Data Step Hash Objects as Programming Tools(2)



We have just seen the tip of the hash iceberg from the outside. An inquiring mind would like to know: What is inside? Not that we really need the gory details of the underlying code, but it is instructive to know on which principles the design of the internal SAS table is based in general. A good driver is always curious what is under the hood.

Well, in general, hashing is hashing is hashing - which means that it is always a two-staged process: 1) Hashing a key to its bucket 2) resolving collisions within each bucket. Hand-coded hashing cannot rely on the simple straight separate chaining because of the inability to dynamically allocate memory one entry at a time, while reserving it in advance could result in unreasonable waste of memory.
Since the hash and hiter objects are coded in the underlying software, this restriction no longer exists, and so separate chaining is perhaps the most logical way to go. Its concrete implementation, however, has somewhat deviated from the classic scheme of connecting keys within each node into a link list. Instead, each new key hashing to a bucket is inserted into its binary tree. If there were, for simplicity, only 4 buckets, the scheme might roughly look like this:

The shrub-like objects inside the buckets are AVL (Adelson-Volsky & Landis) trees. AVL trees are binary trees populated by such a mechanism that on the average guarantees their O(log(N)) search behavior regardless of the distribution of the key values.

The number of hash buckets is controlled by the HASHEXP parameter we have used above. The number of buckets allocated by the hash table constructor is 2**HASHEXP. So, if HASHEXP=8, HZISE=256 buckets will be allocated, or if HASHEXP=16, HSIZE=65536. As of the moment, it is the maximum. Any HASHSIZE specified over 16 is truncated to 16.

Let us assume HASHEXP=16 and try to see how, given a KEY, this structure facilitates hashing. First, a mysterious internal hash function maps the key, whether is it simple or composite, to some bucket. The tree in the bucket is searched for KEY. If it is not there, the key and its satellite data are inserted in the tree. If KEY is there, it is either discarded when ADD is called, or its satellite data are updated when REPLACE is called.

Just how fast all this occurs depends on the speed of search. Suppose that we have N=2**20, i.e. about 1 million keys. With HSIZE=2**16, there will be on the average 2**4 = 16 keys hashing to one bucket. Since N > HSIZE, the table is overloaded, i.e. its load factor is greater than 1. However, binary searching the 16 keys in the AVL tree requires only about 5 keys comparisons. If we had 10 million keys, it would require about 7 comparisons, which practically makes almost no difference.

Thus, the SAS object hash table behaves as O(log(N/HSIZE)). While it is not exactly O(1), it can be considered such for all practical intents and purposes, as long as N/HSIZE is not way over 100. Thus, by choosing HASHEXP judiciously, it is thus possible to tweak the hash table performance to some degree and depending on the purpose.

For example, if the table is used primarily for high-performance matching, it may be a good idea to specify the maximum HASHEXP=16, even if some buckets end up unused. From our preliminary testing, we have not been able to notice any memory usage penalty exacted by going to the max, all the more that as of this writing, the Data step does not seem to report memory used by an object called through the DSCI. At least, experiments with intentionally large hash tables show that the memory usage reported in the log is definitely much smaller than the hash table must have occupied, although it was evident from performance that the table is completely memory-resident, and the software otherwise has no problem handling it. However, with several thousand keys at hand there is little reason to go over HASHEXP=10, anyway. Also, if the sole purpose of using the table is to eject the data in a key order using a hash iterator, even a single bucket at HASHEXP=0 can do just fine, as we saw earlier with the array sorting example. On the other hand, if there is no need for iterator processing, it is better to leave the table completely iterator-free by not specifying a non-zero ORDERED option. Maintaining an iterator over a hash table obviously requires certain overhead.


The hash table object (together with its hiter sibling) represents the first ever dynamic Data step structure, i.e. one capable of acquiring memory and growing at run-time. There are a number of common situations in data processing when the information needed to size a data structure becomes available only at execution time. SAS programmers usually solve such problems by pre-processing data, either i.e. passing through the data more than once, or allocating memory resources for the worst-case scenario. As more programmers become familiar with the possibilities this dynamic structure offers, they will be able to avoid resorting to many old kludges.

