要按页对齐的。
            /* add the # of bytes we masked off above to the total length. 就是占的大小*/
            len = phdr->p_filesz + (phdr->p_vaddr & PAGE_MASK);

            TRACE("[ %d - Trying to load segment from '%s' @ 0x%08x "
                  "(0x%08x). p_vaddr=0x%08x p_offset=0x%08x ]\n", pid, si->name,
                  (unsigned)tmp, len, phdr->p_vaddr, phdr->p_offset);
            pbase = mmap(tmp, len, PFLAGS_TO_PROT(phdr->p_flags),//这个参数是通过这个宏把elf文件权限属性转换成外部的系统调用?
                         MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_FIXED, fd,//fd就是打开的handle,这里直接文件映射到内存,不需要什么read,和文件偏移按页对齐,直接把文件映射到内存,在内核中直接把文件的页链接到虚地址上,比其他方法高效,一般load的2个,test代码rx,data数据,rw,所以要load两次因为属性不同,而且一般test和data也会按页隔离,中间插一页,不会完全挨着
                         phdr->p_offset & (~PAGE_MASK));
            if (pbase == MAP_FAILED) {
                DL_ERR("%d failed to map segment from '%s' @ 0x%08x (0x%08x). "
                      "p_vaddr=0x%08x p_offset=0x%08x", pid, si->name,
                      (unsigned)tmp, len, phdr->p_vaddr, phdr->p_offset);
                goto fail;

            /* If 'len' didn't end on page boundary, and it's a writable
             * segment, zero-fill the rest. */
            if ((len & PAGE_MASK) && (phdr->p_flags & PF_W))
                memset((void *)(pbase + len), 0, PAGE_SIZE - (len & PAGE_MASK));

            /* Check to see if we need to extend the map for this segment to
             * cover the diff between filesz and memsz (i.e. for bss).
             *  base           _+---------------------+  page boundary
             *                  .                     .
             *                  |                     |
             *                  .                     .
             *  pbase          _+---------------------+  page boundary
             *                  |                     |
             *                  .                     .
             *  base + p_vaddr _|                     |
             *                  . \          \        .
             *                  . | filesz   |        .
             *  pbase + len    _| /          |        |
             *     <0 pad>      .            .        .
             *  extra_base     _+------------|--------+  page boundary
             *               /  .            .        .
             *               |  .            .        .
             *               |  +------------|--------+  page boundary
             *  extra_len->  |  |            |        |
             *               |  .            | memsz  .
             *               |  .            |        .
             *               \ _|            /        |
             *                  .                     .
             *                  |                     |
             *                 _+---------------------+  page boundary
            tmp = (unsigned char *)(((unsigned)pbase + len + PAGE_SIZE - 1) &
            if (tmp < (base + phdr->p_vaddr + phdr->p_memsz)) {
                extra_len = base + phdr->p_vaddr + phdr->p_memsz - tmp;
                TRACE("[ %5d - Need to extend segment from '%s' @ 0x%08x "
                      "(0x%08x) ]\n", pid, si->name, (unsigned)tmp, extra_len);
                /* map in the extra page(s) as anonymous into the range.
                 * This is probably not necessary as we already mapped in
                 * the entire region previously, but we just want to be
                 * sure. This will also set the right flags on the region
                 * (though we can probably accomplish the same thing with
                 * mprotect).
                extra_base = mmap((void *)tmp, extra_len,
                                  MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_FIXED | MAP_ANONYMOUS,
                                  -1, 0);
                if (extra_base == MAP_FAILED) {
                    DL_ERR("[ %5d - failed to extend segment from '%s' @ 0x%08x"
                           " (0x%08x) ]", pid, si->name, (unsigned)tmp,
                    goto fail;
                /* TODO: Check if we need to memset-0 this region.
                 * Anonymous mappings are zero-filled copy-on-writes, so we
                 * shouldn't need to. */
                TRACE("[ %5d - Segment from '%s' extended @ 0x%08x "
                      "(0x%08x)\n", pid, si->name, (unsigned)extra_base,
            /* set the len here to show the full extent of the segment we
             * just loaded, mostly for debugging */
            len = (((unsigned)base + phdr->p_vaddr + phdr->p_memsz +
                    PAGE_SIZE - 1) & (~PAGE_MASK)) - (unsigned)pbase;
            TRACE("[ %5d - Successfully loaded segment from '%s' @ 0x%08x "
                  "(0x%08x). p_vaddr=0x%08x p_offset=0x%08x\n", pid, si->name,
                  (unsigned)pbase, len, phdr->p_vaddr, phdr->p_offset);
            total_sz += len;
            /* Make the section writable just in case we'll have to write to
             * it during relocation (i.e. text segment). However, we will
             * remember what range of addresses should be write protected.
            if (!(phdr->p_flags & PF_W)) {
                if ((unsigned)pbase < si->wrprotect_start)
                    si->wrprotect_start = (unsigned)pbase;
                if (((unsigned)pbase + len) > si->wrprotect_end)
                    si->wrprotect_end = (unsigned)pbase + len;
                mprotect(pbase, len,
                         PFLAGS_TO_PROT(phdr->p_flags) | PROT_WRITE);
        } else if (phdr->p_type == PT_DYNAMIC) {
            DEBUG_DUMP_PHDR(phdr, "PT_DYNAMIC", pid);
            /* this segment contains the dynamic linking information */
            si->dynamic = (unsigned *)(base + phdr->p_vaddr);//上面已经加载到内存了,这里主意上面只是读个个head
        } else {
            if (phdr->p_type == PT_ARM_EXIDX) {
                DEBUG_DUMP_PHDR(phdr, "PT_ARM_EXIDX", pid);
                /* exidx entries (used for stack unwinding) are 8 bytes each.
                si->ARM_exidx = (unsigned *)phdr->p_vaddr;
                si->ARM_exidx_count = phdr->p_memsz / 8;


