


number of active instances in the cluster database

aq_tm_processesnumber of AQ Time Managers to start
archive_lag_targetMaximum number of seconds of redos the standby could lose
asm_diskgroupsdisk groups to mount automatically
asm_diskstringdisk set locations for discovery
asm_power_limitnumber of processes for disk rebalancing
audit_file_destDirectory in which auditing files are to reside
audit_syslog_levelSyslog facility and level
audit_sys_operationsenable sys auditing
audit_trailenable system auditing
background_core_dumpCore Size for Background Processes
background_dump_destDetached process dump directory
backup_tape_io_slavesBACKUP Tape I/O slaves
bitmap_merge_area_sizemaximum memory allow for BITMAP MERGE
blank_trimmingblank trimming semantics parameter
buffer_pool_keepNumber of database blocks/latches in keep buffer pool
buffer_pool_recycleNumber of database blocks/latches in recycle buffer pool
circuitsmax number of circuits
cluster_databaseif TRUE startup in cluster database mode
cluster_database_instancesnumber of instances to use for sizing cluster db SGA structures
cluster_interconnectsinterconnects for RAC use
commit_point_strengthBias this node has toward not preparing in a two-phase commit
commit_writetransaction commit log write behaviour
compatibleDatabase will be completely compatible with this software version
control_filescontrol file names list
control_file_record_keep_timecontrol file record keep time in days
core_dump_destCore dump directory
cpu_countnumber of CPUs for this instance
create_bitmap_area_sizesize of create bitmap buffer for bitmap index
create_stored_outlinescreate stored outlines for DML statements
cursor_sharingcursor sharing mode
cursor_space_for_timeuse more memory in order to get faster execution
dbwr_io_slavesDBWR I/O slaves
db_16k_cache_sizeSize of cache for 16K buffers
db_2k_cache_sizeSize of cache for 2K buffers
db_32k_cache_sizeSize of cache for 32K buffers
db_4k_cache_sizeSize of cache for 4K buffers
db_8k_cache_sizeSize of cache for 8K buffers
db_block_buffersNumber of database blocks cached in memory
db_block_checkingheader checking and data and index block checking
db_block_checksumstore checksum in db blocks and check during reads
db_block_sizeSize of database block in bytes
db_cache_adviceBuffer cache sizing advisory
db_cache_sizeSize of DEFAULT buffer pool for standard block size buffers
db_create_file_destdefault database location
db_create_online_log_dest_1online log/controlfile destination #1
db_create_online_log_dest_2online log/controlfile destination #2
db_create_online_log_dest_3online log/controlfile destination #3
db_create_online_log_dest_4online log/controlfile destination #4
db_create_online_log_dest_5online log/controlfile  destination #5
db_domaindirectory part of global database name stored with CREATE DATABASE
db_filesmax allowable # db files
db_file_multiblock_read_countdb block to be read each IO
db_file_name_convertdatafile name convert patterns and strings for standby/clone db
db_flashback_retention_targetMaximum Flashback Database log retention time in minutes.
db_keep_cache_sizeSize of KEEP buffer pool for standard block size buffers
db_namedatabase name specified in CREATE DATABASE
db_recovery_file_destdefault database recovery file location
db_recovery_file_dest_sizedatabase recovery files size limit
db_recycle_cache_sizeSize of RECYCLE buffer pool for standard block size buffers
db_unique_nameDatabase Unique Name
db_writer_processesnumber of background database writer  processes to start
ddl_wait_for_locksDisable NOWAIT DML lock acquisitions
dg_broker_config_file1data guard broker configuration file #1
dg_broker_config_file2data guard broker configuration file #2
