NetApp FAS8200存储更换硬盘




(1)状态为Not Owned;

1、使用disk show -v命令查看故障硬盘状态及硬盘归属信息,当硬盘故障时状态显示为FAILED

FAS8200::> disk show -v
DISK     OWNER        POOL    SERIAL NUMBER 			HOME             DR HOME
1.1.0      FAS8200-     Pool0   S3Z04728      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)
1.1.1      FAS8200-     Pool0   S3Z078GG      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)
1.1.2      FAS8200-     Pool0   S3Z089YU      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)
1.1.3      FAS8200-     Pool0   S3Z0453M      FAS8200-         -
       02(632094689)                      02(632094689)
1.1.4      FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2PW3      FAS8200-         -
       02(632094689)                      02(632094689)
1.1.5      FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2CLT      FAS8200-         -
       02(632094689)                     02(632094689)
1.1.6      FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z26TA      FAS8200-         -
       01(537102659)                      01(248102329)
1.1.7      FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z28ZA      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)
1.1.8      FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2FD6      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)
1.1.9      FAS8200-     Pool0   FAILED       FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                     01(248102329)
1.1.10     FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2QMM      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)                    
1.1.11     FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2LRA      FAS8200-         -               
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)                    
1.1.12     FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2N10      FAS8200-         -               
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)                    
1.1.13     FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z27V1      FAS8200-         -               
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)                    
1.1.14     FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2SK1      FAS8200-         -               
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)                    
15 entries were displayed. 

(1)硬盘更换后用disk show -v查看磁盘状态,硬盘状态为Not Owned;

FAS8200::> disk show -v
DISK     OWNER        POOL    SERIAL NUMBER 			HOME             DR HOME
1.1.0      FAS8200-     Pool0   S3Z04728      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)
1.1.1      FAS8200-     Pool0   S3Z078GG      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)
1.1.2      FAS8200-     Pool0   S3Z089YU      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                     01(248102329)
1.1.3      FAS8200-     Pool0   S3Z0453M      FAS8200-         -
       02(632094689)                     02(632094689)
1.1.4      FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2PW3      FAS8200-         -
       02(632094689)                      02(632094689)
1.1.5      FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2CLT      FAS8200-         -
       02(632094689)                      02(632094689)
1.1.6      FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z26TA      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)
1.1.7      FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z28ZA      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)
1.1.8      FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2FD6      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)
1.1.9      Not Owned    NONE    S3W027V1                         -
1.1.10     FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2QMM      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)                    
1.1.11     FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2LRA      FAS8200-         -               
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)                    
1.1.12     FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2N10      FAS8200-         -               
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)                    
1.1.13     FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z27V1      FAS8200-         -               
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)                    
1.1.14     FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2SK1      FAS8200-         -               
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)                    
15 entries were displayed. 

(2)执行disk assign 1.1.9分配硬盘归属,这个命令执行一般不会有信息返回;

FAS8200::> disk assign 1.1.9

(3)再次执行disk show -v查看硬盘归属是否分配成功,在使用 aggr show-spare-disks 查看硬盘状态是否已变成热备;

Pool1 spare disks (empty)

Pool0 spare disks

RAID Disk       Device          HA  SHELF BAY CHAN Pool Type  RPM  Used (MB/blks)    	Phys (MB/blks)

Spare disks for block checksum
spare           0a.01.9         0a    1   9   SA:A   0   SAS 10000 1713523/3509295616 1716957/3516328368 (not zeroed)

(4)可以看到硬盘已经变成热备了,但是状态为(not zeroed),需要对盘进行zeroed;执行storage disk zerospare就像,这种情况下硬盘就已更换完成。


(1)通过storage disk show -broken 或者sysconifg -r命令,可以看到新换上去的硬盘状态为broken;

FAS8200::> storage disk show -broken   
Original Owner: FAS8200                                              
Checksum Compatibility: block
                                                   Usable Physical
Disk            Outage Reason HA Shelf Bay Chan   Pool  Type    RPM     Size     Size
--------------- ------------- ------------ ---- ------ ----- ------ -------- --------
1.1.9           label version 0a     1   9    A  Pool0   SAS  15000  1.64TB  1.64TB

(2)执行set -privilege advanced 进入高级模式

FAS8200::> set -privilege advanced 

Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use them only when
     directed to do so by NetApp personnel.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y


(3)执行 storage disk unfail -s 1.1.9,将硬盘转化为热备盘;

FAS8200::*> storage disk unfail -s 1.1.9

Warning: Failed disk "1.1.9" may have aggregate labels and file system data present. 		Releasing this disk as a spare disk will lead to permanent loss of any file system data that may be on this disk, and may prevent recovery of a
     failed aggregate. Are you sure you want to continue with disk unfail? {y|n}: y 