    /* Sanity check */
    if (total_sz > si->size) {
        DL_ERR("%5d - Total length (0x%08x) of mapped segments from '%s' is "
              "greater than what was allocated (0x%08x). THIS IS BAD!",
              pid, total_sz, si->name, si->size);
        goto fail;

    TRACE("[ %5d - Finish loading segments for '%s' @ 0x%08x. "
          "Total memory footprint: 0x%08x bytes ]\n", pid, si->name,
          (unsigned)si->base, si->size);
    return 0;

    /* We can just blindly unmap the entire region even though some things
     * were mapped in originally with anonymous and others could have been
     * been mapped in from the file before we failed. The kernel will unmap
     * all the pages in the range, irrespective of how they got there.
    munmap((void *)si->base, si->size);
    si->flags |= FLAG_ERROR;
    return -1;

/* TODO: Implement this to take care of the fact that Android ARM
 * ELF objects shove everything into a single loadable segment that has the
 * write bit set. wr_offset is then used to set non-(data|bss) pages to be
 * non-writable.
#if 0
static unsigned
get_wr_offset(int fd, const char *name, Elf32_Ehdr *ehdr)
    Elf32_Shdr *shdr_start;
    Elf32_Shdr *shdr;
    int shdr_sz = ehdr->e_shnum * sizeof(Elf32_Shdr);
    int cnt;
    unsigned wr_offset = 0xffffffff;

    shdr_start = mmap(0, shdr_sz, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd,
                      ehdr->e_shoff & (~PAGE_MASK));
    if (shdr_start == MAP_FAILED) {
        WARN("%5d - Could not read section header info from '%s'. Will not "
             "not be able to determine write-protect offset.\n", pid, name);
        return (unsigned)-1;

    for(cnt = 0, shdr = shdr_start; cnt < ehdr->e_shnum; ++cnt, ++shdr) {
        if ((shdr->sh_type != SHT_NULL) && (shdr->sh_flags & SHF_WRITE) &&
            (shdr->sh_addr < wr_offset)) {
            wr_offset = shdr->sh_addr;

    munmap(shdr_start, shdr_sz);
    return wr_offset;


static soinfo *
init_library(soinfo *si)
    unsigned wr_offset = 0xffffffff;

