
下面的代码从EL3开始运行,在arm-develope-studio DS-5上跑;



1. 使能了uart

2. 使能MMU前对各寄存器的准备

3. 构建起启动阶段的页表,包括uart地址

4. 使能了MMU,并建起小栈,切换到C代码


    .global drop_to_el2
    adr x1, el2_entry_aarch64
    msr ELR_EL3, x1
    mov x1, #(AARCH64_SPSR_EL2h | \
              AARCH64_SPSR_F  | \
              AARCH64_SPSR_I  | \
    msr SPSR_EL3, x1

//about device p011(from xen)
.macro early_uart_init xb, c
  mov   x\c, #0x9//(7372800 % 16)
  strh  w\c, [\xb, #0x28]      /* -> UARTFBRD (Baud divisor fraction) */
  mov   x\c, #0x27//(7372800 / 0x10)
  strh  w\c, [\xb, #0x24]      /* -> UARTIBRD (Baud divisor integer) */
  mov   x\c, #0x60             /* 8n1 */
  str   w\c, [\xb, #0x2C]      /* -> UARTLCR_H (Line control) */
  ldr   x\c, =0x00000301       /* RXE | TXE | UARTEN */
  str   w\c, [\xb, #0x30]      /* -> UARTCR (Control Register) */
 * PL011 UART wait UART to be ready to transmit
 * xb: register which contains the UART base address
 * c: scratch register number
.macro early_uart_ready xb, c
  ldrh  w\c, [\xb, #0x18]      /* <- UARTFR (Flag register) */
  /* tst->check if w\c&0b1000 is 0; b.ne->if not equal, jump 1b (bit0b1000 set means busy) */
  tst   w\c, #0x8              /* Check BUSY bit */
  b.ne  1b                     /* Wait for the UART to be ready */

 * PL011 UART transmit character
 * xb: register which contains the UART base address
 * wt: register which contains the character to transmit
.macro early_uart_transmit xb, wt
  strb  \wt, [\xb]             /* -> UARTDR (Data Register) */

/* Bring up the UART.
 * x23: Early UART base address
 * Clobbers x0-x1 */
  early_uart_init x23, 0
  adr   x0, 1f
  b     puts
1:      .asciz "- UART enabled -\r\n"
        .align 4

/* Print early debug messages.
 * x0: Nul-terminated string to print.
 * x23: Early UART base address
 * Clobbers x0-x1 */
  early_uart_ready x23, 1
  ldrb  w1, [x0], #1           /* Load next char */
  cbz   w1, 1f                 /* Exit on nul */
  early_uart_transmit x23, w1
  b     puts

/* Print a 32-bit number in hex.  Specific to the PL011 UART.
 * x0: Number to print.
 * x23: Early UART base address
 * Clobbers x0-x3 */
  adr   x1, hex
  mov   x3, #8
  early_uart_ready x23, 2
  and   x2, x0, #0xf0000000    /* Mask off the top nybble */
  lsr   x2, x2, #28
  ldrb  w2, [x1, x2]           /* Convert to a char */
  early_uart_transmit x23, w2
  lsl   x0, x0, #4             /* Roll it through one nybble at a time */
  subs  x3, x3, #1
  b.ne  1b

hex:    .ascii "0123456789abcdef"
        .align 2

#define PRINT(_s)       \
  adr   x0, 98f ; \
  bl    puts    ; \
  b     99f     ; \
98:     .asciz _s     ; \
  .align 2      ; \

/* Load the physical address of a symbol into xb */
.macro load_paddr xb, sym
  ldr \xb, =\sym //load linked address
  add \xb, \xb, x20 //add phy offset

.global el2_entry_aarch64
.type el2_entry_aarch64, "function"
  mov   x26, #0
  msr   DAIFSet, 0xf //stop
  mov   x21, x0
  ldr   x0,=start
  adr   x19, start
  sub   x20, x19, x0

  mov   x22, #0
  b     common_start

  .global init_secondary
  .type init_secondary, "function"
   msr DAIFSet, 0xf
   ldr x0, =start
   adr x19, start
   sub x20,x19,x0
   mov x22,#1
   mov x26,#1

