Cmake Introduction


An introduction
This document provides a quick overview to  CMake — a cross-platform alternative to linux Makefiles and make. For help on using  make and Makefiles without  CMake, please see  Prof. Newhall's documentation. This document was written for cmake version 2.6, which is installed on the lab machines via stow (as of Jan 2009).
Why CMake
I personally like CMake because is it seems more intuitive than writing a standard Makefile. Basic and common things are pretty easy and harder things are possible, though most of the stuff I build is pretty basic. To demonstrate CMake, I have included some sample code in the file  cmake.tgz (4 KB). Save the file and unpack the contents anywhere in your directory. For example:
$ tar xzvf cmake.tgz
$ cd cmake
$ ls
CMakeLists.txt  w01-cpp/
CMake is controlled by writing instructions in  CMakeLists.txt files. Each directory in your project should have a  CMakeLists.txtfile. What is nice about  CMake is that  CMakeLists.txt files in a sub-directory inherit properties set in the parent directory, reducing the amount of code duplication. For our sample project, we only have one subdirectory:  w01-cpp. The  CMakeLists.txtfile for the top-level  cmake directory is pretty simple but demonstrates a few key features.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)

#There are lots of scripts with cmake
#for finding external libraries. 
#see /usr/local/share/cmake-2.6/Modules/Find*.cmake for more examples

set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-g -Wall")
This demo code includes code that requires external OpenGL libraries for graphics. In a typical Makefile configuration we would likely need to specify where the OpenGL header files are e.g.,  -I/usr/local/include, which libraries to use, e.g.,  -lGL -lGLU -lglut, and the location of the libraries. The location of the header files and libraries likely varies from install to install and from platform to platform. There are usually some standard places to look however, and  CMake automates this search using find_package macros. Thus  find_package(GLUT) and  find_package(OpenGL) finds the location of the header files and libraries and sets up the most common libraries that are linked to in a typical OpenGL project.  CMake has support for finding lots of packages. See  /usr/local/share/cmake-2.6/Modules/Find*.cmake for more examples. To use one of these scripts, use find_package(PKGname) if the  CMake script is named  FindPKGname.cmake.

For more on finding external libraries or creating your own find package macros, see the KitWare wiki on the subject.

You can set common flags that you would set in a typical Makefile using set(VARNAME VALUE). In this example I enabled debugging symbols (-g) and all warnings (-Wall). I also gave this CMake project a name using project(CMAKEDEMO). You can name your project whatever you want. We'll use this info in the CMakeLists.txt file in the w01-cpp directory. Finally we indicate that most of code is really in the w01-cpp by telling our top-level CMakeLists.txt file to add_subdirectory(w01-cpp)

Let's take a look at the CMakeLists.txt file in the w01-cpp subdirectory:


#the one C file
add_executable(cdemo cdemo.c)
target_link_libraries(cdemo m) #link the math library

#these are all compiled the same way
set(PROGRAMS oglfirst pointers)

foreach(program ${PROGRAMS})
  add_executable(${program} ${program}.cpp)
  target_link_libraries(${program} ${CORELIBS})

#building just a library. 
add_library(geometry geometry.cpp)

add_executable(test_geometry test_geometry.cpp)
#linking against a custom library
target_link_libraries(test_geometry ${CORELIBS} geometry)

The include_directories macro tells CMake where to look for source files. By declaring the project name CMAKEDEMO in the top-level CMakeLists.txt file, the variables CMAKEDEMO_SOURCE_DIR and CMAKEDEMO_BINARY_DIR are set depending on the current location of your code and the current location of your build directory (more on this latter location later). Adding a target for a new binary executable is easy. Just add a line add_executable(cdemo cdemo.c). CMake will automatically figure out the compiler based on the file type extension. If additional libraries are needed, you can tell CMake to link against them usingtarget_link_libraries(cdemo m). This tells CMake that the cdemo program needs to link against the math library. You can link against more than one library by specifying the libraries in a list. See for example set(CORELIBS ${GLUT_LIBRARY} ${OPENGL_LIBRARY} m). The variables GLUT_LIBRARY and OPENGL_LIBRARY are set by CMake when we used thefind_package(GLUT) and find_package(OpenGL). To figure out which variables are set when using find_package, you will probably need to open the appropriate Find*.cmake file and read the usually helpful but terse documentation.