Remember, a hash object is instantiated during the run-time. If the table is no longer needed, it can be simply wiped out by the DELETE method:

rc = hh.Delete () ;

This will eliminate the table from memory for good, but not its iterator! As a separate object related to a hash table, it has to be deleted separately:

rc = hi.Delete () ;

If at some point of a Data step program there is a need to start building the same table from scratch again, remember that the compiler must see only a single definition of the same table by the same token as it must see only a single declaration of the same array (and if the rule is broken, it will issue the same error message, e.g.: “Variable hh already defined”). Also, like in the case of arrays, the full declaration (table and its iterator) must precede any table/iterator references. In other words, this will NOT compile because of the repetitive declaration:

And this will not compile because at the time of the DELETE method call, the compiler has not seen HH yet:

However, if we do not dupe the compiler and reference the object after it has seen it, it will work as designed:

199 data _null_ ;
200 retain k 1 sat 'sat' ;
201 if 0 then do ;
202 declare:
203 dcl hash hh ( hashexp: 8, ordered: 1 ) ;
204 dcl hiter hi ( 'hh' ) ;
205 hh.DefineKey ( 'k' ) ;
206 hh.DefineData ( 'sat' ) ;
207 hh.DefineDone () ;
208 return ;
209 end ;
210 link declare ;
211 rc = hi.First () ;
212 put k= sat= ;
213 rc = hh.Delete () ;
214 rc = hi.Delete () ;
215 link declare ;
216 rc = hh.Delete () ;
217 rc = hi.Delete () ;
218 stop ;
219 run ;
k=1 sat=sat

Of course, the most natural and trouble-free technique of having a table created, processed, cleared, and created from scratch again is to place the entire process in a loop. This way, the declaration is easily placed ahead of any object references, and the compiler sees the declaration just once. In a moment, we will see an example doing exactly that.


The fact that hashing supports searching (and thus retrieval and update) in constant time makes it ideal for using a hash table as a dynamic Data step data dictionary. Suppose that during DATA step processing, we need to memorize certain key elements and their attributes on the fly, and at different points in the program, answer the following:

1. Has the current key already been used before?
2. If it is new, how to insert it in the table, along with its attribute, in such a way that the question 1 could be answered as fast as possible in the future?
3. Given a key, how to rapidly update its satellite?
4. If the key is no longer needed, how to delete it?

Examples showing how key-indexing can be used for this kind of task are given in [1]. Here we will take an opportunity to show how the hash object can help an unsuspecting programmer. Imagine that we have input data of the following arrangement:

data sample ;
input id transid amt ;
cards ;
1 11 40
1 11 26
1 12 97
1 13 5
1 13 7
1 14 22
1 14 37
1 14 1
1 15 43
1 15 81
3 11 86
3 11 85
3 11 7
3 12 30
3 12 60
3 12 59
3 12 28
3 13 98
3 13 73
3 13 23
3 14 42
3 14 56
run ;

The file is grouped by ID and TRANSID. We need to summarize AMT within each TRANSID giving SUM, and for each ID, output 3 transaction IDs with largest SUM. Simple! In other words, for the sample data set, we need to produce the following output:
id transid sum
1 15 124
1 12 97
1 11 66
3 13 194
3 11 178
3 12 177

Usually, this is a 2-step process, either in the foreground or behind the scenes (SQL). Since the hash object table can eject keyed data in a specified order, it can be used to solve the problem in a single step:

Example 6: Using the Hash Table as a Dynamic Data Step Dictionary

data id3max (keep = id transid sum) ;
   length transid sum 8 ;
   dcl hash ss (hashexp: 3, ordered: ‘a’) ;
   dcl hiter si ( 'ss' ) ;
   ss.defineKey ( 'sum' ) ;
   ss.defineData ( 'sum', 'transid' ) ;
   ss.defineDone () ;
   do until ( ) ;
      do sum = 0 by 0 until ( last.transid) ;
         set sample ;
         by id transid ;
         sum ++ amt ;
      end ;
      rc = ss.replace () ;
   end ;
   rc = si.last () ;
   do cnt = 1 to 3 while ( rc = 0 ) ;
      output ;
      rc = si.prev () ;
   end ;
run ;

