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原创 On
<br /> A lottery is a game of chance in which the players have an equal oportunity to win prizes.Lotteries have had a long history in the Western world.While providing entertainment,they have helped raise funds for the construction of bridge,roads,hospit
2011-01-07 09:50:00 350
原创 On Lottery
<br /> A lottery is a game of chance in which the players have an equal oportunity to win prizes.Lotteries have had a long history in the Western world.While providing entertainment,they have helped raise funds for the construction of bridge,roads,hospit
2011-01-07 09:48:00 546
原创 I love Reading
<br /> I started reading when I was very young.I was the only child in the family and there were few children of my age in the neightborhood,So my parents taught me reading early,I started off on fairy tales and went on to adventure stories,I find book
2011-01-07 09:04:00 1020 1
原创 操作系统第一章
<br />1.1操作系统经历了手工操作阶段;批处理,执行系统;批处理,分时系统;个人计算机操作系统,网络操作系统,分布式操作系统。<br />(单道批处理系统,多道批处理系统(需要通道和中断机构),分时系统,实时系统(特性:及时性,高可靠性))功能是1:控制和管理系统的硬件和软件资源2:合理的组织计算机系统的工作流程,以增强系统处理能力3;提供用户与计算机间的软件接口, 功能模块(处理机管理模块,存储器管理模块,设备管理器模块,信息管理模块) 基本特性(并发共享,不确定(包括不可在现,异步性))
2010-07-02 11:50:00 338
property类和listener类,vetoable change event类和listener类在应用程序运行时被bean调用,用于建立用户接口,bean的descriptor 可通过bean-infos和introspection得到, Basic.javapackage chapter1;import java.beans.PropertyChangeListe
2010-05-26 19:40:00 7194
java网络编程案例开发集锦(实际案例包括SERVLET JSP)
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