(4)在使用 aggr show-spare-disks 查看硬盘状态是否已转化成热备;

Pool1 spare disks (empty)

Pool0 spare disks

RAID Disk       Device          HA  SHELF BAY CHAN Pool Type  RPM  Used (MB/blks)    	Phys (MB/blks)

Spare disks for block checksum
spare           0a.01.9         0a    1   9   SA:A   0   SAS 10000 1713523/3509295616 1716957/3516328368 (not zeroed)

(5)可以看到硬盘已经变成热备了,但是状态为(not zeroed),需要对盘进行zeroed;执行storage disk zerospare就行,这种情况下硬盘就已更换完成。


(1)使用disk show -v查看磁盘状态,可以看到新更换上去的硬盘1.1.9有其他归属信息;

FAS8200::> disk show -v
DISK     OWNER        POOL    SERIAL NUMBER 			HOME             DR HOME
1.1.0      FAS8200-     Pool0   S3Z04728      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)
1.1.1      FAS8200-     Pool0   S3Z078GG      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)
1.1.2      FAS8200-     Pool0   S3Z089YU      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)
1.1.3      FAS8200-     Pool0   S3Z0453M      FAS8200-         -
       02(632094689)                     02(632094689)
1.1.4      FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2PW3      FAS8200-         -
       02(632094689)                      02(632094689)
1.1.5      FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2CLT      FAS8200-         -
       02(632094689)                      02(632094689)
1.1.6      FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z26TA      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)
1.1.7      FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z28ZA      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)
1.1.8      FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2FD6      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)
1.1.9     FAS2750-     Pool0   S3504ANP      FAS2750-         -
       02(479102134)                      02(479102134)  
1.1.10     FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2QMM      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)                    
1.1.11     FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2LRA      FAS8200-         -               
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)                    
1.1.12     FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2N10      FAS8200-         -               
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)                    
1.1.13     FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z27V1      FAS8200-         -               
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)                    
1.1.14     FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2SK1      FAS8200-         -               
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)                    
15 entries were displayed.

(2) disk removeowner 1.1.9命令移除硬盘归属,在通过disk show -v查看硬盘状态已经移除归属,状态为Not Owned;

FAS8200::*> disk removeowner 1.1.9
FAS8200::> disk show -v
DISK     OWNER        POOL    SERIAL NUMBER 			HOME             DR HOME
1.1.0      FAS8200-     Pool0   S3Z04728      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)
1.1.1      FAS8200-     Pool0   S3Z078GG      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)
1.1.2      FAS8200-     Pool0   S3Z089YU      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)
1.1.3      FAS8200-     Pool0   S3Z0453M      FAS8200-         -
       02(632094689)                     02(632094689)
1.1.4      FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2PW3      FAS8200-         -
       02(632094689)                      02(632094689)
1.1.5      FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2CLT      FAS8200-         -
       02(632094689)                      02(632094689)
1.1.6      FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z26TA      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)
1.1.7      FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z28ZA      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)
1.1.8      FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2FD6      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)
1.1.9      Not Owned    NONE    S3W027V1                         -
1.1.10     FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2QMM      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)                    
1.1.11     FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2LRA      FAS8200-         -               
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)                    
1.1.12     FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2N10      FAS8200-         -               
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)                    
1.1.13     FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z27V1      FAS8200-         -               
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)                    
1.1.14     FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2SK1      FAS8200-         -               
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)                    
15 entries were displayed.

(3)执行disk assign 1.1.9分配硬盘归属,在进行storage disk zerospare就行,这种情况下硬盘就已更换完成。


(1)使用disk show -v查看磁盘状态,可以看到新更换上去的硬盘1.1.9有其他归属信息;

FAS8200::> disk show -v
DISK     OWNER        POOL    SERIAL NUMBER 			HOME             DR HOME
1.1.0      FAS8200-     Pool0   S3Z04728      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)
1.1.1      FAS8200-     Pool0   S3Z078GG      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)
1.1.2      FAS8200-     Pool0   S3Z089YU      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)
1.1.3      FAS8200-     Pool0   S3Z0453M      FAS8200-         -
       02(632094689)                     02(632094689)
1.1.4      FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2PW3      FAS8200-         -
       02(632094689)                      02(632094689)
1.1.5      FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2CLT      FAS8200-         -
       02(632094689)                      02(632094689)
1.1.6      FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z26TA      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)
1.1.7      FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z28ZA      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)
1.1.8      FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2FD6      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)
1.1.9     FAS2750-     Pool0   S3504ANP      FAS2750-         -
       02(479102134)                      02(479102134)  
1.1.10     FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2QMM      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)                    
1.1.11     FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2LRA      FAS8200-         -               
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)                    
1.1.12     FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2N10      FAS8200-         -               
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)                    
1.1.13     FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z27V1      FAS8200-         -               
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)                    
1.1.14     FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2SK1      FAS8200-         -               
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)                    
15 entries were displayed.

