ICE Manual(Documentation for Ice 3.5)---Ice Architecture--调用方式介绍

Synchronous Method Invocation

By default, the request dispatch model used by Ice is a synchronous remote procedure call: an operation invocation behaves like a local procedure call, that is, the client thread is suspended for the duration of the call and resumes when the call completes (and all its results are available).

Asynchronous Method Invocation

Ice also supports asynchronous method invocation (AMI): clients can invoke operations asynchronously, that is, the client uses a proxy as usual to invoke an operation but, in addition to passing the normal parameters, also passes a callback object and the client invocation returns immediately. Once the operation completes, the client-side run time invokes a method on the callback object passed initially, passing the results of the operation to the callback object (or, in case of failure, passing exception information).

The server cannot distinguish an asynchronous invocation from a synchronous one — either way, the server simply sees that a client has invoked an operation on an object.

Asynchronous Method Dispatch

Asynchronous method dispatch (AMD) is the server-side equivalent of AMI. For synchronous dispatch (the default), the server-side run time up-calls into the application code in the server in response to an operation invocation. While the operation is executing (or sleeping, for example, because it is waiting for data), a thread of execution is tied up in the server; that thread is released only when the operation completes.

With asynchronous method dispatch, the server-side application code is informed of the arrival of an operation invocation. However, instead of being forced to process the request immediately, the server-side application can choose to delay processing of the request and, in doing so, releases the execution thread for the request. The server-side application code is now free to do whatever it likes. Eventually, once the results of the operation are available, the server-side application code makes an API call to inform the server-side Ice run time that a request that was dispatched previously is now complete; at that point, the results of the operation are returned to the client.

Asynchronous method dispatch is useful if, for example, a server offers operations that block clients for an extended period of time. For example, the server may have an object with a get operation that returns data from an external, asynchronous data source and that blocks clients until the data becomes available. With synchronous dispatch, each client waiting for data to arrive ties up an execution thread in the server. Clearly, this approach does not scale beyond a few dozen clients. With asynchronous dispatch, hundreds or thousands of clients can be blocked in the same operation invocation without tying up any threads in the server.

Another way to use asynchronous method dispatch is to complete an operation, so the results of the operation are returned to the client, but to keep the execution thread of the operation beyond the duration of the operation invocation. This allows you to continue processing after results have been returned to the client, for example, to perform cleanup or write updates to persistent storage.

Synchronous and asynchronous method dispatch are transparent to the client, that is, the client cannot tell whether a server chose to process a request synchronously or asynchronously.

Oneway Method Invocation

Clients can invoke an operation as a oneway operation. A oneway invocation has "best effort" semantics. For a oneway invocation, the client-side run time hands the invocation to the local transport, and the invocation completes on the client side as soon as the local transport has buffered the invocation. The actual invocation is then sent asynchronously by the operating system. The server does not reply to oneway invocations, that is, traffic flows only from client to server, but not vice versa.

Oneway invocations are unreliable. For example, the target object may not exist, in which case the invocation is simply lost. Similarly, the operation may be dispatched to a servant in the server, but the operation may fail (for example, because parameter values are invalid); if so, the client receives no notification that something has gone wrong.

Oneway invocations are possible only on operations that do not have a return value, do not have out-parameters, and do not throw user exceptions.

To the application code on the server-side, oneway invocations are transparent, that is, there is no way to distinguish a twoway invocation from a oneway invocation.

Oneway invocations are available only if the target object offers a stream-oriented transport, such as TCP/IP or SSL.

Note that, even though oneway operations are sent over a stream-oriented transport, they may be processed out of order in the server. This can happen because each invocation may be dispatched in its own thread: even though the invocations are initiated in the order in which the invocations arrive at the server, this does not mean that they will be processed in that order — the vagaries of thread scheduling can result in a oneway invocation completing before other oneway invocations that were received earlier.

Batched Oneway Method Invocation

Each oneway invocation sends a separate message to the server. For a series of short messages, the overhead of doing so is considerable: the client- and server-side run time each must switch between user mode and kernel mode for each message and, at the networking level, each message incurs the overheads of flow-control and acknowledgement.

Batched oneway invocations allow you to send a series of oneway invocations as a single message: every time you invoke a batched oneway operation, the invocation is buffered in the client-side run time. Once you have accumulated all the oneway invocations you want to send, you make a separate API call to send all the invocations at once. The client-side run time then sends all of the buffered invocations in a single message, and the server receives all of the invocations in a single message. This avoids the overhead of repeatedly trapping into the kernel for both client and server, and is much easier on the network between them because one large message can be transmitted more efficiently than many small ones.

The individual invocations in a batched oneway message are dispatched by a single thread in the order in which they were placed into the batch. This guarantees that the individual operations in a batched oneway message are processed in order in the server.

Batched oneway invocations are particularly useful for messaging services, such as IceStorm, and for fine-grained interfaces that offer set operations for small attributes.

Datagram Invocations

Datagram invocations have "best effort" semantics similar to oneway invocations. However, datagram invocations require the object to offer UDP as a transport (whereas oneway invocations require TCP/IP).

Like a oneway invocation, a datagram invocation can be made only if the operation does not have a return value, out-parameters, or user exceptions. A datagram invocation uses UDP to invoke the operation. The operation returns as soon as the local UDP stack has accepted the message; the actual operation invocation is sent asynchronously by the network stack behind the scenes.

Datagrams, like oneway invocations, are unreliable: the target object may not exist in the server, the server may not be running, or the operation may be invoked in the server but fail due to invalid parameters sent by the client. As for oneway invocations, the client receives no notification of such errors.

However, unlike oneway invocations, datagram invocations have a number of additional error scenarios:

  • Individual invocations may simply be lost in the network.
    This is due to the unreliable delivery of UDP packets. For example, if you invoke three operations in sequence, the middle invocation may be lost. (The same thing cannot happen for oneway invocations — because they are delivered over a connection-oriented transport, individual invocations cannot be lost.)
  • Individual invocations may arrive out of order.
    Again, this is due to the nature of UDP datagrams. Because each invocation is sent as a separate datagram, and individual datagrams can take different paths through the network, it can happen that invocations arrive in an order that differs from the order in which they were sent.

Datagram invocations are well suited for small messages on LANs, where the likelihood of loss is small. They are also suited to situations in which low latency is more important than reliability, such as for fast, interactive internet applications. Finally, datagram invocations can be used to multicast messages to multiple servers simultaneously.

Batched Datagram Invocations

As for batched oneway invocations, batched datagram invocations allow you to accumulate a number of invocations in a buffer and then send the entire buffer as a single datagram by making an API call to flush the buffer. Batched datagrams reduce the overhead of repeated system calls and allow the underlying network to operate more efficiently. However, batched datagram invocations are useful only for batched messages whose total size does not substantially exceed the PDU limit of the network: if the size of a batched datagram gets too large, UDP fragmentation makes it more likely that one or more fragments are lost, which results in the loss of the entire batched message. However, you are guaranteed that either all invocations in a batch will be delivered, or none will be delivered. It is impossible for individual invocations within a batch to be lost.

Batched datagrams use a single thread in the server to dispatch the individual invocations in a batch. This guarantees that the invocations are made in the order in which they were queued — invocations cannot appear to be reordered in the server.





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