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原创 Docker学习笔记:Docker安装MySQL并实现主从同步

安装步骤查找镜像docker search mysql结果如下:NAME DESCRIPTION STARS OFFICIAL AUTOMATEDmysql MySQL is a widely used, open-source relation… 10940 [OK]mariadb

2021-08-02 17:51:18 145 1

原创 Spring Boot学习笔记:集成RabbitMQ

RabbitMQ简介官方文档RabbitMQ是实现AMQP(高级消息队列协议)的消息中间件的一种,最初起源于金融系统,用于在分布式系统中存储转发消息,在易用性、扩展性、高可用性等方面表现不俗。RabbitMQ主要是为了实现系统之间的双向解耦而实现的。当生产者大量产生数据时,消费者无法快速消费,那么需要一个中间层。保存这个数据。AMQP,即Advanced Message Queuing Protocol,高级消息队列协议,是应用层协议的一个开放标准,为面向消息的中间件设计。消息中间件主要用于组件之间的

2020-12-18 15:22:41 183

原创 Linux学习笔记:Centos_7.3安装redis_6.0.6

Redis最新版本下载地址Redis官网GitHub其他Redis安装下载wget http://download.redis.io/releases/redis-6.0.6.tar.gz解压tar -zxvf redis-6.0.6.tar.gz编译cd redis-6.0.6make安装cd src && make install说明:安装成功后会将/usr/local/redis-6.0.6/src目录下的文件加到/usr/local/bin目录

2020-12-01 09:48:43 172

原创 Linux学习笔记:Centos_7.3安装RabbitMQ_3.8.6

由于RabbitMq是基于erlang语言开发的,所以必须先安装erlang。安装erlang安装依赖yum -y install gcc glibc-devel make ncurses-devel openssl-devel xmlto perl wget gtk2-devel binutils-devel下载下载地址wget下载wget http://erlang.org/download/otp_src_23.0.tar.gz解压tar -zxvf otp_src_

2020-12-01 09:47:48 521

原创 Linux学习笔记:Centos_7.3安装Nginx_1.19.1

下载地址官网其他安装依赖安装gccgcc是用来编译下载下来的nginx源码# 安装yum install -y gcc-c++# 查看安装版本gcc -v安装pcre和pcre-develPCRE(Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) 是一个Perl库,包括 perl 兼容的正则表达式库。nginx 的 http 模块使用 pcre 来解析正则表达式,pcre-devel 是使用 pcre 开发的一个二次开发库。yum install -y

2020-12-01 09:46:53 265

原创 Linux学习笔记:Centos_7.3安装MySql_8.0.21

MySql最新版本下载官网MySql老版本检查我们在Linux系统中,如果要使用关系型数据库的话,基本都是用的MySql,而且以往7以下版本的centos系统都是默认的集成有MySql,然而对于现在最新的centos7系统来说,已经不支持mysql数据库,它默认内部集成了mariaDB,如果我们想要使用 mysql 的话,就要先将原来的mariaDB卸载掉,不然会引起冲突。检查是否已安装老版本MySqlrpm -qa | grep -I mysql如果输出,类似mysql-libs-xx

2020-12-01 09:45:43 224

原创 Docker学习笔记:Docker安装Redis

安装步骤查找镜像docker search redis结果如下:NAME DESCRIPTION STARS OFFICIAL AUTOMATEDredis Redis is an open source key-value store that… 8724

2020-12-01 09:43:46 140

原创 Docker学习笔记:Docker安装RabbitMQ

安装步骤查找镜像docker search rabbitmq:management结果如下:NAME DESCRIPTION STARS OFFICIAL AUTOMATEDmacintoshplus/rabbitmq-management Based on rabbitmq:management whit

2020-12-01 09:42:58 205

原创 Docker学习笔记:Docker安装Nginx

安装步骤查找镜像docker search nginx结果如下:NAME DESCRIPTION STARS OFFICIAL AUTOMATEDnginx Official build of Nginx. 1

2020-12-01 09:42:08 377

原创 Docker学习笔记:Docker安装nexus3.x搭建Maven私服

安装步骤查找镜像docker search nexus结果如下:NAME DESCRIPTION STARS OFFICIAL AUTOMATEDsonatype/nexus3 ...