The inner Do-Until loop iterates over each BY-group with the same TRANSID value and summarizes AMT. The outer Do-Until loop cycles over each BY-group with the same ID value and for each repeating ID, stores TRANSID in the hash table SS keyed by SUM. Because the REPLACE method is used, in the case of a tie, the last TRANSID with the same sum value takes over. At the end of each ID BY-group, the iterator SI fetches TRANSID and SUM in the order descending by SUM, and top three retrieved entries are written to the output file. Control is then passed to the top of the implied Data step loop where it encounters the table definition. It causes the old table and iterator to be dropped, and new ones - defined. If the file has not run out of records, the outer Do-Until loop begins to process the next ID, and so on.


The SUMMARY procedure is an extremely useful (and widely used) SAS tool. However, it has one notable shortcoming: It does not operate quite well when the cardinality of its categorical variables is high. The problem here is that SUMMARY tries to build a memory-resident binary tree for each combination of the categorical variables, and because SUMMARY can do so much, the tree carries a lot of baggage. The result is poor memory utilization and slow run times. The usual way of mitigating this behavior is to sort the input beforehand and use the BY statement instead of the CLASS statement. This usually allows running the job without running out of memory, but the pace is even slower - because now, SUMMARY has to reallocate its tree for each new incoming BY-group.

The hash object also holds data in memory and has no problem handling any composite key, but it need not carry all the baggage SUMMARY does. So, if the only purpose is, say, NWAY summarization, hash may do it much more economically. Let us check it out by first creating a sample file with 1 million distinct keys and 3-4 observations per key, then summarizing NUM within each group and comparing the run-time stats. For the reader’s convenience, they were inserted fro the log after the corresponding steps below where relevant:

Example 7: Summary-less Summarization

data input ;
do k1 = 1e6 to 1 by -1 ;
k2 = put (k1, z7.) ;
do num = 1 to ceil (ranuni(1) * 6) ;
output ;
end ;
end ;
run ;
NOTE: The data set WORK.INPUT has 3499159 observations and 3 variables.
proc summary data = input nway ;
class k1 k2 ;
var num ;
output out = summ_sum (drop = _:) sum = sum ;
run ;
NOTE: There were 3499159 observations read from the data set WORK.INPUT.
NOTE: The data set WORK.SUMM_SUM has 1000000 observations and 3 variables.
NOTE: PROCEDURE SUMMARY used (Total process time):
   real time 24.53 seconds
   user cpu time 30.84 seconds
   system cpu time 0.93 seconds
   Memory 176723k
data _null_ ;
if 0 then set input ;
dcl hash hh (hashexp:16) ;
hh.definekey ('k1', 'k2' ) ;
hh.definedata ('k1', 'k2', 'sum') ;
hh.definedone () ;
do until (eof) ;
set input end = eof ;
if hh.find () ne 0 then sum = 0 ;
sum ++ num ;
hh.replace () ;
end ;
rc = hh.output (dataset: 'hash_sum') ;
run ;
NOTE: The data set WORK.HASH_SUM has 1000000 observations and 3 variables.
NOTE: There were 3499159 observations read from the data set WORK.INPUT. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
    real time 10.54 seconds
    user cpu time 9.84 seconds
    system cpu time 0.53 seconds
    Memory 58061k

Apparently, the hash object does the job more than twice as fast, at the same time utilizing 1/3 the memory. And at that, the full potential of the hash method has not been achieved yet. Note that the object cannot add NUM to SUM directly in the table, as is usually the case with arrays. Due to the very nature of the process, for each incoming key, SUM is first has to be dumped into its host variable, then incremented, and finally reinserted into the table. There is a good indication that in the future, a means will be provided for automatically aggregating some statistics specified to the object constructor.


