action english 301-400

1,we ain't(are not) the Cosbys我们不要搞笑了。
2,show and tell美国的一种课程
3,glum(闷闷不乐)==sad and quiet
4,barge in some place||when we have dinner that night, the caps barge in suddenly.
5,There is no hope.绝望了。
6,Don't talk about my dad!
7,in a tizzy(疯狂,紧张)/dizzy(晕)||oh,I'm so excited about the party tonight,I'm all in a tizzy.
8,hectic==very very busy.
9,figure of speech(打个比方)||This is just a figure of speech.
10,supporting/main character
11,give sb a creep/creepy||Spiders give me the creeps.They make me feel really icky and gross and uncomfortable.I don't like spiders,they give me the creeps.
12,take sb's breath away.
13,pleased as punch==pleased,punch in/punch out(上下班的打卡)
14,bachelor Pad(house)||A house full of condiments and no food. ketchup(番茄酱)
15,a snap||to do sth in a snap(quicky and easy)
16,simmer down==calm down/stop
17,to cave in||The roof caved in on him.cave n,洞穴 v,坍塌||The roof of that ancient temple caved in because of bad maintenance.
18,eat my shorts==go to the hell==go to die
19,soul-mate||you have no soul, so how can you understand the emptiness that seeks a soul-mate?
20,with child==pregant(现在已经不常用了)
21,Muse(缪斯女神,现多指艺术源泉)||are you to be my Muse?||you must find a Muse to inspire you.
22,fake ID 假身份证
23,pipsqueak||come on!don't be such a a man!go and talk to her.
24,cut sb's string(砍掉某人的希望[绳子])
25,by the book||I don't know why I cann't do it right,actually I'm doing everything by the book.but I'm still having problems.
26,crack sb's skulls==beat sb up 我玩完了。
27,ask for sb想见某人
29,on the house不用担心钱。||Are these drinks on the house or should I expect to pay later?
30,Psychic||Are you Psychic.你有超能力?
31,go far||keey learn hard like this,you will definitely go far.
32,oblige sb||勉为其难的,老板对他的司机说:pls oblige me and open the door for me.
33,to turn out(well)||how is you business?It seems like busines isn't going well right now,I'm sure things will turn out.
34,TV dinner电视晚餐(一般都是一些放在冰箱里的食物,经过微波炉(microwave oven)加热的食物)
35,dark side/bright or light side||she is not all bad,you only see her dark side.if you get to know her better, you'll find out she is relly funny too.
you always look at the dark side of the life,let's try to be a little more optimistic and positive(注意音标).let's look at the brighter side.
36,come on to sb(追求sb)||He kept trying to come on to me all night,until finally I just had to leave.
37,It just so happens (that)碰巧而已...||It just so happens that I have had plenty of good sex.It just so happens that I have been there several times.
38,gossip||流言 绯闻
39,A pass||I can't believe you,just try to make a pass to me.(不受欢迎的“球波”或者性要求等等)
40,madly/deeply in love||you'd be amazed what falling madly in love can do for you.
41,in a mourning period||I am over him,but I'm in a mourning period.
42,have good taste(好品位,审美观)||wow,you always look so classy and beautiful,you really have good taste in clothes.
43,stuffy(形容人的时候,保守,守旧==conservative)。a stuffy room(不透风的屋子).||well,my teacher is nice but stuffy.
Hey,honey I don't think you should wear this suit to the party tonight,people will think you are too stuffy to talk to.
44,grovel||Although it is not the widely known,it is also the season of groveling.
sb is groveling==sb is beg or survive||I want to get back together with him,but I'm not going to grovel.
45,happy ending.
46,consolation price||I came in last when I was running,but at least got $100 as a consolation price.that made me feel better.
47,drag sb somewhere||I will go to the library if you drag me there.
48,soggy湿呼呼的感觉,挺不爽的||Not everybody likes it on the cake because it makes it very soggy.||It must have raind last night the grass is really soggy.  crispy反义词||These French fries(炸) are really soggy,I like mine to be crispy.
49,parched==very thirsty||I've been running around all day and am so parched. run around(四处跑动)
50,I'm up==i am awake. get up/ get out of bed.||Are you up yet?you'are going to be late.
51,play it hard==play hardball. 反 play it soft.
52,I'm screwed==I am in big trouble.screw up(把什么东西搞砸了)||If my mom finds me here,I am screwed.
53,so-called(所谓的,号称的)即假的||I remember you now,The so-called art dealer. It is you so-called blockbuster,It is not fun at all.
