Famous abstract painter Va Sya plans to start new painting. It will be composed as square with grid n × n, where each unit square is painted by some color.
Va Sya already defined the colors for some unit squares. Color of other squares does not matter for him.
For this work Va Sya is planning use the continuous technics: he paints whole row or whole column in some color. Moreover, each row and each column must be painted exactly once, so each unit square will be painted twice and its final color will be the last of two used colors.
Help Va Sya to find appropriate sequence of paints.
First line of the input contains one integer n — length of the painting side in units (1 ≤ n ≤ 3000).
Each of the next n lines contains n characters. If i-th character in j-th line equals to '?', it means that color of i-th cell in j-th row of painting does not matter. Otherwise it contains lowercase English letter from 'a' to 'z' inclusively, which represents the color of corresponding cell (it is well known that Va Sya uses only 26 colors).
Print 2n lines, i-th of those lines contains description of i-th paint in the following format:
«h y c» — row y is painted with color c;
«v x c» — column x is painted with color c.
Rows are numbered sequentially upside down, columns are numbered sequentially leftside right, so upper left corner is on intersection of row 1 and column 1. Each row and each column must be mentioned in the output exactly once.
You may assume that there exists at least one solution for the given input. If there are several correct solutions, print any of them.
Sample Input
3 ac? ab? ?cz
h 1 p h 3 q v 2 c h 2 b v 1 av 3 z
题意:给一个n*n的矩阵,每个点都有一个颜色,“?”表示任意颜色,每次只能刷一行或者一列,要刷2*n 次,如果一个点被刷多次,颜色为最后一次刷的颜色,应该按照什么样的规则顺序来刷,按粉刷顺序,输出;例如 h 1 p 表示第一行刷颜色p ,“h” 表示行,中间数字表示第几行,最后一个字母表示颜色
#include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <algorithm> #include <queue> #include <string.h> const int maxn=1e4+10; using namespace std; struct node { char din,color; int num; node() { ; } node(char a,int c) { din=a; num=c; } node(char a,int c,char b) { din=a; color=b; num=c; } } ans[maxn]; int tot; char str[maxn][maxn]; int col[maxn],row[maxn],cl[maxn],rw[maxn]; int col_num[maxn][30],row_num[maxn][30]; void init() { memset(col_num,0,sizeof(col_num)); memset(row_num,0,sizeof(row_num)); memset(col,0,sizeof(col)); memset(row,0,sizeof(row)); tot=0; memset(cl,0,sizeof(cl)); memset(rw,0,sizeof(rw)); } node get(node temp) { int k; k=temp.num; if(temp.din=='h') { if(row[k]==0) return node('h',k,'a'); for(int i=0;i<26;i++) { if(row_num[k][i]) return node('h',k,(char)(i+'a')); } } if(col[k]==0) return node('v',k,'a'); for(int i=0;i<26;i++) { if(col_num[k][i]) return node('v',k,(char)(i+'a')); } } int main() { int n; while(scanf("%d",&n)!=-1) { for(int i=0; i<n; i++) scanf("%s",str[i]); init(); for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { for(int j=0; j<n; j++) { char temp=str[i][j]; if(temp!='?') { col_num[j][temp-'a']++;///i 列每个字母个数 row_num[i][temp-'a']++;///j 行每个字母个数 if(col_num[j][temp-'a']==1) col[j]++;/// i 列字母种数 if(row_num[i][temp-'a']==1) row[i]++; ///j 行字母种数 } } } queue<node>que; for(int ij=0;ij<n;ij++) { if(col[ij]<=1)///一列只有一或者零种字母 { que.push(node('v',ij)); cl[ij]=1;///标价这一列已经入队,被揭开过了, } if(row[ij]<=1)///一行只有一或者零种字母 { que.push(node('h',ij)); rw[ij]=1;///标价这一行已经入队,被揭开过了, } } while(!que.empty()) { node now=que.front(); que.pop(); ans[tot++]=get(now); if(now.din=='h')///行 { for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { char temp=str[now.num][i]; if(str[now.num][i]!='?')///now.num表示行,那么每一列不是“?”的都被影响 { col_num[i][temp-'a']--;///第i列减少了一个字母 str[now.num][i], if(col_num[i][temp-'a']==0)///如果有一个字母个数减为0了,那么这列字母种数减1 col[i]--; if(col[i]<=1&&!cl[i])///如果有一列字母种数小于等于1了,入队,待“揭开” { que.push(node('v',i)); cl[i]=1; } str[now.num][i]='?';///修改这个字母为“?” } } } else///行同理 { for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { char temp=str[i][now.num]; if(str[i][now.num]!='?') { row_num[i][temp-'a']--; if(row_num[i][temp-'a']==0) row[i]--; if(row[i]<=1&&!rw[i]) { que.push(node('h',i)); rw[i]=1; } str[i][now.num]='?'; } } } } ///倒着输出,因为最后涂的都是先入队, for(int i=tot-1;i>=0;i--) { printf("%c %d %c\n",ans[i].din,ans[i].num+1,ans[i].color); } } //cout << "Hello world!" << endl; return 0; }