github上的很多项目都是用Android Studio开发的,昨天下载一个项目已经好久了,gradle的版本比较低,所以就遇到找不到‘android-library’的错误。从stackoverflow上找到类似的问题,解决方法是用较新的gradle版本。
Instruct Gradle to download Android plugin from Maven Central repository.You do it by pasting the following code at the beginning of the Gradle build file:buildscript { repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:1.0.+' }}Replace version string 1.0.+ with the latest version. Released versions of Gradle plugin can be found in official Maven Repository or on MVNRepository artifact search.
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com.android.tools.build gradle 1.1.3 all (62) 07-Mar-2015 pom jar javadoc.jar sources.jar