dg_broker_startstart Data Guard broker framework (DMON process)
disk_asynch_ioUse asynch I/O for random access devices
dispatchersspecifications of dispatchers
distributed_lock_timeoutnumber of seconds a distributed transaction waits for a lock
dml_locksdml locks - one for each table modified in a transaction
drs_startstart DG Broker monitor (DMON process)
eventdebug event control - default null string
fal_clientFAL client
fal_serverFAL server list
fast_start_io_targetUpper bound on recovery reads
fast_start_mttr_targetMTTR target in seconds
fast_start_parallel_rollbackmax number of parallel recovery slaves that may be used
fileio_network_adaptersNetwork Adapters for File I/O
filesystemio_optionsIO operations on filesystem files
file_mappingenable file mapping
fixed_datefixed SYSDATE value
gcs_server_processesnumber of background gcs server processes to start
gc_files_to_locksmapping between file numbers and global cache locks
global_context_pool_sizeGlobal Application Context Pool Size in Bytes
global_namesenforce that database links have same name as remote database
hash_area_sizesize of in-memory hash work area
hi_shared_memory_addressSGA starting address (high order 32-bits on 64-bit platforms)
hs_autoregisterenable automatic server DD updates in HS agent self-registration
ifileinclude file in init.ora
instance_groupslist of instance group names
instance_nameinstance name supported by the instance
instance_numberinstance number
instance_typetype of instance to be executed
java_max_sessionspace_sizemax allowed size in bytes of a Java sessionspace
java_pool_sizesize in bytes of java pool
java_soft_sessionspace_limitwarning limit on size in bytes of a Java sessionspace
job_queue_processesnumber of job queue slave processes
large_pool_sizesize in bytes of large pool
ldap_directory_accessRDBMS's LDAP access option
license_max_sessionsmaximum number of non-system user sessions allowed
license_max_usersmaximum number of named users that can be created in the database
license_sessions_warningwarning level for number of non-system user sessions
local_listenerlocal listener
lock_name_spacelock name space used for generating lock names for standby/clone database
lock_sgaLock entire SGA in physical memory
logmnr_max_persistent_sessionsmaximum number of threads to mine
log_archive_configlog archive config parameter
log_archive_destarchival destination text string
log_archive_dest_1archival destination #1 text string
log_archive_dest_10archival destination #10 text string
log_archive_dest_2archival destination #2 text string
log_archive_dest_3archival destination #3 text string
log_archive_dest_4archival destination #4 text string
log_archive_dest_5archival destination #5 text string
log_archive_dest_6archival destination #6 text string
log_archive_dest_7archival destination #7 text string
log_archive_dest_8archival destination #8 text string
log_archive_dest_9archival destination #9 text string
log_archive_dest_state_1archival destination #1 state text string
log_archive_dest_state_10archival destination #10 state text string
log_archive_dest_state_2archival destination #2 state text string
log_archive_dest_state_3archival destination #3 state text string
log_archive_dest_state_4archival destination #4 state text string
log_archive_dest_state_5archival destination #5 state text string
log_archive_dest_state_6archival destination #6 state text string
log_archive_dest_state_7archival destination #7 state text string
log_archive_dest_state_8archival destination #8 state text string
log_archive_dest_state_9archival destination #9 state text string
log_archive_duplex_destduplex archival destination text string
log_archive_formatarchival destination format