  mov x24,#0
  mrs x0,mpidr_el1
  /* tbnz test bit not zero: test bit30, if is not zero, then jump to 1f */
  tbnz x0,30,1f //mpidr_el1 bit30 is U, if 1, means only one processor, no need for more
  ldr x13,=(~0xff00ffffff)
  /* mpidr_el1 bit0:7 is aff0, bit8:15 is aff1, bit 16:23 is aff2, bit32:40 is aff3; bit24:31 contain MT and U
   * bit41:63 is nothing;
   * so aff3.aff2.aff1.aff0 is CPUID!
  /* bic bit clear: clean bit if match */
  bic x24,x0,x13 //clean 0xffffff00ff000000 bit24:31 is
  /* cbz: condition branch zero, jump to branch if 0 */
  cbz x22, 1f //x22 is 0 on boot cpu, and 1 on secondary cpu
  //smp_up_cpu is variable; if secondary cpu, should wait smp_up_cpu is it's CPUID(aff3.aff2.aff1.aff0)
  load_paddr x0,smp_up_cpu //smp_up_cpu defined in C main.c, but can used here and no extern
  dsb sy
2://check smp_up_cpu again and again and ......
  ldr x1,[x0]
  cmp x1,x24
  beq 1f
  b 2b
  ldr   x23, =0x1c090000
  cbnz  x22, 1f
  bl    init_uart                 /* Boot CPU sets up the UART too */
1:      PRINT("- CPU ")
  mov   x0, x24
  bl    putn
  PRINT(" booting -\r\n")

  PRINT("- Current EL ")
  mrs   x4, CurrentEL
  mov   x0, x4
  bl    putn
  PRINT(" -\r\n")

  /* Are we in EL2 */
  cmp   x4, #0x8
  /* with cmp, we could know if currentEL is PSR_MODE_EL2t;
   * if ne, PSR_MODE_EL2h is also work;
   * use cmp and ccmp * ne, means if->else if->;
   * any hit will be ok
  ccmp  x4, #0x9, #0x4, ne //if cmp is ne, execute this instruct;
                           //if x4==0x9, set z bit of nzcv, which is used by b.eq
  b.eq  el2 /* Yes */

  /* OK, we're boned. */
  PRINT("- Xen must be entered in NS EL2 mode -\r\n")
  PRINT("- Please update the bootloader -\r\n")
  b fail

el2:    PRINT("- Xen starting at EL2 -\r\n")

  /* Zero BSS only when requested */
  cbnz  x26, skip_bss

  PRINT("- Zero BSS -\r\n")
  /* SESSION in xen is more complex, now use firework's bss section, until more section is involved */
  load_paddr x0, __bss_start__    /* Load paddr of start & end of bss */
  load_paddr x1, __bss_end__
  str   xzr, [x0], #8
  cmp   x0, x1
  b.lo  1b

  PRINT("- Setting up control registers -\r\n")