    /* At this point we know that whatever is loaded @ base is a valid ELF
     * shared library whose segments are properly mapped in. */
    TRACE("[ %5d init_library base=0x%08x sz=0x%08x name='%s') ]\n",
          pid, si->base, si->size, si->name);

    if(link_image(si, wr_offset)) {//这个函数做链接相关的事情
            /* We failed to link.  However, we can only restore libbase
            ** if no additional libraries have moved it since we updated it.
        munmap((void *)si->base, si->size);
        return NULL;

    return si;

link_image这和函数就是解析处理前面dynamic段读取的内容。 解析elf的内容。

static int link_image(soinfo *si, unsigned wr_offset)
    unsigned *d;
    Elf32_Phdr *phdr = si->phdr;
    int phnum = si->phnum;

    INFO("[ %5d linking %s ]\n", pid, si->name);
    DEBUG("%5d si->base = 0x%08x si->flags = 0x%08x\n", pid,
          si->base, si->flags);

    if (si->flags & FLAG_EXE) {
        /* Locate the needed program segments (DYNAMIC/ARM_EXIDX) for
         * linkage info if this is the executable. If this was a
         * dynamic lib, that would have been done at load time.
         * TODO: It's unfortunate that small pieces of this are
         * repeated from the load_library routine. Refactor this just
         * slightly to reuse these bits.
        si->size = 0;
        for(; phnum > 0; --phnum, ++phdr) {
            if(phdr->p_type == PT_ARM_EXIDX) {
                /* exidx entries (used for stack unwinding) are 8 bytes each.
                si->ARM_exidx = (unsigned *)phdr->p_vaddr;
                si->ARM_exidx_count = phdr->p_memsz / 8;
            if (phdr->p_type == PT_LOAD) {
                /* For the executable, we use the si->size field only in
                   dl_unwind_find_exidx(), so the meaning of si->size
                   is not the size of the executable; it is the last
                   virtual address of the loadable part of the executable;
                   since si->base == 0 for an executable, we use the
                   range [0, si->size) to determine whether a PC value
                   falls within the executable section.  Of course, if
                   a value is below phdr->p_vaddr, it's not in the
                   executable section, but a) we shouldn't be asking for
                   such a value anyway, and b) if we have to provide
                   an EXIDX for such a value, then the executable's
                   EXIDX is probably the better choice.
                DEBUG_DUMP_PHDR(phdr, "PT_LOAD", pid);
                if (phdr->p_vaddr + phdr->p_memsz > si->size)
                    si->size = phdr->p_vaddr + phdr->p_memsz;
                /* try to remember what range of addresses should be write
                 * protected */
                if (!(phdr->p_flags & PF_W)) {
                    unsigned _end;

                    if (phdr->p_vaddr < si->wrprotect_start)
                        si->wrprotect_start = phdr->p_vaddr;
                    _end = (((phdr->p_vaddr + phdr->p_memsz + PAGE_SIZE - 1) &
                    if (_end > si->wrprotect_end)
                        si->wrprotect_end = _end;
            } else if (phdr->p_type == PT_DYNAMIC) {
                if (si->dynamic != (unsigned *)-1) {
                    DL_ERR("%5d multiple PT_DYNAMIC segments found in '%s'. "
                          "Segment at 0x%08x, previously one found at 0x%08x",
                          pid, si->name, si->base + phdr->p_vaddr,
                    goto fail;
                DEBUG_DUMP_PHDR(phdr, "PT_DYNAMIC", pid);
                si->dynamic = (unsigned *) (si->base + phdr->p_vaddr);

    if (si->dynamic == (unsigned *)-1) {
        DL_ERR("%5d missing PT_DYNAMIC?!", pid);
        goto fail;

    DEBUG("%5d dynamic = %p\n", pid, si->dynamic);