SAS programmers have now been lamenting for years that the Data step does not afford the same functionality with regard to output SAS data sets it affords with respect to external files by means of the FILEVAR= option. Namely, consider an input data set similar to that we have already used for Example 6, but with five distinct ID values, by which the input is grouped:

data sample ;
input id transid amt ;
cards ;
1 11 40
1 11 26
1 12 97
2 13 5
2 13 7
2 14 22
3 14 1
4 15 43
4 15 81
5 11 86
5 11 85
run ;

Imagine that we need to output five SAS data files, amongst which the records with ID=5 belong to a SAS data set OUT1, records with ID=2 belong to OUT2, and so on. Imagine also that there is an additional requirement that each partial file is to be sorted by TRANSID AMT.

To accomplish the task in the pre-V9 software, we need to tell the Data step compiler precisely which output SAS data set names to expect by listing them all in the DATA statement. Then we have to find a way to compose conditional logic with OUTPUT statements directing each record to its own output file governed by the current value of ID. Without knowing ahead of the time the data content of the input data set, we need a few steps to attain the goal. For example,

Example 8: SAS File Split in the pre-V9-hash Era

proc sql noprint ;
select distinct 'OUT' || put (id, best.-l)
into : dslist
separated by ' '
from sample
select 'WHEN (' || put (id, best.-l) || ') OUTPUT OUT' || put (id, best.-l)
into : whenlist
separated by ';'
from sample
quit ;
proc sort data = sample ;
by id transid amt ;
run ;
data &dslist ;
set sample ;
select ( id ) ;
&whenlist ;
otherwise ;
end ;
run ;

In Version 9, not only the hash object is instantiated at the run-time, but its method are also are run-time executables. Besides, the parameters passed to the object do not have to be constants, but they can be SAS variables. Thus, at any point at run-time, we can use the .OUTPUT() method to dump the contents of an entire hash table into a SAS data set, whose very name is formed using the SAS variable we need, and write the file out in one fell swoop:

Example 9: SAS File Split Using the Hash .OUTPUT() Method

data _null_ ;
dcl hash hid (ordered: 'a') ;
hid.definekey ('id', 'transid', 'amt', '_n_') ;
hid.definedata ('id', 'transid', 'amt' ) ;
hid.definedone ( ) ;
do _n_ = 1 by 1 until ( ) ;
set sample ;
by id ;
hid.add() ;
end ;
hid.output (dataset: 'OUT' || put (id, best.-l)) ;
run ;

Above, the purpose of including _N_ in the hash key list is to make the key unique under any circumstances and thus output all records, even if they contain duplicates by TRANSID AMT. If such duplicates are to be deleted, we only need to kill the _N_ reference in the HID.DEFINEKEY() method. This step produces the following SAS log notes:

NOTE: The data set WORK.OUT1 has 3 observations and 3 variables.
NOTE: The data set WORK.OUT2 has 3 observations and 3 variables.
NOTE: The data set WORK.OUT3 has 1 observations and 3 variables.
NOTE: The data set WORK.OUT4 has 2 observations and 3 variables.
NOTE: The data set WORK.OUT5 has 2 observations and 3 variables.
NOTE: There were 11 observations read from the data set WORK.SAMPLE

To the eye of an alert reader knowing his Data step, but having not yet gotten his feet wet with the hash object in Version 9, the step above must look like a heresy. Indeed, how in the world is it possible to produce a SAS data set, let alone many, in a Data _Null_ step? It is possible because, with the hash object, the output is handled completely by and inside the object when the .OUTPUT() method is called, the Data step merely serving as a shell and providing parameter values to the object constructor.

The step works as follows. Before the first record in each BY-group by ID is read, program control encounters the hash table declaration. It can be executed successfully because the compiler has provided the host variables for the keys and data. Then the DoW-loop reads the next BY-group one record at a time and uses its variables and _N_ to populate the hash table. Thus, when the DoW-loop is finished, the hash table for this BY-group is fully populated. Now control moves to the HID.OUTPUT() method. Its DATASET: parameter is passed the current ID value, which is concatenated with the character literal OUT. The method executes writing all the variables defined within the DefineKey() method from the hash table to the file with the name corresponding to the current ID. The Data step implied loop moves program control to the top of the step where it encounters the hash declaration. The old table is wiped out and a fresh empty table is instantiated. Then either the next BY-group starts, and the process is repeated, or the last record in the file has already been read, and the step stops after the SET statement hits the empty buffer.