/* MAIR_el2 register is used to explain memory translate table entry's Index bit.
 *   for a translation table entry,
 *   bitA:A+2(val A depends on entry level and page size) which define Index(others may be NS+AP+SH+AF+UXN+PXN)
 *   is the val for attr_index0-8 in next to explain
 *     val 0x00->0b0000 0000 means DEVICE_nGnRnE:
 *       device memory, no gathering(can not gather memory access, x times access is x times access, on gathering),
 *         no re-ordering(can not reorder memory access, Xth access is Xth, no reordering),
 *         no early write acknowledge(transaction: memory write have ack to PE, write once ack once, nE means ack only return from final address )
 *     val 0x04->0b0000 0100 means DEVICE_nGnRE:
         device memory, no gathering, no re-ordering, but no transaction
 *     val 0x44->0b0100 0100 means NORMAL_NC:
 *       normal memory, non-cacheable
 *     val 0xaa->0b1010 1010 means NORMAL_WT
 *       normal memory, write-through
 *     val 0xee->0b1110 1110 means NORMAL_WB
 *       normal memory, write-back
 *     val 0xff->0b1111 1111 means NORMAL
 *       normal memory, write-back write-allocate
#define MAIRVAL \
          /* bit56:63 define attr_index7: NORMAL*/
          /* bit32:47 define attr_index4: DEVICE_nGnRnE */
          /* bit24:31 define attr_index3: DEVICE_nGnRE */
          /* bit16:23 define attr_index2: NORMAL_WT */
          /* bit8:15 define attr_index1: NORMAL_NC */
          /* bit0:7 define attr_index0: DEVICE_nGnRnE */
  ldr x0,=MAIRVAL
  msr   mair_el2, x0
  /* 3<<12 set SH0 bits, chose inner-shareable for ttw;
   * arm explain this bit as:
   *   Shareability attribute for memory associated with translation table walks using TTBR0_EL2.
   *   Non/Outer/Inner shareable.
   *   0b00 non-shareable
   *   0b01 undefine
   *   0b10 outer shareable
   *   0b11 inner shareable
   * what's the meaning of Non/Outer/Inner shareable? and why should TCR_ELx config it?
   *   1. Non-shareable means target memory in cache won't coherence by hardware;
   *        it is designed for core private memory, no synchronization with other cores or device,
   *        but can access(i think)
   *    1.1 inner/outer-shareable is depends on memory domain desigin, cores/devices in same memory domain
   *        inner or outer, have coherency protect by hardware
   *   2. PE access address saved in TTBR0_EL2 for ttw is phy-address,
   *        not controled by pagetable but cache policy is also needed;
   *        so, SH0 control inner/outer shareable of memory in TTBR0_EL2.
   * 1<<10 set ORGN0 Normal memory, Outer Write-Back Read-Allocate Write-Allocate Cacheable
   * 1<<8 set IRGN0 Normal memory, Inner Write-Back Read-Allocate Write-Allocate Cacheable
   *   ORGN0/IRGN0 control Outer/Inner cacheability attribute of memory associated with translation table walks using TTBR0_EL2.
   *   01 means Outer/Inner Write-back(not through) Read/Write-Allocate is seted;
   *     A write-allocate cache makes room for the new data on a write miss,
   *     just like it would on a read miss. Read/Write-allocate just resolve how will cache do on Write/Read miss,
   *     alloc place in cache or not!
   * 12:0b1010 set T0SZ bit, size offset of memory region addressed by ttbr0_el2
   *   12 means offset=64-12=48 bits
  ldr x0,=(1<<31|1<<23|3<<12|1<<10|1<<8|12)
  /* ID-AA64MMFR0_EL1 have memory model and management information about current hardware platform
   *   bit0:3 is PARange, phy-address range supported, bit 3 is always 0,
   *   bit0:2 0b000 means 32bit 4G
   *          0b001 means 36bit 64G
   *          0b010 means 40bit 1T
   *          0b011 means 42bit 4T
   *          0b101 means 44bit 16T
   *          0b110 means 48bit 256T
   *   this platform is 0b0010 according to it's register val.
  mrs x1,ID_AA64MMFR0_EL1
  /* bfi copy bit0:2 of x1 to bit16:18 of x0
   *   bit16:18 is is PS bit of TCR_EL2, means phy-address size;
   *     for now, it is seted according to IDAA64MMFR0_EL1 bit PARange
  bfi x0,x1,16,3
  /* PS -Phy-address Size- Based on ID_AA64MMFR0_EL1.PARange
   * Top byte is used
   * PT walks use Inner-Shareable accesses,
   * PT walks are write-back, write-allocate in both cache levels,
   * 48-bit virtual address space goes through this table.
   * ps. PS 40bit address size cost 40bit,
   *     and T0SZ 48bit means address can use 48bit, T0SZ should -ge PS.
  msr tcr_el2,x0

  /* Set up the SCTLR_EL2:
   * bit25 EE: Exceptions in LE ARM; 0-little endian
   * Low-latency IRQs disabled,
   * bit19 WXN: Write-implies-XN disabled (for now); 0-disable
   * bit2 C: D-cache disabled (for now); 0-disable
   * bit12 I: I-cache enabled; 1-enable
   * bit1 A: Alignment checking disabled; 0-disable
   * bit0 M: MMU translation disabled (for now); 0-disable.
  ldr   x0,=(0x30c51878)
  msr   SCTLR_EL2, x0
  /* control which SP_ELx to use in ELx expection level
   * bit0 SP: 0 use SP_EL0 in all expection level
   *          1 use SP_ELx in ELx expection level
  msr spsel, #1