    /* extract useful information from dynamic section 比如引用一个elf.h,这里面tag,value*/
    for(d = si->dynamic; *d; d++){
        DEBUG("%5d d = %p, d[0] = 0x%08x d[1] = 0x%08x\n", pid, d, d[0], d[1]);
        case DT_HASH://说明这个是hash表,用来快速查找用的。下面这说那个用来解决比如一个libc里面一个函数,函数实现不在这里。我们要把这个符号找到放到这里面来,这个符号名字内容就在下面,方便查找生成了这个hash表,然后重定位的位置写在位置就是下面,而且还有比如函数指针这种自己的重定位
            si->nbucket = ((unsigned *) (si->base + *d))[0];
            si->nchain = ((unsigned *) (si->base + *d))[1];
            si->bucket = (unsigned *) (si->base + *d + 8);
            si->chain = (unsigned *) (si->base + *d + 8 + si->nbucket * 4);
        case DT_STRTAB://字符串在内存的位置
            si->strtab = (const char *) (si->base + *d);
        case DT_SYMTAB://符号表在内存的位置

            si->symtab = (Elf32_Sym *) (si->base + *d);
#if !defined(ANDROID_SH_LINKER)
        case DT_PLTREL:
            if(*d != DT_REL) {
                DL_ERR("DT_RELA not supported");
                goto fail;
        case DT_JMPREL:
            si->plt_rela = (Elf32_Rela*) (si->base + *d);
        case DT_PLTRELSZ:
            si->plt_rela_count = *d / sizeof(Elf32_Rela);
        case DT_JMPREL:
            si->plt_rel = (Elf32_Rel*) (si->base + *d);//重定位表
        case DT_PLTRELSZ:
            si->plt_rel_count = *d / 8;//表大小
        case DT_REL:
            si->rel = (Elf32_Rel*) (si->base + *d);
        case DT_RELSZ:
            si->rel_count = *d / 8;
        case DT_RELASZ:
            si->rela_count = *d / sizeof(Elf32_Rela);
        case DT_PLTGOT://没有使用
            /* Save this in case we decide to do lazy binding. We don't yet. */
            si->plt_got = (unsigned *)(si->base + *d);
        case DT_DEBUG:
            // Set the DT_DEBUG entry to the addres of _r_debug for GDB
            *d = (int) &_r_debug;
        case DT_RELA:
            si->rela = (Elf32_Rela *) (si->base + *d);
         case DT_RELA:
            DL_ERR("%5d DT_RELA not supported", pid);
            goto fail;
        case DT_INIT:
            si->init_func = (void (*)(void))(si->base + *d);
            DEBUG("%5d %s constructors (init func) found at %p\n",
                  pid, si->name, si->init_func);
        case DT_FINI:
            si->fini_func = (void (*)(void))(si->base + *d);
            DEBUG("%5d %s destructors (fini func) found at %p\n",
                  pid, si->name, si->fini_func);
        case DT_INIT_ARRAY:
            si->init_array = (unsigned *)(si->base + *d);
            DEBUG("%5d %s constructors (init_array) found at %p\n",
                  pid, si->name, si->init_array);
        case DT_INIT_ARRAYSZ:
            si->init_array_count = ((unsigned)*d) / sizeof(Elf32_Addr);
        case DT_FINI_ARRAY:
            si->fini_array = (unsigned *)(si->base + *d);
            DEBUG("%5d %s destructors (fini_array) found at %p\n",
                  pid, si->name, si->fini_array);
        case DT_FINI_ARRAYSZ:
            si->fini_array_count = ((unsigned)*d) / sizeof(Elf32_Addr);
        case DT_PREINIT_ARRAY:
            si->preinit_array = (unsigned *)(si->base + *d);
            DEBUG("%5d %s constructors (preinit_array) found at %p\n",
                  pid, si->name, si->preinit_array);
        case DT_PREINIT_ARRAYSZ:
            si->preinit_array_count = ((unsigned)*d) / sizeof(Elf32_Addr);
        case DT_TEXTREL:
            /* TODO: make use of this. */
            /* this means that we might have to write into where the text
             * segment was loaded during relocation... Do something with
             * it.
            DEBUG("%5d Text segment should be writable during relocation.\n",

    DEBUG("%5d si->base = 0x%08x, si->strtab = %p, si->symtab = %p\n",
           pid, si->base, si->strtab, si->symtab);

    if((si->strtab == 0) || (si->symtab == 0)) {
        DL_ERR("%5d missing essential tables", pid);
        goto fail;