2020-04-08 17:32:36 794

原创 Docker学习笔记:CentOS 8下使用yum安装Docker

版本说明Docker支持一下CentOS版本CentOS 8 (64-bit)目前,CentOS 仅发行版本中的内核支持 DockerCentOS 7 (64-bit)Docker 运行在 CentOS 7 上,要求系统为64位、系统内核版本为 3.10 以上CentOS 6.5 (64-bit) 或更高的版本Docker 运行在 CentOS-6.5 或更高的版本的 C...

2020-04-08 17:29:21 2488

原创 DockerFile及DockerFile Maven插件说明及基本用法

上一篇:Ubuntu16.04上Docker的安装及基本用法本文主要内容有:DockerFile常用指令;使用DockerFile构建Docker镜像DockFile Maven插件说明;使用DockerFile Maven插件构建Docker镜像;使用DockerFile Maven插件实现Spring Boot程序自动化部署;DockerFile是一个文本文件,其中包含...

2020-02-26 16:19:53 1672

原创 Spring Boot学习笔记:集成spring-boot-starter-swagger构建强大的API文档

前言随着前后端分离架构和微服务架构的流行,我们使用Spring Boot来构建RESTful API项目的场景越来越多。通常我们的一个RESTful API就有可能要服务于多个不同的开发人员或开发团队:IOS开发、Android开发、Web开发甚至其他的后端服务等。为了减少与其他团队平时开发期间的频繁沟通成本,传统做法就是创建一份RESTful API文档来记录所有接口细节,然而这样的做法有以下...

2019-11-01 11:17:55 2382 1

原创 Spring Boot学习笔记:实现定时任务详解

Maven依赖配置<!-- 引入 spring-boot-starter-web 依赖 --><dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-web</artifactId></...

2019-07-25 11:20:34 263

原创 Spring Boot学习笔记:集成EhCache和RedisCache实现缓存

Maven依赖配置<!-- 引入 spring-boot-starter-web 依赖 --><dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-web</artifactId></...

2019-07-22 11:22:58 346

原创 Spring Boot学习笔记:集成JPA实现多数据源

Maven依赖配置<!-- 引入 spring-boot-starter-web 依赖--><dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-web</artifactId></d...

2019-07-16 17:06:42 146

原创 Spring Boot学习笔记:集成JPA

Maven依赖配置<!-- 引入 spring-boot-starter-web 依赖--><dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-web</artifactId></d...

2019-07-16 14:58:48 152

原创 Spring Boot学习笔记:集成Redis

Redis简介Redis数据库是一个完全开源免费的高性能Key-Value数据库。它支持存储的value类型有五种,包括string(字符串)、list(链表)、set(集合)、zset(sorted set –有序集合)和hash(哈希类型)Redis非常快,每秒可执行大约110000次的设置(SET)操作,每秒大约可执行81000次的读取/获取(GET)操作。StringTempl...

2019-07-15 16:45:17 105

原创 Docker学习笔记:Ubuntu16.04上Docker的安装及基本用法

本文主要介绍在Ubuntu16.04 LTS 64位系统下通过apt的Docker官方源安装最新的Docker CE(Community Edition),即Docker社区版的步骤。Docker安装卸载可能存在旧版本的docker:$ sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine docker-ce docker.io更新apt包索引:$ ...

2018-07-06 11:20:30 27426 8

JAX-WS + Spring 实现webService示例

JAX-WS + Spring 实现webService示例


















Write a Swing application for a video store named Video.java.Place the names of 10 of your favorite movies in a drop-down list.Let the user select the movie he or she wants to rent. Charge $2 for most movies, and $2.50 for your personal favorite movie. Display the rental fee.