 /* check this binary start point is 0x2000000 or not.
  * xen memory map defined below
  * Common ARM32 and ARM64 layout:
  *   0  -   2M   Unmapped
  *   2M -   4M   Xen text, data, bss
  *   4M -   6M   Fixmap: special-purpose 4K mapping slots
  *   6M -  10M   Early boot mapping of FDT
  *   10M - 12M   Early relocation address (used when relocating Xen)
  *               and later for livepatch vmap (if compiled in)
  * ARM64 layout:
  * 0x0000000000000000 - 0x0000007fffffffff (512GB, L0 slot [0])
  *   0  -  12M   <COMMON>
  *   1G -   2G   VMAP: ioremap and early_ioremap
  *  32G -  64G   Frametable: 24 bytes per page for 5.3TB of RAM
  * 0x0000008000000000 - 0x00007fffffffffff (127.5TB, L0 slots [1..255])
  *  Unused
  * 0x0000800000000000 - 0x000084ffffffffff (5TB, L0 slots [256..265])
  *  1:1 mapping of RAM
  * 0x0000850000000000 - 0x0000ffffffffffff (123TB, L0 slots [266..511])
  *  Unused
  * this memory layout for Xen is not totally realized here, just list here
  cmp x19,#0x200000
  /* if xen is place in 0x200000(2M- M), no more map for xen is needed,
   * because xen is in slot 0 of L0(boot_pgtable, 0x200000 >> 38 is 0))
   * and slot 0 of L1(boot_first, 0x200000 >> 30 is 0)
   * but not slot 0 of L2(boot_second, 0x200000 >> 21 is not 0), some map is needed in boot_second
  cset x25, eq

  load_paddr x4,boot_pgtable
  /* now, boot_pgtable hold the L0 first translate table entry */
  msr TTBR0_EL2,x4
  /* use boot_first hold all L1 entrys of L0 slot 0, so map it to L0(boot_pgtable)'s slot 0 */
  load_paddr x1,boot_first
  /* store the created translate table entry to first slot
   * for Lx translate table entrys:
   *   bit:11 is always nG, never Gathering
   *   bit:10 is always AF, Access Flage, means region described by this entry
   *     is not accessed(0) or accesed(1); set AF bit from 0 to 1 will cause a
   *     synchronous expection(Access Flag fault), some response could happened
   *     in it's handler. access pages described by this entry will cause hardware
   *     set AF bit to 1 automatically.
   *   bit9:8 is always SH, SHareable
   *   bit7:6 is always AP, Access Permission;
   *     AP-00 EL0(unprivileged) no access; EL1/2/3(privileged) R/W
   *     AP-01 EL0 R/W; EL1/2/3 R/W
   *     AP-10 EL0 no access; EL1/2/3 RO
   *     AP-11 EL0 RO; EL1/2/3 RO
   *   bit:5 is always NS, Security bit, for EL3 and Secure EL1
   *   bit:4:2 is always Indx, Remember we talked earlier that MAIR_ELx is
   *     used to explain(define) something(like DEVICE_nGnRnE/NORMAL_WB-WT-NC)? yes, this is what it is for.
   *   bit:1 is define this entry is block or table:
   *     if block, this entry give it's base address, with base address and address in VA, we get the location that VA really pointed to
   *       eg. L1 entry with bit1 is 0, bit47:30 are bit47:30 of output address,
   *        or L2 entry with bit1 is 0, bit47:21 are bit47:21 of output address,
   *   bit:0 is flag indicate whether this entry is valid(1) or not(0)
  /* nG=1 AF=1 SH=11 AP=01 NS=1 ATTR=111 T=1 P=1 */
  mov x3, #0xf7f
  /* boot_first is 4KB align, lower 12bit is 0, comfort definition of L1 descriptor of 4KB granule
   * as lower 12bit is 0, attributes could placed, and bit12:47 determine address of boot_first(L1)'s first entry.
  orr x2,x1,x3
  str x2,[x4,#0]

  /* logic shift right;
   * 12 is PAGE_SHIFT
   * 9 is LPAE_SHIFT
   * if phy-offset >> 39 is 0, means it is in L0-pagetable slot 0
   * 4KB granule page table:
   *   L0-bit39:47
   *   L1-bit30:38
   *   L2-bit21:29
   *   L3-bit12:20
   *   page-bit0:11
   * L0-L3 comfort LPAE_SHIFT, 9 bit values 512 entrys for each Lx table
   * page comfort PAGE_SHIFT
  lsr x1,x19,#(12+9+9+9)
  cbz x1,1f
  /* x1 is 0, means first slot of L0 is used, boot_first will be used for this case,
   *   b 1f, x25 will not set(if x25 is not 0x200000, and fit L0 slot 0)
   * x1 is val, means slot num in L0 table, boot_first is slot 0, another entry should build
   *   it is boot_first_id(slot x1, offset x1<<3 from boot_pgtable(TTBR0_EL2))