    /* if this is the main executable, then load all of the preloads now */
    if(si->flags & FLAG_EXE) {
        int i;
        memset(preloads, 0, sizeof(preloads));
        for(i = 0; ldpreload_names[i] != NULL; i++) {
            soinfo *lsi = find_library(ldpreload_names[i]);
            if(lsi == 0) {
                strlcpy(tmp_err_buf, linker_get_error(), sizeof(tmp_err_buf));
                DL_ERR("%5d could not load needed library '%s' for '%s' (%s)",
                       pid, ldpreload_names[i], si->name, tmp_err_buf);
                goto fail;
            preloads[i] = lsi;

    for(d = si->dynamic; *d; d += 2) {//这部分是链接部分,文件的符号有肯能依靠外部符号,外部符号在的库要加载起来,需要知道哪些库要加载,就在dynamic有个dt_needed的tag,每个tag的value值指到一个字符串,遍历一遍所有可能依赖的外部文件,都find_library,找到加载起来库
        if(d[0] == DT_NEEDED){
            DEBUG("%5d %s needs %s\n", pid, si->name, si->strtab + d[1]);
            soinfo *lsi = find_library(si->strtab + d[1]);
            if(lsi == 0) {
                strlcpy(tmp_err_buf, linker_get_error(), sizeof(tmp_err_buf));
                DL_ERR("%5d could not load needed library '%s' for '%s' (%s)",
                       pid, si->strtab + d[1], si->name, tmp_err_buf);
                goto fail;
            /* Save the soinfo of the loaded DT_NEEDED library in the payload
               of the DT_NEEDED entry itself, so that we can retrieve the
               soinfo directly later from the dynamic segment.  This is a hack,
               but it allows us to map from DT_NEEDED to soinfo efficiently
               later on when we resolve relocations, trying to look up a symgol
               with dlsym().
            d[1] = (unsigned)lsi;

    if(si->plt_rel) {//这里一般存放函数指针重定位符号
        DEBUG("[ %5d relocating %s plt ]\n", pid, si->name );
        if(reloc_library(si, si->plt_rel, si->plt_rel_count))
            goto fail;
    if(si->rel) {
        DEBUG("[ %5d relocating %s ]\n", pid, si->name );
        if(reloc_library(si, si->rel, si->rel_count))
            goto fail;

    if(si->plt_rela) {//这里一般是数据重定位

        DEBUG("[ %5d relocating %s plt ]\n", pid, si->name );
        if(reloc_library_a(si, si->plt_rela, si->plt_rela_count))
            goto fail;
    if(si->rela) {        
        DEBUG("[ %5d relocating %s ]\n", pid, si->name );
        if(reloc_library_a(si, si->rela, si->rela_count))
            goto fail;
#endif /* ANDROID_SH_LINKER */

    si->flags |= FLAG_LINKED;//就是说明当前so已经被链接起来了。
    DEBUG("[ %5d finished linking %s ]\n", pid, si->name);

#if 0
    /* This is the way that the old dynamic linker did protection of
     * non-writable areas. It would scan section headers and find where
     * .text ended (rather where .data/.bss began) and assume that this is
     * the upper range of the non-writable area. This is too coarse,
     * and is kept here for reference until we fully move away from single
     * segment elf objects. See the code in get_wr_offset (also #if'd 0)
     * that made this possible.
    if(wr_offset < 0xffffffff){
        mprotect((void*) si->base, wr_offset, PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC);
    /* TODO: Verify that this does the right thing in all cases, as it
     * presently probably does not. It is possible that an ELF image will
     * come with multiple read-only segments. What we ought to do is scan
     * the program headers again and mprotect all the read-only segments.
     * To prevent re-scanning the program header, we would have to build a
     * list of loadable segments in si, and then scan that instead. */
    if (si->wrprotect_start != 0xffffffff && si->wrprotect_end != 0) {
        mprotect((void *)si->wrprotect_start,
                 si->wrprotect_end - si->wrprotect_start,
                 PROT_READ | PROT_EXEC);

    /* If this is a SET?ID program, dup /dev/null to opened stdin,
       stdout and stderr to close a security hole described in:


    if (program_is_setuid)
        nullify_closed_stdio ();
    return 0;