In the Q&A part after our talk at SUGI 29, one of us (P.D.) was asked whether it was possible to create a hash table containing references to other hash tables in its entries. Having forgotten to judge not rashly, he answered “no” - and was wrong! Shortly after the Conference, Richard DeVenezia demonstrated in a post to the SAS-L list server that such construct is in fact possible,and,moreover,it can be quite useful practically.Since Richard published rather sophisticated examples of such usage on his web site,inquiring minds can point their browsers to

Since after all,this is a tutorial,here we will discuss the technique a little closer to ab. ovo.

SAS File Split Problem Redefined

Let us imagine an input file as in the examle 9 above ,with the notable difference that it is not pre-grouped by ID. Say , it looks as follows:

data sample ;
input id transid amt ; cards ;
5 11 86 2 14 22
1 12 97
3 14 1 4 15 43
2 13 5
2 13 7 1 11 40
4 15 81
5 11 85 1 11 26
run ;

Now and the same problem has to be solved in a single Data step, without sorting or grouping the file beforehand in any way, shape, or form. Namely,we need to output a SAS data set  OUT1 containing all records with ID=1,OUT2 - having all the records with ID=2 and so on, just as we did before. How can we do that?

When the file was grouped by ID, it was easy because the hash table could be populated from a whole single By-group,dumped out,destroyed,and re-created empty before the next by-group commenced processing.However,in the case at hand, we cannot follow the same path since pre-grouping is disallowed.

Apparently, we should find a way to somehow keep separate hash tables for all discrete ID value,and ,as we go through the file, populate each table according to the ID value in the current record, and finally dump the table into corresponding output files once end of file is reached. Two big questions on the path to the solution,are:

1. How to tell SAS 'create an aggregate collection of hash tables keyed by variable ID'?

2. How to address each of these tables programmatically using variable ID as a Key?

Apparently, the method of declaring and instantiating a hash object all at once, i.e.

dcl hash hh (ordered: 'a') ;
key/data definitions > hh.definedone () ;

which has been serving us splendidly so far, can no longer be used,for now we need to make HH a sort of a variable rather than a sort of a literal and be able to reference it accordingly.Luckily, the combined declaration above can be spllit into two phases:

dcl hash hh ()
hh = _new_ hash (ordered: 'a');

This way, the DCL statement only declares the object, whilst the _NEW_ method creates a new instance of it every time it is executed at the run time. This, of course, means that the following excerpt:

dcl hash hh () ; 
do i = 1 to 3 ;
   hh = _new_ hash (ordered:'a');
end ;

creates three instances of the object HH, that is, three separate hash tables. It leads us to the question #2 above, or, in other words, to the question: How to tell these tables apart? The first, crude, attempt, to arrive at a plausible answer would be to try displaying the values of HH with the PUT statement:

26 data _null_ ;
27 dcl hash hh () ;
28 do i = 1 to 3 ;
29 hh = _new_ hash (ordered: 'a') ;
30 put hh= ;
ERROR: Invalid operation for object type.
31 end ;
32 run ;

Obviously, even though HH looks like a ordinary Data step variable, it certainly is not. This is further confirmed by an attempt to store it in an array:

33 data _null_ ;
34 array ahh [3] ;
35 dcl hash hh () ;
36 do i = 1 to 3 ;
37 hh = _new_ hash (ordered: 'a') ;
38 ahh [i] = hh ;
ERROR: Object of type hash cannot be converted to scalar.
39 end ;
40 run ;