  /* L0 not support memory-block map, table entry is needed(for map phy-offset)
   * boot_first_id hold all L1 entry in slot phy-offset>>38(offset from boot_pgtable is phy-offset>>38 <<3) */
  load_paddr x2,boot_first_id
  mov x3,#0xf7f
  orr x2,x2,x3
  /* x1 is phy-offset>>39 means entry offset of phy-offset in L0
   * <<3 is because a entry in a solt occupy 64bit, 8byte, 2^3, so!
   * GOD! this troubled me for a week! am i stupid?!
  lsl x1,x1,#3
  str x2,[x4,x1]
  /* until now, boot_first_id's address is in L0 table entry(boot_pgtable)'s x1(phy-offset>>38) slot */

  /* for phy-offset is not L0 slot 0 map it in L1 memory-block(not table entry) */
  load_paddr x4,boot_first_id
  /* for L1 entry, bit30:38
  lsr x1,x19,#(12+9+9)
  lsl x2,x1,#(12+9+9)
  /* nG=1 AF=1 SH=11 AP=01 NS=1 ATTR=111
   * T=0(means this is memory block entry, not table entry for next level) P=1
   * for this case, boot_first can not be used, map a huggggge page as size 1GB to be used
  mov x3,0xf7d
  orr x2,x2,x3
  /* mask left bit 30:38(now in bit0:8 of x1) */
  and x1,x1,#((1<<9)-1)
  lsl x1,x1,#3 /*same to L0(8byte to place a entry, 64bit)*/
  str x2,[x4,x1]
  mov x25,#1 /* identify now map is in place */
  /* phy-offset is mapped in L1 memory-block;
   * but if phy-offset is end of this L1 memory-block, access to unmaped memory will happen soon ? */
1:/* if jumped here, means phy-offset comfort L0 slot 0,
   * L0 slot 0 is boot_first and already mapped,
   * more map for phy-offset may happen in L2/3/page */
  load_paddr x4,boot_first
  load_paddr x1, boot_second
  /* map boot_second's address into boot_first's first slot */
  mov x3,0xf7f
  orr x2,x1,x3
  str x2,[x4,#0]

  cbnz x25,1f
  /* if not mapped, means phy-offset is not mapped in L1 slot x memory-block, and also not 0x200000
   * because phy-offset in L1 slot 0
  lsr x2,x19,#(12+9+9)
  and x1,x2,#((1<<9)-1)
  cbz x1,1f /* if phy-offset is L1 slot 0, map in L2/3 is needed */
  /* if not in L1 slot 0, phy-offset will be mapped */
  lsl x2,x2,#(12+9+9) /* if phy-offset is not L1 slot 0 map it memory-block(not table entry) */
  mov x3,#0xf7d
  orr x2,x2,x3
  lsl x1,x1,#3
  str x2,[x4,x1]
  mov x25,#1

1:/* jumped here means phy-offset is already mapped */
  load_paddr x4,boot_second
  /* build boot_third as L2 table entry in 'L1 table entry: boot_second' 's slot 1
   * hold all L3 table entry of it */
  load_paddr x1,boot_third
  mov x3,#0xf7f
  orr x2,x1,x3
  str x2,[x4,#8] /* 2M-4M */
  /* boot_pgtable is start of L0;
   * boot_first in boot_pgtable(L0)'s slot 0 is L1
   * boot_second in boot_first(L1)'s slot 0 is L2
   * boot_third in boot_second(L2)'s slot 1 is L3
   * boot_third hold pages!

  cbnz x25,1f
  /* for now, if phy-offset still not mapped:
   * means phy-offset is in L1 slot 0,
   * smaller than 2M, which is reserved memory)
  lsr x2,x19,#(12+9)
  and x1,x2,#((1<<9)-1)
  /* and it's address of L3 bit21:30 is 1, means in L2 slot 1, 2M-4M
   * this will cause fail directly, because phy-offset is not 0x200000(2M), but in 2M-4M, this is not allowed
  cmp x1,#1
  b.eq virtphys_clash