    ERROR("failed to link %s\n", si->name);
    si->flags |= FLAG_ERROR;
    return -1;



static int reloc_library(soinfo *si, Elf32_Rel *rel, unsigned count)
    Elf32_Sym *symtab = si->symtab;
    const char *strtab = si->strtab;
    Elf32_Sym *s;
    unsigned base;
    Elf32_Rel *start = rel;
    unsigned idx;

    for (idx = 0; idx < count; ++idx) {
        unsigned type = ELF32_R_TYPE(rel->r_info);
        unsigned sym = ELF32_R_SYM(rel->r_info);//取得符号
        unsigned reloc = (unsigned)(rel->r_offset + si->base);//重定位的位置,需要被修改的信息
        unsigned sym_addr = 0;
        char *sym_name = NULL;

        DEBUG("%5d Processing '%s' relocation at index %d\n", pid,
              si->name, idx);
        if(sym != 0) {
            sym_name = (char *)(strtab + symtab[sym].st_name);//拿到需要被重定位的名字,通过sym
            s = _do_lookup(si, sym_name, &base);//查找,函数在下面,找到之后通过他当前的base和value找到这个符号的地址。
            if(s == NULL) {
                /* We only allow an undefined symbol if this is a weak
                   reference..   */
                s = &symtab[sym];
                if (ELF32_ST_BIND(s->st_info) != STB_WEAK) {
                    DL_ERR("%5d cannot locate '%s'...\n", pid, sym_name);
                    return -1;

                /* IHI0044C AAELF

                   Libraries are not searched to resolve weak references.
                   It is not an error for a weak reference to remain

                   During linking, the value of an undefined weak reference is:
                   - Zero if the relocation type is absolute
                   - The address of the place if the relocation is pc-relative
                   - The address of nominial base address if the relocation
                     type is base-relative.

                switch (type) {
                case R_ARM_JUMP_SLOT:
                case R_ARM_GLOB_DAT:
                case R_ARM_ABS32:
                case R_ARM_RELATIVE:    /* Don't care. */
                case R_ARM_NONE:        /* Don't care. */
#elif defined(ANDROID_X86_LINKER)
                case R_386_JUMP_SLOT:
                case R_386_GLOB_DAT:
                case R_386_32:
                case R_386_RELATIVE:    /* Dont' care. */
#endif /* ANDROID_*_LINKER */
                    /* sym_addr was initialized to be zero above or relocation
                       code below does not care about value of sym_addr.
                       No need to do anything.  */

#if defined(ANDROID_X86_LINKER)
                case R_386_PC32:
                    sym_addr = reloc;
#endif /* ANDROID_X86_LINKER */

                case R_ARM_COPY:
                    /* Fall through.  Can't really copy if weak symbol is
                       not found in run-time.  */
                    DL_ERR("%5d unknown weak reloc type %d @ %p (%d)\n",
                                 pid, type, rel, (int) (rel - start));
                    return -1;
            } else {
                /* We got a definition.  */
#if 0
            if((base == 0) && (si->base != 0)){
                    /* linking from libraries to main image is bad */
                DL_ERR("%5d cannot locate '%s'...",
                       pid, strtab + symtab[sym].st_name);
                return -1;
                sym_addr = (unsigned)(s->st_value + base);//找到之后通过他当前的base和value找到这个符号的地址。

        } else {
            s = NULL;