So, we cannot store the collection of "values" HH assumes anywhere in a regular Data step structure. Then, where can we store it? In another hash table, of course! In a hash table, "data" can mean numeric or character Data step variables, but it also can mean an object. Getting back to the current problem, the new "hash of hashes" table, let us call it, say, HOH, will contain the hashes pertaining to different ID values as its data portion. The only other component we need to render HOH fully operative is a key. Since we need to identify different hash tables by ID, this is the key variable we are looking for. Finally, in order to go through the hash table of hashes and select them for output one by one, we need to give the HOH table an iterator, which below will be called HIH. Now we can easily put it all together:

Example 10: Spliting an Unsorted SAS File a Hash of Hashes and the .OUTPUT() Method

data sample ;
input id transid amt ;
cards ;
5 11 86
2 14 22
1 12 97
3 14 1
4 15 43
2 13 5
2 13 7
1 11 40
4 15 81
5 11 85
1 11 26
run ;
data _null_ ;
dcl hash hoh (ordered: 'a') ;
dcl hiter hih ('hoh' ) ;
hoh.definekey ('id' ) ;
hoh.definedata ('id', 'hh' ) ;
hoh.definedone () ;
dcl hash hh () ;
do _n_ = 1 by 1 until ( eof ) ;
set sample end = eof ;
if hoh.find () ne 0 then do ;
hh = _new_ hash (ordered: 'a') ;
hh.definekey ('id','transid', '_n_') ;
hh.definedata ('id','transid', 'amt') ;
hh.definedone () ;
hoh.replace () ;
end ;
hh.replace() ;
end ;
do rc = () by 0 while ( rc = 0 ) ;
hh.output (dataset: 'out'|| put (id, best.-L)) ;
rc = ;
end ;
stop ;
run ;

As in the case of the sorted input, the program reports in the SAS log thus:
NOTE: The data set WORK.OUT1 has 3 observations and 3 variables.
NOTE: The data set WORK.OUT2 has 3 observations and 3 variables.
NOTE: The data set WORK.OUT3 has 1 observations and 3 variables.
NOTE: The data set WORK.OUT4 has 2 observations and 3 variables.
NOTE: The data set WORK.OUT5 has 2 observations and 3 variables.
NOTE: There were 11 observations read from the data set WORK.SAMPLE.

A Look Behind the Scenes

How does it all work in concert?

1. The hash of hashes table HOH is declared, keyed by ID and instantiated using the usual "combined" method.
2. A hash object HH, whose future instances are intended to hold partial ID-related data from the input file, is declared, but not yet instantiated.
3. The next input record is read.
4. .FIND() method searches HOH table using the current ID as a key. If it does not find an HH hash object with this key, it has not been instantiated yet. Hence, it is now instantiated and stored in HOH by means of the HOH.REPLACE() method. Otherwise, an existing hash instance is copied from HOH into its 'host variable' HH to be reused.
5. The values from the record are inserted via HH.REPLACE() method into the hash table whose instance HH currently holds. Once again, _N_ is used as part of the composite key into HH hashes to discriminate between duplicates by ID and TRANSID.
6. If not end of file, the flow returns to line #3 and the next record is read .
7. Otherwise the iterator HIH (belonging to HOH table) is used to loop through the table one ID at a time.
8. Each time, HIH.NEXT() method extracts a new instance of HH from HOH, then the corresponding table is dumped into a data set with the name formed using the current value of ID.
9. The step is terminated.

Although the described mechanism of HOH operation may seem intimidating at once, in actuality it is not. Simply remember that instances of a hash object can be stored in a hash table (itself an object) as if they were data values, and they can be retrieved from the table when necessary to tell SAS on which one to operate currently. Another term for 'hash', 'associative array' is not at all arbitrary. Just as you can store a collection of related items of the same type in an array, you can store then in a hash - only the storage and retrieval mechanisms are different, and the hash can store a wider variety of types. Thinking through the control flow of the sample program above may be a quick way to bring the (at first, always vague) idea of how hashes of hashes operate into cohesion.


It has been proven through testing and practical real-life application that direct-addressing methods can be a great efficiency tool if used wisely. Before the advent of Version 9, the only way of implementing these methods in a SAS Data step was coding them by hand.