  /* map phy-offset if not L3 slot 1 */
  lsl x2,x2,#(12+9)
  mov x3,#0xf7d
  orr x2,x2,x3
  lsl x2,x1,#3
  str x2,[x4,x1]
  mov x25,#1

  load_paddr x4,boot_third
  /* create a L3 table entry(also called pte)
  lsr x2,x19,#12
  lsl x2,x2,#12
  mov x3,#0xf7f
  orr x2,x2,x3
  /* build all page table entrys in boot_third */
  mov x11,xzr
1: str x2,[x4,x1]
  add x2,x2,#(1<<12)
  add x1,x1,#8
  cmp x1,#((1<<9)<<3)
  b.lt 1b

  cbnz x25,1f
  PRINT("unable to build boot page tables, fail on indentify map this bin. \r\n");
  b fail

  PRINT("unable to build boot page tables, virt and phys addresses clash. \r\n");

  PRINT("Turnning on paging \r\n");

  tlbi alle2 /* flush all el2 tbls */
  dsb nsh /* dsb: data synchronization barrier,
           * nsh: non-shareable, any load/store-load/store,
           *   for compare, nshld is non-shareable load-load, load-store
  ldr x1,=paging /* load paging label's link address */
  mrs x2, SCTLR_EL2
  orr x0,x0,#1 /* bit0 M in SCTLR_EL2 is enable(1) or disable(0) MMU */
  orr x0,x0,#2 /* bit2 C in SCTLR_EL2 is enable(1) or disable(0) data cache */
  dsb sy /* sy means dsb range is full system load/store-load/store */

  msr SCTLR_EL2, x0 /* for now, paging is enabled */
  isb /* flush all icache */
  br x1 /* jump to address in x1(vaddr switch) */
  dsb sy

/* for early printk: device memory map */
  cbnz x22,1f /* non-boot cpus no need to build this page tables */
  ldr x1,=xen_fixmap/* write to xen_fixmap, use link address, MMU is already enabled */
  lsr x2,x23,#12
  lsl x2,x2,#12
  mov x3,#0xe73 /* nG=1 AF=1 SH=10 AP=01 NS=1 ATTR=100 T=1 P=1
                 * SH=10 means OuterShareable
                 * ATTR=100 define upper place is DEVICEnGnRnE */
  orr x2,x2,x3
  str x2,[x1,#0]/* map console address to slot 0 of xen_fixmap(L3) */
1:/* xen_fixmap is 4M-6M memory(memory map upper place), need map in boot_second */
  ldr x4,=boot_second
  load_paddr x2,xen_fixmap /* map xen_fixmap need phy addr of it */
  mov x2,#0xf7f
  orr x2,x2,x3
  ldr x1,=(0x400000)
  lsr x1,x1,#(12+9-3) /* get slot offset of xen_fixmap's vaddr */
  str x2,[x4,x1]
  ldr x23,=0x1c090000

  dsb sy
  tlbi alle2
  PRINT("- Ready -\r\n");

  cbz x22, launch /* boot cpu go to C */

  ldr x4,=init_ttbr
  ldr x2,[x4]
  dsb sy
  msr TTBR0_EL2,x4
  dsb sy
  tlbi alle2
  dsb sy

#define INITINFO_stack 0 /* offset of unit stack from head of struct init_info{uchar*stack;uint cpuid} */
#define STACK_SIZE ((1<<12)<<4) /* defined  stack_size used to boot a cpu */
#define CPUINFO_sizeof 336 /* sizeof(struct cpu_info), cpu_info is per-vcpu state placed in the top of stack
                            * struct cpu_info{
                            *     struct cpu_user_regs guest_cpu_user_regs;
                            *     ulong elr;
                            *     uint flags;
                            * }
                            * struct cpu_user_regs{
                            *     30 registers(for aarch64);
                            *     sp;
                            *     pc;
                            *     cpsr;
                            *     hsr;
                            *     spsr_el1/spsr_svc;(aarch64/aarch32)
                            *     pad;
                            *     spsr_fiq/irq/und/abt(for aarch32);
                            *     sp_el0/1,elr_el1(for aarch64);
  ldr x0,=init_data
  add x0,x0,#INITINFO_stack
  ldr x0,[x0]
  add x0,x0,#STACK_SIZE /* stack size is 4 pages according to STACK_SIZE */
  sub x0,x0,#CPUINFO_sizeof /* cpu_info placed in the top of stack */
  mov sp,x0
  mov x0,x20 /* phy-offset */
  mov x1,x21 /* FDT */
  mov x2,x24 /* cpuid */
  cbnz x22,1f
  b start_xen
  b start_secondary

fail: PRINT("- Boot failed -\r\n")
1: wfe
   b 1b

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