/* TODO: This is ugly. Split up the relocations by arch into
 * different files.
        case R_ARM_JUMP_SLOT://如果是jump类型,直接把上面值给这里
            TRACE_TYPE(RELO, "%5d RELO JMP_SLOT %08x <- %08x %s\n", pid,
                       reloc, sym_addr, sym_name);
            *((unsigned*)reloc) = sym_addr;
        case R_ARM_GLOB_DAT:
            TRACE_TYPE(RELO, "%5d RELO GLOB_DAT %08x <- %08x %s\n", pid,
                       reloc, sym_addr, sym_name);
            *((unsigned*)reloc) = sym_addr;
        case R_ARM_ABS32:
            TRACE_TYPE(RELO, "%5d RELO ABS %08x <- %08x %s\n", pid,
                       reloc, sym_addr, sym_name);
            *((unsigned*)reloc) += sym_addr;
        case R_ARM_REL32:
            TRACE_TYPE(RELO, "%5d RELO REL32 %08x <- %08x - %08x %s\n", pid,
                       reloc, sym_addr, rel->r_offset, sym_name);
            *((unsigned*)reloc) += sym_addr - rel->r_offset;
#elif defined(ANDROID_X86_LINKER)
        case R_386_JUMP_SLOT:
            TRACE_TYPE(RELO, "%5d RELO JMP_SLOT %08x <- %08x %s\n", pid,
                       reloc, sym_addr, sym_name);
            *((unsigned*)reloc) = sym_addr;
        case R_386_GLOB_DAT:
            TRACE_TYPE(RELO, "%5d RELO GLOB_DAT %08x <- %08x %s\n", pid,
                       reloc, sym_addr, sym_name);
            *((unsigned*)reloc) = sym_addr;
#endif /* ANDROID_*_LINKER */

        case R_ARM_RELATIVE:
#elif defined(ANDROID_X86_LINKER)
        case R_386_RELATIVE:
#endif /* ANDROID_*_LINKER */
                DL_ERR("%5d odd RELATIVE form...", pid);
                return -1;
            TRACE_TYPE(RELO, "%5d RELO RELATIVE %08x <- +%08x\n", pid,
                       reloc, si->base);
            *((unsigned*)reloc) += si->base;

#if defined(ANDROID_X86_LINKER)
        case R_386_32:

            TRACE_TYPE(RELO, "%5d RELO R_386_32 %08x <- +%08x %s\n", pid,
                       reloc, sym_addr, sym_name);
            *((unsigned *)reloc) += (unsigned)sym_addr;

        case R_386_PC32:
            TRACE_TYPE(RELO, "%5d RELO R_386_PC32 %08x <- "
                       "+%08x (%08x - %08x) %s\n", pid, reloc,
                       (sym_addr - reloc), sym_addr, reloc, sym_name);
            *((unsigned *)reloc) += (unsigned)(sym_addr - reloc);
#endif /* ANDROID_X86_LINKER */

        case R_ARM_COPY:
            TRACE_TYPE(RELO, "%5d RELO %08x <- %d @ %08x %s\n", pid,
                       reloc, s->st_size, sym_addr, sym_name);
            memcpy((void*)reloc, (void*)sym_addr, s->st_size);
        case R_ARM_NONE:

            DL_ERR("%5d unknown reloc type %d @ %p (%d)",
                  pid, type, rel, (int) (rel - start));
            return -1;
    return 0;




static unsigned elfhash(const char *_name)
    const unsigned char *name = (const unsigned char *) _name;
    unsigned h = 0, g;

    while(*name) {
        h = (h << 4) + *name++;
        g = h & 0xf0000000;
        h ^= g;
        h ^= g >> 24;
    return h;

static Elf32_Sym *
_do_lookup(soinfo *si, const char *name, unsigned *base)
    unsigned elf_hash = elfhash(name);//首先把名字做一个hash,算法如上
    Elf32_Sym *s;
    unsigned *d;
    soinfo *lsi = si;
    int i;

    /* Look for symbols in the local scope first (the object who is
     * searching). This happens with C++ templates on i386 for some
     * reason.
     * Notes on weak symbols:
     * The ELF specs are ambigious about treatment of weak definitions in
     * dynamic linking.  Some systems return the first definition found
     * and some the first non-weak definition.   This is system dependent.
     * Here we return the first definition found for simplicity.  */
    s = _elf_lookup(si, elf_hash, name);//函数如下,就是去某个soinfo找到那个符号,这里使我们自己文件,如果没找到,就去找我们依赖的库,DT_NEED
    if(s != NULL)
        goto done;

    /* Next, look for it in the preloads list */
    for(i = 0; preloads[i] != NULL; i++) {
        lsi = preloads[i];
        s = _elf_lookup(lsi, elf_hash, name);
        if(s != NULL)
            goto done;

    for(d = si->dynamic; *d; d += 2) {
        if(d[0] == DT_NEEDED){
            lsi = (soinfo *)d[1];
            if (!validate_soinfo(lsi)) {
                DL_ERR("%5d bad DT_NEEDED pointer in %s",
                       pid, si->name);
                return NULL;