(2) disk removeowner 1.1.9命令移除硬盘归属,在通过disk show -v查看硬盘状态已经移除归属,状态为Not Owned;

FAS8200::*> disk removeowner 1.1.9
FAS8200::> disk show -v
DISK     OWNER        POOL    SERIAL NUMBER 			HOME             DR HOME
1.1.0      FAS8200-     Pool0   S3Z04728      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)
1.1.1      FAS8200-     Pool0   S3Z078GG      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)
1.1.2      FAS8200-     Pool0   S3Z089YU      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)
1.1.3      FAS8200-     Pool0   S3Z0453M      FAS8200-         -
       02(632094689)                     02(632094689)
1.1.4      FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2PW3      FAS8200-         -
       02(632094689)                      02(632094689)
1.1.5      FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2CLT      FAS8200-         -
       02(632094689)                      02(632094689)
1.1.6      FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z26TA      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)
1.1.7      FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z28ZA      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)
1.1.8      FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2FD6      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)
1.1.9      Not Owned    NONE    S3W027V1                         -
1.1.10     FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2QMM      FAS8200-         -
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)                    
1.1.11     FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2LRA      FAS8200-         -               
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)                    
1.1.12     FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2N10      FAS8200-         -               
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)                    
1.1.13     FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z27V1      FAS8200-         -               
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)                    
1.1.14     FAS8200-     Pool0   S35Z2SK1      FAS8200-         -               
       01(248102329)                      01(248102329)                    
15 entries were displayed.

(3)执行disk assign 1.1.9分配硬盘归属,通过sysconfig -r命令可以查看到存储目前多出一个RAID信息,且硬盘状态都是FAILED,这是因为新换上的硬盘没有清除原有的数据;

FAS8200::*> run -node FAS8200-01 sysconfig -r
Aggregate FAS8200_02_SAS_1 (failed, raid_dp, foreign, partial) (block checksums)
Plex /FAS8200_02_SAS_1/plex0 (offline, failed, inactive)
RAID group /FAS8200_02_SAS_1/plex0/rg0 (partial, block checksums)

  RAID Disk Device          HA  SHELF BAY CHAN Pool Type  RPM  Used (MB/blks)    Phys (MB/blks)
  --------- ------          ------------- ---- ---- ---- ----- --------------    --------------
  dparity   FAILED                  N/A                        1713523/ -
  parity    FAILED                  N/A                        1713523/ -
  data      FAILED                  N/A                        1713523/ -
  data      FAILED                  N/A                        1713523/ -
  data      FAILED                  N/A                        1713523/ -
  data      FAILED                  N/A                        1713523/ -
  data      FAILED                  N/A                        1713523/ -
  data      FAILED                  N/A                        1713523/ -
  data      FAILED                  N/A                        1713523/ -
  data      FAILED                  N/A                        1713523/ -
  data      FAILED                  N/A                        1713523/ -
  data      0a.01.9         0a    1   9   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 1713523/3509295616 1716957/3516328368 
  data      FAILED                  N/A                        1713523/ -
  data      FAILED                  N/A                        1713523/ -
  data      FAILED                  N/A                        1713523/ -
  Raid group is missing 14 disks.
Plex is missing 1 RAID group.

Aggregate agg0_FAS8200_sas (online, raid_dp) (block checksums)
Plex /agg0_FAS8200_sas/plex0 (online, normal, active, pool0)
RAID group /agg0_FAS8200_sas/plex0/rg0 (normal, block checksums)

  RAID Disk Device          HA  SHELF BAY CHAN Pool Type  RPM  Used (MB/blks)    Phys (MB/blks)
  --------- ------          ------------- ---- ---- ---- ----- --------------    --------------
  dparity   0a.01.6         0a    1   6   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 1713523/3509295616 1716957/3516328368 
  parity    0a.01.7         0a    1   7   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 1713523/3509295616 1716957/3516328368 
  data      0a.01.8         0a    1   8   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 1713523/3509295616 1716957/3516328368 
  data      0a.01.10        0a    1   10  SA:B   0   SAS 10000 1713523/3509295616 1716957/3516328368 
  data      0a.01.11        0a    1   11  SA:B   0   SAS 10000 1713523/3509295616 1716957/3516328368 
  data      0a.01.12        0a    1   12  SA:B   0   SAS 10000 1713523/3509295616 1716957/3516328368 
  data      0a.01.13        0a    1   13  SA:B   0   SAS 10000 1713523/3509295616 1716957/3516328368 
  data      0a.01.14        0a    1   14  SA:B   0   SAS 10000 1713523/3509295616 1716957/3516328368 

