P-TMSI是属于GMM层的一个参数,通常包含在GMM层的一些消息里面,如Attach request、Attach accept、Routing area update request、Routing area update accept等等。而TLLI是属于LLC层(逻辑链路控制层)的一个临时逻辑链路标识符,由四个字节也就是32个比特位组成,是手机和SGSN之间建立逻辑连接时需要用到的,接下来看一下TLLI的分类及构成。 |  国内领先的通信技术论坛,l6}0l+D6S6^

8v-R7@+x&cwww.mscbsc.com根据3GPP规范TS23.003 Chapter 2.6,共有四种类型的TLLI:
p%N'c/P,N.h移动通信,通信工程师的家园,通信人才,求职招聘,网络优化,通信工程,出差住宿,通信企业黑名单1)Local TLLI3Q:x+@-]6.g$_6U
A local TLLI is built by a MS which has a valid P-TMSI as follows:
*[2H5C9b&S1sbits 31 down to 30 are set to 1; and
4M&?.f8C*Mwww.mscbsc.combits 29 down to 0 are set equal to bits 29 to 0 of the P-TMSI.移动通信,通信工程师的家园,通信人才,求职招聘,网络优化,通信工程,出差住宿,通信企业黑名单/T k6A"i3r1I-T-D6f9E+{$I

!x0E-1K:r/x;~2)Foreign TLLI
"G%w#o$c/X5t,J,]7Fwww.mscbsc.comA foreign TLLI is built by a MS which has a valid P-TMSI as follows:移动通信,通信工程师的家园,通信人才,求职招聘,网络优化,通信工程,出差住宿,通信企业黑名单;a,d:V9u({/N-l
bit 31 is set to 1 and bit 30 is set to 0; and
)o.e6Y&b0m$H9a0S;}(M8d&mscbsc 移动通信论坛拥有30万通信专业人员,超过50万份GSM/3G等通信技术资料,是国内领先专注于通信技术和通信人生活的社区。bits 29 down to 0 are set equal to bits 29 to 0 of the P-TMSI.
-c3}5y*N)G0Z!fmscbsc 移动通信论坛拥有30万通信专业人员,超过50万份GSM/3G等通信技术资料,是国内领先专注于通信技术和通信人生活的社区。
3g L2g,s0~5X8X7Emscbsc 移动通信论坛拥有30万通信专业人员,超过50万份GSM/3G等通信技术资料,是国内领先专注于通信技术和通信人生活的社区。3)Random TLLImscbsc 移动通信论坛拥有30万通信专业人员,超过50万份GSM/3G等通信技术资料,是国内领先专注于通信技术和通信人生活的社区。9f:X$j7X&J&Q'I.8d#Y
A random TLLI is built by an MS as follows:移动通信,通信工程师的家园,通信人才,求职招聘,网络优化,通信工程,出差住宿,通信企业黑名单'c%i9];Z/c:X#I(S&q:x
bit 31 is set to 0; |  国内领先的通信技术论坛 m"]!z;}9q"q
bits 30 down to 27 are set to 1; and
2_6D:w5H//O3a*Tmscbsc 移动通信论坛拥有30万通信专业人员,超过50万份GSM/3G等通信技术资料,是国内领先专注于通信技术和通信人生活的社区。bits 0 to 26 are chosen randomly.MSCBSC 移动通信论坛,`:{.D%n-D*K
4)Auxiliary TLLI(辅助TLLI)
;a7O1}:S0B"@MSCBSC 移动通信论坛An auxiliary TLLI is built by the SGSN as follows:移动通信,通信工程师的家园,通信人才,求职招聘,网络优化,通信工程,出差住宿,通信企业黑名单5S#@"@%|&G Y%C
bit 31 is set to 0;
1]7e0V"m,|2fmscbsc 移动通信论坛拥有30万通信专业人员,超过50万份GSM/3G等通信技术资料,是国内领先专注于通信技术和通信人生活的社区。bits 30 down to 28 are set to 1;
.Q6P5u98q7L2}#x$c1~1k移动通信,通信工程师的家园,通信人才,求职招聘,网络优化,通信工程,出差住宿,通信企业黑名单bit 27 is set to 0; and bits 0 to 26 can be assigned independently.mscbsc 移动通信论坛拥有30万通信专业人员,超过50万份GSM/3G等通信技术资料,是国内领先专注于通信技术和通信人生活的社区。&Y9O*o;z;I)T$N
由此,我们可以看到,Local TLLI和Foreign TLLI都是由P-TMSI得出,只是Bit31与Bit30有差别而已,Local TLLI的Bit31和Bit30为11,而Foreign TLLI的Bit31和Bit30为10;Random TLLI的Bit0到Bit26是由手机随机产生的;Auxiliary TLLI(辅助TLLI)我们目前没有用到。mscbsc 移动通信论坛拥有30万通信专业人员,超过50万份GSM/3G等通信技术资料,是国内领先专注于通信技术和通信人生活的社区。0T6o,M8c/H$x*q)c