            DEBUG("%5d %s: looking up %s in %s\n",
                  pid, si->name, name, lsi->name);
            s = _elf_lookup(lsi, elf_hash, name);
            if ((s != NULL) && (s->st_shndx != SHN_UNDEF))
                goto done;

    /* If we are resolving relocations while dlopen()ing a library, it's OK for
     * the library to resolve a symbol that's defined in the executable itself,
     * although this is rare and is generally a bad idea.
    if (somain) {
        lsi = somain;
        DEBUG("%5d %s: looking up %s in executable %s\n",
              pid, si->name, name, lsi->name);
        s = _elf_lookup(lsi, elf_hash, name);

    if(s != NULL) {
        TRACE_TYPE(LOOKUP, "%5d si %s sym %s s->st_value = 0x%08x, "
                   "found in %s, base = 0x%08x\n",
                   pid, si->name, name, s->st_value, lsi->name, lsi->base);
        *base = lsi->base;
        return s;

    return NULL;


static Elf32_Sym *_elf_lookup(soinfo *si, unsigned hash, const char *name)
    Elf32_Sym *s;
    Elf32_Sym *symtab = si->symtab;
    const char *strtab = si->strtab;
    unsigned n;

    TRACE_TYPE(LOOKUP, "%5d SEARCH %s in %s@0x%08x %08x %d\n", pid,
               name, si->name, si->base, hash, hash % si->nbucket);
    n = hash % si->nbucket;

    for(n = si->bucket[hash % si->nbucket]; n != 0; n = si->chain[n]){
        s = symtab + n;
        if(strcmp(strtab + s->st_name, name)) continue;

            /* only concern ourselves with global and weak symbol definitions */
        case STB_GLOBAL:
        case STB_WEAK:
                /* no section == undefined */
            if(s->st_shndx == 0) continue;

            TRACE_TYPE(LOOKUP, "%5d FOUND %s in %s (%08x) %d\n", pid,
                       name, si->name, s->st_value, s->st_size);
            return s;

    return NULL;


static void call_constructors(soinfo *si)
    if (si->flags & FLAG_EXE) {
        TRACE("[ %5d Calling preinit_array @ 0x%08x [%d] for '%s' ]\n",
              pid, (unsigned)si->preinit_array, si->preinit_array_count,
        call_array(si->preinit_array, si->preinit_array_count, 0);
        TRACE("[ %5d Done calling preinit_array for '%s' ]\n", pid, si->name);
    } else {
        if (si->preinit_array) {
            DL_ERR("%5d Shared library '%s' has a preinit_array table @ 0x%08x."
                   " This is INVALID.", pid, si->name,

    if (si->init_func) {//先看看有没有init_func,有就调用,就是说如果我们的so函数里面有init_func和init_array,在dlopen返回之前,这里就可以在这个函数里面把jni_onload解密,把那些apk函数,native在这里实现。
        TRACE("[ %5d Calling init_func @ 0x%08x for '%s' ]\n", pid,
              (unsigned)si->init_func, si->name);
        TRACE("[ %5d Done calling init_func for '%s' ]\n", pid, si->name);

    if (si->init_array) {
        TRACE("[ %5d Calling init_array @ 0x%08x [%d] for '%s' ]\n", pid,
              (unsigned)si->init_array, si->init_array_count, si->name);
        call_array(si->init_array, si->init_array_count, 0);
        TRACE("[ %5d Done calling init_array for '%s' ]\n", pid, si->name);



void _init(){
    printf("init func called\n");

void __attribute__((constructor)) init_array(){
    printf("init_array func called\n");


root@hammerhead:/data/local/tmp # ./test
init func called
init_array func called




LDR             R0, =(aInitArrayFuncC - 0x85B2)
ADD             R0, PC  ; "init_array func called"
B.W             j_puts
; End of function sub_85AC

 这里看不到_init,需要利用linux工具readel.exe -d查看。



评论 1




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