Establish EXPEDITE attribute default value


log_archive_max_processesmaximum number of active ARCH processes
log_archive_min_succeed_destminimum number of archive destinations that must succeed
log_archive_startstart archival process on SGA initialization
log_archive_traceEstablish archivelog operation tracing level
log_bufferredo circular buffer size
log_checkpoints_to_alertlog checkpoint begin/end to alert file
log_checkpoint_interval# redo blocks checkpoint threshold
log_checkpoint_timeoutMaximum time interval between checkpoints in seconds
log_file_name_convertlogfile name convert patterns and strings for standby/clone db
max_commit_propagation_delayMax age of new snapshot in .01 seconds
max_dispatchersmax number of dispatchers
max_dump_file_sizeMaximum size (blocks) of dump file
max_enabled_rolesmax number of roles a user can have enabled
max_shared_serversmax number of shared servers
nls_calendarNLS calendar system name
nls_compNLS comparison
nls_currencyNLS local currency symbol
nls_date_formatNLS Oracle date format
nls_date_languageNLS date language name
nls_dual_currencyDual currency symbol
nls_iso_currencyNLS ISO currency territory name
nls_languageNLS language name
nls_length_semanticscreate columns using byte or char semantics by default
nls_nchar_conv_excpNLS raise an exception instead of allowing implicit conversion
nls_numeric_charactersNLS numeric characters
nls_sortNLS linguistic definition name
nls_territoryNLS territory name
nls_timestamp_formattime stamp format
nls_timestamp_tz_formattimestampe with timezone format
nls_time_formattime format
nls_time_tz_formattime with timezone format
O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITYVersion 7 Dictionary Accessibility Support
object_cache_max_size_percentpercentage of maximum size over optimal of the user session's object cache
object_cache_optimal_sizeoptimal size of the user session's object cache in bytes
olap_page_pool_sizesize of the olap page pool in bytes
open_cursorsmax # cursors per session
open_linksmax # open links per session
open_links_per_instancemax # open links per instance
optimizer_dynamic_samplingoptimizer dynamic sampling
optimizer_features_enableoptimizer plan compatibility parameter
optimizer_index_cachingoptimizer percent index caching
optimizer_index_cost_adjoptimizer index cost adjustment
optimizer_modeoptimizer mode
optimizer_secure_view_mergingoptimizer secure view merging and predicate pushdown/movearound
os_authent_prefixprefix for auto-logon accounts
os_rolesretrieve roles from the operating system
parallel_adaptive_multi_userenable adaptive setting of degree for multiple user streams
parallel_automatic_tuningenable intelligent defaults for parallel execution parameters
parallel_execution_message_sizemessage buffer size for parallel execution
parallel_instance_groupinstance group to use for all parallel operations
parallel_max_serversmaximum parallel query servers per instance
parallel_min_percentminimum percent of threads required for parallel query
parallel_min_serversminimum parallel query servers per instance
parallel_serverif TRUE startup in parallel server mode
parallel_server_instancesnumber of instances to use for sizing OPS SGA structures
parallel_threads_per_cpunumber of parallel execution threads per CPU
pga_aggregate_targetTarget size for the aggregate PGA memory consumed by the instance
plsql_ccflagsPL/SQL ccflags
plsql_code_typePL/SQL code-type
plsql_compiler_flagsPL/SQL compiler flags
plsql_debugPL/SQL debug
plsql_native_library_dirplsql native library dir
plsql_native_library_subdir_countplsql native library number of subdirectories
plsql_optimize_levelPL/SQL optimize level
plsql_v2_compatibilityPL/SQL version 2.x compatibility flag
plsql_warningsPL/SQL compiler warnings settings
pre_11g_enable_captureTo enable capture of DB Replay
pre_page_sgapre-page sga for process
processesuser processes
query_rewrite_enabledallow rewrite of queries using materialized views if enabled
query_rewrite_integrityperform rewrite using materialized views with desired integrity
rdbms_server_dnRDBMS's Distinguished Name
read_only_open_delayedif TRUE delay opening of read only files until first access
recovery_parallelismnumber of server processes to use for parallel recovery
recyclebinrecyclebin processing
remote_archive_enableremote archival enable setting
remote_dependencies_moderemote-procedure-call dependencies mode parameter
remote_listenerremote listener
remote_login_passwordfilepassword file usage parameter
remote_os_authentallow non-secure remote clients to use auto-logon accounts
remote_os_rolesallow non-secure remote clients to use os roles
replication_dependency_trackingtracking dependency for Replication parallel propagation
resource_limitmaster switch for resource limit
resource_manager_planresource mgr top plan
resumable_timeoutset resumable_timeout
rollback_segmentsundo segment list
serial_reusereuse the frame segments
service_namesservice names supported by the instance
sessionsuser and system sessions
session_cached_cursorsNumber of cursors to cache in a session.
session_max_open_filesmaximum number of open files allowed per session
sga_max_sizemax total SGA size
sga_targetTarget size of SGA
shadow_core_dumpCore Size for Shadow Processes
shared_memory_addressSGA starting address (low order 32-bits on 64-bit platforms)
shared_pool_reserved_sizesize in bytes of reserved area of shared pool
shared_pool_sizesize in bytes of shared pool
shared_serversnumber of shared servers to start up
shared_server_sessionsmax number of shared server sessions
skip_unusable_indexesskip unusable indexes if set to TRUE
smtp_out_serverutl_smtp server and port configuration parameter
sort_area_retained_sizesize of in-memory sort work area retained between fetch calls
sort_area_sizesize of in-memory sort work area
spfileserver parameter file
sql92_securityrequire select privilege for searched update/delete
sqltune_categoryCategory qualifier for applying hintsets
sql_traceenable SQL trace
sql_versionsql language version parameter for compatibility issues
standby_archive_deststandby database archivelog destination text string
standby_file_managementif auto then files are created/dropped automatically on standby
star_transformation_enabledenable the use of star transformation
statistics_levelstatistics level
streams_pool_sizesize in bytes of the streams pool
tape_asynch_ioUse asynch I/O requests for tape devices
threadRedo thread to mount
timed_os_statisticsinternal os statistic gathering interval in seconds
timed_statisticsmaintain internal timing statistics
tracefile_identifiertrace file custom identifier
trace_enabledenable KST tracing
transactionsmax. number of concurrent active transactions
transactions_per_rollback_segmentnumber of active transactions per rollback segment
undo_managementinstance runs in SMU mode if TRUE, else in RBU mode
undo_retentionundo retention in seconds
undo_tablespaceuse/switch undo tablespace
user_dump_destUser process dump directory
use_indirect_data_buffersEnable indirect data buffers (very large SGA on 32-bit platforms)
utl_file_dirutl_file accessible directories list
workarea_size_policypolicy used to size SQL working areas (MANUAL/AUTO)


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