Aggregate aggr0_FAS8200_01 (online, raid_dp) (block checksums)
Plex /aggr0_FAS8200_01/plex0 (online, normal, active, pool0)
RAID group /aggr0_FAS8200_01/plex0/rg0 (normal, block checksums)

  RAID Disk Device          HA  SHELF BAY CHAN Pool Type  RPM  Used (MB/blks)    Phys (MB/blks)
  --------- ------          ------------- ---- ---- ---- ----- --------------    --------------
  dparity   0a.01.0         0a    1   0   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 1713523/3509295616 1716957/3516328368 
  parity    0a.01.1         0a    1   1   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 1713523/3509295616 1716957/3516328368 
  data      0a.01.2         0a    1   2   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 1713523/3509295616 1716957/3516328368 

Pool1 spare disks (empty)

Pool0 spare disks (empty)

Partner disks

RAID Disk       Device          HA  SHELF BAY CHAN Pool Type  RPM  Used (MB/blks)    Phys (MB/blks)

partner         0a.01.4         0a    1   4   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 0/0               1716957/3516328368 
partner         0a.01.3         0a    1   3   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 0/0               1716957/3516328368 
partner         0a.01.5         0a    1   5   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 0/0               1716957/3516328368

(4)执行命令aggr remove-stale-record -aggregate FAS8200_02_SAS_1 -nodename FAS8200-01删除硬盘原有的RAID信息,

FAS8200::*> aggr remove-stale-record -aggregate FAS8200_02_SAS_1 -nodename FAS8200-01

FAS8200::*> run -node FAS8200-01 sysconfig -r
Aggregate agg0_FAS8200_sas (online, raid_dp) (block checksums)
 Plex /agg0_FAS8200_sas/plex0 (online, normal, active, pool0)
	RAID group /agg0_FAS8200_sas/plex0/rg0 (normal, block checksums)

  RAID Disk Device          HA  SHELF BAY CHAN Pool Type  RPM  Used (MB/blks)    Phys (MB/blks)
  --------- ------          ------------- ---- ---- ---- ----- --------------    --------------
  dparity   0a.01.6         0a    1   6   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 1713523/3509295616 1716957/3516328368 
  parity    0a.01.7         0a    1   7   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 1713523/3509295616 1716957/3516328368 
  data      0a.01.8         0a    1   8   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 1713523/3509295616 1716957/3516328368 
  data      0a.01.10        0a    1   10  SA:B   0   SAS 10000 1713523/3509295616 1716957/3516328368 
  data      0a.01.11        0a    1   11  SA:B   0   SAS 10000 1713523/3509295616 1716957/3516328368 
  data      0a.01.12        0a    1   12  SA:B   0   SAS 10000 1713523/3509295616 1716957/3516328368 
  data      0a.01.13        0a    1   13  SA:B   0   SAS 10000 1713523/3509295616 1716957/3516328368 
  data      0a.01.14        0a    1   14  SA:B   0   SAS 10000 1713523/3509295616 1716957/3516328368 

Aggregate aggr0_FAS8200_01 (online, raid_dp) (block checksums)
Plex /aggr0_FAS8200_01/plex0 (online, normal, active, pool0)
	RAID group /aggr0_FAS8200_01/plex0/rg0 (normal, block checksums)

  RAID Disk Device          HA  SHELF BAY CHAN Pool Type  RPM  Used (MB/blks)    Phys (MB/blks)
  --------- ------          ------------- ---- ---- ---- ----- --------------    --------------
  dparity   0a.01.0         0a    1   0   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 1713523/3509295616 1716957/3516328368 
  parity    0a.01.1         0a    1   1   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 1713523/3509295616 1716957/3516328368 
  data      0a.01.2         0a    1   2   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 1713523/3509295616 1716957/3516328368 

Pool1 spare disks (empty)

Pool0 spare disks

RAID Disk       Device          HA  SHELF BAY CHAN Pool Type  RPM  Used (MB/blks)    Phys (MB/blks)

Spare disks for block checksum
spare           0a.01.9         0a    1   9   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 1713523/3509295616 1716957/3516328368 (not zeroed)

Partner disks

RAID Disk       Device          HA  SHELF BAY CHAN Pool Type  RPM  Used (MB/blks)    Phys (MB/blks)

partner         0a.01.4         0a    1   4   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 0/0               1716957/3516328368 
partner         0a.01.3         0a    1   3   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 0/0               1716957/3516328368 
partner         0a.01.5         0a    1   5   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 0/0               1716957/3516328368 


(5)删除新硬盘原有的RAID信息后,可以看到硬盘已经为热备盘了,状态是(not zeroed),进行storage disk zerospare就行,这种情况下硬盘就已更换完成。

注意:本文介绍的内容适用于Ontap 9以上版本,cluster mode的操作,和7-mode命令有了很大的差异。内容仅供参考,未避免出现问题,建议有专业人员进行操作。

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