The Data step hash object provides an access to algorithms of the same type and hence with the same high-performance potential via a canned routine. It makes it unnecessary for a programmer to know the details, for great results - on par or better than hand-coding - can be achieved just by following syntax rules and learning which methods cause the hash object to produce the coveted results. Thus, along with improving computer efficiency, the Data step hash objects also makes better programming efficiency.

Finally, it should be noted that at this moment of the Version 9 history, the hash object and its methods have matured enough to come out of the experimental stage. To the extent of our testing, they do work as documented. From the programmer’s viewpoint, some aspects that might need attention are:

• Parameter type matching in the case where a table is loaded from a data set. If the data set is named in the step, the attributes of hash entries should be available from its descriptor.
• The need to define the key variable additionally as a data element in order to extract the key from the table still looks a bit awkward.
• If the name of a dataset is provided to the constructor, a SAS programmer naturally expects its attributes to be available at the compile time. Currently, the compiler cannot see inside the parentheses of the hash declaration. Perhaps the ability to parse the content would be a useful feature to be addressed in the future.

Putting it all aside, the advent of the production Data step hash objects as the first dynamic Data step structure is nothing short of a long-time breakthrough. This novel structure allows a SAS Data step programmer to do the following, just to name a few:

• Create, at the Data step run-time, a memory-resident table which keyed by practically any composite key.
• Search for keys in, retrieve entries from, add entries into, replace entries in, remove entries from, the table - all in practically O(1), i.e. constant, time.
• Create a hash iterator object for a table allowing to access the table entries sequentially.
• Delete both the hash table and its iterator at the run-time as needed.
• Make the table internally ordered automatically by a given key, as entries are added/replaced.
• Load the table from a SAS file via the DATASET parameter without explicit looping.
• Unload the table sequentially key by key using the iterator object declared for the table.
• Create, at the run-time, a single (or multiple) binary search AVL tree, whose memory is allocated/released dynamically as the tree is grown or shrunk.
• Use the hash table as a quickly searchable lookup table to facilitate file matching process without the need to sort and merge.
• Use the internal order of the hash table to rapidly sort large arrays of any type, including temporary.
• Dump the content of a hash table to a SAS data file in one fell swoop using the .OUTPUT() method.
• Create the names of the files to be dumped depending on a SAS variable on the fly - the new functionality similar to that of the FILEVAR= option on the FILE statement.
• Use this functionality to “extrude” input through hash object(s) to split it in a number of SAS files with SAS-variable-governed names - if necessary, internally ordered.
• Use a hash table to store and search references to other hash tables in order to process them conditionally.
• Use hash table objects to organize true run-time Data step dynamic dictionaries.
• Use such dictionaries to speed up the calculation of simple statistics instead of MEANS/SUMMARY procedures, when the latter choke on a high cardinality of their classification variables.

SAS is a registered trademark or trademark of SAS Institute, Inc. in the USA and other countries. ® indicates USA registration.

P.Dorfman. Table Lookup by Direct Addressing: Key-Indexing, Bitmapping, Hashing. SUGI 26, Long Beach, CA, 2001. P.Dorfman, G.Snell. Hashing Rehashed. SUGI 27, Orlando, FL, 2002.
D.E.Knuth. The Art of Computer Programming, 3.
T.Standish. Data Structures, Algorithms & Software Principles in C.
J.Secosky. The Data step in Version 9: What’s New? SUGI 27, Orlando, FL, 2002.
P.Dorfman, G.Snell. Hashing: Generations. SUGI 28, Seattle, WA, 2003.
P.Dorfman, K.Vyverman. Hash Component Objects: Dynamic Data Storage and Table Look-Up. SUGI 29, Montreal, 2004.
P.Dorfman, L.Shajenko. Data Step Programming Using the Hash Objects, NESUG 2004, Baltimore, MD 2004.
Paul M. Dorfman Koen Vyverman
4437 Summer Walk Ct., Frevolaan 69
Jacksonville, FL 32258 SAS Institute B.V.
SUGI 30 Tutorials




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