Create an application ChangeBallColor that displays a panel. This panel will contain two buttons (one for red and one for blue). It will also display a filled in circle. When the user clicks on a button, the circle should change to that color. So, if a user clicks the blue button, the circle will change to blue. Similarly, if a user clicks the red button, the circle will turn to red.


java实验9.2(ShapesTest )

Create an application ShapesTest that displays various shapes in various colors. • a line in black color • a circle in green color • a rectangle in orange color Use the lecture notes for a guide. You should create 3 classes named: • ShapesTest.java • ShapesFrame.java • ShapesPanel.java



Create an application DisplayNames that displays your name in every even-numbered font from size 4 to 24. Make the color red. You should create 3 classes named: • DrawNamesTest.java • NamesFrame.java • NamesPanel.java



Create an interface called Playing. The interface has an abstract method called play(). Create classes called Child, Musician and Actor that implement Playing. Create a program that demonstrates the use of the classes. Playing.java Child.java Musician.java Actor.java UsePlaying.java Sample Output: I am a child and I am playing a game I am a musician and I am playing a song I am an actor and I am playing a part


java实验7.2(Auto.java Ford.java)

Create an abstract Auto class with fields for the car make and price. Include get and set methods for these fields; the setPrice() method is abstract. Create two suclasses for individual automobile makers (for example, Ford and Chevy) and include appropriate setPrice() methods in each subclass. Finally, write a program that uses the Auto class and subclasses to display information about different cars. The java programs should be named like: Auto.java Ford.java Chevy.java UseAuto.java Sample Output: A new Ford costs $20000.0 A new Chevy costs $22000.0



Write a program called CollegeCourse that computes the cost of taking a college course. Include a constructor that requires a course ID number. Add a subclass Lab to compute a lab fee for a course that uses a lab. Write a program UseCourse to use the classes. Save the progras as CollegeCourse, Lab, and UseCourse. Put them all in a package called edu.ynu.lab7. Hints: how to compile and run your programs in the DOS environment, if using Jcreator you don't have to worry about this (suppose you put all your work under c:\java\lab7) Compile the classes by using the command: javac -d c:\java\lab7\*.java Run the example by going to c:\java\lab7 and typing: java ynu/edu/lab7/UseCourse For example, the output could be: The cost of your course is $180.0 there is a $25.00 lab fee. The cost of your course is $205.0 Program 2 Create an abstract Auto class with fields for the car make and price. Include get and set methods for these fields; the setPrice() method is abstract. Create two suclasses for individual automobile makers (for example, Ford and Chevy) and include appropriate setPrice() methods in each subclass. Finally, write a program that uses the Auto class and subclasses to display information about different cars. The java programs should be named like: Auto.java Ford.java Chevy.java UseAuto.java Sample Output: A new Ford costs $20000.0 A new Chevy costs $22000.0



Write a class called Person with the following attributes: title (Mr., Mrs., Ms., etc.) first name last name nickname age in years sex (boolean - true/false to indicated either male or female) Write a constructor that takes no parameters and performs no initializations. Write a constructor that takes a parameter for each of the attributes listed above and sets them within the objects by calling the setter methods listed below. The Person class should have a setter method and a getter method with public access for each attribute. In the setter methods, get rid of any leading or trailing spaces (String trim() method). For a Person with the following attributes: title = "Mr." first name = "Michael" last name = "Zheng" nickname = "Mike" age = 22 sex = true (true is male, false is female) The Person class should have the following public access methods that return Strings as follows: standardName() concatenation of the first and last names (i.e., "Michael Zheng") formalName() concatenation of the title, first name, lastname (i.e., "Mr. Michael Zheng") casualName() return the nickname if it is not null, otherwise return the first name (i.e., "Mike") Be realistic when generating names. If a particular attribute does not exist for a given person, don't try to concatenate it. If necessary, add appropriate spacing and punctuation, but do not leave any leading or trailing spaces in the String that is returned. MakePerson Write a class called MakePerson with a main() method that instantiates 2 Person objects. Initialize the attributes of one of the Person objects by supplying parameters to it's constructor. Instantiate the other Person object with the default constructor (that does not accept any parameters), then set it's attributes via the appropriate setter methods. For each of the Person objects, execute and print (System.out.println()) the results of all of the getter methods and of the standardName(), formalName(), and casualName() methods.