Since several programs in this w01-cpp folder are compiled the same way and linked against the same libraries, we can process them all with a simple loop shown above using the foreach macro in CMake. Finally we show how to create our own library usingadd_library(geometry geometry.cpp) and linking against this library in target_link_libraries(test_geometry ${CORELIBS} geometry).

Building with CMake
Setting up a bunch of  CMakeLists.txt files will not immediately allow you to build your project. CMake is just a cross platform wrapper around more traditional build systems. In the case of linux, this means  make. A quick preprocessing step will convert your  CMakeLists.txt description into a traditional make build system automatically. One nice and highly recommended feature of CMake is the ability to do out of source builds. In this way you can make all your  .o files, various temporary depend files, and even the binary executables without cluttering up your source tree. To use out of source builds, create a build directory in your top-level folder (technically, this can be anywhere, but the top-level project folder seems to be a logical choice). Next, change into your build directory and run  cmake pointing it to the directory of the top-level  CMakeLists.txt. For example:
cumin[~]$ cd cmake/
cumin[cmake]$ ls
CMakeLists.txt  w01-cpp/
cumin[cmake]$ mkdir build
cumin[cmake]$ ls
CMakeLists.txt  build/  w01-cpp/
cumin[cmake]$ cd build/
cumin[build]$ cmake ..
Remember to be in your build directory and point cmake only to the  directory containing the top-level  CMakeLists.txt file, not the file itself. If all goes well,  cmake will process your  CMakeLists.txt files, find the location of all libraries and include paths and spew a bunch of configuration information including a traditional  Makefile in your  build directory. (If you have any familiarity with autotools/autohell, this  cmake process is similar to  ./configure). You are now ready to build using the traditional  make system. Run  make in your build directory to compile and link everything.  CMake even tosses in some nice colors, progress bars, and suppresses a bunch of  gcc output. If you want verbose output, you can type  VERBOSE=1 make (helpful if something goes wrong).

Because of the way we set up the out of source build and the link_directories(${CMAKEDEMO_BINARY_DIR}/w01-cpp), our freshly compiled binaries are in the w01-cpp folder in the build directory where we just ran make.

cumin[build]$ cd w01-cpp/
cumin[w01-cpp]$ ls
CMakeFiles/  cdemo*               libgeometry.a  pointers*
Makefile     cmake_install.cmake  oglfirst*      test_geometry*
cumin[w01-cpp]$ ./cdemo    
Sqrt(2) = 1.4142 
This concludes a short C demo
cumin[w01-cpp]$ ./oglfirst 
cumin[w01-cpp]$ ./test_geometry 
Press ESC to quit the OpenGL demos.
Wrapping up
If you modify code in your source directory, including even a  CMakeLists.txt file and re-run make in the  build directory,  makeand  cmake will recompile and rebuild necessary changes. If you are only making changes in a subdirectory, you can simply run make in the corresponding subdirectory in the build tree to process updates.

An initial source of confusion with out of source builds is that you basically have two copies of your source tree, one with actual source code, and one with Makefiles and binary executables (in the build tree). It is probably best to keep two windows open with one in the build tree for making and running your programs, and one window in the source tree for modifying source files.

One nice thing about out of source builds is that cleaning up object files, makedepend files, binaries, and other miscellaneous build cruft can be done by simply deleting the entire build directory because there is no source. You can also use make clean to clean up the actual object and binary files, but when you are planning to tar up your source or distribute your code to the masses, you can simply do

cumin[~]$ cd cmake
cumin[cmake]$ ls
CMakeLists.txt  build/  w01-cpp/
cumin[cmake]$ rm -rf build/
cumin[cmake]$ ls
CMakeLists.txt  w01-cpp/
to clean up and package your code.
More to explore
This only touches the surface of what CMake can do. Check out the  CMake Wiki for more info. I hope to update this page if we run into more complex examples, and I'm happy to take feedback or tips from other courses that might be using CMake. For very advanced users, CMake has a companion program  CPack for automatically packaging binaries and source for Ubuntu/Debian (.deb), Red Hat (.rpm), OSXX11, tgz, CygWin, and Nullsoft systems.




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