54,chain of life(生物链)||Thus adding to the great chain of life.I eat meat because I believe that humans are meant to eat animals.It is part of the chain of life.
55,counter culture(反文化)
56,lucky day(根据情况可以分为好坏两种语气说法)
57,show time(好戏登场了)
58,noble cause(伟大的事业)I'm fighting for a noble cause. All of this money will go to a noble cause.Don't worry.
59,see sb/sth through||work is the only thing that will see you through this.(埋头苦干拯救自己,以工作排除苦恼)
在某人最艰难的时候,帮助他,陪伴他/看着某件事情成功。I'm determined to see this project through.
60,have sth in mind/on one's mind.
61,get down to it(终于说到问题的点子上了)||Let's just get down to it. By the time we must get down to the work.It is already 8 o'clock.
62,cold feet==nervous about sth./panic||I don't know why I'm having cold feet.I know that I'm in love with I shouldn't have any reason to have cold feet,but I do!
63,squeeze in||I know she is busy,but isn't there any way you can squeeze me in?I really need to see him.
honey,If we have enough time,I'd like to squeeze in a shower before we go out.
65,garbage||Their advice turned out to be nothing but garbage.
66,in place就位||I know,it doesn't make any sense at all,Thanks god my life is in place. in place of == instead.
67,look into sth==investigate,find the truth about sth||I'll look into it for you, but I'm not sure. you'd probably have to go somewhere to really look into it.
68,生词violence(暴力)It is a little violence. anagram/inevitability
69,get to the bottom of(把...调查的水落石出)||we need to get to the bottom of problem between you and me.
70,see pepople==date(约会)
71,settle for(将就,凑合)||I don't want to settle for anything but the best.I don't wanna be someone that anyone settle for.
72,well connected(关系特别硬,人脉很广)||I should go out and meet people,try to get well-connected.If I were more well-connected,I probably would be able to get the job.
73,own two eyes(亲眼看到)||I need to see it with my own two eyes.  well,I didn't actually see it with my own eyes,but I'm almost positive it happened.
74,be back in bussiness(重新开张)||The restaurant has been closed for months,but it looks like it is back in bussiness.
Back in bussiness!I finally got the car to start.
75,give anything in the world==give it everything you've got==try one's best to do sth.||I'd give anything in the world to make her like me,but it isn't impossible.||I'd give anything in the world just to take back what I said.
76,set in motion(开始动工了)||That very night, the impossible had already been set in motion.
77,be something(太棒了)||Look at that house,isn't that something?||It would be sth if people started to pay more attention to the environment.
79,no good comes||No good comes from lying.always tell the truth.||No good ever comes from spoiling a child like that.
80,driven to do sth(自己驱动趋赶着做什么事)||she is a driven young guy.   I was looking at you from across the room,I felt driven to talk to you.   Driven by jealousy,I decided to read her diary.
81,toasty||well,it is pretty toasty here,It must be from all the people.
82,propose a toast to sb(敬酒)
83,"you look/I am" starved to death.
84,for your information(你要知道,“我要发表观点了”)
85,tomorrow is another day==everything will be ok.
86,bum sb out,be bummed out,what a shame==what a bum,表示失望,扫兴,遗憾||Try not to be bummed out.There are better apartments out there.||Once ag,you shouldn't mumble.It is starting to bum me out.
87,push one's button(把某人惹毛)||Mom,Jennie really pushed all my buttons today,I felt like smacking her.
88,to put one's finger on sth(经常用在否定句,表示不了解)||I cann't quite put my finger on why, but I think that he's hiding sth from you.
89,the part||Do I look the part?我看起来还得体吗?I'm hoping to get hired with that company,but I'm not sure if I fit the part.
90,take sth off someone's hands帮sb出去sth(包袱)||If you are not using that bicycle,I'd love to take it off your hands.
91,stand for sth||My mother is very honest-she cann't stand for lying of any kind.
92,for lack of a better word,greed,is good,greed is right.
93,clamp down on sth取缔sth||In some states,like California,they have really clamped down on smoking restaurant.
94,cram(临阵磨枪)||It is like you're cramming for the exam.I have a deadline for friday and I'm going to have to cram to get it all done.
95,stroke of luck(极其走运)||It will take a stroke of luck to get there on time.
97,won't hear of it==no||I won't hear of it.
98,the last minute||we really get here at the last minute!Let's get seats.
100,change one's mind(改变注意) 




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