java实验5(Circle.java )

Create a class called Circle.java with fields named radius, area, and diameter. Include methods named setRadius(), getRadius, and computeDiameter(), which calculates the circle's diameter, and computeArea(), which computes the circle's area. Hint: diameter of a circle is twice its radius. Hint: area of a circle is 3.14 multiplied by the square of the radius. Create a class called TestCircle. java whose main method declares 2 Circle objects. Using setRadius() method, assign one Circle a small radius value and assign another a larger radius value. Call computeDiameter() and computeArea for each circle and display the results. Output result of using command input "5 8": The area of a is 78.5 The diameter of a is 10.0 The area of b is 200.96 The diameter of b is 16.0


java实验4.3(SalesArray.java )

Design and write a Java class named SalesArray.java that will: 1. Declare a two-dimensional integer array named sales. Populate the first four columns using the following data. Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter3 Quarter 4 Total Dept. 1 750 660 910 800 Dept. 2 800 700 950 900 Dept. 3 700 600 750 600



Write a program called StringTokenizer1.java that accepts a string, looks for commas within the string, and breaks the string up into the parts separated by the comma. For example, the string "Kunming, Yunnan, China" would return three strings: String1 = "Kunming" String2 = "Yunnan" String3 = "China"


java实验4.1(String1.java )

Write a program called String1.java and do the following: Create a String object that accepts input from the user. Referencing the JDK docs, execute 2 different methods on the String. Print the results of the methods. Result: Input a string: How are you length of string is 11 first 5 bytes of



Write a Java program called ContinueLoop.java that uses a for loop with the variable "count" and count 1 to 10.. Display "count=<count>" each time you loop through. Skip the display statement using the continue statement if count = 5. At the end of the program display "Used continue to skip printing 5". Output: count = 1 count = 2 count = 3 count = 4 count = 6 count = 7 count = 8 count = 9 count = 10 Used continue statement to skip printing 5



Write a Java program called BreakLoop.java that uses a for loop with the variable "count" and count 1 to 10.. Display "count=<count>" each time you loop through. Break out of the loop at 5. At the end of the program display "Broke out of the loop at count = 5". Output: count = 1 count = 2 count = 3 count = 4 Broke out of the loop at count = 5



Write a Java program called InputParms.java that accepts 3 arguments in the main method using an array. Iterate through the array looking for your name using a for loop. Display the message "The name <your name> was found" if your name is found. For example, using the following command Java InputParms I am Michael Output: The name Michael was found.



Write a Java program called AverageNumbers2.java that calculates the average of numbers 1 to 50 using the for loop. Do it again using the while loop. Output: average of numbers is 25.5



Write a Java payroll program called Payroll.java that determines pay and taxes. Set the following variables: pay = $25 per hour hoursWorked = 40 Calculate grossPay by multiplying pay * hoursWorked. Calculate taxesWithheld by multiplying grossPay * .15. Calculate netPay by subtracting taxesWithheld from grossPay. Display all variables. Output: Gross pay: $1000.0 Withholding tax: $150.0 Net pay: $850.0



Write a temperature conversion Java program called FarheheitToCentigrade.java. Set a variable called tempFarenheit = 98.6. Calculate the Centigrade temp (tempCelcius) by using the formula Centigrade = 5/9 (Fahrenheit -32) Output: Centigrade equivalent: 37.0



Write Java program called AverageNumbers.java to determine the average of several numbers. Set the following five integer variables: int1 = 5 int2 = 7 int3 = 4 int4 = 25 int5 = 13 Calculate and display the average of these numbers and the square root of average.






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