)W+u(K-G3@'n'@#qmscbsc 移动通信论坛拥有30万通信专业人员,超过50万份GSM/3G等通信技术资料,是国内领先专注于通信技术和通信人生活的社区。由于Local TLLI的Bit31与Bit30为11,其余Bit29-Bit0均从P-TMSI得出,而P-TMSI的Bit31与Bit30也为11,因此Local TLLI与P-TMSI在数值上完全一样。移动通信,通信工程师的家园,通信人才,求职招聘,网络优化,通信工程,出差住宿,通信企业黑名单:g&c T%N0i2w(U$_)}

;k+n(Q/C'K6W0r8P0K&s!UMSCBSC 移动通信论坛那么,在前面提到的四种类型的TLLI中除了Auxiliary TLLI(辅助TLLI)目前没有使用外,其它三种分别在什么情况下使用呢?规范3GPP TS 24.008 Chapter定义如下:mscbsc 移动通信论坛拥有30万通信专业人员,超过50万份GSM/3G等通信技术资料,是国内领先专注于通信技术和通信人生活的社区。+O-z6T!i+p0H,}
1)手机具有有效的P-TMSI的情况下www.mscbsc.com"Y.R8F0M-g%u%|%j X8O1^
If the MS has stored a valid P-TMSI, the MS shall derive a foreign TLLI from that P-TMSI and shall use it for transmission of the:移动通信,通信工程师的家园,通信人才,求职招聘,网络优化,通信工程,出差住宿,通信企业黑名单(r-w8[%K;h)`3C4Y7l
- ATTACH REQUEST message of any GPRS combined/non-combined attach procedure; other GMMmscbsc 移动通信论坛拥有30万通信专业人员,超过50万份GSM/3G等通信技术资料,是国内领先专注于通信技术和通信人生活的社区。.K8K9^:])W4s @(|
messages sent during this procedure shall be transmitted using the same foreign TLLI until the ATTACH ACCEPT message or the ATTACH REJECT message is received; and
;c8J(]3h&]MSCBSC 移动通信论坛- ROUTING AREA UPDATE REQUEST message of a combined/non-combined RAU procedure if the MS has entered a new routing area, or if the GPRS update status is not equal to GU1 UPDATED. Other GMM messages sent during this procedure shall be transmitted using the same foreign TLLI, until the ROUTING AREA UPDATE ACCEPT message or the ROUTING AREA UPDATE REJECT message is received.MSCBSC 移动通信论坛"i:g ?&q0s+n
After a successful GPRS attach or routing area update procedure, independent whether a new P-TMSI is assigned, if the MS has stored a valid P-TMSI then the MS shall derive a local TLLI from the stored P-TMSI and shall use it for addressing at lower layers.
;S;r"i3H-q6J2I.^$v#HMSCBSC 移动通信论坛简单的说明就是如果手机具有有效的P-TMSI,那么手机在发起Attach request和Routing area update request的时候,会使用由这个P-TMSI得出的Foreign TLLI(即把P-TMSI的Bit31和Bit30改为10),而在Attach和路由区更新成功完成之后则使用Local TLLI(和P-TMSI在数值上一样)。
(K*l4M9e;_4X/p"i |  国内领先的通信技术论坛2D-X2S;Y.v2q;V
*m&V(R/B(]%n(_5qWhen the MS has not stored a valid P-TMSI, i.e. the MS is not attached to GPRS, the MS shall use a randomly selected random TLLI for transmission of the:
,{%]0A-U$D2y%P1? O,MMSCBSC 移动通信论坛- ATTACH REQUEST message of any combined/non-combined GPRS attach procedure.
+o'`&t p q.S9N3IMSCBSC 移动通信论坛The same randomly selected random TLLI value shall be used for all message retransmission attempts and for the cell updates within one attach attempt.
"L"Y,`%m8ZUpon receipt of an ATTACH REQUEST message, the network shall assign a P-TMSI to the MS. The network derives a local TLLI from the assigned P-TMSI, and transmits the assigned P-TMSI to the MS.MSCBSC 移动通信论坛6r;S0U&B+L:s |
Upon receipt of the assigned P-TMSI, the MS shall derive the local TLLI from this P-TMSI and shall use it for addressing at lower layers.
!^&U:l"~&c$R'v如果手机没有有效的P-TMSI(例如第一次开机、上次Attach请求被拒绝等),那么手机在Attach request的时候只能使用IMSI来标识身份,而在LLC层将会使用Random TLLI。在Attach成功完成后,SGSN分配给手机一个P-TMSI,而手机也会从这个P-TMSI中得出Local TLLI。
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