人类最古老的通信手段是什么?早在几千年前,人类就知道用烽火来传递战争信息,后来在航海中又学会通过灯光的长短闪烁来组成不同的字母和单词。如今,可见光通信 Visible light communications (VLC)又被旧话重提,利用LED光源可以快速闪烁的特点,LED灯可以提供高传输速率的可见光信号链路。
相关标准方面,目前日本的可见光通信联盟(Visible Light Communications Consortium,由Casio、NEC、松下、三星、夏普、东芝和运营商NTT Docomo组成)正在促进IEEE 802.15WPAN工作组制定802.15.7标准,据相关人士透漏,802.15.7标准草案有望在2011年形成。VLC目前需要解决编解码方式、速率、适用范围、调光影响等许多问题。

Samsung is experimenting with including VLC with its LED-based backlit LCD flat-panel displays so that viewers can download everything from product information to Web site addresses. "We believe that LCD backlight communications is one of best applications for VLC, because LCD backlights are changing to LEDs anyway," said Scott Birnbaum, vice president of Samsung's LCD business.
Smart Lighting ERC participant Boston University is focusing on the use of VLC for traditional data communications in unconventional places, such as on aircraft. VLC offers the ability to harness separate parallel data connections, either from different lines of sight or by virtue of multiplexing different frequencies of visible light over the same line of sight. Thus, everyone watching the same movie could share a common broadcast connection, or separate data streams could be fed to the devices of individuals watching different movies.
On the factory floor, the same capability could allow mobile robots to use VLC to navigate warehouses by checking their location using overhead lights and by communicating directly with each other to avoid collisions. Likewise, automobiles could keep tabs on their location by reading the coordinates being broadcast by traffic lights. Vehicle-to-vehicle VLC could help avoid collisions and prevent traffic jams.
BU professor Thomas Little, a lead researcher and associate director of the smart-lighting center, is experimenting with different modulation schemes, including encoders that use standard binary codes, non-return-to-zero encoders, pulse-code modulation and pulse-density modulation, all of which he claims can be made to work without flickering light, so long as data rates are above 900 kHz. Little's group is also investigating how to transmit and receive signals reliably without having a direct line of sight, by using reflected signals but without incurring intermodulation interference.
"We want to make the installation of a network as easy as screwing in a light bulb," said Little, whose lab to date has completed more than 40 prototypes, which are being evaluated by industrial partners.
The Smart Lighting lab at BU has several demonstrations already set up that show how light fixtures might be made to accommodate both the illumination function and the data communications function. Hardwired Ethernet signals could be routed from fixture to fixture, for instance, with LEDs modulating the data signals from the Ethernet installation.
"The problem that we are trying to address is how to provide high data rates at a very low cost so that it [VLC] can become a part of the lighting infrastructure," said Little.